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Uchiu NPC:

Maigo sat there at the table in the shop, his hands cupped around a cup of tea, steam floating up towards his face as he stared at his reflection in the mirror of the liquid. The tea had two straws in it, each of them floating on their side, as he waited there. A girl he had met on a mission and in a few other places, Uchiu had told him to show up there for lunch the day before. Well, to be more exact, had sent a letter to his house, left to his parents where she had something to talk to him about.

Yesterday, Maigo walked into his house rather late from some training, had spent the night actually at the docks watching the sunset and ended up waking up late. When arrived back home, both his mother and father, the ones he grew up with and considered his family were at the table and waiting for him. His mother stared at he drink while his father stared at the letter in front of him, it wasn't like his dad to stay behind and not go to work. He spoke to him, told him to listen to his mother and that there was something important he had to share with Maigo, but that he had to leave. That was of course, after Maigo gave a long winded explanation of where he was last night and the rest of the things. Then, his father left to go on his mission and continue on, to which Maigo sat down with his mother and began to listen as he drank some coffee of his own.

Though his mother was no real help, she only had to say that she was his sister, his birth sister. And that she had to talk to him, desperately for some reason and left a letter for Maigo to meet her at a tea house to talk. His mother asked if she would like her to go along with him, he was always a mamas boy at heart and she knew that. She was always so kind to him, but he declined as he learned a little bit of truth to his story, he wanted to be alone. Besides, the Mugetsu part of him had refused to really tell him anything of his past, outside that he was adopted left on their doorstep in need. But that was all they would say, and it infuriated him so.

Now, Maigo sat in a tea shop, a few other people around, the shop with heavy tones of brown and darker colors. The aroma of the tea was heavy in the air and the shop itself was made of wood almost completely. He had already been sitting and waiting for nearly 30 minutes, a plate of dumplings also sat in front of him with his tea but his stomach was in such a knot he couldn't hardly bare to eat or even think of it. As he sat there a girl entered, red hair barely hung out from her hood as she walked in and looked around, her face and eyes could hardly be seen. Then with a quick motion she scurried over and sat down at the table with Maigo, no greeting or anything to start of their meeting and instead, took of her hood.

When she did so, bruises and minor cuts were immediately obvious, nothing swollen but it was obvious she had been in a fight and very recently. Maigo leaned forward to get a closer look, worry over his face as he looked over his sister's beaten face, he could only imagine how she was feeling and he had a strong feeling that their conversation might have something to do with this.

To be continued~

[633 words]



Maigo let go of the cup his hands had been holding tightly to, his eyes shifted quickly to his sister as she sat down. A quick look of disgust came over her face, "I don't need your pity, so stop giving me that look." she said with some disdain. Always how he remembered her, a bit rough around the edges but he had a different outlook on her now, at least a little different. He sat back in his chair, his hands on the back of his head he sighed for a moment. "I'm glad you showed up though, because there's a lot I have to tell you and it's gonna be tough to hear." she let on as a waiter approached the table. She ordered some sake of her own and some form of food, Maigo was too distracted to really listen to any of it. Sitting back down into his chair he spoke up, "Uchiu. Are you really my sister? I mean, this isn't some weird prank is it?" he blantantly threw it out there.

"Yeah. I'm your sister, birth sister." she said as she looked towards the table. Maigo's mind rand wild in that instance, part of him wanted to jump up and grab her from the table and hug her and he had so many questions and so much to say and so much to ask about her. Though immediately he stopped and gulped a little bit, "I'm so happy I could probably hug you right now." his eyes were beginning to water at the idea of having a real family member. His sister sighed slightly before scooting next to him and hugging him for a quick moment, Maigo couldn't tell if she had any tears in her eyes from his own. But he held on for a moment, his first hug from his sister and the one he knew, his memory almost slipped past him though. Maigo wiped his eyes a bit, and cleared his throat while holding her out for a brief moment, "But you have to tell me! Who did that to you? What happened, and are you okay?" he led on, his words came out faster the more and more he spoke. She stayed looking down for a moment and leaned back into her chair, taking a sip of the tea she had, "Yeah, that's kinda what I wanted to talk with you about. There's a lot you have to catch up on, and a lot you need to know. And it's probably going to come to affect you greatly in the near future and beyond." she spoke quietly now, her tone had become grin and her head held down. Maigo in confusion gulped a bit, he wanted to speak there was so much he wanted to know and yet it seemed like a more important subject was on the table.

