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It was amazing to see how well the village of Kirigakure had recovered after it’s recent history. Both an invading army and the black fire leaving it’s citizen’s plenty of room to build anew. Sitting just outside of town in a quaint little bar sat a young man with long blonde hair. The Myugan enjoying a nice drink out under the stars while listening to the patrons inside hoot and holler. Dressed in a casual outfit, dark blue collared shirt and long black pants, most wouldn’t guess he traveled and didn’t have a home. His hands however were wrapped up with bandages, in order to hide the puppet armor he wore. A small golden ball with a pair of wings sat on his shoulder, it’s tail cloth flowing down his back and wrapping itself around its owner’s hair. The last strange object to accompany the man was a large steel ball that seemed to naturally follow him wherever he went. A bag beside the young blonde held the remainder of his possessions, a handful of weapons and other tools, along with clothes and other more personal items.

Drinking from a simple preserved gourd, it was a beautiful clear night, and while the tavern patrons were rowdy it didn’t distract him from the night sky. He was finally in Kiri and while he wasn’t strong enough yet his goal burned brightly in his mind. He had plans, and more than one, tormenting the Mizukage was but a simple one in the mix. Her death a much bigger desire, but that was for the future. To cause the death of his brother was by definition revenge, but that was exactly what he wanted. His brother’s grave was rather fitting though, a pristine headstone alongside the elite of his village. A curious thought popped into the Myugan’s mind, what happened to all of his weapons? A man famous for using so many legendary ones, where were they now? Answers for another time. Only one truly interested him, Temper, a warhammer with incredible potential and his brother’s favorite. It was a shame he never got to see it for himself when he first met the man, but pairs reputation served as enough tease to seek it out.

It wasn’t long before a drinking glass flew from the bar, it was on the edge of town for a reason. Some of the most rowdiest patrons came to drink here, some even to fight. Known as the alcoholic arena for those who would challenge Kiri’s elite drinker. Another Myugan that would take any challenge rather it was by fist or glass, the young Myugan’s brother always won. His brother was a great man, his stories even greater, not always believable though. A calm smile came over the man’s face as he thought back. His brother loved to ramble on and on about a woman in his village. A woman that later would become the Mizukage.

489 words

Last edited by Bunshichi on Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:43 am; edited 1 time in total

Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

The Gentleman's Club. The Penthouse Palace. The Siren's Den.

It was the same everywhere. Regardless of what they were named, such exotically titled places often beheld the same thing: women in their underwear swaying their hips from left to right in front of metal poles that extended to the ceiling, while drinking in the looks of desperation on their audience, and even sometimes slinking to the edge of their stage to better indulge their gathered spectators. 

But the Siren's Den did it all wrong. 

This much was clear to Audrey as she lounged at the bar, back leaning against the counter, with a man's arm curled around her left shoulder as she lay her head to rest on his. She could feel the rich velvet suit brush up softly against the cheek that rested softly against him. Where he was busy enjoying her company and frankly the atmosphere of the entire area, though, she wasn't. 

Her eyes were trained on the stage, pupils leveled at the amount of cleavage the girls were shamelessly showing, following every exaggerated movement they made with their curves. It was disgusting. 

Prostitutes weren't the ones who gave women a bad name. These were the ones who gave women a bad name. 

The absolute lack of integrity they beheld even as they put themselves on display showcased, or rather highlighted, the absolute desperation that they themselves experienced. Any patron might feel as if the crowd was the one begging to touch the tantalising skin being paraded on stage, but anyone who had been on the stage itself could see the clear difference. People didn't come here hoping to get lucky, they came here knowing they would be promised something more than a simple tease which left them thirsty for more the next night and the next show. 

"Patheeeetiiiic," she drawled. 

"What was that, sweetie?" the man beside her asked, though for all intents and purposes he could have been talking to a wall, with how Audrey's only response was one of silence.

"Come on, have another tequila," he offered, letting his hand drop from her exposed shoulder, past her sides and brushing across her breast, before coming to a rest at her comparably bare waist.. "Bartender! Bartender!"

Generous as his words were, Audrey only blinked, no verbal response given though her eyes did slink to her left, contemplating the three shots that she already had. 

