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1Requesting Entry Empty Requesting Entry Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:18 pm

Moussa Sissoko

Moussa Sissoko


Moussa walked slowly through the desert, gradually approaching Sunagakure. He had walked through rain, sun and one hell of a sandstorm. To put it simply, Mouse was in one hell of a bad mood. He was down to his last pot of ramen and he was starving. Mouse reached into his bag and pulled out the pot noodles, ripping off the lid and activating the seal, which when activated heats up the water;nifty huh? He took out his chopsticks and ate the noodles quickly, wolfing down every last bit of it. The first thing he would do when he got into Suna would certainly be eating. He saw the gates, but didnt run, still walking at a slow pace approaching the gates. Mouse wondered what he would do if he wasnt allowed entry, probably try to make his way to Konoha, but it is easier said that done...

Moussa approached the entrance to Suna, trying to talk to the guard. Not much luck, the idiot was asleep on duty. Mouse slammed his hand on the table, attempting to wake him. No luck. He shouted in his ears as loud as he could. No luck. Mouse was reluctant to smack the man, he was Iwa nin as it was, smacking your enemy's guards isnt a good idea. Mouse continued shouting and banging the desk, desperately trying to wake the guard. No luck. Mouse slapped the guard with a great deal of force, right across the cheek.
"You fucking moron, wake up"
It was amazing how fast the guard woke up....

Moussa stared the guard, trying to apologize for his....excessive force. The guard was more relieved than angry, happy that Mouse had woken him up before someone caught him sleeping on the job. The guard took one look at his forehead protector, and realizing that Mouse was an Iwa nin, attempted to call for backup. No luck, before he could get on the radio Mouse had his kunai, which had a 7 inch blade, to the guards throat.
"Call for backup and I will kill you right now. You are going to get the Kazekage, and tell him or her that there is someone defecting, who wants to join Suna. Comprende?"
The guard turned the nob on the radio, finding the frequency to speak to the Kazekage, he told her exactly what Mouse told him to, then slumped in his chair....

2Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:44 pm



Gin's morning had started off well. She had woken up after a long night's sleep - something that rarely happened nowadays - and had finally eaten a breakfast that didn't involve an instant meal, now that she had someone that could cook for her. She hardly had any paperwork to do, which meant she would get home early - again, something that rarely ever happened. She had been working all morning without stopping so that she could be able to leave even earlier than she planned. There was nothing like a free afternoon, where she could spend time with Sake or Anshin as she pleased. She sighed happily, just thinking about what she could do with the much wanted free time. However, her plans just had to be cancelled. There was always something that got in the way. There weren't any exceptions. Such was the life of a Kage. Just as Gin signed the last sheet of paper and let go of the pen, she heard something coming from the radio.

At that moment she knew that her afternoon would be ruined. Her stomach sank, she felt like crying. "Why?! Just why?!" She yelled. The message was for her to get her ass over to the gate, lest a rogue shinobi kill her guards. Additionally, he wanted to join the village. Way to make a good impression. She sighed. She had no choice now, did she? Gin opened the window in her office, thinking that she would get to the gates faster if she left this way. She sped up across the streets. Once she got to the gates, she stood atop, looking down on the new shinobi. She looked at him warily and skeptically. "State your name and a good reason why I should let you in here," She said, her tone was chilling and dry, expressing just how much of an inconvenience she thought that this newcomer was.

3Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:05 pm

Moussa Sissoko

Moussa Sissoko

Moussa put away his Kunai after the guard radioed the Kazekage and leant against the desk, waiting for him or her to arrive. He could be a valuable asset to Suna, if he was let in. He had heard that Suna was short on medical nin, so he could fit that bill perfectly. Of course the guard had mentioned that Moussa held a Kunai to his throat, so the first impresssion wouldnt have been amazing. Anything was better than Iwa though, so hopefully the Kazekage would let him in.

The wind began to pick up, and Moussa sensed another sandstorm coming on. Brilliant, Mouse had already walked through two of them, he didnt quite fancy another. The desert wasnt really Mouse's best suited enviroment, but he would take it a million times instead of Iwagakure. Maybe he could get Jonin rank in Suna, that would be good. Mouse turned to the guard and apologized, it was best that he made a better impression this time.

The Kazekage didnt look happy when she approached, she looked rather fed up to be honest. Wasnt very good for Mouse's case, less of a chance of getting in now. Her tone was hollow, suggesting that she really didnt care about Mouse, which was ok really, she would care about him a whole lot more when she found out he was a medic.
" The name's Moussa, nice to meet you by the way, and sorry about the guard. You might want a new one by the way, he was asleep on the job Mouse turned and gave the guard a glare as he said the words.
" And Im an experienced medic, I hear Suna is short on those. But if you really dont want me... Moussa turned around, but didnt start walking yet....

4Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:34 pm



Gin watched as the man turned away. It was a cheap move, really, trying to get her to insist for him to stay just because he was a medic-nin. "You're bluffing," She stated simply, probably calling his attention before he began to leave. She felt the wind pick up and instantly knew that a sandstorm would come in less than half an hour. She had lived in the desert most of her life. She knew these things by heart already. "There's a storm brewing and we both know that," She began. Illustrating her chain of thought for him. "You say you come from Iwa so you've probably been travelling for days. People who don't know the desert get lost in storms easily and run out of food even quicker," She stated. Her tone now had a hint of slight amusement. "My point is, you need us more than we need you. So let me ask this again, why are you really here?" She said, her tone turning slightly menacing towards the end of her phrase. "I suggest you answer with honesty. The odds are in my favor here, after all."

5Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:43 pm

Moussa Sissoko

Moussa Sissoko

Moussa kept his back turned even as the Kazekage spoke. He drew his special kunai, with a 7 inch blade and twirled it on his finger. He smiled to himself, from ear to ear. The Kazekage was bluffing. Suna was short on medical nin and she was probably dying to get one in there, she was just seeing how far Mouse would go. He took a few steps forward before he spoke without turning around.
"We both know that you're the one bluffing, so let's cut the crap. Do you want me or not?"
Mouse took a few more steps forward, before putting his kunai back in the holster. He really didnt care about the whole "Storm" situation, he had survived a few on his way there. Even if the Kazekage didnt want him, he could survive long enough to get to Konoha, and claim that he was there to watch the exams. He finally turned his head to the Kazekage when he spoke again.
"And I already told you why I'm here, believe me or dont believe me, I want in."

6Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:12 am



If there was something that Gin didn't tolerate, it was disrespect. It pissed her off to no end when people didn't recognize her authority. People even within her own village often felt that they could step over her just because she was a woman, or because she was new at the job. The fact that an outsider - from Iwa nonetheless - was doing so only made it worse. Who did he think he was? He was nothing more than an exiled shinobi. Her eye twitched and her slight grin turned into a blank frown. "Do I want you, you ask?" She began, her voice tense and chilling. "Why would I want an insubordinate bastard from Iwa?" She yelled, crossing her arms over her chest. She didn't need more people that tried to undermine her authority.

The young Kazekage groaned in frustration. So he just wanted to get into the village? That was difficult to believe. He could have easily been a spy from Iwa. "Why should I believe you?" She asked simply. "Give me a good enough answer and I'll let you go through these gates. Fail to do so and you'll find yourself at the receiving end of my blade," She said. Her tone was serious, it left no room to doubt her. She looked down at the foreigner, carefully inspecting his every move. Her guard was up, so that she could come up with a quick response if he tried to attack her. But she made herself seem at ease and relaxed. "You also ruined a damn fine afternoon, I'll have you know," She added, her voice more relaxed.

7Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:20 am



(OOC: Hope it's okay I entered but I don't think Gin should deal with you alone considering the situation)
Nora entered the room the room with a semi-sadistic smile he heard the yelling, and came to make sure that his favorite kage was okay. He stood behind the kage as both a comforting presence for the kage and an intimidating figure for the rouge. He smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder and wispered in her ear. "Ma'am I hate to be disrespectful, but we do need healers, and we should at least test his abilities; maybe put him through a probationary period. If he looks funny we could kill him then" Nora generally was a voice of destruction, but in thi situation he was attempting to be a voice of reason and should things get bad a way to keep his kage safe.

8Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:19 am

Moussa Sissoko

Moussa Sissoko

Moussa turned his head away from the Kage away. For some strange reason she was getting pretty heated up, like she was demanding respect. Anybody who calls Moussa an Insubordinate Bastard will have a tough time getting his respect. Anybody that know Moussa will realise that he is as loyal and as obedient as they get. Of course, he has a love for fighting and a knack for revenge, so if you get on his bad side you get the worse end of Moussa. Now threats? Why the hell was he even anywhere near Suna, with this impatient fool ruling?

The other person who came to get involved. Didnt seem to be too physically strong, if he got on Mouse's nerves he would be sure to kill him. He whispered something into the Kage's ear, hmm, probably a plan of sorts. Mouse wasnt a member of Suna yet, he was still classed as an enemy, so Suna had not gained his loyalty as of yet, he would speak as he pleased.
"Beat it, weakling"
Mouse gave the other person a pretty nasty look as he said that. Then Moussa turned to the Kage, drawing his kunai, with the 7 inch blade and twirling it on his finger.
"I've given you a good reason, you are short on healers, I already told you, if you dont want me I will gladly just piss off. And tell that weakling dickface to fuck off, hes pissing me off just being there"
Moussa began to walk, and would only stop to turn around should the Kage answer. If she did answer, and she let him in, he would turn around and his attitude would switch, thanking her and apologizing, asking for forgiveness and explain the situation. If she would answer angrily, or still question him, he would carry on walking, until he reached Konoha, a village which he was already loyal to.

9Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:43 pm



Gin grunted. Even though she didn't want to accept it, Norahike had a point. They were short handed at the hospital. However, she had a tendency to dislike people that came from Iwa. She found them untrustworthy. They usually played dirty, using spies and the like to gather information on the other villages. She narrowed her eyes. Even if he was a spy, she could probably still use him. She would keep a close eye on him for the first few months. If he managed to form close ties in the village, she would practically win herself the loyalty of someone who was possibly strong. After all, he had to have some degree of strength to survive in the desert on his own.

By the way the newcomer yelled at Norahike, she could tell that he had a bit of an attitude. She generally liked people who could stand their own ground and who could stand up for themselves, even when confronted with someone who could easily take them down. It was a trait that she encouraged the people of Sunagakure to have. Maybe this new addition wouldn't be such a bad idea after all... She pursed her lips as she thought about what to do for a moment and finally resolved to let him in, though not with a couple of conditions before. "Alright, I'll grant you a place here," She began, though she still sounded as if she were forcing herself to accept him into the village. "But you'll have to take a place both as a teacher and as a medic in the hospital. Those are the only two conditions I have for you, besides the obvious."

10Requesting Entry Empty Re: Requesting Entry Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:46 pm



Nora was skeptical in the ninja but didn't attack he had more patience now thanks to a certain genin. "Well Mouse," playing on the mans name, "Looks like you and I will be spending a lot of time together... but first a test of your abilities" he grabs the puppets arm behind him and stabbed it into his hand all the way through, Then he pull the blade out, " now if you can heal this you are in fact at least a descent healer but if you can't..." his voice trails off

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