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1Testing out new tech! [Mission] Empty Testing out new tech! [Mission] Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:36 pm



Mission name: Safety Inspections.
Mission rank: C-Rank.
Objective: Test some new gadgets for military research and development before they get mass produced for field testing.
Location: Konoha.
Reward: 200 Ryo.
Mission description: Research and development for the military has invented some things, and they're not sure whether or not they want to spend the time mass producing them for field testing. They want you to take an invention or two and test it for them yourself and report back with your findings.
Mission Details: You get one or two inventions, they'll often be crazy and impractical, but some are brilliant, test them and report your findings.

2Testing out new tech! [Mission] Empty Re: Testing out new tech! [Mission] Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:09 pm



Quickly saying goodbye to the army recruit officer, Shihai was heading off towards the location of the hidden Leaf village, checking carefully that no one was trying to follow her, so that she wouldn't accidentally leak the location for the village. Yes, she knows that she was being just a slightest bit of paranoid. But still, being overly caution is basically part of the job description for being a Ninja! So she said that she wasn't doing anything wrong just by going over what was taught in the Ninja Academy and following protocols.

Thankfully no on was following her, at least she thinks that there wasn't anyone, but if they were a lot better at stealth than she was it is completely possible that they could have followed her without her knowing about it. (still a possibility since Shihai had only recently graduated and have not yet seen too many combats, in fact, her judgement of what she could do in a combat situation was basically non existent at the moment. She only truly fought a few wild dogs and one missing nin with the help of another shinobi.)

On her way heading back to the village, her eyes caught something up in front of her, it was something small and it was heading towards her way very fast.

Shihai narrowed her eyes and quickly stopped in her track, she waited for the small thing to come closer so that she could have a clear view of it and better identify what it was.

It had appeared to be a frog??? And it was carrying a bag on its back?

Now Shihai was feeling really confused, it was clear to her at the moment that this frog was some kind of combat support to a shinobi probably, either it was a summon or it was a pet, but she was not sure what it was doing here near the border of the hidden leaf.

The frog shows no clear indication that it wanted to attack her, so she stepped aside to let it pass. (weird, it was a big forest and it should be able to pass her without needing her to step out of the way, but it was stopping in front of her.)

The frog expanded its pouch and started to speak in a human voice. "You must be Shihai isn't it?"

?! Shihai's eyes widen in surprise, now that a frog is apparently talking to her and it was TALKING. Sure she knows that some animals can talk, but she just never met one until now. Hesitantly, not sure why it would have know her name, she nodded as an answer.

"Well, I am send here by Nina." Says the frog.

"Who's Nina?" Shihai asked in confusion, feeling sweat starting to form, getting slightly lost at what was happening right now.

3Testing out new tech! [Mission] Empty Re: Testing out new tech! [Mission] Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:09 pm



"The mission building admin staff that you just talked to this morning!" The frog said angrily in disbelief, apparently offended by the fact that Shihai didn't know the name of the person who she had just spoken to. "Didn't you say that you want another mission? Well this just came in, the Research and Development Department wanted someone to test out their new invention, it is in the bag." Says the frog before it fling the bag to her before continuing. "So you finished the Drill? You can hand the report in with this one together." The frog turns away, jumping back towards the direction of the hidden leaf, you can hear it muttering to itself. "I can't believe this, ungrateful youngsters, after that I personally came out here to deliver this, just to save her a trip and she doesn't even know my friend! Unbelievable!"

"....." Shihai

Apparently that happened. Shihai quickly checked the bag for its content, apparently it was some kind of radio device. The letter that accompany the radio says that it was supposed to hijack the enemy radio signal, allowing the operator to listening in to whatever was on the radio without being found out. In addition, the radio device also came in with a build in translator and a code breaker, it also has the ability to send out signals in the same wave length as the signals that are coming in, thereby allowing the operator to send out false information, or potentially blocking the enemy's communications all together.

All of the functions were previously introduced in some other device, the only thing different about this radio was that it was very small. Smaller than the size of a hand phone, such that one single shonobi would be able to sneak this radio in. With the proper disguise, one could potentially disguise it as something less suspicious.

Shihai checked the small booklet that came with the radio, and it was filled with words. Normally Shihai do not mind reading, but she's not a big fan of all of the technical stuff, and that the small thing has so many functions and it required some kind of coding input to be able to use it fully. Shihai gives up on trying to learn how it works and just turning it on instead.

Faintly she could hear some conversation coming off from the radio, but it was very static, the voices were unclear and filled with occasional spark of white noise, Shihai thought that she must be too far away for the radio to work properly, so she turned back to walk towards the army compound. Trying to figure out the range of the thing, the fact that she was listening in to an alley's conversation did not cross her mind.

It turns out that to get a clear signal from the radio, she would have to be fairly close, such that she would be risking getting find out. She noted that down on her notes. This thing could work for someone hiding in plain sight, such as a spy but not so well for far away surveillance. Having tested out the radio, Shihai returns to the village to submit her report.

4Testing out new tech! [Mission] Empty Re: Testing out new tech! [Mission] Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:09 pm




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