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1Spending Time In Kiri Empty Spending Time In Kiri Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:43 pm



Thread says it all. I'll be in Kiri temporarily for business in a few hours. I'm open to do a thread with anyone who wishes to do one with me. I'm willing to teach, train, or spar with anyone who would like to do so.

2Spending Time In Kiri Empty Re: Spending Time In Kiri Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:11 pm



Well, I want to go ahead and see if you'd be about entertaining the idea of a thread with Maigo! (Assuming you know the whole war thing doesn't happen and we don't try to kill Maigo for being a tool and all)

Either way, I think it'd be cool and great for CD to talk to a Kage not of his village!

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