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1Escaped Goat [D-Rank, Closed] Empty Escaped Goat [D-Rank, Closed] Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:25 pm



The day had just started, the sun breaking the horizon little less than an hour ago. Iwagakure’s streets however, were filled to the brim with people going about their daily routine. Most of these people were off to work in their offices from the nine to five. Some of the older people were picking up groceries that day’s breakfast and dinner. Others were standing out in front of stores talking about the politics of the village. Erai was unfortunately apart of the morning rush. She had woke up earlier to have some coffee in her flat, so she figured it wouldn’t be too bad by the time she left. She of course was wrong, and she regretted decision every time someone bumped into her. If it wasn’t that, someone stepped on her boot, which really annoyed her. Still, she only had to bare it for a few minutes before she reached her destination.

She casually walked up to the wooden doors of a small cafe that was tucked away from the general population. Walking through the doors, she was immediately greeted by the barista.The cafe was dimly lit, making the ambiance feel totally different than outside. Erai simply did a hand motion as she looked around the cafe in search of someone. It didn’t take her long before she saw her target, so she began to walk in that direction. In her sights was a man who had short, but silky black hair. His clothes consisted of a black trench coat and glasses. Erai could tell that underneath was some kind of high end armor. Erai slid into the same booth the man sat in, a dim light above them. She placed her hands above the table clasped together while looking at the man.

“So Tadashi, you look mysterious as ever. What do you have for me?” Erai said sarcastically. Tadashi reached into the empty space next to him and pulled back up a manilla folder. He placed it on the table and slid it towards Erai. She picked up the folder and looked inside. Her eyebrow twitched a little bit before looking back up to Tadashi. “Just a D-Rank? You couldn’t get me anything better?” Tadashi looked at Erai for a few seconds before responding. “This is still a sensitive situation Erai, you have to realize that.” Erai looked back down into the folder before closing it. She nodded, “Yeah yeah. I understand.” She began to run her hand through her white hair. “At least now I can get some real food.” That was three hours ago.

Now with the hot afternoon sun beating on her back, she was somewhat stuck on on the craggy cliffs of a mountain. She was staring up at the goat, with it looking down on her, waiting to make her move. By this point, Erai had removed her coat as she got too hot. The goat was being ridiculous to say the least. The goat was faster than originally thought, and any attempt to grab it just made it go higher. “Damnit, I’ve had enough of this.” With that, Erai performed a couple of hand seals and within an instant she disappeared into the mountain. The goat on the other hand didn’t understand what was going on. Not until Erai busted through the mountain and grabbed it by its neck. She then pushed off the mountain with her legs, causing them both to free fall down.

Erai made some hand seals with one hand and caused two flame clones to appear. They then positioned themselves head first underneath Erai. The clones then used supernatural walking practice to cling on foot each on the bottom of Erai’s feet. Running out of space very quickly, both clones made the tiger hand seal and shot a steady stream of flames from their mouths. This slowed the rate of Erai’s fall drastically. The clones then detached themselves from Erai, allowing her to use their bodies to boost of off. Before hitting the ground, the clones dissipated into weak flames as Erai softly landed one meter away. She placed the goat on the ground and handed the leash to the farmer. “Here you go. That goat is a handful.” She said with a slight grin. She waved back to the farmer as she began her journey back into the village.

((Completed: WC-722))

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