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This....this was peace. Perhaps it was people, civilization, that he considered something other than this? Despite all the bustle of the creatures and wind-swept plants of the forest, he felt centered, not at all disturbed. Yes, this place was, to be sure, a good fit for Jagi. A Jagi that hadn't been far from home for long, as it were; he had only his own camping experiences as survival techniques. It had been….what, five days now. He hadn’t been with a hard time, yet, but it paid to ration out what little food he took with him on that last camping excursion.
Walk did he through the phantom of a path, a meandering way of trodden-down foliage forged by those who came through here before him. Yes, simply going along wherever this new place would take him was more than sufficient in the young one’s eyes. It wasn’t like he had any idea where he was going. Was there any reason for him to need to go anywhere, though? That was the main part….having been cut from all his ties in the world, what does a Jagi do now? Nobody to please, nothing to work for or against…. He sat down and just thought. Enjoying things was well and good, but he drew his senses inward for the time being.
He had been drifting off, just barely. Even for his, what was it now….the number of times he must have gone camping now should have numbered above fifteen. He never wanted to leave the embrace of the open air, the blanket that was the collective stars…..but yet he knew that staying in his tent was a better idea. Groggily, he clawed his way into the fabric prison, and made sure to seal the exit. A zipper with sealant was much better off than one of those flap door-devices….it kept all the little bugs out. Not that he minded them too much, but if they got in this enclosed space it was rather difficult for them to escape. That’d have been tragic, only because he might have killed such a small creature without meaning to.
Anyhow, that thought was out of his head for the time being, seeing as how he was alone in this tent. Well, as alone as he could be….he never felt lonely, at least.
There wasn’t any warning. No rumble, little sound. He couldn’t have prepared himself for this.
Well, that was a lie. He could have, but he didn’t have the foresight to check the surroundings for signs. The damp soil, some spots of crumbling earth. Someone like Jagi wasn’t trained to be attentive enough for that. The earth had not forsaken him here, no; he just didn’t listen to it well enough, he almost challenged the land itself unwittingly.
That was his literal downfall. Upon awaking, he had no idea where he was…..except buried. The pressure was unmistakable. He had no way out and didn’t even know how he got in. At the very least….he was breathing, at this exact moment. So he didn’t have to worry about dying by suffocation….but this was very odd. He smelled something out of place; not the earth that was very prevalent, but something else. A….faint scent that abraded his olfactory senses and then simply vanished.

[Training Perception E-0 to E-1, 75/75
E-1 to E-2, 150/150
E-2 to E-3, 225/225
E-3 to D-0, 123/750.

177 words remaining.]



It was little use thinking about that now, though. He was out of that little predicament, now. He was to live. Free to do whatever he wanted to. He had little recourse but to think back on his abrupt departure from his old life. Humdrum as it was, it was easy. But....was that what he wanted, in the first place? Normal 'life' as he knew it before was mostly just filled with things that he had to do during the day. It was when he was outside that he felt most in tune with the things around him....and consequently more in tune with his own self.

The sun had already gone past its highest point in the sky....when he had sat, it was barely rising. My, how the time has passed. He stood up from his cross-legged position on the ground. He had to keep moving. Despite it being another thing he had to do, it was now more than necessary.

This was what he had to do to stay alive.

Jagi left the thread.

[Training Perception E-0 to E-1, 75/75
E-1 to E-2, 150/150
E-2 to E-3, 225/225
E-3 to D-0, 123/300.
+177 words this post=complete!]

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