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Relaxation.  Something Katara really needed in her life at that moment in time.  It was a chilly spring afternoon when she made her way over to the Konoha Hot Springs to relax in some steam.  I really need some time to myself, I feel like I've been doing so much in these past few weeks since I've become a Genin.  On her way to the springs, she passed by her Academy that she graduated from not too long ago.  She missed the moments she shared with others while attending the school, it taught her so many things.  All good things come to an end, she thought to herself, sliding open the doors to the Hot Springs.  The moment Katara slid open the doors, steam came flying out of it, as she took one long deep breath.  It was the serene smell of steam that always made her feel so calm on the inside.  Walking through the halls, she noticed the concierge and began to walk towards her.  "Hello ma'am, how are you doing today?", the concierge asked her in a very welcoming voice.  "I'm doing well, I was just hoping to come here to relax for an hour or two.".  The concierge looked at Katara in a way that seemed a little flirty, "Hehe!  Well you've come to just the right place for what you're looking for", winking as he was saying this, "How long were you looking to stay today?".  Katara noticed the concierge's overly excited tone of voice, "Just an hour.  How much is it?", hoping to quickly end this awkward, uncomfortable conversation.  Looking back up at her, the concierge winked and said "Free, only for you; just this once".  It was at that moment that Katara gave out the most uncomfortable sounding giggle that anyone could ever give someone, as she took the ticket that was handed to her and walked in to the changing area.

Katara stripped from her clothes and wrapped a towel around her body, exiting from changing area.  That guy was such a creep, she thought to herself, making her way to the steaming hot tub.  It was finally time to sit down and think about all the crazy things that were going on in her life.  She unraveled the towel from around her body and dipped into the sauna, having the water just above her collarbone; finally catching some moments of relaxation.  Different jutsus, conditioning, goals - all these things raced through Katara's head constantly, thinking about what her next move in life was.  Taking one long, deep breath, she dunked her head under the steaming hot water to achieve a few moments of intense meditation.  Every Chuunin, Jounin, Anbu, I will be known throughout the streets of Kono-... No... My name will be a household name through every village, she thought, before submerging above the water once more, out of breath.  I just need to put in the work... Of course after this sauna!  Katara closed her eyes dreaming about the future, resting in the hot steamy water with a perfect state of meditation.

WC: 546
Total WC: 546



Rinkei hated wasting time.

Of course there were moments where she could go off and paint for a while. But that was when she wasn't busy with anything to do, or done with her daily chores and training. However, upon attempting to go out for a mission that day, her adoptive family insisted that she stopped working herself so hard and did something relaxing for once. What the hell did they think I painted for? She thought to herself loathing the very thought of what they had suggested. The hot springs, of all places. They couldn't have just told her to go grab a bite to eat or something? That way she would be able to eat quickly and get back to work. Unfortunately they were too persistent, she decided to appease them for once, and she thought that might hopefully get them off her back for a while.

The thing she hated the most about going to the hot springs, the thing that had been the bane of her existance ever since she could remember; Being social. She didn't even want to think about it any more than that, Rinkei just wanted to get it over with so that she could get back to doing what she doing prior to the suggestion.

Walking into the hot springs, she was stopped by the concierge, no doubt to flirt with her on top of collecting his pay. She had never been in here, but she was well versed in these kinds of things regardless. She had to be, for situations like this. The concierge gave her a warm smile "Welcome young lady," He said cheerfully. "How's your day been?". Rinkei didn't have time for small talk, so she dismissed the mans attempts at her. "How much for an hour?" She asked sternly, waiting impatiently for his answer. The concierge looked taken aback, which was to be expect, she had been somewhat rude to him, not that she cared. His whole facial expression changed and his eyes narrowed , "50 ryu" He said quickly. Rinkei wasted no time handing the money over, she didn't feel like waiting for further reaction from the man.


After undressing in the changing area, and putting on a towel, she noticed that all of the tubs were occupied. She sighed heavily and chose one with a single girl relaxing in it. The girl was cute, Rinkei thought, but once again she didn't have time for those trivial thoughts, so she let the towel drop from her body, and dipped into the steaming tub across from the other person.

