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1Shudousha [WIP] Empty Shudousha [WIP] Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:46 am



Shudousha [WIP] Anubis-tattoo

Clan: Kashou  [和尚]

Kekkei Genkai: Shisubeki Shinden no Kamigami: Kouhei to Antai [Mortal Shrine of the Gods: War and Peace - 死すべき 神殿 の 神神 : 甲兵 と 安泰]
Elements: Peace: Fire | Wind
War: Water | Earth

Specialization: Shrine of Peace: Bukijutsu [Any] [Primary] | Ninjutsu or Fuuinjutsu [Secondary] | Senjutsu [Jackal] [Tertiary]

Shrine of War: Bukijutsu [Any] [Primary] | Taijutsu [Any] [Secondary] | Senjutsu [Crocodile] [Tertiary]

Location: Sunagakure no Sato

Clan History: A clan of ancient origin and ancient bloodlines, for generations beyond knowledge the Shudousha clan has maintained temples and religious sites across the desert lands and beyond; they have existed within the priestly and scholarly castes of the desert peoples. A clan that values knowledge and self growth, in all ways they should be a fair peaceful, normal clan of temple monks and priests. However, this is not always the case.

Deep within the history of the clan a schism occurred; not as much the refusal of tradition and the breaking of vows as a redefinition of what they saw as their purpose and the requirements of their patron deity. The clan had always been fairly inclusive in their worshipping; they saw an entire pantheon of deities as worthy of their devotion, and as such had a plethora of beliefs and ceremonies that expressed said beliefs. However, a subsect of the clan, over the course of generations, became fixated on a specific pair of deity within the pantheon, brothers that ruled over the duality of life and death, or so the sect believed. In reality, the brother Gods ruled over aspects within the realms of life and death, both dealt with important parts of the duality, but neither was a true ruler over either aspect.

Within the sect itself, a secondary schism formed, one side aligned with the brother of life, one with the brother of death; and at this point in their history the original clan fragmented. The worshipers of the brother deities stood together, even with the radical differences forming between them, they still followed what they saw to be the same path, just in a different manner; and over the generations following the divide of the original clan and temple they came to settle in high deserts that would one day become Kaze no Kuni, and eventually the village of Sunagakure no Sato.

Kekkei Genkai Description:



Members: Enki

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

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