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1Hijou Iro clan Empty Hijou Iro clan Sun May 22, 2016 2:28 am



Symbol: N/A

Clan: Hijou Iro

Kekkei Genkai: Shinobi Heritage

Elements: Any

Specialization: Any

Location: Scattered

Clan History: The Hijou Iro clan have been shinobi for as long as they can remember. They reach back to the days when ninjutsu was new, before the 5 great nations, and before ninja villages. They trained not for village or nobility, but simply to make ends meet. They had no good land to settle, unlike others, and had few skills that made them fit to live as typical civilians. So they sold their skill and ferocity. As clans with powerful abilities around and made names for themselves, however, they found their customers had changed loyalties. Famous clans like the uchiha and the senju had all the glory, and had all the best customers.

Unable to compete as they were, and without the special abilities many clans had, they had to find a way to compete. The end result was the clans schools of training. From a young age the clan began training. However unlike most grueling physical training, the point wasn't to force them to mature, and grow strong as fast as possible. Their unique training sought to help their children find where they excelled, and where they were weak, and how to focus their training in the areas they were most interested in. This odd training meant that while the didn't emerge as powerfull as perhaps other clans children were, they did know what they wanted to do, they knew what their strengths and weaknesses were. Rather than start powerfull, they grew into their will and prowess over time in ways others didn't. The goal wasn't to train them harshly, but to teach them how to train themselves.

It took many years, but slowly the can began rebuilding it’s image. They were no longer a lost and forgotten clan. Though they lacked the flashy powers and abilities of others, they made a name for themselves for being disciplined and skilled. Things went fairly well for the clan over time, but sadly, as the villages began to emerge, many found themselves loyal to those of one village or another. Clan ninja who had taken contracts and work from certain customers that were not affiliated with a single village, found themselves loyal to the village. However the clan was too widespread, and many ninja had many loyalties. Unable to reconcile which village to join, and which nation to support, the clan broke up, and scattered.

Kekkei Genkai Description:

The Hijou Iro clan makes up for it’s lack of special abilities with carefully honed training. This training focuses on uncovering the clan members strengths and weaknesses, and focuses on training themselves to be great ninja overall as opposed to focusing all their energy on a single special clan ability. As the art of war says, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy is key to winning a battle. You cannot always know your enemy, but you can know yourself. The training focuses then,on knowing yourself and your own unique strengths and weaknesses, and making the most of it. Because of the clans unique training system, characters in this clan can start with a variety of positive and negative effects.


~ALL Positive clan benefits MUST be counterbalanced with a clan negative of the same tier.

~Clan members may take any 3 positives, so long as each positive taken is balanced by a negative of the same tier. In addition, a new positive and negative can be taken at every other rank. 3 at D rank, 1 at B rank, and 1 at S rank, for a total of 5.

~No clan members may stack stat selections to achieve +4/5/6 to their stats. One can only have 3 passive stat boosts active at any time anyway, excepting taijutsu bonus, as per the rules. That said, they MAY stack stat debuffs which are not limited by the rules. That said… having to distribute a total of 6 points of passive penalties would suck… badly… but it isn’t against the rules… Soo… Do so if you choose. This clan is all about customizing your character with your choice of positives and negatives.

~ALL positive and negatives taken MUST be recorded on your character sheet under the special characteristics section. For example:


[Spoiler=Clan Traits]



Tier 1 Positives:

~1 passive stat boost to distribute among your stats
~1 Free starting D rank jutsu
~1 Free C rank item
~1 Free E rank seijutsu pet
~Start with 10 suriken or senbon (in addition to the free items all genin get.)
~Start with 2 bukijutsu sub specs or taijutsu styles instead of one.
~+10 total chakra

Tier 2 Positives:

~2 passive stat boosts to distribute among your stats
~+1 C rank starting jutsu or 2 D rank jutsu
~1 Free positive special characteristic that need not be balanced with a negative one.
~May learn third and fourth specialties 1 rank sooner.
~May learn third and fourth elements 1 rank sooner
~1 Free D rank seijutsu pet
~Start with 1 more C rank jutsu or 2 more D rank jutsu
~May use reaction time or endurance stats for taijutsu passives instead of just strength or speed
~+20 total chakra

Tier 3 Positives:

~3 passive stat boosts to distribute among your stats (maximum possible excluding taijutsu)
~2 free starting C rank jutsu or 4 free D rank jutsu, or 2 C 2 D
~May use jutsu 1 rank above normal, ie a genin using B rank jutsu (MUST have the specialization and/or element trained high enough.)
~Third and fourth specialties may be trained to 1 rank higher than normal.
~Third and fourth elements may be trained to 1 rank higher than normal.
~+30 total chakra


Tier 1 Negatives:

~Must distribute 1 passive stat penalty among your stats.
~Ryo costs for training are 10% higher
~Word costs for training are 10% higher
~Ryo costs for items are 10% higher
~Start with 1 less free D rank jutsu
~Secondary element starts at D rank
~Secondary specialty starts a D rank
~-10 total chakra

Tier 2 Negatives:

~Must distribute 2 passive stat penalties among your stats
~Ryo costs for training are 20% higher
~Word costs for training are 20% higher
~Ryo costs for items are 20% higher
~ Third and fourth elements are learned 1 rank later than normal.
~Third and fourth specialties are learned 1 rank later than normal.
~Start with 1 less C rank jutsu or 2 less D rank jutsu
~Take 1 rank more damage from an element of your choosing.
~-20 total chakra
~Secondary element may only be trained to S rank
~Secondary element may only be trained to S rank

Tier 3 Negatives:

~Must distribute 3 passive stat penalties among your stats
~Ryo costs for training are 30% higher
~Word costs for training are 30% higher
~Ryo costs for items are 30% higher
~Blind special characteristic
~Deaf special characteristic
~Numb special characteristic
~Hesitant: Element
~Hesitant: Specialty
~Third and fourth elements can only be trained to A and C rank respectively.
~Third and fourth specialties can only be trained to A and C rank respectively.
~Specialty of your choice is a rank more effective against you.
~Start with no jutsu
~-30 total chakra


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: None


[b]Name:[/b] Hijou Iro Physical Training
[b]Type:[/b] Clan Passive
[b]Description:[/b] This person has spent much time honing their body and mind in the Hijou Iro clana unique training regiment. He or she gains +1/2/3 passive boosts to their stats, to be distributed as they wish

Strength: +0
Speed: +0
Endurance: +0
Reaction Time: +0
Perception: +0


[b]Name:[/b] Hijou Iro Physical Training
[b]Type:[/b] Clan Passive
[b]Description:[/b] This person has spent much time honing their body and mind in the Hijou Iro clana unique training regiment and has learned their own weaknesses. He or she gains a -1/2/3 passive penalty to their stats, to be distributed as they wish

Strength: -0
Speed: -0
Endurance: -0
Reaction Time: -0
Perception: -0

Last edited by Kazui on Sun Jun 19, 2016 2:08 am; edited 2 times in total

2Hijou Iro clan Empty Re: Hijou Iro clan Mon May 30, 2016 4:47 pm



your ' the point' and 'the rules' and 'appearence' things should both be part of the KKG section 'before' drawbacks. That's where you explain everything.

You're not able to take as many positives as you want, just no, limit it heavily. No more than 3. Or so many each tier. You can say that you can get another one at certain ranks, but that's it.

3Hijou Iro clan Empty Re: Hijou Iro clan Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:16 pm



You said in your modding request that you weren't going to use this clan, so Ima put this app on hold until someone expresses interest in the clan. If I that's not the case, shoot me a pm and I'll mod it.

4Hijou Iro clan Empty Re: Hijou Iro clan Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:35 am



post limitations to the kkg in the kekkei genkai section. Things like you're able to pick 3 positives, isn't a drawback for the clan. Its a function, so you need to clear up the couple of instances in which that applies. All functions, and reasons for the function should be in the KKG area.

5Hijou Iro clan Empty Re: Hijou Iro clan Sun Jun 19, 2016 2:09 am



Fixed, and than you Aya.

6Hijou Iro clan Empty Re: Hijou Iro clan Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:48 am




Okay, so first off, there needs to be some sort of division in this system, or some sub-classification as active advantages need to be balanced with active drawbacks. These are drawbacks that cannot be negated through training. However, active drawbacks can be used to balance inactive advantages. I.e. You can't use a training word count increase to balance a larger chakra pool.

Some of these tiers are wonky, such as the bottom of tier 3 drawbacks:
"~Start with no jutsu
~-30 total chakra"
The difference in value of these two is extremely big, an additional 30 chakra is an extremely big buff, one that 'starting with no jutsu' can't compare to. Likewise, these three here:
"~1 Free starting D rank jutsu
~1 Free C rank item
~1 Free E rank seijutsu pet"
Are all extremely different. The E rank pet being worth 1500 ryo while the D rank jutsu is worth at most 100 ryo. Another comparison:
"~3 passive stat boosts to distribute among your stats (maximum possible excluding taijutsu)
~2 free starting C rank jutsu or 4 free D rank jutsu, or 2 C 2 D"
The value of 2 measly C rank jutsu is dwarfed by the +3 tier stat boost. There are more of these which will be easier to figure out once you reformat to adjust for the active/inactive problem.

When you talk about buffs to stats, make sure to specify that they are +x tier to the stat.

"~May use reaction time or endurance stats for taijutsu passives instead of just strength or speed"
Elaborate on this, adding in an explanation of what this means.

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