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Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

The Day of Strength

Strength E-0 to D-0


Even though the day was perfect, Sukoshi found himself at the Training Grounds one of his favourite places in the world. But not today he longed to go play with the animals in the outskirts of town. But he had a goal in mind and that was to hone his bodies strength and even though that wasnt his strong suit it was still something he could use to impress some of his rivals with.

"Strength.. Hmm.. How would you improve that?" Sukoshi thought to himself while imagining some muscled up bodybuilder crushing boulders with his hands. "That's it I will start by lifting some bolders"

Sukoshi looked around and found some moderately heavy rocks near the side of the training ground edge and picked them up. He started raising them up above his head that then lowering his arms till them were level with his shoulders then back down beside him. He repeated doing this for an hour until his arms were aching.

Next he wanted to work on his leg strength so he started looking around for a more larger, longer rock. After finally finding one sukoshi returned to his section of the training grounds and rested the large rock against one of the boulders near where he was. Sukoshi proceeded to lay on his back folding his legs up to his chest and then lifting the rock up with his legs. He then began to push his legs up until they were straight supporting all the rocks weight then began to lower them back down into the same crouching postion. He repeated doing this again for another hour.

His legs ached and he was a little bit wobbly on his feet but Sukoshi pushed on. He walked over to the pull up bar, jumped up and held onto the bar. Lifting himself until his chin was over the bar, he then raised his knees up to his chest and then pivoted his hips to the left first moving his legs to the left also and then doing the same thing to the right. Sukoshi then slowly lowered himself back down into the original starting position. He again repeated this routine for another hour. He could really feel a aching sensation in his abdomen as the muscles in his six pack got a work out.

Sukoshi was exhausted this not being his strong suit and he really wasn't made for this type of work out, but in the back of his mind he just wanted to prove to himself he could do it. He laid down and had a quick rest recouping his body. He reached over and grabbed his water flask, taking long gulps of the cold water he propped himself up and rested against an old tree. Looking at the vacant training grounds he wondered how long it would be before he found himself a suitable training partner then maybe training wouldn't seem so boring.

Sukoshi got up from under the tree and contemplated what he was going to do next. When he spotted across the yard a massive boulder he remembered some shinobi pushing around before. He strolled over the the massive rock and tested to see how heavy it was and if he could push it. With a grunt Sukoshi pushed the rock, it was heavy enough to build muscle but light enough to be controlled easy enough.

He began pushing it around the outskirt of the training grounds slowly, getting used to how to control and manage it. As he hit his 10th lap Sukoshi started to accelerate a bit still keeping the same circuit. On the 10th lap of every different speed Sukoshi would accelerate, it wasn't until his 100th lap that he started to feel his arms and legs start to ache. He was able to still maintain the same speed for another 100 laps after that before he finally decided to call it for that exercise.

Sukoshi laid back down on the grass feeling accomplished and happy with how today's training went. After a few minutes of laying back and relaxing on the grass he got up and walked to the hose that lay next to one of the benches close. Sukoshi turned the tap on and put the hose above his head saturating himself from head to toe. He felt the cool breeze against his wet skin and wondered what the animals of the forest are doing right now. He quickly dried himself off and raced off to go searching for injured wild life around the village.

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

The Need For Speed

Speed E-0 to D-0


Sukoshi had been looking forward to this type of training. He loved speed and apart from his summons saw it as one of his greatest attributes. For the exercises he intended to do he brought along a few of his friends from the forest, a bunch of rabbits he befriended on one of his recent trips there. At first sight they didn't look like much but Sukoshi knew how fast they were.

Sukoshi looked at the rabbits with a maniacal smile whilst rubbing both his hands together. The rabbits looking up at him with a slight glint of fear and a ever so slightly tremble coming over them. "Don't look so nervous guys you know I won't hurt you. Here's the drill all you have to do is run, your only objective is not to be caught by me. Also I know I'm against caging animals but as part of this exercise only I will cage the ones that I catch until I have caught you all. So please I beg all of you, as a sign of good faith to me, do your best and run as fast as you can for the good of my training."