She sighed silently through her mouth, eyes closing to rest for a moment before she glanced at the clock and stood up fluidly. 

"Hey, where're you going?" 

Grabbing her purse from the polished counter and slinging it over her right shoulder, she shook her head to get rid of the stiffness that had been creeping up on her neck. Her right hand came up to massage some stubborn soreness, before she answered, not even bothering to face him. 

"I'm only booked for the hour." 

"Wait! Wait! I'll book you for another one!" 

She looked over her shoulder, seeing him fishing out his wallet, while the bartender set the fourth identical glass of tequila, noticeably different only due to the content it bore, and replied, "Don't bother. This is boring." 

"Come back here!" he yelled, but when Audrey showed no signs of obliging, he grabbed the glass and threw it at his escort, prompting Audrey to step to one side, the glass shattering upon impact with the concrete floor. 

Audrey spared the ruined glassware a look before walking back up to the man, who upon seeing her approach him relaxed slightly, arms resting against the counter, open in invitation for her. Seemingly accepting, Audrey reclaimed her seat, never taking her eyes off him, before placing one arm on his shoulder...

And shoving him to the ground. 

He collapsed without resistance, before struggling to stand up, obviously inhibited by the blatant inebriation he was facing. 

"You're drunk."

Audrey turned to see the other patrons staring at her in mild shock, while the bartender seemed torn on what to do. Slipping two fingers into the mouth of her purse, she withdrew a small bag of money, and flung it onto the counter, the full contents of the bag evident with the noise it made upon impact.

"Next round's on me," she replied, still monotonous as she was, before leaving for another section of the club, where she could find some other entertainment, the sound of their cheering lost behind her.

She stalked the den, moving to another corner where the music was less blaring but the crowd was ever clustered. The girl, familiar with this environment, easily navigated the mass before settling herself at another counter, a testament to the size of Siren's Den, which compensated for its lackluster performances and people.

Ordering a glass of tequila to make up for the one she lost, she took a sip before inspecting her surroundings, the red lights and drunks of little menace to her. 

Spotting a smooching couple with their hands inappropriately exploring each other, she instead turned her attention to her right, where the sight of a man with flowing blond hair caught her attention, specifically the manner with which he took his alcohol - from a gourd she doubted was native to this den. 

Curiosity getting the better of her, she nudged the man's left hand with the back of her right to draw his attention, before lazily pointing with said hand to the gourd. 

"What is that?" she asked.

922 words



His gourd still more than half full, the young man took another drink. A potent alcohol, that even as strong as it was wouldn’t serve it’s purpose of inebriating it’s owner, making it nothing more then fire water to him. The crowd inside seemed to flare up for a moment, perhaps someone bought a round of drinks, it was difficult to tell the exact reason from outside. There wasn’t much that could happen to distract his peace for the night, but distractions were not always bad as a hand nudged against his own. A woman from the bar, redhead with a fair amount of skin showing. First thought was a lady looking for business, her question though said otherwise. “What is that?” Seemed like honest curiosity.

Pure Fire Water.” The blonde man looked over the woman quickly before speaking again. “Guaranteed to be the strongest drink you’ll ever have.” Gently setting the gourd down on the table next to him, “Would you like a sip?” The young Myugan teased with his question. The girl clearly could drink, but this was considerably stronger. Almost pure alcohol with a sweet taste to it before it’s burn kicked in. A drink of 180 proof, 90% alcohol, it’s smell just as pungent. “I’m Bunshichi Myugan.” He made sure to get his name out before the girl even touched the gourd.

The Myugan clan was known as drunks with some of the most severe alcohols. While it wasn’t the the drinks that put them on their lip it was their own chakra. Those of the clan without control often became drunk in fits of emotion, while those with control would be the most sober men on the planet. It was a rare few beyond the clan that would attempt a mastery of their chakra, harnessing alcohol itself as a tool.

A twitch from his bandaged fingers and the round steel ball that lay at the man’s feet would begin to roll. Bumping into the woman’s leg, it remained a perfectly round object until a single piece popped up with a red lens on it. Behaving like a head it stared at the woman, tilting it’s head to the side before rolling its way under it’s owner’s chair. There the ball simply hid, rather poorly though.