Despite the immidiate hate she had for the idea of going there in the first place, she had changed her mind. This might have actually been a good idea. Rinkei thought as she lost herself in her mind, relaxing completely

WC: 477
TWC: 477



Katara continued to have her eyes closed, thinking about everything that was going on in her life.  Steam began to naturally get hotter, as the difference was fairly noticeable.  She was the only one in the tub, so it couldn't have been the entrance of another person.  Immediately thinking it was the concierge that was working the front counter, she submerged underwater to check to make sure he wasn't doing anything perverted underneath there.  Phew, thank god; I hate uncomfortable situations, she thought to herself.  Through the sliding doors, she could hear the concierge talking to another person; a lady, of course.  "Welcome young lady", he said.  "How's your day been?".  

Katara could hear the perverted man from all the way over in the tub.  I can't believe this guy, does he try to get in every girls pants that comes to the hot springs?  Not paying anymore unnecessary attention to it, she turned her head back facing forward, closing her eyes once more.  Suddenly she began to hear a noise, a sound of what seems to be a light walk of someone's footsteps.  After hearing the footsteps grow closer and closer to her, she peeped open her eyes just a tiny bit to get a sense of what was approaching.  There was a girl about to enter the same tub as her, as she took off her towel and got in the tub.  

The unknown girl seemed to be very comfortable in the tub, so Katara did not want to disturb her.  Hmm, she's got pretty hair, she thought to herself, keeping her eyes closed; only opening them slightly to get a peek at the young girl.  Laughing and conversation was heard throughout all parts of the Konoha Hot Springs, so it wasn't that abnormal to talk to people you've never met before.  She just hated the thought of being naked in the same area as someone else, and talking to them like everything that is going on is completely normal.  Katara has always had a curious nature, so she decided to try to be a little outgoing today and attempt to make a new friend.

"Hey there!", she said to the girl.  "Just coming into the hot springs to relax huh?  This place is the best place to go if you're looking to just meditate - unless you talk to the creepy guy that works at the front counter".  After she had just said what she did, she looked down into the steamy water.  Katara isn't used to being social, or even having any friends at all.  Her whole life was full of combat, training, and conditioning herself to get better so that she could accomplish her goals.  To talk to another person as if it was second nature to her was strange, but she was comfortable being in the presence of the girl - looking back up at her and giving her a friendly smile.  

Maybe today was the day she made a new friend, or tried to.  Katara has always had a curious nature ever since she was little, and wanted to know more about this girl.  Life isn't always about fighting and combat, sometimes you have to have a friend or two, she thought.

WC: 568
Total WC: 1,114



Rinkei was fully immersed in the relaxation that was induced by the steaming tub. She hadn't felt anything like it before, and part of her did not want to leave any time soon. At least not within the hour. She would probably pay for longer time. It was uncommon for her to enjoy trivial things that had no real application to life itself. But as she thought about it, she began to realize that this would be a great place to visit if she ever wanted to meditate for long periods of time; despite the other groups of people conversing in the other tubs.

Just as she was getting used to being so relaxed. A voice from across the tub, "Hey there!", it was the girl obviously. Sounding sort of bubbly and energetic. Normally Rinkei would disregard this, but it was obvious that the girl was in some sort of need of companionship. Where Rinkei didn't necessarily believe that she was the best pick for this sort of role, she wasn't going to deny this particular person her happiness. However, had it not been for the hot spring, it wouldn't have even been considered.

Rinkei opened her eyes completely from her squint. She met the other girl's eyes and gave her a friendly smirk. A smirk was about all Rinkei could give people these days, she often didn't find anyone worth smiling at. She decided to entertain the girls conversation. "I've never been in here honestly, and frankly this wasn't my idea...I would have much rather been out training today than spending my time in here. However, I do enjoy the relaxation this place has to offer. It's rather invigorating." She said, eyeing the exit "The concierge is indeed quite the creep." She said, stifling a giggle. Which surprised her to say the least.

She found herself torn between the option of making this person her friend, and just leaving before anything got too serious. For either of the two to get emotionally attached would be bad for the both of them. Rinkei hated the fact that she couldn't make friends the way she normally should have been able too. But her plans would only create issues for them, and the friendship would only get in the way of her plans. It was a double edged sword that she wasn't really prepared to fall onto. It was a scary thought to say the least.

Rinkei decided she would continue to speak with the girl anyways, she thought that if anything were to go too far that she would politely tell the girl that she wouldn't be able to converse or be around her anymore. And if the girl happened to get in her way...Regretfully Rinkei would have to end her life. All of that was theoretical anyways. So she disregarded it for the time being.

