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1Patrol [D-Rank Mission | Solo] Empty Patrol [D-Rank Mission | Solo] Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:44 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Mission Name: Patrol
Mission Rank: D
Objective: Scout around the village
Location: Kirigakure
Reward: 80 Ryo
Mission Description: Your job is to scout around the village to make sure the area is secure. Lately their has been some issues with people stealing and and causing problems around the village. If anyone starts any problems, report it to higher ranking shinobi.

It was just moments ago when she had taken up one of the simple missions. Even if it was a less exciting one, she had gone out the door without an ounce of hesitation. The mission was calling for someone to patrol around the village due to a few situations involving thefts and other trouble, and all took place in the recent past, too. She hadn’t seen any of it in person, but she didn’t doubt any of the claims made by people around her. “I suppose I should start here,” Teru said to herself as she arrived near the entrance of the village. All she was instructed to do was go around the village and make sure that nothing iffy was going on. And, to do that, she had to be as alert as ever. She was going to make sure that there would be no stolen possessions, or anything that might make the people feel uneasy within the village walls. In her mind, a thought that made Teru want to grin. The job couldn't have been taken by anyone more capable, was what she felt like believing. Her eyes were getting sharper, which made her believe that a simple job of patrolling throughout the village would be as easy as cutting butter with a hot knife.

But, enough of the whimsical thinking. There was a job that needed to be done. Up and down the roads and around several corners, Teru walked by herself with a careful gaze scanning over the surrounding areas. The citizens nearby looked as though they were doing fine. Of course, there was a fair share of people who had frustration and haste written all over their faces. Busy schedules, she assumed. No one seemed to have any problems at the current time, meaning that there weren't any thieves or other troublemakers at large. That was good. Teru enjoyed it when there was peace and good living in the village. Occasionally, as she continued with her patrol, she wondered why anyone would want to be committed to doing such harsh things to their own neighbors. It was such a curious thought that she couldn't easily dismiss. That was until she saw a stranger standing in the shadows with a rather suspicious look about him. A male wearing dark, tattered rags was standing just across from a small store selling all kinds of jewelry. 

"That looks pretty odd," Teru spoke lowly to herself, slowing her steps down as she walked down the very street the man was on. He seemed paranoid and agitated by something or other. Ah, but she couldn't just confront him so openly. He wasn't doing anything that could be counted as a crime... yet. And she wouldn't want to make a big scene in the middle of the village. But was this something that she would have to report to the higher-ups? They may simply dismiss the man's odd behavior. Well, considering the fact that it was a jewelry store and the man standing where no one could easily see him, they would most likely give it a thought. Teru turned on her heels and walked away, promptly going to find someone of the proper authority to take a look at the potential situation. Deep inside, she hoped that the man she just recently saw would get talked to, at least, for being as suspicious as he was. And when she did go to get someone to check into it, her job was carried out for a while longer until the later hours of the day. The patrol she voluntarily took was completed, and the mission was over.

Word Count: 617
Target Word Count: 600
Mission Status: {Complete}
Thread: Exiting

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