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1Kasasagi Clan (Registration) Empty Kasasagi Clan (Registration) Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:10 pm


Symbol: Kasasagi Clan (Registration) Loyalty-italian-i-think-symbols-of-all-kind-34270378-260-257

Clan: Kasasagi

Kekkei Genkai: Kumashi (Soulward)

Elements: N/A

Specialization: N/A

Location: Konohagakure

Clan History: The Kasasagi clan is a fairly old clan first appearing during the time of the Second Hokage and before the First Shinobi World War. Nagai Kasasagi is the first known user of Kumashi and the founder of the clan. She was known in her time to be a powerful shinobi who has mastered her Kekkei Genkai to the point where she could counter nearly any jutsu. She even once escaped and entrapped a powerful shinobi in his own Genjutsu simply by using her Kekkei Genkai.
Throughout the years, Kasasagi were often fighting among each other due to envy and struggle for power. This eventually lead the clan splitting and scattering, never really staying united. The members would usually stay split as small, individual families and only meet up with their clan on special or important occasions.
The only uniting factor among the clan remained their Kekkei Genkai. This was due to the fact that Soulward never works on a clan member. This was the reason for both the infighting and reconciliation, the envy and love between the members of the clan.
Currently Kasasagi are still split and ambiguous to their clans whereabouts. Most of their members are shinobi or training to become one, several are in the Anbu and there are a few missing-nin.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Kumashi abilities inherent to every Kasasagi member manifest at the very beginning as a birthmark someplace on the body. The birthmark itself is connected and crucial to the chakra flow of the user and can be manipulated in various ways. To achieve control of this Kekkei Genkai a Kasasagi has to master himself and his chakra.
Hikitsukemasu is one of the variations of chakra control inherent to the user. Once engaged this technique allows the ninja to attract other shinobis chakra. To note this does not absorb alien chakra, Kasasagi chakra simply acts almost like a magnet to any other chakra. If touching another shinobi this does nothing apart from a tingling sensation of another chakra being attracted towards the user. However, in battle, if an offensive attack is being made the shinobi can attract the chakra used in the attack and seemingly slide it across their body with no harm to themselves. This also allows the ninja to use the Sokonaimasu in conjunction to make a powerful counterattack.
Sokonaimasu is the opposite of Hikitsukemasu, this ability retracts enemy chakra away from the user. Much like the seemingly magnetic effects of the twin ability, in this mode Kasasagi’s chakra simply denies any alien chakra to touch the users chakra. This allows the user to block enemy attacks with enough concentration and power. In conjunction with Hikitsukemasu a skilled shinobi can make powerful counterattacks using their enemies own jutsus.
Both of these variations also give the shinobi an inherent sensory ability. The higher the power of these abilities the larger distances and more targets the ninja can cover. He can either hide his chakra signatures or look for other chakra signatures in various directions.

Drawbacks: If the birthmark is found on the shinobis body it can be attacked with a pinpoint chakra attack to disrupt the chakra flow of its user and prevent him to use his Kekkei Genkai for a while.
Also, members of this clan are weakened when over-using their Kekkei Genkai, known as chakra exhaustion. In the past, Nagai Kasasagi used her Kumashi to reverse a powerful Genjutsu which left her in a comatose state for two days and a weakened body state for a week there-after.
Essentially overusing the Kekkei Genkai or countering particularly powerful jutsu will have adverse effects on the user.

Members: Nagai Kasasagi, Ketsu Kasasagi, Taro Kasasagi, Sayuri Kasasagi, Isamu Kasasagi

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Kumashi Henso:

Last edited by PaperScraps on Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:53 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : finished)

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