"Well, how about we talk about that after, there's so much I want to ask and know, and this gap of my entire childhood I want, no need to fill in!" he said with excitement in his voice. Uchiu shook her head for a moment, "It's not something you can just put off, but fine, as long as they're quick questions then I'll answer them." Maigo's heart had felt like it skipped a beat, frantically he began to think and ponder, the first thing that came to his mind, "Um how old are you? And do we have any siblings? Where's Mom and Dad??" the excitement and desperation in his voice was apparent. Uchiu's head and posture dropped along with hearing it all, nothing could prepare her for this. She sighed and exhaled heavily, followed by a sharp breathe inward, "I'm 23 years old, so I'm your older sister. And there is one more brother out there, though I'll explain all that in time." she spoke quietly, the pain in her voice was more obvious than any other emotion that could have been brought forth. She now sat there with her hands cupped around the tea cup, steam rising up to her face an nostrils as she stared at her reflection in it. "I think I'll start at the beginning, and just go through as much of everything as I can..." she cleared her throat and began to go into her story.

"It was... nearly 18 years ago I think? A few months after you were born, you were still wrapped up in clothes most of the time and cried all the time, though you weren't the cutest baby, I wouldn't call you ugly either..." a smile on her lips, the love was there, but she was like him and that a quick quip at the expense of someone else was almost always worth it. "We had a nice family and lived in a small village outside the Land of Water. Still nearby it though, we occasionally visited the country and even had a few allies within Kirigakure. That's how I found the family you're with currently, they were acquiantances of our parents. But as for the story, a few months after you were born, there was a terrible fire that burned down our small village. At the time I had no idea what was going, I ran inside and found you crying amidst the flames and such." a small tear came to her eye and ran down her cheek, Maigo was intoxicated by the story as he listened intently, he spoke, "Uchiu..." merely trying to catch her attention. She burst out and was nearly yelling, "But she was dead!" Maigo's heart dropped and he just hugged his sister tightly, he could feel her pain in himself now. She hadn't need to say anymore to know where she was going with it, but as he hugged her again she spoke softly and wiped the tear from her eyes, "Our mother was dead. At the time, I thought it was a stranger but I found out it was our father. He killed our mother and stole our other brother away from us. And I couldn't do anything to stop him, utterly pathetic..." Maigo patted and rubbed her back slightly. "You can't blame yourself for something like that Uchiu, it's not your fault." he gulped, his heart was still dropping with each and every word.

A moment longer, the two of them sat there, the shop owner came to ask if everything was alright, and Maigo waved him off for a moment, Uchiu not even turning to address him. After a moment she spoke up, "Maybe we should continue this somewhere else, quiter and with less attentive ears..." Maigo nodded and agreed, as they stood up, "I know just where to go that we can talk, follow me..." he stood up and began to lead the way.

The entire time he watched her walk next to him and would occasionally smile and laugh to himself, she would give him a look like he was utterly losing his mind, and then she asked, "Are you laughing at me?" to which he would laugh further. "No, no, it's just that I get to walk and hang out with the most beautiful and best sister in the world!" he said snickering with his arms rested behind his head like he was propping himself up. He would lead her to a waterfall at the edge of the village, a few tourists would go and sight see there, but he knew of a certain tree that they could climb up and escape away from. Plus, the view of the village would be an amazing back drop for their conversation and getting into the nit and grit of whatever was to come next.

[1317 words, 1950 words total]

To be continued~



Maigo led the pair of them through the village, Uchiu had wiped her eyes and Maigo followed suit just in front of her. He had been crying tears of a different reason, his of pure happiness and hers had been from the sadness of regret. Though, Maigo knew not to hold her to anything like that, it wasn't her fault and she was just a kid. There was nothing she could do against someone like that, but his mind was really racing, his birth mother dead when he was only a few months old. He had hoped that when he found out that he was adopted that one day he might be able to reconnect himself with her, but that hope was ripped from him, leaving a small hole in his heart for the memory of his mother. The next thing his mind raced on, was this potential brother of his, and the sadistic father whom had taken him away and left him for dead. There was so much more he would have like to know, but he didn't dare push anything just yet, instead he continued on leading them through the village little small talk here and there and Maigo just generally being ecstatic in the moment.