With that the rabbits gave a knowing nod of approval and got set to start the exercise. Sukoshi wanted to get the most out of this training so he bought along some weights which he put in some pockets he specially made in his jacket and his pants. He felt the extra weight instantly make it harder to move his hands and feet. It was perfect for the exercise, just as he had planned. Sukoshi swung around and clapped his hands, and as if in some sort of hypnotic state the rabbits began fleeing all that the same time darting around in all sorts of different directions and angles.

A huge smile spread over Sukoshi's face at the view in front of him, it was like heaven in his book. With that he flung into action persuing the rabbits as fast as he could. Sukoshi looked at any type of use of speed as a dance, as long as you keep to a certain rythme your speed will constantly continue to increase ove the time of use. He wasn't quite sure if it was scientifically true but it made sense to him. In his mind it is what helps him to increase his speed and motivates him to get faster.

After twenty minutes of chasing the speedy, little guy, Sukoshi had only caught three of the ten that he had brought along for the exercise. Impressed by their speed, he began to increase his and start to concerntrate a little more on the task at hand. Nabbing another two carefully placing them into the cage, making sure that none of them got hurt. The remaining rabbits sped around the training grounds as though to mock Sukoshi. But there was no way he was going to get upstaged by a bunch of furballs.

Crouching down on both his hands and feet so to achieve maxium push off, Sukoshi burst into action speeding around the training grounds at record speed. He began rounding up all the remaining rabbits left in the time it took him to muster up the first three. Putting the last one in the cage to confirm completing the exercise, he pulled the bolt that locked the cage open and released all the rabbits back out onto the grassy, green field of the training grounds.

"Now that wasn't so bad now was it?Thank you all for helping me today I really appreciate it and to thank you I've bought along some carrots for you all to nibble on." Sukoshi said smiling throwing each of the ten rabbits a carrot each. "Don't spend it all in the one place. Well when you guys are done here and I'm done dying from the drill today we can head back to the forest for a bit and play something a little more fun if you like?"

The rabbits all nodding in approval and Sukoshi grabbed his water flask, pouring the rabbits some water into a dish he brought along and then taking a few long, deep gulps of the cold refreshing water himself. He laid down with the rabbits and stroked them for a few minutes before racing them back to their homes. Sukoshi paused for a moment to stare one last time at the training grounds and his accomplishment for today before racing off to catch up to the rabbits once again.

Last edited by Sukoshi Kemono on Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:05 am; edited 1 time in total

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

Endurance is Key

Endurance E-0 to D-0


The best thing about training endurance in Sukoshi's mind was he had plenty of options. Sometimes doing the same thing over and over again can get a bit boring but he knew he was't going to have that problem with today. He had already set a structured plan of what he was going to do already and as he put his hand into his pocket to grab the timetable he had prepared he couldn't help but smile. He had set his timetable into six different sections, firstly there was sprinting then to swimming. After eating and having a quick drink it's off to do some more strength endurance with the boulders scattered around then followed by some more pain endurance with the boulders again. When done with that Sukoshi planned for some more food and water then off to do the last two exercises. Which were climbing trees using his chakra and sparring a clone of himself.

Optimistic to begin Sukoshi jumped straight into sprinting, he set up a course for him to run on while doing the exercise. It was nothing special just a few stones marking a long straight track. Each time he would reach the end of the track he would turn around as fast as he could and increase his speed. He kept on doing this until he wasn't able to increase his speed anymore. Sukoshi remained at that speed for quite a while until he could start to feel his legs starting to give way. He urged himself mentally to push through and continue on with the exercise. But knowing he couldn't continue anymore veered off the sprinting track and headed toward a lake that was close by leaping into the water and then diving in as it reached his knee. Sukoshi started swimming from one end of the lake to the other as fast as he could. The cool water felt great on his body but did little to help his already aching muscles. He didn't want to burn himself out on his first exercises so he decided to call it quits and head back in to have something to eat and drink.

After quickly scoffing down some sweet buns and sculling a bottle of water, Sukoshi began to prepare for his next two excerises. Surprisingly he felt a lot better after having something to eat and drink almost rejuvernated completely. He looked over at the boulders in disgust, Strength and muscle was never really his strong suit but he knew it had to be done so he made his way over to them, sulking the whole way. He began his usual routine while using the boulders, lifting them up over his head then in line with shoulders and back down to his sides. He continued doing this until his arms felt like they were about to drop off then changed to the bigger boulder, balancing it on the bottoms of his feet and lifting his legs up until they were straight up. It didn't take long for this to tire Sukoshi out and it was no surprise to him himself. He got up and placed the big boulder done to the side so he could start his next exercise. Sukoshi tested the waters first by punching the boulder as hard as he could, breaking it into bigger pieces instantly. He looked for one that could take one of his punches and contiued on punching, kicking, kneeing and elbowing the rock. It was painful and only got more painful as the exercise continued. Not wanting to cause any serious damage Sukoshi decided to stop and have his final break.