What brings you over here? Surely I don’t look that lonely, do I?” The young man wasn’t the greatest at conversation, but he did try. “Someone being a little too pushy inside?

412 words

Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

"Pure fire water," he answered, which was just a more sophisticated way of referring to pure alcohol. "Guaranteed to be the strongest drink you'll ever have. Would you like a sip?" 

He had set the gourd down on the counter, and Audrey's eyes drifted to it, inspecting it and weighing the truth in the man's words, believing his claim with every whiff of the pungent air drifting from the gourd's orifice. 

"I'm Bunshichi Myugan," he introduced, and Audrey gave him another skeptical look before reaching for the gourd, her right hand wrapping around the indent in the middle and bringing it closer to her face, before shaking it slightly.

"You can die from pure alcohol, you know." 

Even so, she lifted the gourd to her mouth, tilting her head back to accommodate the drink. When the first drop of the liquid hit the back of her throat, her hand immediately shot out, holding the gourd as far away from her as possible as she coughed in the other direction, her hacking doing little to discourage the pair on her left from continuing on with their making out. 

"That... that is strong stuff..."
she wheezed through a burned throat, setting the gourd down back down in front of him while her left hand massaged her throat. 

She felt something tap against her foot, though she shrugged it off as some passer-by whose drunk ass couldn't keep him walking straight, and instead brought her attention back to the tequila in front of her, a much less intense beverage to fill her for the night, although she would definitely be seeking out more of the Myugan's alcohol in the future. 

"What brings you over here? Surely I don't look that lonely, do I? Someone being a little too pushy on the inside?" 

She gave a small chuckle and rolled her eyes. "Please, they're always pushy. My last one was just too boring. You know how difficult it is with someone wrapped around you but doing absolutely nothing interesting? Booooriiiing." 

With that, she took the last gulp of her tequila before snapping her fingers, indicating for the bartender to bring her another glass, though she did have to fight off the slight lightheaded sensation she suspected effected by the man's alcohol more so than the insipid agave drink she had just consumed.

"Besides, you don't look like you have enough for me to even go down on you." 

She reached for her tequila straight from the bartender's hand, the gesture rude in some places, where rude was usually the politest route to go. 

"Anyway, this stuff here's not really as intense as whatever you've got. Where can I get more of it?" she asked, pointing to his gourd in the same fashion that she had for her first inquiry.

1402 words



People have survived more dangerous things than alcohol poisoning.” The girl investigated the gourd, shaking it, holding it with some skepticism. It seemed less then sip though was more then the girl could handle. Recoiling and forcing the gourd away, the burn taking it’s effect. “Told ya so.” Taking up the gourd, the young Myugan took a long drink for himself as if it was nothing. Though to him, it wasn’t much different from water, other than a burn and some flavor added in. His clan wasn’t affected by alcohol, their chakra being so very similar to the substance that many who know of it outside of the clan consider them to have tainted chakra.

"Please, they're always pushy. My last one was just too boring. You know how difficult it is with someone wrapped around you but doing absolutely nothing interesting? Booooriiiing."

He really didn’t know what she was talking about. His life experience was rather scarce. To be with someone that didn’t care, was strange, but he didn’t question it. “Can’t say I do. Aside from the occasional odd job, I’ve spent most of my life recently traveling.” His only real interaction over the last couple years being with his brother that he met by chance.

Besides, you don’t look like you have enough for me to even go down on you.

The remark struck a nerve. He may have been a traveler, but he made sure to take care of his appearance. Decent clothing, proper hygiene, even some manners. The young Myugan had already introduced himself, but this woman had yet to even try. It was understandable from the business she conducted, but in a casual conversation, none at all? “I have enough money to live comfortably. It’s not like I need to sleep in another’s bed to get through the night.” Standing up from his seat, perhaps it was time for a walk. The fact that she basically said he looked broke, didn’t sit well with him.

Anyway, this stuff here's not really as intense as whatever you've got. Where can I get more of it?

He glanced down at the gourd, still in his hand, “Trade secret, you’d have to get it from me. You just might not have enough for something this strong.” He was irritated, but calm. Despite her being the source, he had no reason to take it out on her. “Besides if you can’t even drink it, why are you curious to get more?

