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1A Call For Help [C-rank] Empty A Call For Help [C-rank] Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:20 am

Asuna Kuroka

Asuna Kuroka

Mission name: A Call for help (Repeatable)
Mission rank: C-Rank
Objective: help the smaller village
Location: anywhere
Reward: 180
Mission description: A raven arrived early in the morning from a small village within our boarders requesting some help with a group of bandits raiding their village, you are charged with finding these bandits and dealing with them however you see fit.
Mission details: The Village is located near to the border of the country and is raided almost every other day by a group of 5 bandits all are low level to where a genin can handle them in a fight and only wield a kunai. mission is repeatable due to multiple bandit groups being able to raid the small village and the small village can be different. when confronted the leader will send in the first to fight when he loses he will send in the second, after which the last two will jump in and the leader will try to escape while you're distracted, do not let him get away for he will go get another group of bandits and come back resulting in a failure. if he is captured the leader will attempt to cut you in on a deal, whether they are all caught or all killed mission will be complete, if one gets away mission failure.

Name: Bandits
Age: N/A
General Appearance: they all wear tan colored clothing with a bandana wrapped around their face hiding what they look like, the leader's bandana is red as opposed to the black the others wear
Personality: self interested
Motivations: gold and all things shiny
Fears: not having shinies
Abilities: basic Taijutsu D-Rank Boxing, and 2 kunai each. The four bandits all have D-Rank Stats while the leader of the bandits have C-Rank stats
Other: only the leader of the bandits actually talks all the others only make noises like whooping and hollering.

“Your papers check out,” the gate guard said before handing her identification back to her.

Asuna accepted it wordlessly, turning her attention to the gate and beginning with a jog out of the village, before breaking out into full sprint to her destination.

It was banditry as usual. Even if they lived in an era considered one of the most advanced in the history of shinobi, banditry was still a very prevalent problem. Small groups of bandits would often think that they could get lucky, and so target small villages that weren’t as well-protected as the other villages. While these villages could easily send ravens to the nearby Hidden Villages, Sunagakure in her case, to ask for help, most bandits still wanted to take their chances as they believed that they were able to get in and out of the village before the ninja or backup from the ninja village arrived in time to foil their plans.

And oftentimes, they did, which only served to further motivate other bandits to try the same thing. And when ninjas successfully captured them, it didn’t serve as much of a deterrent to other bandits from targeting the same village, as bandits were prone to believing that villages were unlikely to come to the aid fo the same village twice in a row unless the frequency of bandit attacks increased tremendously. After all, villages had much better places to put their ninja for reasons of security, and there were only so many ninja who could be designated missions to the other smaller villages at any one time.

Maybe that was why Ronin like her were almost welcomed in the village to help them take care of their missions, because as large of a military that hidden villages were able to house, they were still delegated to other, much much more important duties than simply taking care of the well-being of one of their neighbours, and some of which were far too insignificant on the political or geographical level to pay too much attention to, instead just accepting the mission with haste so as to ensure that they kept good relations with those they lived with. One could say it was a show of goodwill.

Asuna arrived at the village in question in record time, seeing it mostly normal from the outside, but upon crossing through the village gates, which were unmanned unlike those in Sunagakure, likely due to a lack of manpower, a lack of need for security, or the commotion that was currently occurring at the village square. Nevertheless, Asuna ignored the lack of guards and just walked in, coming face to face with the sight of five bandits harassing the village elder.

“Give us all the money you have in your coffers right now!” the man Asuna guessed was the head bandit said.

“We… we told you! That was all we had!” the old man replied.

‘Nonsense! You expect us to believe you only have a thousand ryo in your accounts?!” the leader threatened, holding the old man by the scruff of his neck.

Asuna made her way through the crowd, with people easily making way for her as they were too stunned by the scene they were witnessing - that of their village elder being threatened - to register her pushing them aside before it was too late. In no time at all, Asuna had made it to the front of the crowd, and she could feel several eyes on her, curious who this young girl was, foolishly walking forward to the front of the crowd when most of the village, even the adults, had tried to shy away from the commotion but still contributing to village spirit by staying closer to the back of the crowd where they were most likely to be safe.

The leader spotted her walking slowly towards them, and with a nod he directed one of his bandits to attack her. He charged at her, holding a kunai in his hand, but Asuna could see that he was sloppy. His moves weren’t coordinated and he seemed like he was running left and right in a poor attempt to throw off her perception, especially since she already knew he was headed straight for her, any changes in his path negligible.

She ducked under the first swipe of his blade before grabbing onto the hand with the weapon and shoving a knee into his upper arm. The pain caused him to scream out, dropping the kunai in the process, which she then stepped on to avoid him from picking it back up. By now, she could tell that the villagers were awed by the small performance she had put on, while the leader was amused that a girl like her had tried to stop their operation. Asuna ignored all that, instead using the leg she had previously used to disarm the man to now send a heel into his face, knocking him out cold.

“Littly missy thinks she can play, doesn’t she?” the bandit leader asked, before asking another to charge at her.

This person was larger in stature, but almost comically so with his round body, not so much in the intimidating manner of larger, more burly men. He charged at her, and Asuna did experience a small sensation of fear at the notion of going straight up against that man, before she decided she didn’t have to. Summoning her trident to her hand, she dashed to him, before sliding to one side and sticking the sharp end of her trident into the dirt, such that the handle itself was angled only a few degrees off the ground. The man comically tripped on the long handle, falling face-first into the ground, allowing Asuna to withdraw her weapon from the earth and stare down the bandit leader.

“Uh, boss?” one of them asked, only for him to glare at his men, causing them to both rush at her at the same time.

Dashing towards them, Asuna didn’t bother showing them any mercy, instead shoving her trident into one’s throat, killing him, while using the trident to lift herself up. While this caused the dead man to collapse onto the ground quicker than gravity would have liked, it brought her into the air high enough to slam both her feet into the other man’s neck, dropping him with his hands around his throat as he coughed for air. She knocked him unconscious with the butt of her weapon, and saw that the bandit leader was trying to escape. Narrowing her eyes and raising her trident in one hand, held upside down, she felt the wind currents before flinging her weapon, throwing it like a spear at the man’s back, and feeling the satisfying sound of it slamming into his back.

Seeing him collapse onto the ground and confident that the villagers could take care of the five injured, she stopped channeling chakra into her weapon, causing it to fade away, before she left, accepting just a brief thanks from the village elder for her work.


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