It was only a short walk to the village wall and to exit the wall, Maigo explained to the guard that he was just going to walk around and stretch his legs some. Reluctantly he let Maigo go on, Uchiu followed after, giving the guard a mean eye as they walked by. The two of them headed out into a wooded area, until Maigo found one of his favorite locations in the village to relax. Within the woods was a small trail, a short break off path and one would come upon a stream with flattened rocks and trees making makeshift seats and the stream filled with small rocks and pebbles running in front of it. His eyes widened as he approached it, he immediately sat upon a rock with a tree behind him and began to take his sandals off and set them next to himself. Then with his feet sitting in the running stream, he leaned back against the tree and began to relax for a moment. Uchiu took a seat next to him on a rock, but didn't lean against one of the trees or set her feet in the water. "You should learn to relax a little bit, you know." he said to Uchiu as he sat there himself, she ignored his quip and looked towards him, "We still have a lot to go over, I'll relax when everything is said and done."

Maigo sighed softly and began to swing his foot through the water for a moment, "Right, so, what's with our father. Why would he do that, it doesn't make sense? Who would be so sadistic to ever even imagine that. Why Mom? Why me? And why run off with our brother?" Uchiu looked at her hands for a moment while collecting her thoughts. "At the time, I didn't know it was him. I couldn't tell whether it have been from absolute fear or worry or if he had used a transformation technique or genjutsu. But, long story short I figured it out after some time. I also found our brother alive, they're out there somewhere." she paused for a second and caught her breathe, Maigo's eyes widened a bit at the thought of them being alive and then faded at when the history reared its ugly head. "I found out that he was working some sort of minor ninja organization and some of his thugs actually found me. I beat them senseless for trying something, when I begged them to tell me who they were working for, they refused and I thought I had killed them except I suppose I didn't. When they went back to him, they explained everything to our father I suppose. He had wiped out all of the people with my Kekkai Genkai in the area, so he sent more to find and put out a hit to identify me. That time, he won, and they got my name through some means, and he found out that I was still alive. The third time I met up with his thugs they sent me a message from my father but I killed them as well, the rage at the thought of him." Uchiu had clenched her fist now, squeezing it in anger. "When he learned I was at least that capable, he sent more guys, better trained and such. They came after me and caught me outside the village when I was riding a boat from one of the smaller islands. They knocked me out and dragged me to another island where they tortured me and found out everything they could." she grimaced and a tear started to fall from her eyes.

Maigo had already sat up and leaned over to her, crossing his legs, he let his head fall and his forehead hit hers while he spoke, "It's going to be alright, you're safe now, and you have me. I won't let any of those heathens do anything anymore, especially not to my own sister." she smiled slightly at the sentiment but stayed looking down. "I knew of your existence before I was captured, they didn't. Our father never showed up, but his thugs may have found out that you exist, the torture genjutsu and things were beyond my level, they could have sent word and could be hunting us both as we speak." Maigo sighed and sat back up straight. "That's fine, then we'll both take them on, and end it here. Maybe if we take down the best of his men then we can scare them off, and take the offensive to him." Maigo smiled, his confidence shown through for whatever reason. He was the younger brother to a very independent and strong Uchiu, however in this moment he felt like the one who needed to comfort her. In truth, Maigo's own mind and emotions were a hailstorm of fire and brimstone, the audacity of his birth father to do this to Uchiu and himself, to drive his family apart like this and all for what? He didn't know and almost didn't care to know, his mind was settling quickly into the idea of directing his wrath and anger, all the pent up emotion and misunderstanding of his life directly upon him.