After he was done eating and drinking, Sukoshi made his way over to one of the tallest trees he could see. Looking up at the top of it he seemed satisfied that this one would do and began with the routine. It was easy enough all he had to do was focus his chakra to the bottoms of his feet and use it to climb the tree. But Sukoshi soon found out that it was more easier said than done. It took some time for him to get the hang of it but after that he was beating his record each time scaling higher and higher. After being satified with his progress and noticing that his chakra was starting to deplete Sukoshi decided it was time to make a clone and start the sparring part of the two exercises. After making a clone, they began sparring straight away. It was a pretty even match which made it a great tactic for this type of training. After what seemed like hours, Sukoshi seemed happy with how the exercise went and dispersed his clone. Laying exhausted on the grass of the training ground field, Sukoshi was feeling proud of himself even though he couldn't feel his arms or legs or even the fact that he was slowly falling asleep.

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

Perception is in the Mind

Perception E-0 to D-0


The day was warm and still, it had a type of complacency in the air and not much background noise in the air. It was one of those days were everything you do makes you just want to sleep. But there was no time for sleeping Sukoshi had training in mind and todays exercise needed the help of his furry friends again. So before heading to the training grounds, Sukoshi took a quick detour trip to the forest to get his rabbit friends. He had told them briefly yesterday what todays exercise would entail and they had seemed just as excited as Sukoshi was to do it. Todays exercise was in a sense just a kids game but which a few slight differences. As a kid, Sukoshi use to spend hours in the forest playing hide and seek with the forest creatures and today was going to bring him right down memory lane.

Sukoshi and the rabbits raced all the way back to the Training Grounds with Sukoshi winning by a hair. When they got there, he rounded the rabbits up and sat down to explain the exercise a little more. "Okay guys well as I said yesterday today we are pretty much playing hide and seek but with these few differences. One! Everyone hides while im gone but only start hiding after you guys count to one hundred in your heads otherwise the exercise will be pointless. Two! Once you have found your hiding place do not move, speak or make any sounds that will give you away. Three! I will not be coming and tagging you but calling out your hiding spots. So no being cheeky and lying about where your hiding or trying to move spots after being called out. Four! No giving away other people's positions once you've been found just sit in front of me and remain as quiet as possible please. Now that all the formalities are out of the way let's all have fun amd start."

With that, Sukoshi sprung into action racing off into the surrounding forest away from the Training Grounds. As soon as he was out of sight they all started leaping around looking for spots to go hide in, even digging small burrows out of eyes view and hiding beneath the ground. Everyone started settling down into their hiding positions as the counter hit ninty eight and as the counter rounded up to one hundred, Sukoshi rushed back to the Training Grounds. He estimated the middle of the Training Grounds field that they were using and sat down. Looking around he could sense eyes glaring at him but no sign of the rabbits. Until.. "Forth tree on the right underneath the two roots on the side there." Sukoshi declared pointing.

Out from beneath the root one of the rabbits sulked out and sat in the middle in front of Sukoshi. In the back of Sukoshi mind he felt like jumping for joy but held back any sign of a victory dance or even a victory smile. This went on for hours every twenty minutes or so Sukoshi would call out a location and a rabbit would come join its fellow family in the middle in front of him. The last few were extremely difficult to find if it was not for a few minor slip ups the rabbits made Sukoshi may not of ever found them. One electing for a burrow underneath a tree who happened to peek up out of impatience, one who climbed up the tree and hid amongst the leaves and brenches who must of dozed off for a sec and almost slipped out of the tree and the last one who was hiding in the bushes and sneezed unexpectedly.