She raised a soaking hand and offered it to the girl, "Rinkei Hyuga." she introduced herself with a brisk nod, acknowledging her. She supposed she would start off this friendship correctly for once.

WC: 521
TWC: 998



After Rinkei and her had been in the tub for a couple minutes, Katara had already felt a sense of companionship.  It wasn't too intense, but at the same time it wasn't too light - it was something that she felt strangely content with.  Katara liked the way this girl carried herself - and to her, the first impression she had on Rinkei was that she was a relatively shy sort of character.  But that was all she could get as far as a first impression goes - other than that, she thought her and Rinkei would get along just fine.  Katara thought that the smirk that she gave her was adorable, and responded with a slight smirk right back.

Relaxing in the bubbly bathtub, Katara awaited a response from Rinkei, she was still being slightly nervous from having starting the conversation between the two of them.  She had always been an awkward kind of individual when it came to meeting someone she had never met before.  Without any awkward silence, the girl responded.  When Rinkei referred to the concierge as a creep, giggling while saying it, it made Katara have a feeling of warmth in the pit of her stomach.  It felt like she was bonding with a friend she had known for a lifetime, which was strange for her.  She hasn't had a feeling like this since her time in the academy, but it was a welcoming feeling.  

Katara responded with a slight giggle after she had called the front counter man a creep, leaving her with a smile.  The girl had raised her soaked hand in the direction of Katara, indicating an initiation of official greetings.  This made Katara smile even more when she had introduced herself as Rinkei Hyuga, giving Katara the feeling of being acknowledged.  Katara raised her equally as wet hand and shook it with Rinkei's.  Heh.  Very formal of her.  No matter to me, I like the vibes that this individual gives off, Katara thought.  As she was shaking hands with her, Katara paid close attention to the sense of touch.  Her hands were soft, reminding her of feeling a cloud.  "Nice to meet you Rinkei!  Senju, Katara.".

After letting go and allowing her hand to submerge back underwater, she decided that she wanted to keep the conversation going to avoid the feeling of an uncomfortable silence.  Not breaking eye contact with Rinkei, she continued the conversation.  "So, you say you've never been to the Konoha Hot Springs before?  You seem like you got relaxed very quickly - what do you do in Konoha?  Flower girl, shinobi.... Hmmm.... You look like someone who paints to me.", she said, more in a jokingly manner than anything else.  It was time for Katara to start asking questions to attempt to gain a closer bond with Rinkei, as that is what she truly did desire. She didn't want to seem too clingy or curious though, as that is what seems to stray a lot of people away from Katara - being the reason why she was so focused on combat all the time, she never was really good at having friends.

WC: 526
Total WC: 1,640



It was obvious to Rinkei that this girl had become quickly comfortable with her already. This had Rinkei confused. Rinkei often took her time attempting to get to know someone before getting comfortable; Which she normally never did in any circumstance. A few words and a smile was all this girl needed to trust Rinkei, it was sad to an extent. Rinkei couldn't even match the girl's feelings, she still saw her as a stranger. Shaking her head, Rinkei dismissed those thoughts I need to give her a chance, I need to stop being so guarded for once, there's nothing menacing I can see about her, so just let it happen she thought, obviously agitated with herself for being so seemingly close minded. She liked to be open minded, but never allowed herself the luxury because she was so guarded from other people. It was time for her to let down her defenses for once and just go with the flow.

The steaming tub sent a shiver up Rinkei's body, making her blush slightly before she was able to let go over the girl's shaking hand. Rinkei could see where this would look weak or flirtatious even too the other party, but she didn't mean for it to happen, it was strictly a reaction to the water, that was all. However, she could feel the girl slightly move her hand in attempt to get a sense of how she felt. Rinkei didn't mind this, knowing that her hands were usually supple and soft, but she was interested in knowing why the girl would want to know such a trivial thing. Nothing like that mattered.

The girl offered her name, and Rinkei found herself smiling again slightly. The girl let go of her hand and let it sink back into the tub. This was going well for her. For once she didn't feel like she was pushing people away. In fact she felt like she was bringing someone close to her, allowing them to come into her world for once. It was a weird experience to say the least, and part of her was still scared, but she couldn't let that stop her from attempting to make a friend today.

