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Kyousuke Raiu

Kyousuke Raiu

Tip. Tap. Tip. Tap.

The repeated sound of water hitting roof slowly but surely wakes up Kyousuke. A heavy rain poured on Kumogakure, early in the morning too. Kyousuke slowly got up from his bed and immediately walked towards the window to check the weather outside.

Ah... the weather... The warm and beautiful sun shining throughout the village, the calming sound of birds chirping filled the air, and the sky blue as if mirroring the ocean.


A sigh of disappointment was released from Kyousuke's mouth. He was supposed to go out and request for a mission today... though that didn't seem to be a wise idea now. Oh, what to do... what to do? Before he could continue pondering in his thoughts a grumbling sound echoed throughout the room.

"Perhaps breakfast will have to suffice for now."

Before doing anything else, Kyousuke would always go to check on his mother. It was always the first thing he did after leaving his room.

He quietly slid her door open and peeked inside. Disturbing her sleep was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Good morning, Kyousuke."

A soft and gentle voice greeted him as he peeked into his mother's room. She was up early today.

"Good morning, Oka-san."

Replying with a smile on his face Kyousuke made his way towards his mother's bed and sat by the edge of it. He turned his body towards her and gave her a hug.

"Have you had breakfast yet Oka-san?"

Ayame, Kyousuke's mother, giggled and wrapped an arm around Kyousuke's shoulder and a hand on the top of his head. She gave her a few gentle pats on the head before messing up his hair completely.

"I'm not hungry yet, though I'm certain Tsubaki has prepared a meal for you already."

Kyousuke nodded and slowly moved up from the bed.

"I'll be having a meal then if you don't mind. I'm going to request a mission for today."

His words were off someone who already made up his mind, yet his tone was that of a child asking his mother for permission.

He hurriedly walked out of the room, as if avoiding his mother's reply.

"Kyousuke Raiu."

Uh oh.

His mother had a habit of calling him by his full name whenever she was mad. At least this gave him time to mentally prepare himself for the situation.

He took a deep breathe before turning around and giving her a nervous smile.

"Y-yes Oka-san?"

"Do you mean to tell me that you wish to go on a mission in this weather?"

Maybe it was just the light around the room, but her eyes seemed to glow red for a moment. Oh boy she looked scary...

"...Y-yes ma'am!"

He gave her a salute timed with the stomping of his foot.

"Request denied soldier."

"T-thank you ma'am!"

"Now go eat breakfast and come back here after!"

"Yes ma'am! Thank you ma'am!"

He pivoted his foot and turned towards the door. He swung his arms down and began to march outside of the door military style. He simply let his body move towards the smell of breakfast.

Things like this happened at an occasion whenever he mentioned going on a mission. Even before she was overprotective of her children...though ever since that day...ever since the death of his sister it had gotten worse...he couldn't really blame her. He was terrified at the thought of losing his mother, or anyone close to him for that matter.

"Good morning Kyousuke-sama."

"Good morning Tsubaki-san."

Kyousuke sat down in front of the table and in response a plate of food and a cup of what appeared to be orange juice was placed in front of him. A western styled meal.

This smell...that look...BACON!

His eyes sparkled at the sight of the food in front of him. Without a moment's notice he began to gorge the food in front of him and after a few minutes his plate was spotless.

"Thanks for the meal Tsubaki-san! I'm sure Oka-san will love this."

Tsubaki giggled and bowed her head as Kyousuke walked back to his mother's room.

Since he wasn't allowed to go on a mission he didn't really know what to do for today. Perhaps his mother has something planned for him. Reaching his mother's room he knocked twice and waited for her to allow his entry before opening and coming inside.

WC: 768

Suiton (Secondary Element) D-rank to C-rank.


Kyousuke Raiu

Kyousuke Raiu

“Come in.”

His mother answered his knocking and he, in turn, entered the room. Kyousuke moved a chair beside the bed and sat down.

“How was breakfast?”

“It was good… Tsubaki-san cooked Bacon. I suggest you eat while the food is still hot, Oka-san.”

“I shall eat when I’m hungry, don’t worry about me.”