Uchiu interrupted his train of thought though, "I did manage to find out about him though... Not our father, our brother. His name was Arata, he goes by Arata Uchiha now. Supposedly he's incredibly strong now, being trained by our father and such. Both of them share the same eyes that you do, and that's what this all seems to be about." she paused for a second again and collected her thoughts. "If you were wondering why he would do any of this, I don't have a true answer for it, only context clues from the insults and things that I got from the thugs who had captured me. I suppose, our father grew to hate my Kekkai Genkai Dojutsu, the one that me and my mother shared while you, Arata and our father all shared that precious Uchiha DNA. His hate forced him to kill every Borou member he could get his hands upon, including our mother, and his attempt to kill me and leaving you for dead as well." Maigo was immediately confused, he wasn't following along well whether it be from his own lack of caring or if he had was just traumatized by the idea in general. He burst out nearly yelling, "That doesn't make sense! I have the Uchiha blood too though! And why your clan, what could they have done??" his voice was frantic at the thought of it. Uchiu put her hand in his hair and touseled it a bit as she began to speak, "It's because of your eyes, you see when you were born, you had those same yellow eyes but black hair. The hair was a trait of the Uchiha, but they always had black and dark colored eyes, your yellow eyes led him to believe that you had inherited the Borou genes. But it seems that's not always the case... As for why, I have no idea, I suppose we'll have to ask him that if we ever get the chance."

Maigo scratched at his leg for a moment, "So there we are, a destroyed family, leaving me to dead and taking my brother as his own pawn while he runs some underground organization and now hunting you and potentially me down to take our lives. The pure ignorance of it all..." his voice bred of anger now, his lips flared but a little as he spoke, reaching down and sliding his sandals back onto his feet. A slight twitch and crack of the branch, Maigo's ears twitched at the sound as he reached for his katana. Uchiu looked around all the same, she grabbed at the hilt of her own sword as the two of them stood up completely and began to observe their surroundings.

From the brush three men burst forth with some speed, match even Maigo's own, the middle of the three jumped right over them as they ducked down. "We know it all now, and don't think you're gonna break out and escape so easy, we captured you once and now you're dead little girl. We'll just take your friend here as our leverage and let him do the talking to Arata... after all, from what you said, he does have some history." The two of them watched the three men whom had surrounded them, Maigo's grip tightened around the sword at his side, he glanced slightly towards Uchiu who was also angry but not as livid. He could see a slight tremble in her wrist, she was certainly going to hesitate and he could see it happening ahead of time, now he had to figure out how he was going to get them both out of here alive. Maigo wasn't sure about the possibility of others lying in wait, but he knew that they were skilled enough to beat Uchiu on her own, and that meant that he needed to take caution for the situation.

To be Continued~

[1770 words, 3720 words total]



Surrounded, but not outnumbered, it was a mere situation where tactics would determine their survival. These three thugs were certainly no ordinary thugs though, to track Uchiu for this long and to have the gaul to take them on blindly. Maybe they might not be as skilled, but your average thug would attack before monologuing themselves away. Maigo stepped into his heels, grabbing his sword's hilt and drawing it as he dashed forward, two of the men from the sides stepped towards the middle man and blocked his thrust. A smile hit all three of their faces as they realized that they might have a chance, able to keep up with Maigo and his speed, which boded poorly for Uchiu who was less skilled than Maigo. Uchiu jumped up from behind him, leaping forward with her own weapon drawn, intent to swing and take the head of the middle man. But he was quicker, taking a step back he weaved the rat handsign together and targeted in Maigo and Uchiu, it was here that Maigo recognized that handsign as the earth spun around him and began to spin.

It was familiar, but his attention was distracted as he watched Uchiu freeze in air and fall to the ground with a thud, each of the two side men took a quick slash at her, landing deep cuts. "No!" Maigo gritted his teeth while yelling, followed by a step back, cocking the sword and attacking viciously at the other two men, each movement was wild and frantic with no co-ordination from step to step. It was no use though, no matter the rage behind it, the two countered each other perfectly and parried each strike and covered each others steps perfectly, not to mention the third guy still not in the game. Then with blinding speed each of them stabbed Maigo, one sword in each shoulder, cutting completely through him and binding him to a tree. Blood rushed out, the sensation of pain tingled through him, and his sword dropped to the ground. The two men, snickering, walked away from him, leaving him impaled on the tree.

Maigo shook violently, but nothing, the swords wouldn't budge, his sharingan focused in on them approaching Uchiu, moaning on the ground and blood beginning to build up around her as she lay there. The third man stood over her, his sword already drawn and laughing, his eyes locked in with Maigo's but there was nothing he could do. Further leaning forward, trying to do anything to break free, but nothing, his own wounds opened up more but he was blind to the pain. Pure fear and panic began to consume him, he yelled out, but his voice failed, it must have been raining. Water began to drip from his eyes, his face dropped in the anxiety of it, it felt like his heart was about to stop as he watched the other two guys draw daggers from their backs.