When Katara implied that Rinkei was a painter, she had been taken aback. A slight, noticeable frown centered on Rinkei's face. She quickly fixed it before it got to heavy. Don't be so rash Rinkei, it was only a silly guess, nothing more. There's no way she could have known otherwise. She allowed this thought to settle in her mind and she relaxed again, Rinkei didn't notice that her muscles had been tense the whole time, Katara had probably noticed. Rinkei hoped she didn't think much of it if she did. She made herself look like she was thinking instead, so that it didn't get too awkward. answered her question quickly before she let the silence settle too much. "Actually, I am a painter, how did you know?" She let out a giggle, which wasn't fake, but wasn't intended either. It was weird how this conversation was having an effect on her. Katara seemed like she was hesitant, but Rinkei felt a whole different set of emotions that she wasn't used to at all. Rinkei was interested to see where this went.

She moved some hair out of her face and awaited Katara's response patiently, actually interested in what the girl had to say.

WC: 600
TWC: 1598



The time that was being spent in the hot springs was a time well spent for Katara.  She was loving the hot springs experience that everyone seems to have everytime they go, but this one was different.  Katara was feeling a connection to a person such as one that she never has had with anyone ever.  She could already tell that even on the inside, she absolutely adored Rinkei - there was no doubt about it.  Just the sheer fact that Rinkei didn't make fun of her or anything of that nature was enough to make Katara love her personality.  There was no way this would be the last time that Katara and Rinkei would talk, as Katara so desperately wanted to bring up a way to keep communications up and running between the two of them.  No, she thought, It's too early for that.  You just made a friend that you like a lot, and you want to creep her out?  Tch.  She had thoughts that slowly made her feel a little more pressure than before.  

As Katara mentioned that Rinkei sort of looks like she had taken painting as a major profession, she noticed that she was a tad bit taken back.  Oh no, I did it.  I just creeped her out, already!  She noticed that her muscles had been very tensed up ever since they began the conversation and began to feel a little self conscious about herself.  Immediately after Katara began to feel self conscious, she immediately brushed it off as if it was nothing - that's just how she was.  Katara is a very un caring person who doesn't overthink too many things through bodily reactions.  If someone has something of importance to say, they'll say it; if not, it must have not been needed information at that specific point and time.  

Continuing the conversation, Rinkei replied to Katara's comment with a sense of companionship.  She could tell that Rinkei was beginning to open up to her a little bit more by confessing that she was actually a painter.  "Ah, It was just a lucky guess!  You just seem like someone who is the artistic type, that's all.", she began to speak.  "I've always wanted to get into painting as a hobby, but being a shinobi always got in the way".  That was a flat out lie.  Katara had never wanted to become a painter, as she thought to herself why she would even say such a thing.  It wasn't like her to be a compulsive liar like the way she just demonstrated.  Thankfully it was a small lie that couldn't be detected so it wasn't too big of a deal.  This girl.... She.... Does things to me, things that I can't emotionally comprehend.  Wanting to get over her lie rather quickly, she wanted to ask another question to make it seem more unnoticeable, "So, besides painting - are there any other hobbies you are interested in?  You don't seem like someone who sticks to one thing".

Katara had a small social breakdown, but quickly recovered from it.  She wouldn't let this girl change her personality, as she loved the way she was right now.  But all things happen for a reason, and everyone is subject to change - everyone.

WC: 555
Total WC: 2,195



The vibes she was getting from Katara was obviously telling Rinkei that the girl had a thing for her. Whether platonic or otherwise. She didn't mind that Katara was so interested in what she had to say. She needed this sort of companionship. Sitting around alone all the time was starting to actually drive her insane. Rinkei was afraid of what she might do if she isolated herself any longer. The more she thought about it though, the more it looked like she was just using Katara as a means to get away from the darkness. But isn't that what friends are for anyways? Helping you when you're at your lowest, and just overall being there for you? She thought, dismissing her previous statement. This was a good thing for her. Certainly better than training all the time and wearing herself out.

Rinkei noticed Katara react to the fact that she had be weary when Katara mentioned her possibly being an artist. Rinkei felt bad for acting that way, and hoped she could make it up to the newly found friend. She didn't want her to think that Rinkei was apprehensive of her. That would just push her away.