Kyousuke nodded as his mother patted and messed up his hair.

“Now for the reason I wanted to talk with you again. How is your Suiton training going?”

“Suiton?..I never really had the time to train my Suiton…”

Ayame sighed, her eyes looking over the heavy rain through the window beside her bed.

“You will never be as good as your sister or father with Ranton if you don't practice your Suiton."

Reluctantly, Kyousuke nodded in agreement.

"I know... it's just that I've always been weak with my Suiton, but I'll try my best. I'll begin training as soon as the rain subsides."

"The rain?..This is the best time to train your Suiton, there's a huge amount of water out there. You don't plan on just reading books all day do you?"

He chuckled nervously, that was honestly his plan for the day.. or at least until the rain stopped. Originally of course he was going on a mission, but that wasn't happening anymore.

"Of course not.. I'll go out right away, Oka-san."

"Good... take care, Kyousuke."

He nodded once more and stood up from his chair. Just like he had agreed to do Kyousuke walked towards his room and wore his casual attire. It wouldn't be too wise to wear a suit out in the rain.

Eventually Kyousuke made his way out the house.
Immediately he was greeted by a shower of rain. He sighed before walking towards a training area within the village walls. It was a good idea to not bring any money with him since the clothes he wore were already drenched. The first thing he thought of when he reached the area was how gloomy it looked.

He chose this area for a specific reason. There was a waterfall here, a perfect place to train Suiton.
While there was already a huge amount of water from the rain, more could never hurt anyone.

He channeled his chakra on his feet as he began walking on the small river. Slowly Kyousuke picked up his pace until his speed was at its peak. He grabbed the three shurikens he had in his back pocket, and with one swing he threw them with all his might.

The shurikens moved forward, slicing the drops of rain as they did. Eventually, after reaching a good distance away, the three shurikens collided with each other. One of the shurikens were stopped dead on its tracks, while the others changed direction and shot straight towards Kyousuke.

Kyousuke stopped his movements as the shurikens changed their direction and immediately began moving his hands to form hand seals.

Dragon. Tiger. Hare.

"Water Style: Water Trumpet."

After raising his hands towards his mouth, Kyousuke began to convert his chakra into water and spewing the water from his mouth.

The shurikens were just an inch to Kyousuke's face before they were deflected by the huge burst of water and sent flying.

A small discontent was seen in Kyousuke's face. He had been to slow at turning his chakra in to water.

Kyousuke immediately chased after the shurikens. After catching up with his speed he jumped mid air and caught both with each hand. He turned his body mid air and face towards the ground as he threw both shurikens below him.

Immediately after throwing them he began making hand seals.

Both shurikens collided with each other and were sent flying towards him.

Dragon. Tiger. Hare.

"Water Style: Water Trumpet."

Again, just an inch before hitting him he managed to deflect both shurikens and land safely on the ground.


He slowly walked over the water and towards the shurikens to pick the up from the lake.

He needed his body to get used to forming Suiton chakra and this was a good way to do that.

Again, and again, and again.

Before Kyousuke knew it the rain had stopped, but there was no sun. It was already late in the evening and his body was aching allover.

He had small cuts on his hands from the times when he wasn't fast enough to form his chakra into water.

Deep pants escaped his mouth until he breathed deeply.

One more time.

He slowly began to move forward again, the two shurikens tightly gripped in his hands. Reaching the peak of his speed, Kyousuke threw them forward and as soon as they collided began forming hand signs.

Dragon. Tiger. Hare.

"Water Style: Water Trumpet!"

Immediately after moving his hands to cover his mouth, water began to spew from his mouth.

The shurikens didn't even move a meter towards him before they were deflected back.

After seeing this Kyousuke began to chuckle.

"I...I did it.."

With a smile plastered on his face he suddenly fainted.

A pinked haired shinobi moved towards him and caught Kyousuke before he could fall.

Tsubaki moved the young genin to carry him on one shoulder and silently began to walk home.

"Good work, Kyousuke-sama."

-Exit thread-

WC: 897

Suiton (Secondary Element) D-rank to C-rank.


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