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1Nara, Aisling [Stat Training] Empty Nara, Aisling [Stat Training] Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:38 pm



Thread Link is Here

I trained the following stats:

Strength to E3
Speed to E3
Endurance to E3
Perception to E3
Reaction Time to E3

Remaining words: 267

2Nara, Aisling [Stat Training] Empty Re: Nara, Aisling [Stat Training] Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:34 pm

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Aisling wrote:Thread Link is Here

I trained the following stats:

Strength to E3
Speed to E3
Endurance to E3
Perception to E3
Reaction Time to E3

Remaining words: 267


3Nara, Aisling [Stat Training] Empty Re: Nara, Aisling [Stat Training] Sat Nov 19, 2016 1:06 am



I hope I did this right: I had two threads that died so I exited/added in my WC to them for training. Anyway, here goes…

Thread One – Beginning of an Empire – WC 2,702
Perception E3 to D3
Reaction Time E3 to D2

Thread Two – A Little Family Reunion – WC 3,160
Reaction Time D2 to D3
Speed E3 to D3
Endurance E3 to D2

4Nara, Aisling [Stat Training] Empty Re: Nara, Aisling [Stat Training] Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:47 pm



Aisling wrote:I hope I did this right: I had two threads that died so I exited/added in my WC to them for training. Anyway, here goes…

Thread One – Beginning of an Empire – WC 2,702
Perception E3 to D3
Reaction Time E3 to D2

Thread Two – A Little Family Reunion – WC 3,160
Reaction Time D2 to D3
Speed E3 to D3
Endurance E3 to D2


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