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1The Wolf Hunt [B-Rank Mission|Solo] Empty The Wolf Hunt [B-Rank Mission|Solo] Sat Mar 05, 2016 4:26 pm



Mission File - Marauding Wolf:

Day 0

His focus was taken up by the sandstorm, definitely not the best way to begin a mission, but he would not be deterred, for this task took him outside the village walls for a few days. Being outside the walls of Sunagakure no Sato was something he needed right now, something to clear his mind and not have to fret over the minor details of life that seemingly arose out of nowhere. Out here, in the vastness of the desert, Seiryū had the freedom to put his mind at ease and focus only upon a single task that needed to be achieved. No longer were the issues of running in to people he knew an issue, instead it all fell to Seiryū being able to being able to see the days ahead, even if he could only see a few feet infront of himself currently. Most individuals took missions for the betterment of the village, whether by eliminating threats or potential threats, or bringing about some object that would be of use to the village. Others, ones who more avariciously focused, took the jobs for their own monetary benefits, something that he had done countless times before, though not for the sake of having money to have it, but rather to survive. Now, however, Seiryū’s entire reason for accepting this mission, and likely a few more to follow, would be for the sake of escaping the walls of Sunagakure no Sato. He’d return after each mission, there was no doubt about it, but on occasion the village seemed to stifling with that looming presence constantly occupying his mind, now more than ever.

Pulling his desert cloak tighter, such that his eyes would be far more protected had he not done this action, Seiryū squinted, trying to see a bit farther than the storm normally allowed. His current goal was limited, but it was a start to accomplishing the mission that he had chosen for himself – anything to place himself further away from the village he called home for so many years. The only village his brain knew completely, inside and out, when it came to the back alleys and various escape paths on the streets. The task was simple, eliminating a wolf who had been terrorizing a village in the past few weeks, this task being quite similar to a previous one he had done as a Chuunin, where he hunted down a giant scorpion that had been spotted near a village. Just from an overall glance, dealing with the wolf seemed far easier than having to dealing with a giant scorpion running around. This beast, the bloodthirsty wolf, has thus far taken two victims, killing them and eating their remains. Seiryū’s objective was simple, hunt down the wolf and kill it before it killed anymore of the townspeople of this small, neighboring village.

The journey to the village shouldn’t have taken too long, but the sudden sandstorm delayed Seiryū’s arrival by, at least, an hour and a half. So far, he had been travelling through the storm an hour thus far, and he was moving faster than he calculated, so the village should be nearing soon, though actually spotting it wouldn’t be until he was a few yards away from it. Even with his eyes, normal ones that were keen to find minuscule details, spotting the village in this sandstorm just wasn’t possible. He figured, once he reached the village, he could rest for the night and then hunt down the wolf the following morning.

593|593 Total

2The Wolf Hunt [B-Rank Mission|Solo] Empty Re: The Wolf Hunt [B-Rank Mission|Solo] Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:20 pm



Day 1

The past night had been uneventful, having arrived in the village just before evening had hit, though the sun remained high in the sky. Seiryū had stayed overnight at the local inn, barren of visitors due to the recent attacks occurring near the village. The fear had spread itself, all of it originating from a creature who was only trying to survive in his own right. Unfortunately, as life would have it, the survival of humans was far more important than that of another living creature, or so it was assumed by the village of Sunagakure and the Daimyo of Kaze no Kuni. The creature had killed and eaten the corpses of two individuals and that had been two too many as far as the Daimyo and the council were concerned. Given Seiryū’s own skillset, taking down the wold would be a relative breeze, similar to the scorpion he had to hunt down. Just being able to shoot from a range and with a speed he doubted the wolf would be able to react to.

He had one more task to do, one that was explicitly mentioned to him by the villagers, to find the remains of the dead and bring them back, so that they could be put to rest. He didn’t know if he could recover much of them, aside from their bones, since from what he heard from the villagers and read in the dossier denoted the wolf acquired a taste for human blood. Dead humans were basically a meal for a wolf, so the likelihood the wolf had eaten the flesh and organs was a highly likely possibility. A quick kill and all this would be over. All he needed to do was find out where the wolf was making his temporary lair. On the brightside of things, it seemed like a lone wolf, for there was no reports of multiple wolves, just the single one which had attacked a couple of villagers over the past few weeks.

