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1Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:36 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

"She's brought me to the training grounds... Really don't want to do this... Really, Really, Really don't want to do this..." Rikuto was dreading what was about to happen. If there was one thing he didn't want to be doing today, it would be training. "Uh... Do we... Do we have to do this...?" His voice was still quiet and nervous. He didn't want to run from fear of being hunted down, and he didn't want to beg to be let go from fear of being put down by Gin's words. Rikuto was shaking slightly, and could see there was no escape. Looks like he had to stick with it and hopefully be done with all of this. Truth was, Rikuto couldn't see anything good that would come out of this. Even though he'd really be getting a lot of experience. Still going to be torturous...

Words: 146/1400:

Last edited by Rikuto Shiro on Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:09 pm



Gin cracked her knuckles and smiled deviously. After such a long time waiting, she finally had a Genin to train. This was going to be fun. She had dragged Rikuto straight towards the training grounds. He was shaking in fear, but Gin honestly didn't care. Best rid him of that fear now rather than in battle, where the boy could actually die. He could thank her later. "Yes, yes we do have to do this," she answered his question. Her tone was kind, but there was an underlying hint of demand and mischievousness in it. "What to do, what to do..." She mused. "Do you have any jutsu in particular that you need to learn?"

3Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:18 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

"I... I have two that I've been practicing and haven't really gotten down... One... One is a wind ninjutsu... and the other is an earth ninjutsu..." Rikuto took a deep breath in order to calm himself down. He was getting nervous. Gin's voice gave off a kind tone, but Rikuto could easily tell by her odd smile that he was in for a lot of pain. Even mentioning his unfinished jutsus made him uneasy. "So... I... I guess we can work on those... If you want..." It seemed that Rikuto wanted to step back and let Gin take charge. She knew a lot more than him and could help him learn the jutsus. Rikuto was able to stop shaking, but replaced the shaking with putting his hands together and messing with his fingers.

Words: 279/1400:

4Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:29 pm



Gin nodded. "Man, this kid is a piece of work" She thought. "Doesn't really take much to scare him." She watched as the boy took a couple of steps back and smirked. "Well show me what you can do," She ordered. "Don't keep me waiting," She added. She crossed her arms over her chest and feigned disinterest. She reached into the item's pouch hanging off of her waist and pulled out one of her many perverted novels - one with a grey cover that had come out just recently. The young Kazekage looked at the boy from the corner of her eye, still. She waited for him to act while she thought of what, exactly, she would do to push him to his limit and to pull him out of his shell.

5Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:01 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto swallowed the lump in his throat and took a deep breath. He had to calm down and get this training out of the way as soon as possible so he could get back to doing anything other than this. "Um... Alright... I'll start with the wind one I guess..." He shook his arms out, took a deep breath in, put his hand up to his mouth, and shot a very small and uneven gust of wind. "Damn...! Please don't mock me...! Please don't mock me...!" He looked over at Gin and had a slight frown on his face. "I'm... I'm trying to make it so a quick and compact burst of air comes out... but It never seems to work right when I do it..." Rikuto looked somewhat nervous about Gin's possible critiques.

Words: 413/1400:

Chakra 78/80:

6Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:49 pm



Gin cocked her head to the side and briefly lifted her gaze from her book. "Air jutsu?" She began. Gin herself devoted a lot of time to training her air jutsu. She had a sword that even used the element to rip people apart, but that wasn't meant for this situation, not unless she really wanted to scare the young boy shitless. "Try not to think about it too much when you actually perform the jutsu," She said, directing her gaze back onto her book. She flipped the page, not really paying much attention to it, still. "What are you waiting for?" She yelled. "I thought I told you to do something!"

7Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:29 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto jumped when Gin raised her voice and yelled at him. He started to stammer as he talked. "Um... I... I... um...! I... I'll try again...!" Quickly turning and taking a quick breath, he put his hand up to his mouth. His mind was more focused on Gin's demand than the actual jutsu. Rikuto exhaled and a quick burst of air shot out. It didn't go far and wasn't too big, but it was definitely fast and compact. The wind had picked up and displaced some of the sand in it's path. He turned to Gin and braced himself for another commanding yell. Even though his jutsu was good for the second try, he barely noticed it because his attention was still on Gin. "Was... Was that any better...?" His voice was jumpy and nervous just like before. "Don't yell...! Don't yell...! Don't yell...!" This single request seemed to echo through Rikuto's skull as he waited for a response.

Words: 572/1400:

Chakra 72/80:

8Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:30 pm



Gin watched intently as Rikuto drew his hands to his mouth. She wondered whether or not he would actually succeed. He seemed nervous. The poor boy was trembling, but Gin couldn't really pity him. After all, he had to rid himself of that weakness if he ever wanted to become a strong shinobi of Sunagakure. She lifted her gaze from her book and closed it momentarily. She saw a gust of wind shoot out of his mouth, but she still wasn't satisfied. The young Kazekage scoffed. "You call that a jutsu?!" She yelled. She swiftly threw her book at Rikuto, aiming for his forehead. "I'll tell you what," She began. "For every time your jutsu fails to satisfy me, you'll do 100 push ups, got it?"

9Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:02 am

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto had put his hands up, but the book still managed to hit him in the forehead. This caused him to take a step back so he wouldn't fall down. Once the book had fallen to the ground, Rikuto picked it up, dusted it off, and walked over to Gin. "He... Here..." He wasn't looking up, but he knew when Gin had swiped the book back. Rikuto's mind was having trouble processing all this stress. The amount of effort he had to put forth was much more than he had expected. Gin yelled at him once more. Implying that his jutsu was not up to her standards, she stated that she was about to use a threat of physical punishment as a tool for failure. "Not good... Not good at all... Can't mess up... I don't want to do 100 push-ups...!" He silently turned and resumed his stance. Bringing his hand up to his mouth, he inhaled and was ready to try again. Shooting out another compact gust of wind, he knew that it still wasn't enough. It was only slightly better than the last. Looking over at Gin, he knew he failed. Now all he had to do is accept the yelling once more and do his large amount of push-ups.

Words 784/1400:

Chakra 66/80:

10Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:50 pm



Gin swiped the book away from the boy and went back to the edges of the arena. "You seriously have no backbone," She murmured, knowing that many other Genin - like Shibirin, Anshin and even Sake - would have probably ripped her book to shreds after it hit them. She sighed. "We're jut going to have to work on that, now, won't we?" She added, her voice still somewhat quiet. She watched as Rikuto attempted his jutsu for the third time. If even possible, he looked even more scared than before. That was probably because of Gin's threat. Well, it was more of a fact than a threat after all. "No, no, no!" She yelled as she saw his jutsu fail once again. "You have to poor more chakra into it! That thing won't even put a dent in a flower petal!" She yelled at the boy. She walked over to him, not bothering to put her book away this time. She got into a quick stance and swept her leg underneath the young boy to trip him over. If she managed to do so, she would yell at him once again. "100 push ups! And I want them in under 10 minutes, boy!"

11Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:24 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

The insults just seemed to keep hitting Rikuto. He had never been insulted like this before in his whole life. It didn't feel good. For almost any other genin, they would have denied the fact of weakness and tried even harder. Only problem with Rikuto was that he was beginning to take Gin's words to heart. Rikuto had kept his head down due to self pity. Because he had his head down, he didn't even notice Gin's leg sweeping in front of him. Her leg had hit and caused Rikuto to fall face first to the ground. Luckily, he was able to put his hands in front of him to avoid getting a mouthful of sand. As soon as he hit the ground, his ocarina came loose and flew out of his pocket. It slid along the sand and landed right at Gin's feet. Rikuto didn't notice, so he plainly got into a position and did began his push-ups. "1... 2... 3... 4..." He mentally stated how many he was doing so he could make sure he didn't do extra. It looked as if he had a fairly easy time with the push-ups. He might have been shy and stayed away from others, but that didn't mean he didn't train on his own.

