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1Bar Fight! [C-rank] Empty Bar Fight! [C-rank] Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:08 am



Harue looked at the mission slip she had been given. ‘Keep the peace’ had been the simple objective splayed out in neat, cursive writing, while the slight elaboration at the bottom of the roll-up scroll was to simply ‘keep [night individuals] in line’. She rolled the scroll back up and placed it against the corner, where her wooden table met the wooden wall, rising from the ground in the humble little tea shop she sat in. The walls ended abruptly at her shoulders, giving way to gray cobblestone, supported and held in place at various segments by solid wooden pillars. Harue readjusted the her seat, pulling it inwards so she could better look out the window and take note of any mischief occurring, while nursing a cooling cup of steaming tea in her right hand, held at the mouth with four of her fingers, her pinky at rest. Blue eyes roamed the commotion outside, trying to find some sort of noise separate from the bargaining and yellings of customers and traders alike.

Specifically, her eyes kept flicking towards the small pub opposite the tea shop. Rumour had it that that was where most fights broke out, before the issue spread to the rest of the marketplace and the occasional drunk was pulled into the growing dissentious riot. She could see several men and women inside, all seeming like they were enjoying a good time, in a mature and salacious manner, and she found her cheeks heating up at the sight of some of the more sacrileges acts people played on each other. It wasn’t as much in embarrassment as much as, she had to admit, in want. She could feel the pull of her chest, the racing of her heartbeat as she wondered what it would be like, letting loose in such an environment, forgetting herself for one night amidst the disco lights and alcoholic beverages. She swallowed a gulp nervously as she forced her attention elsewhere – anywhere – to catch her breath.

She was working. Wondering what those places entailed could come later, when her job was done for the night.

But oh damn she wanted to experience it. She didn’t lie to herself. She’d been getting more and more cravings as of late. She’d been able to ignore all these a few months ago at the very idea that she was too young to indulge in such fantasies or thoughts, but her eighteenth birthday had just passed weeks ago. She was no longer ‘young’. While the law had long since considered her an adult, simply by virtue of being a kunoichi, the civilian law still held her as a child, and it was her birthday several weeks ago that had freed her from the confines of those expectations. She noted downcast that her birthday had been spent alone, in her room, with no one to accompany her. She’d suffered an entire night of remorse on a night of happiness, wondering just where her companions were, and missing the touch of Nikko, how he would curl up in her arms, hopping onto her back and throwing her off the bed at the most spontaneous of times… Those days were all gone. She’d never see Nikko again, not if her line of work had anything to say about it, and while she did plan to schedule a covert trip back to her former village, she knew it would not be for a very long time, following which Nikko… No, she couldn’t continue that line of thought.

Such thoughts, though, did help her break out of the trance that the pub held on her. It seems the lures and temptations of adulthood that led astray so many others had come to fetch for her. Fortunately, Harue no longer had to fight its spell, instead taking a sip of the warm, transparent brown tea contained in the white china dangling from her right hand. The first sip helped her calm her nerves, while the other helped her regain her senses, reminding her that she was here to keep an eye out on the pub, and she hesitantly returned her attention to the questionable establishment… just as something happened.

She saw a stool topple over, and the occupant fall onto his back, before his attacker leapt over his first victim and sent a punch at another’s face. The man then grabbed another by the collar, and threw a fist into his gut, causing him to topple over, but before he was able to move onto his third target, someone grabbed him by the back of his collar and threw him over his head, knocking him out instantly but doing nothing to quell the unrest that was quickly spreading from within the pub. Harue’s eyes narrowed. Before she made to stop them with the seals she’d first planted in the area, she needed to ensure that it was really contained, in that no one on the outside had taken too much notice of the aggression that was palpable to anyone else paying attention. As her eyes darted quickly from left to right and her brain registered, processed, and stored away the information, she satisfiedly decided that everyone was still too busy going about their night to take note of the violence that was quickly sprouting from the one pub in the corner, away from most prying eyes.

Her lips upturned into a smirk as she realised that the pub’s desire to remain away from the center of attention, to cater to most of its customers more indecent activities, while also the reason it often sprung up into riots, was also likely the reason that ninja who were often called in to help contain these localised unrests found it an easy task to subdue anyone who was acting unruly. Perhaps this hadn’t just been a fortune of architecture that a pub of all things had been located in the shadier corners of the marketplace, but Harue wasn’t one to complain  at her luck, considering she’d had so little of it in recent months. Left hand curling into the half-tiger seal, she remotely activated the six seals, all similar in effect, that she had planted within and around the pub since before the sun had set. She saw some of the more aggressive occupants of the bar gasp, eyes widening in surprise as they felt a small drain in their stamina, courtesy of the seals she’d placed. It wasn’t exactly field ready, but she’d long since exhausted any means of safe testing, and she’d now turned to experimenting on the job. It wasn’t exactly legal by most village’s standards, but the effects were mild and they wouldn’t suffer anything more than passing out, which could easily be attributed to the drinks they had taken.

Satisfied when the lawbreakers slumped onto the ground, she put a coin on her table as payment as she walked out, eager to see the effects of her seal, as well as to meet with the client who’d paid for the mission in the first place.

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