The rest, would be difficult to swallow to say the least, it was like all the sound in the world had vanished as they began to grab hold of Uchiu and stand her up against a tree. Blood all over her clothes, the center man, the main one behind their little squad spoke up, "I think that we're gonna have a bit of fun before we finish this little tramp off." Laughing. He was laughing as they prepared to commit an atrocity right before his eyes. One of the other lackeys jumped in, "We're gonna make the other kid watch as we have our way with his sister? That's dark boss..." the lackey spoke as his eyes ran over Uchiu, it was sickening. Maigo only saw blood, his sharingan now displayed the world in black and red, his mind spinning and heart had all but stopped. The boss then chimed back in, "No no, for the three of us, that would take too long, we've got to keep that one alive too, we'll have to settle for some basic torture." his smile still as wide as ever.

Uchiha had slide to the ground, her breathe was lapsed and blood was overly apparent now, covered from head to toe as it continued to pour out. They grabbed at her, the daggers in their opposite hands, assault in the worst way and the kind that would haunt her for the rest of her life if she should live. Tears began to roll from Maigo as he couldn't bear to watch anymore, his head falling to the ground. The man called out, "Don't tell me you're done yet, we haven't even gotten to the actual torture!" he burst out into a hardy laugh as he held his sword up high to the sky. Maigo's eyes widened towards the ground, his sharingan glanced up to see his blade fall downwards, cutting an arm off of her completely. Blood splattered outwards, her eyes locked with Maigo's teary sharingan, nothing with all his strength or might to do. There was more fear in her eyes than his, he could see the light in her eyes beginning to fade, one of the other bandits took her other arm out and held it out.

Then with a quick thrust he shove his dagger through the back of her hand, now protruding from her palm. Then he shoved her hand into her stomach, more blood and more gore. Maigo cried out, a yelp in the silence, the men laughed as his rage and pain built. The main man laughed heavily, "Alright, that's enough, let's finish this." his sword swung in a flash of light, Uchiu went blank as more blood splattered outwards. Her neck was cut in a quick motion, Maigo watched in disbelief as their eyes locked again, nothing he could do. Nothing, his mind snapped, every bit of self control he had was gone.

"I'm going to kill you." Maigo's voice was hushed at first as he looked down, his eyes expanded and his sharingan trained on the ground. "What was that, Brat!" the leader called out.

"I said I'm going to kill you!" Maigo was yelling, like a chained dog to an intruder. "I'm going to rip the flesh from your bones you unforgivable swine! Come closer so I can take hold. Let me have it, your blood, all of it. I'm going to rip you apart. Your corpse will be so mangled not even the deepest pit of hell would consider it normal!" Extreme blood lust in his eyes, his sharingan trained on them, Maigo thrashed violently, more so than before, blood splashing from his wounds as he slide his body further down the swords and fought to free himself from the tree.

The leader smiled again, "Fine, we'll just count your death as an accident then." and then he took his sword and sheathed it in Uchiu, cutting from the crown of her skull and impaling her straight through. The horror of it all, the bloody and gruesome scene before him, and his demons laughing at him. His worst nightmare realized, unable to protect his only family, his sister he just learned existed and already, he had failed. His eyes were wide and expanded as he looked on his foes, then with a twist in fashion. Fear. It paralyzed him, and it was almost like he was in a moment of bliss. Everything was black and red still, everything spun, and his head. He was in hell, viewing it before his very eyes. Hell.

[1277 words, 4997 words total]

[Note: Maigo is currently in the enemies Hell Viewing Technique.]



Everything cracked. Things shifted as he moved, no longer pierced to a tree but instead gripping at the ground in front of him. Everything was different, what was hidden from his eyes was now as clear as day. The genjutsu plaguing his mind faded away too sweat and adrenaline, his palms in cold sweats as well. He looked up, Uchiu had been kicked away, surviving the blow and laying on the ground. The very essence of what stood before him was different as well, burning masses where their bodies were. He could see there every movement as it was happening, a slight silhouette of it too, his eyes had changed, the things he could see and interpret had expanded. He grabbed his sword, in anger, pure rage he charged forward to the two side-kicks with his sword in hand, ready to strike at their very essence.