413 words

Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

Audrey stared at the man, who had blatantly just insulted her for her profession. Instead of the tick mark she expected, instead, she grinned, leaning on the counter with her left arm while cradling the tequila in her right.

"Maybe you don't need to sleep in another's bed to get through the night," she said, swishing the contents of her glass. "Not that you could if you tried. Maybe that's why you did look so very lonely sitting here nursing your alcohol."

With that last word, she gave him a teasing pout, before lifting the tequila up to her lips and taking a small sip. The transparent liquid was cooling compared to the pure alcohol that she had just downed, and she welcomed the taste it brought along with it, the pout disappearing from her features and a grin returning to it.

Audrey was crossing the line. She knew that. It wasn't even the alcohol making her spew inconsiderate comments from her mouth; she didn't care. She had been in the profession for almost half a decade, making men moan, groan, and squeal from both beneath and above her, whether they were clothed or not, drenched in sweat or not, and whether they paid or not. She had already set her opinion about Bunshichi when he had first spoken to her.

"What brings you over here? Surely I don't look that lonely, do I? Someone being a little too pushy on the inside?"

It was subtle, but it was there. Disrespect towards women in her line of work. Though it wasn't even that which had set her off. Such assumptions were commonplace in places like this. What else would someone think for someone who clothed less than half of her body walking up to them and ordering an alcoholic beverage, trying to indulge in the atmosphere that was most conducive towards nurturing one's hormonal needs?

Besides, he had reacted too seriously with her remark for her to shrug his off.

Her comment still stood though, even as the man himself did. He didn't look like he could afford a night with her on good conscience of his financial wealth.

"Oh, so it's a trade secret, huh?" Audrey asked, having turned away from him to face the counter, looking off into space. "Who knows? I've had too much tequila tonight; I don't think I can bother drinking your 'pure fire water' without too much effort; effort I don't plan on investing in something like that."

"And maybe I was wrong. Maybe you aren't as lonely as I thought. With 'something that strong',"
she said with a grin, quoting him on the quality and intensity of the alcohol he brewed, "You must be able to get any woman you want. Slip her the drink and have her for the night, in any way you want. Am I right?"

1892 words



Maybe you don't need to sleep in another's bed to get through the night. Not that you could if you tried. Maybe that's why you did look so very lonely sitting here nursing your alcohol.

Now he was getting pissed. It didn’t matter who had said the first insulting comment, nor would it change anything at this point. He was a loner for sure, traveling from country to country, but for a girl who sells herself out to be so rude. He wanted so badly to just smack this girl, to just shut her up.

And maybe I was wrong. Maybe you aren't as lonely as I thought. With 'something that strong'. You must be able to get any woman you want. Slip her the drink and have her for the night, in any way you want. Am I right?

And there it was. The last of his patience was gone. The blonde haired man stretched out his wrapped hands before setting a pouch of coins on the bar counter. “Yup, I am not so sexually frustrated as to do such a thing though. I would however beat such a disrespectful person though.” That was all the warning he would give her. The handle of his ball puppet, Kappa, extended, giving its owner a large mace to wield. Taking the handle the angry Myugan took a full swing, aiming to strike the girl and knock her outside. He was going to fight regardless, he’d simply prefer it be outside. He had some money, but he didn’t want to pay for the bar’s repairs later.

264 words

((I apologize for the delay and short post.))

Chakra Remaining 145/150:

Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

Ooh, Audrey could tell she hit a nerve with that last comment, and she continued playing with the glass of tequila in her left hand. She didn't like people who made assumptions of her, and she was especially not in the mood for such blatant expressions of disrespect tonight, so she felt nothing from her taunting of the man. 

It was then that she noted from the corner of her eye that he was getting up. A smirk appeared on her features as she realised how she could further poke fun at the man, to have the last laugh before he left the vicinity. Things only played further into her hand when he set a pouch of coins on the bar counter, likely to pay for his visit to the bar. 

"Yup, I am not so sexually frustrated as to do such a thing though. I would, however, beat such a disrespectful person though." 

Audrey let the smirk sink in on her features. "Oh, you would hit a-" 

It was then that, at the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the massive mace that he now wielded in both hands. Her eyes widened when she saw it was pulled back, ready to hit her, and her reflexes screamed at her to move. 