Sukoshi called all the rabbits together and poured a bowl of water out for them also pulling out some green lettuce, tomato and carrot for them to nibble on as well. Laying down and looking up at the sky could not feel anymore great than this in Sukoshi mind. As the rabbits started to finish off their food and water they started to make their way over to Sukoshi nuzzle into their choosen spot in him. As each of them came over to lay down, Sukoshi would stroke them then move on to the next as if he were some kind of patting machine on the line. Eventually all the rabbits were laying on top of him, it felt like a living blanket and was so comfortable that he found it hard to stay awake as the sun closed up shop for the day so did Sukoshi's eyes as he drifted off into a blissful slumber.

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

Zero Reaction Time

Reaction Time E-0 to D-0


It was a windy day in Kirigakure, the wind was so strong that it was almost toppling over the tress that bordered the training grounds. Sukoshi was uncertain of whether or not this would be a good time to start training but last minute decided against the decision to call it off, after all if he wanted to become a strong shinobi he would could not expect the whether to be perfect all the time. He wondered around the training ground border wondering what he should do to improve his reaction time on the battlefield. Suddenly from out of one of the trees a rouge branch came flying toward Sukoshi, he noticed the branch in enough time to dodge it which in turn gave him an idea.

Sukoshi started running around setting  everything up for the exercise he had planned out. He pulled out a whistle he stored in the inside pocket of his jacket and gave it a loud blow. From out of no where shot a who bunch of his rabbit friends, they started jumping all over Sukoshi so excited to see him. He played with the rabbits for a bit stroking and patting them then running around playing a quick game of tag with them. He called them all back into the centre of the training grounds and gesturing for them all the sit in rows in front of him. He looked down at them as they puzzled at the site of a neatly placed pile of pebbles beside them. The sight was enough to make Sukoshi laugh quietly to himself in his head.

As soon as all the rabbits were quiet he began to explain the what was about to happen, "Well I guess you are all wondering why you have a bunch of pebbles sitting beside you? Well to answer your question you will be using the pebbles to throw at me." The rabbits let out an accidental cheer then quickly hid their excitement and huge smirks behind cheeky, little paws. "Now don't get the wrong idea! You have to hit me first and I doubt you will be able to do that!" Sukoshi replied cheekily knowing it would fuel the rabbits fire to get him. "Now to get down to the point.. the exercise is that you will all choose a location to set up base and I will run a circuit around the points where you guys set up. The aim is to try to hit me with the pebbles. You will all be running on the same scoring system working as a team and if you manage to hit me ten times before we finish the exercise you guys will win and dinner will be on me but if I lose next time I need your help you will give it tom me unconditionally. Understood?" All the rabbits nodded in unicen and left to set up their bases. As they did this Sukoshi ran around setting up markers marking out the track that he would run during the exercise.

Sukoshi set up at the start of the course and pulled his whistle out from his jacket again and blew it hard, indicating the start of the exercise. He started dashing down the course ducking and weaving all the pebbles being hurled by the rabbits. After a few laps of the course the rabbits were only able to hit Sukoshi once and he started to notice small little indicators as to when the rabbits were about to throw the pebbles. He noticed it didn't have to be much, a sound of a branch moving or the rustle of leaves from a bush, could and normally would be a indication of an oncoming pebble in his direction. As the laps went on it became easier and easier to dodge and sense an oncoming attack, Sukoshi was swimming with excitement at the prospect of becoming a full blown shinobi.

Sukoshi started to notice that the rabbits were beginning to tire so he decided to call the exercise quits and bring it in for the day. He indicated to rabbits to come back into the centre and sit in the positions they were before. As they all started to come in and settle into the middle in their rows, Sukoshi looked down at them and smiled. "Thank you so much guys! I honestly couldn't of done any of this without you and I truly mean that you have my deepest of gratitude. I learnt a lot from this exercise today and over these last few days and you all have truly developed my skills as a shinobi and helped me achieve my goal of reaching the next level in my training. And on that note I have decided that you guys are the true winners today and I'm going to buy you dinner anyway! What do you guys think about that?" The rabbits let out a huge roaring cheer and bombarded Sukoshi, he picked them all off him and stood back up. "Last one back to the village is a rotten egg!" yelled Sukoshi and raced off back towards Kirigakure.

Total WC: 4,006

Trained: Strength E-0 to D-0
Speed E-0 to D-0
Endurance E-0 to D-0
Perception E-0 to D-0
Reaction Time E-0 to D-0


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