The first man lifted his sword to strike downwards, but Maigo saw the movement and the planned strike, he stepped to the side and slashed heavily, leaving a deep gash across his chest and stomach. Then without delay, he pushed chakra into his sword and spun quickly, blasting a chakra crescent wave into the other man before he could even launch his own attack. Then continuing on with his rotation, aggressive and his arms lagging behind his shoulder, he pushed the second wave violently back into the first man. Blood splattered from them both as Maigo stood between them, sprinkling onto him and his jacket as he paused, both of the men cried out as their skin split open. Almost delayed, their swords dropped to the ground and Maigo's eyes went and fixed onto the last of the three men.

The alleged ring leader, he gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on his own sword. Maigo's face was almost blank, rage poured forth as he eyed his target, primal instinct in place of calculated reason. The man charged forward towards Maigo, but his instinct and the advantage of seeing his movements, it was astounding to say the least, he dodged the first swing and blocked the second like it was nothing. Then with a quick step in, he stabbed the man through his stomach, using his shoulder to push into the man and drive the sword as deep as it would go. He coughed, a bit of blood coming out with the air. Stepping back just as quickly, he drew the sword out, then in another spin he cut the throat of the man, more blood pouring out to spray on Maigo again. The man's body dropped as Maigo stabbed it again to be safe, his head dropped in dismay, blood all over the ground.

It didn't end there though, three corpses not quite dead yet. That wouldn't do at all, the rage hadn't subsided in the slightest just yet. He went to the body and grabbed hold of it, lifting the man from the ground, his sharingan trained into his eyes. Letting him see the eyes of the man who was about to kill him, a quick strike from his fist, sword in hand to add texture to the blow. A cracking noise in his knuckle, breaking the first knuckle of his hand on contact, but that's fine. Maigo had 9 more. Beating the man to a bloody pulp, slowly, feeling every ounce of rage poured out with each blow. Then once he was satisfied he would carve him up like the degenerate he found him to be. He would hardly be identifiable, not without a careful look through of his person, at first glance his corpse could be anyone. Letting the body fall to his feet, bloody knuckles and a bloody sword to go along with it, he felt calm, his breathe heavy as it made a thud against the ground. Then his eyes wandered to the other two, his rage built back up to the original levels he started at, there was no turning back. They each needed to learn not to mess with him or his sister so lightly, even visiting Charon their battered bodies would carry scars into the afterlife once he was done with them. Two more to go, easily done.

Uchiu grunted as she began to stand up, Maigo turned his head as the last body dropped, and ran towards her, catching her in his arms. He glanced down at the cut, his sharingan ran over it and the blood beginning to seep out, he shook his head and told her to be quiet. He himself was covered in blood, and knew he had a situation to deal with here. The bandits, although degenerate pieces of trash, were still citizens and with their mangled corpses, there wasn't much of an argument for self-defense. Luckily, he had gotten just far enough out of the village that it would be sometime before the ANBU would scour the area. But he did know where they might end up, Picking Uchiu up and carrying her like she was severely wounded. She might hate it but he quickly ran off, headed for the main road and left her just off the path on a bench. "Stay here, someone will find you. And I'll be back soon, if you're still here." he spoke calmly, no telling how she was truly reacting to it all and the rage that poured forth from him.

Whether it was from his new eyes or not, he couldn't hardly tell but didn't care, he sped back to the scene of the crime. Dragging the bodies further away into the woods, towards a small cavern the cut in behind a waterfall, there, the bodies would escape any wandering eyes and hidden behind rocks, it would take someone searching for them to find the corpses. Then, Maigo stepped forward and stood under the waterfall, holding his head up to let it rush over him, cleansing the blood from his jacket, mostly. The stains would still be noticeable, but the large splotches would wash away and the blood on his sword and skin would clean up also. But more so, he just enjoyed the feeling of the water on his face, washing over him and trying to cleanse himself of his crime, he had a situation to deal with and not many people he could turn to.

Well, he did know one person who seemed to be extraordinarily okay with the idea of death, but could he trust him with this? He wasn't much of a killer, this was actually the first time he had taken a life without his sensei or another higher up there to deal with the aftermath. And the first time he had taken a life outside a mission as well, quite a lot to deal with, but for now, he was just enjoying the flowing water crashing over him.

[1159 words, 6156 words total]
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