She leapt backwards, though the presence of the chair inhibited her attempt, causing her to more or less topple backwards, her back hitting the floor in what was a shameful way to dodge the mace, which swung above her. Quickly rolling to her left and moving to her feet before her opponent could capitalise on her vulnerable stature, she backed up several feet until she was just at the entrance of the bar, noting the lack of items on her person and eyeing the handbag on the counter that kept them safe when she needed them most. 

"Are you fucking insane?!" she yelled, irritation evident in her voice at the blatant attack. "Are you trying to kill me!?"

Even with her halfhearted attempt at escaping the situation unscathed save for bruises and battered pride, she took two steps back, effectively bringing her outside of the bar in case she had to make a run for it. Patrons of the bar were never expected to be docile, and she couldn't be sure that he, as much tolerance as he boasted to alcohol, wasn't in a state of inebriation. 

She looked around. The part of Siren's Den that they were in was a small building occupying a rectangular plot of land, roughly twenty by forty meters, rising two stories off the ground. From the entrance was a cemented walkway amidst damp green grass, which extended for a good five meters before it split into a T-junction, with either going on in a straight line for miles, one she knew heading back to the main streets of Kirigakure while the other joined with the far less populated areas around Kiri herself. 

Behind the building that was one of Siren's Den's many establishments was a large forest, each tree at least twice the height of Siren's Den itself, but Audrey doubted she could head that way; the man would likely cut her off midway. 

She ran through her options. She didn't have many combat jutsu on her person. Most of her techniques revolved around seduction and getting them in bed, where she would then play with their lives like a cat and a ball of unwinding yarn. The only techniques she could recall were of help in such a scenario would be the Academy Jutsu that she had learned anyway, even despite not needing them, but she doubted their effectiveness in this scenario. 

First thing was first: she would have to retrieve her bag, and she wondered how she could do that when it lay innocently beside the man who had attempted to swat her aside. 

The Transformation, Clone, and Substitution Jutsu were almost surely going to be of essence, the first two especially in getting past him to her purse if he insisted on attacking. She supposed Genjutsu Dissipation would come in useful, while Supernatural Walking Practice would allow her to scale the walls to get past  him, if it ever got to that, but her brain whirled as she struggled to map out a path that would allow her to pass him without getting hit. Nevertheless, she was aware that in this scenario, the most likely strategy for her to get behind him would be to substitute with the stool that she had recently been sitting on, toppled as it currently was but still in her clear line of sight. If he were to move any closer, she would be able to get behind him and likely catch a breath or two before he retaliated. 

OOC: No worries. Take your time. 



The girl was quick, jumping back to avoid his swing, not exactly gracefully though. Toppling over a chair she was back on her feet in no time at all and out the door. The patrons of the bar watching with wide eyes, most choosing to stay in their seats.

Are you fucking insane?! Are you trying to kill me!?

The sight of a small purse caught the blonde man’s eyes. She left her little bag, perfect bait to keep her near by, least as long as something valuable was inside. He didn’t have much interest in snooping through her things, despite his temper. There was far more reason to focus on her at the moment. Grabbing the purse, Bunshichi made his way to the door of the bar.

Kill you? No. Just a lesson in manners. First of all, I still don’t know your name.” Holding up the purse for her to see. “I might just give this back if you complete lesson one.

Gently setting the purse on the head of his mace, the plates of his ball puppet shift allowing the purse to fall inside. Locked away within his puppet now, she’d have to comply or destroy his puppet to get the bag. His temper was getting the better of him, but he liked to fight anyways. His only hope was that this girl had some fight, he would never beat someone who couldn’t defend themselves . . . too badly. He waited for a response but it hardly mattered, soon as she would speak the handle of the Myugan’s mace would retract back into the ball. With the ball puppet in a free fall now, a swift dropkick would send the steel puppet flying towards the rude girl. Chakra strings at the ready to improve his aim as the puppet flew. It’s impact capable of leaving a fairly decent dent in what ever it hit.

Are we learning yet?!

Kappa was a unique puppet, first glance it made the young Myugan seem like just a simple weapon user. That was a ruse though, first lie or deception as a puppeteer. Kappa was not his only puppet though, three others were on his person at all times, for both defense and offense.

374 words

Chakra Remaining 140/150:

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