Katara tried to reassure her that assuming she was a painter was just a lucky guess. She didn't need to, but that only showed to Rinkei how good of a friend Katara was. It probably wasn't meant to be a compliment, but Katara mentioned that Rinkei looked like an artist, and that made Rinkei smile wide this time. She hadn't had anyone recognize her artistic abilities. She knew that Katara hadn't seen any of her paintings, but it was the thought that counted nonetheless.

When Katara asked about her other hobbies, Rinkei perked up a bit. Though she didn't have much to say to this, she was flattered that her new friend wanted to know more. "Well, honestly, there isn't much more that I do other than training and house chores. I tend to bog myself down with work a lot, I don't usually give myself time for trivial things like this, but..." Rinkei looked around the hot springs, smiling. "This is a nice change, I think I'll come back sometime." She ended with a firm nod, pretty much confirming that notion as true.

Rinkei also had wondered why Katara hadn't asked for any ways to get into contact with her in the future. The girl had seemed so wanting of companionship that Rinkei assumed she would have asked earlier. Instead, she decided to satisfy this thought herself. "Oh! Also, if you ever want to get in contact with me, you could always just stop by my house." She told Katara the location, hoping that she would remember later on. "Just be weary of my adoptive family, they may be Hyuga, but they are odd ones at that. Though, I wouldn't have been here today if it wasn't for them, so I suppose I thank them for that one." She said giggling softly to herself.

She was surprised that she would give out such information, but she did say that she would just go with the flow, so Rinkei didn't dwell on it too much. She was glad she came here today.

WC: 561
TWC: 2159



Relaxation.  That was the goal of today, just achieving at least thirty minutes of total relaxation.  What Katara received was even more than that - she believed she made a new friend today, a friend who may have changed her life.  As Rinkei continued to speak, Katara had a million thoughts rush through out her mind.  It was a stressed out rush though, she was in a very comfortable and relaxed state of mind, one that she wished she could've known existed a long time ago.  Hmph, she began to think to herself, We've been in the Springs for almost an hour now.  I should probably let Rinkei know, and offer a way for us to stay in contact, I can tell we both like eachother.  Rinkei was a friend that Katara could see herself with for a long time, helping each other grow and picking each other up when one is feeling down.  

After Katara had asked Rinkei about other certain hobbies she was interested in, one word stuck out to her that she had said.  Training, it was.  Everything else after she said after that word was irrelevant to her.  A shinobi?  Tch, why didn't I realize this sooner.  The white eyes, they resemble those of the Hyuga clan.  Most Hyugas are shinobis anyways, for their amazing doujutsu of the legendary Byakugan.  But this was a good thing for Katara, as they shared a similar hobby!  Unfortunately for her though, Rinkei stated that she does other things such as house chores and work, ugh, Katara hated work.  Also that mean't that they couldn't train all the time, as being a shinobi was basically a full time job for her.

As Rinkei continued to talk, Katara listened with intense concentration.  Her curious nature allowed her to focus on what she was saying, not breaking communication.  Surprisingly, the next thing Rinkei said was a suggestion of a form of future communication.  It was just a place to meet or anything, it was her own house!  The Hyuga household!  This surprised Katara, as no one has ever asked her to come visit them at their house before.  Her eyes lit up bright with an intense smile, a smile that she could not break.  

After Rinkei finished speaking, it was Katara's turn to return with something of value as far as communications go.  "Y-yeah!  I would love to hang out with you aga-", Katara was almost about to give out her address as well, before she was interested.  The concierge from the beginning walked up to the girls in the tub, "Time's up ladies", he began giving the two of them a creepy smile, "Do you young girls need help being escorted back to your changing rooms?".  Katara was really getting tired of the concierge and his creepiness, deciding to actually do something about it.  Unfortunately for the two girls, their towels were inconveniently being held by the concierge, far enough to where they would have to reveal their bodies to get to them.  

Making the correct hand seals, she whispered under her breath, "Bunshin no Jutsu", as a clone of Katara appeared behind the concierge.  The clone of Katara ran towards the concierges desk, hiding behind it so he couldn't see her if he were to turn around.  "Oh, concierge-san!  I'm ready for my, massage", the clone of Katara said in the most seductive voice possible.  The concierge looked up with such surprise, looking over at the desk, seeing only the head of the clone of Katara.  Without even thinking, he dropped both towels and began to sprint over to the desk.  

