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1Patrol [D-rank] Empty Patrol [D-rank] Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:48 am

Kazuya Osada

Kazuya Osada

Mission name: Patrol
Mission rank: D
Objective: Scout around the village
Location: Kirigakure
Reward: 80 Ryo
Mission description: Your job is to scout around the village to make sure the area is secure. Lately their has been some issues with people stealing and and causing problems around the village. If anyone starts any problems, report it to higher ranking shinobi.

A simple patrol mission was all this was.

He ignored the looks that several villagers shot him. There were still split views on the presence of ninja during such times of advanced technology, but with the presence of chakra, it was inevitable that the profession of shinobi would never die out. They weren’t shinobi of tradition, sticking to the shadows or whatnot, but rather their definition took on a more contemporary meaning, in that they were the ones who used chakra to augment themselves in ways that ordinary people, or those not trained in chakra, could only dream about.

Kazuya frankly couldn’t be happier. While he was always one to work hard for his village and ensure that they were all safe, even if such a feat was probably negligible on the account of a Genin, especially during peacetimes when they were treated more so as labour than actual parts of the village’s military, Kazuya still took his job very seriously.

So far, he hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary. No one had started anything yet, even if the person working at the mission desk had warned him that the area of the village he was patrolling had met with several unrests lately, especially with people being unsatisfied with certain things that had been going on in the village.

The man’s words were phrased exactly like so. ‘Unsatisfied with certain things that had been going on in the village’. What exactly though was something that made them unsatisfied with certain things that had been going on in the village? It had been deliberately vague, and either it was way above Kazuya’s pay grade, or something so meager that it didn’t even demand the attention of those at the village desks.

Kazuya was tempted to believe that it was the former, since something that was meager probably wouldn’t have needed patrolling anyway. While patrols like this within the village were normal, what was abnormal was that there had been specific warnings to report anything he saw to the higher-ups instead of trying to solve this by himself. This indicated that there was probably a force moving in the shadows that he was unaware of.

Or, maybe his paygrade just wasn’t high enough.

Either way, Kazuya went about his patrols normally. He didn’t have any evidence that there was anything wrong, which would probably soothe the hearts of the ninja. His heart was even more relieved when he completed his patrol around the area without having come into contact with anyone violent, instead seeing the normal peaceful life that the civilians and ninja off duty go through every day, with the exception of several ninja hopping around in the background trying to get to their designated posts or mission locations.

Kazuya smiled at that notion. Kirigakure was a well-oiled machine, and he was one gear that made the entire machine function as well as it did.

He let his guard down for a moment, allowing his thoughts to drift to the weapon that his mother had promised him, before something in front of him caught his eye. It was a shady man walking out of an establishment, and Kazuya immediately attempted to shadow him, taking note of the shop he had exited from. Sadly though, he seemed to have missed this individual, with the figure disappearing in the shade as if vanishing into thin air.

‘That’s odd,’ Kazuya thought to himself. ‘Maybe I should see what he was up to.’

With that thought in mind, Kazuya returned to the shop he had checked off in his mind, with the owner looking paler than usual. After getting the man’s brief testimony, which wasn’t amounting to much other than extortion, Kazuya decided to head back, now that his shift was over and he actually had something to report.

“I just hope the administration can do something with this,” he said to himself as he made his way back.

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