His eyes scanned the wilderness, the village now over an hour walk away, though he would certainly get there faster if he ran. But, he didn’t need to be there tonight, the wolf hadn’t been sighted for the past couple of days, giving Seiryū the inclination that the wolf had found a temporary home to rest. Unfortunately, that home would become the wolf’s final resting place. Another life he took because of the village’s demands. While it wasn’t human, the wolf was only trying to survive, it had just chosen the wrong species to attack and kill, not once, but twice. He’d have to make camp in the desert for the night, a few hours rest and patiently waiting for the wolf to give him a clue as to where it was, after all, once the moon was high in the sky, the job of locating the wolf became infinitely simpler.

491|1084 Total

3The Wolf Hunt [B-Rank Mission|Solo] Empty Re: The Wolf Hunt [B-Rank Mission|Solo] Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:21 am



Day 2

The chill that went up his spine told him all he needed to know, that he was being watched by someone or something. Given Seiryū’s current location and the animal he was tasked with hunting down and killing, he already know what was watching him without having to think on it much more. Normally, a human versus a ferocious animal would favour the beast to come out as the victor. However, Seiryū’s capabilities went beyond a normal, civilian person, for his heightened senses and athletic abilities would give him the advantage that the poor victims had lacked. Added to that was Seiryū’s own expertise with his weapon of choice, which would easily allow the archer to bring down the beast before it had a chance to do any significant damage to Seiryū.

Getting to his feet and looking in the direction he felt the eyes from, for the wolf wasn’t doing anything to remain quiet, in fact the creature made its presence widely known by the snarling. Behind the wolf was a hill and presumably the den he created to keep whatever remains of the humans he had massacred. For what reason, Seiryū didn’t know, but he figured the wolf only kept them around because it was too much of a hassle to remove them from its presence. A bark came from the wolf, its eyes trained on the shinobi, watching any action Seiryū would take.

A smirk was present on Seiryū’s lips for only a second before he utterly erased it. Reaching for his bow with his right hand and an arrow with the other was enough of a signal for the wolf to come charging at him. The simple action of drawing out a weapon was enough for the wolf to become aggressive – not that it already wasn’t.

The wolf was certainly fast, having closed the distance before Seiryū could fully draw his bow back and aim at where the wolf would be. Speed was on his side, but just not at this particular moment as the wolf lunged at his, aiming to grab his right forearm in his jaw. Fortunately his reactions were quick enough that he could sidestep out of the way of the creature’s vicious maw. With the arrow in his left hand, Seiryū aimed to jab it down as the wolf would fly past him in the spine, though he only managed to scrapes its left hind leg. As the creature landed on its forelegs, with only a slight hitch when landing on its hind legs, it began to turn around for a second round. Not wanting to take a second chance at having his arm ripped off by the wolf, this time Seiryū quickly drew back his arrow, pulling back on the bowstring, yet only taking a rough estimate of where he should launch his attack, for the wolf was coming in for round two.

Firing off the arrow was the best option he had at the moment without having to overthink the battle at hand and it paid off, for the arrow imbedded itself just to the right of its right eye. The flinch and whimper of pain that followed gave the shinobi the moment he needed to finish it off, even if he somewhat hoped there was a different way to conclude this mission. Unfortunately, the mission called for the death of the creature and that he could easily do. He fired off a second arrow, aiming this one for one of its eyes. It hit the mark. He felt bad, yet it was something he had to do and it was done. Seiryū walked up to where the wolf, once blood thirsty, was now cowering, curled up in a ball to protect itself. It was a lone wolf, much like how he felt in the world. Somehow, it felt like killing it would be killing a small part of himself, but he knew that was irrational. He had no connection to the wolf, so it wouldn’t make a difference. He walked closer to the wolf. The job was simple; just a slit of its throat and it would bleed out. Walking up behind the wolf, Seiryū took out his kunai to finish the job.

Having kept the blood off his hands, Seiryū stood tall, yet not victorious at all. Instead, he was left with the corpse of a wolf, two dead bodies to find and help bury, and a return home that would only reward him with ryo, though none that would make a world of difference in his life. Turning to face the hill the wolf appeared from, Seiryū ventured over it to find the den the wolf had constructed for itself, along with what looked like a pile of bones. He’d take those back to the village for the deceased’s friends and family to bury.

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818|1902 Total
1500 Words Required for Mission: Completed

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