Katara laughed out loud, watching the silly concierge run over to his desk thinking he was going to get special treatment.  She decided it was time to get up and leave, being a little depressed about the whole thing in the first place.  Raising up out of the tub, she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her, looking down at Rinkei.  "As I was saying before, come visit me at the Senju household!  Either or, I'll come to the Hyuga household - as long as we get to see eachother again!  It's been fun, I'll be expecting you soon Rinkei senpai!", she said, waving behind her walking to the changing room.  

When she arrived inside of her changing room, she put all of her clothes on, hanging up the towel on the rack.  Hyuga, Rinkei.  I vow to see you again, you are awesome!  Katara began laugh and smile uncontrollably in the room, showing intense happiness.  After leaving the changing room, she took one last glance at the Hyuga girl, waving to her as she was exiting the Hot Springs building.  

Come visit me soon, please, she thought to herself as she was returning on her way home.

WC: 840
Final WC: 3,035

Stats Trained:

Speed: D ~> D-3 (1,175 Words + 150 Ryo)
Strength: E-3 ~> D (300 Words)
Perception: E-3 ~> D (300 Words)
Reaction Time: D ~> D-2 (725 Words + 75 Ryo)
Endurance: E-3 ~> D (300 Words)

Leftover Words: 235

--------------------{Exit Thread}-------------------



In spite of the fact that Rinkei believed she was boring Katara. She could obviously tell that the girl was completely immersed in the everything Rinkei had to say. There wasn't a time that she could point out where Katara had looked distracted or "absent" from the conversation. Rinkei quite liked the attention. Not for her own ego's sake, but because she hadn't had anyone care this much about anything she had to say in a while. It was a nice feeling that Rinkei wasn't entirely sure she was ready to let go of.

Of course, the girls had been there for quite a while, and it was probably ready to go. But Rinkei tried to squeeze in a few more sentences, just so she could converse more with Katara. Part of her just didn't want to leave the hot springs at all. She knew she had made a new friend, and probably a long term one at that.

Rikei noticed the surprise in Katara's eyes as she realized that Rinkei was a Shinobi. However, in retrospect it should have been obvious, due to Rinkei's eyes, a signature aspect of the Hyuga clan. She also noticed the girl's eyes light up at when she mentioned training. Hmmm, maybe she might like to train with me sometime.. Rinkei thought to herself. It would be nice to have a partner for a change, she could finally stack herself up against someone else and see how good she had actually become.

Katara responded to  Rinkei's offer shyly, which was cute, but before she could tease the girl about the little stumble of her words, the creepy concierge showed up, informing them on their time being up in the hot springs. It was already over. The concierge was attempting to goad the two girls out of the tub by holding the towels at a decent distance away from them, but Katara had other plans. Rinkei watched the girl whisper a technique silently to herself, where as to her surprise, a clone of the girl appeared behind the concierge. After a slight moment of silence and preperation, the Katara clone called out from behind the concierge's desk, seducing him over with a massage offer. This made Rinkei laugh.

After the man had left and dropped their towels, Katara stepped out of the tub and wrapped her towel around herself. Rinkei would have been lying to herself if she said that she did not sneak a peek at the girl's body. She wasn't about to go into detail though.

Katara went on by letting Rinkei know where her house was in return, and Rinkei was in full preparedness to see the girl again, it was no doubt. She just had to find the time. Katara waved at Rinkei as she walked to the changing room, giving Rinkei the label of Senpai. She was sort of taken aback by this bold statement, but she supposed she was older that Katara, despite a full-formed body (Once again, she wouldn't go into details) She still looked quite young in the face. Maybe thirteen?..Fourteen?..Oh well, I will find out later. She thought to herself. Rinkei waved back at the girl and stepped out of the tub herself to get dressed as well, and said her goodbyes respectively.


After leaving the hot springs, Rinkei felt a sort of loneliness erupt inside of herself, and wanted badly to be around her newly found friend. Rinkei had been without companionship for the longest time that she finally realized what she was missing out on now that it was gone.

She would continue to keep in contact with the girl regardless of what happened in the future. That day was a good day.


WC: 643
TWC: 2802

Stats Trained:

Speed: E ~> E-3 (450 words)
Strength: E ~> D (750 words)
Perception: E ~> E-3 (450 words)
Reaction Time: E ~> E-3 (450 words)
Endurance: E ~> E-3 (450 words)

Total: 2550

Leftover Words: 252

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