Word 997/1400:

12Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:02 pm



Gin noticed the small ocarina fall out of the boy's pocket as he fell on to the ground. She discretely picked it up and kept it in her hand as she watched the boy start the 100 push ups. She was doing this for his own good. She would taunt him and insult him until he hit his breaking point and lashed out on her. Usually, she didn't take well to any form of disobedience, but this complete and total submission was too much for her to bear. She counted the push ups as he kept going. Once he saw that the boy reached 100, she called out to him. "That's enough. Now I want you to try again," She ordered, her tone purposely cold and cruel. "If you don't succeed this time, we'll just have to see what happens to this," She said, motioning at the ocarina that she held in her hand. If there was anything that would set the boy off, it would be that.

13Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:16 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto had flopped down on the sand once he was finished. He was a tough kid, but even one hundred push ups are a bit too much. He stood up and let out a deep and shallow sigh. Readying himself for another go, he resumed his stance. Then he heard Gin taunt him by threatening to do something to an item. This confused him a bit since he hadn't lost anything or had given Gin anything of val-...! It finally hit him. Reaching down to his pouch, his ocarina had been missing. Rikuto turned with a look of fear and a slight bit of anger in his eyes. Gin was holding his ocarina and seemed to be threatening to break it. Rikuto finally snapped. He could take insults and physical punishment, but to him, that ocarina was worth more than anything else in the world. His deceased grandmother had given it to him and he wasn't going to let a simple jutsu mess up be the end of it. Without thinking, he brought his hand up to his mouth and quickly shot the ocarina right out of Gin's hand. He then bumped past her and caught it. Thankfully, Gin didn't damage it. Rikuto turned back to look at Gin. He looked angry. Stuffing his ocarina back in his pocket, he walked back up to Gin. "I want to work on my other jutsu now." His voice was no longer quiet of afraid. It was almost like he wasn't the same person.

Words 1248/1400:

Chakra 56/80:

14Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:54 pm



The ocarina was shot out of Gin's hand. She saw what the boy was going to do, but she didn't bother to counter it or keep holding on to the instrument. When she saw the boy's expression, she laughed. "So you do have some backbone! Now that's what I want to see!" She said. "Keep it up, kid! You wouldn't want to disappoint me now, would you?" She said. Her grin was sly and confident. She had gotten the boy to stand up for what he wanted to protect. That was enough for her. Now, if only he could bring out that attitude when he was the one in danger instead of his precious item. "Now listen up, kid, before we start training your other jutsu," She began, looking at him directly. The way she looked at him conveyed that she had confidence in him, that she believed that he could amount to something. "We're not in Konoha so I don't really believe in that Will of Fire crap. But I'd like to think that Sunagakure has its own legacy, something that goes a little along those lines. The people of Suna stand up for themselves and what they believe in, no matter the odds. As a shinobi from this village, it's your job to keep that going, got it?" She said. Her tone was much more friendly, yet still commanding. "Now on to the next technique."

15Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Empty Re: Training or Torture? (Gin/No Kill) Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:03 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

The fact that he didn't care that he snapped and shot his brand new jutsu at the Kazekage. If he was his normal self, he would have died from fear. But since he was like this now, he felt no fear or remorse for his actions. Rikuto cracked his neck and fingers as well. Even though he had his ocarina back, his mind was still set in a confident state. Gin had decided to give him a very quick talk about Sunagakure's standards and beliefs. He listened to it, but still had a look of seriousness and annoyance pointed towards Gin. Once she had finished her statement, Rikuto nodded once and turned to work on his new technique. With a quick motion, he closed his hand into a fist and punched the ground. Two medium sized stone walls quickly came out of the ground. The jutsu was perfectly done. It was done on the first try at that! Taking out his ocarina, Rikuto brought his hand down and grabbed his ocarina. Playing one single note, it seemed to echo off the walls and back to Gin and himself. "There... Done..." His voice was low and monotone still.

Words 1445/1400:

Chakra 46/80:

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