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The character i'll be using for this fight.
OOC Battle: The cute little fox VS Maik[PM before joining!] Large

Name: Kitsuchi, Rain
Clan: Kitsuchi
Specs: Gen, Nin, Sen (only listed cuz clan drawback)
Items: 2 Fuma shuriken, one of either hip, folded. 1 Senbon, Kiri headband (around neck), 11 kunai, and 23 huriken, in pouches, and hidden around her body.
KKg: she currently has trained up to 3 tails. (+1 to reaction time, -1 to endurance)

OOC Battle: The cute little fox VS Maik[PM before joining!] Tumblr_med109XcBl1qb30dwo1_500

The autumn leaves fell all around as Rain stood in the center of the bridge. The one area that was cover, and as such had the least leaves. She looked down to the water below, her three tails with white tails moving calmly back and forth as she searched the water. The water wasn't that far below her. Maybe 3 or 4 meters. The girl was in a black sweatshirt, with the hood down, and her hands in the pockets. Her white short shorts revealing her toned legs and freshly waxed legs. The tennis shoes she wore tightly laced, and a mix of black and white. The headband around her neck was also fairly tight, though not tight enough it was uncomfortable for her to wear. She moved the senbon around in her mouth, before letting out a sigh. She was fairly bored for the moment.

Rules: All specs and elements are usable unless clan states otherwise, we are D-rank and as such only have 150 chakra unless clan states otherwise. All jutsu are usable but must be approved in the jutsu section before use. All items brought into the thread, follow the same rules, and must be listed on the first post of entering the thread. You are considered to have D-rank stats, as that is base human ability. under no circumstances is B-rank jutsu allowed. No usage of special characteristics is permitted either. Please post an idea of what your character is on your first post similar to what i have done. If anything is missed, it will be updated later, and these rules are subject to change. Other than what is listed, assumption is is to follow site rules. This thread is considered kill enabled.




OOC Battle: The cute little fox VS Maik[PM before joining!] Original

Clan: Kurohebi
Items: C-rank tanto, 150ft ninja wire, C-rank gloves, 6 sebon, and 20 kunai
KKG: Death's Aura (anything in 3m radius get -1 to SPD and REA each)

Reina giggled happily as she skipped through the autumn leaves. It was such a beautiful day. The sun was shinning, the birds weren't sinning. All forms of life fled from her. It was gorgeous. And the leaves oh the leaves, how crisp they felt under her bare feet, crunching underneath her. Her shoes were long forgotten they always were. She often lost them but it was alright with her because she was being a good girl. Uncle Sero never got mad at her for leaving them as long. He didn't see the point in doing so. He didn't see the point in most things but she loved him all the same. One day she thought as she spun around imagining the autumn leaves were flames dancing around her feet, one day she will have him all to herself. He was her savior and lover even if he didn't say it out loud. He was shy she told herself. He did love her he just had a funny way of showing it. Reina sang a song about the two of them, her knee length dress fluttering in the wind, held back by her black happi coat. Her hair was wild as usual adorned by a gold thorn crown on her head. Today made her feel happy so very happy. In her hand she carried a large sack that dripped crimson and smelled awful. Inside was...human meat.

Kain the Butcher

Kain the Butcher

OOC Battle: The cute little fox VS Maik[PM before joining!] 1357323971
Name: Hyuga, Kinboshi
Clan: Hyuga
Items: 30 shurikens, 15 Kunai, 9 Senbon,
KKG Byakugan Doujutsu
Kinboshi was walking though the deep, feeling the leaves fall on her pale, round, face and even more leaves crush upon her bear feet. She never liked anything on her feet. It just didn’t seem right to her. She looked around, until her ears and nose got a wake up call. She heard a beautiful voice sing a song. Though the scent that assaulted her noes was not as pleasing. Though, she covered her noes to avoid the awful putrid stench, and followed the sound of the voice, allowing her ears to be her guide. She stopped when she saw a girl who looked quite strange and suspicious, yet very beautiful. She hid a top of a tree, and examined her. She saw a sack she was carrying, which must have been the source of the horrid smell. The thorn crown on her head was just as disturbing. Kinboshi had stopped listening to her sing about some guy. Her eyes drifted back to the sack. What in heavens could be in that bag. Kinboshi just sat a top of the branch, and continued to watch the girl with the sack, and continued to follow her as she walked with it, moving through the branches above. She dared not use her Byakugan to see what was inside, for she might be horrified with.



Rain was ungodly amounts of bored. She sighed as she looked over the edge of the bridge wondering what in the world could possibly peak her interest at all today, and save her from this boredom. Almost Eerily timed. That was when she heard it. The crunching of dried leaves coming from one end of the bridge. Rain's Right side to be specific. It was at that very moment she smelled the god awful scent that came with it. Rain knew almost instantly what it was. Her nose was keen, and there was no mistaking that smell. It was decaying human flesh. As Rain sniffed to confirm it, yet another scent was caught on the wind. A light and almost cutesy smell. It was distinctly different from the corpse meaning that there was someone else, besides the person carrying the corpse. Rain grinned a little. Maybe this could get interesting. With that she pushed off of the railing which she was leaning over and turned to her right. Her tails flickering glee, she pulled out one of her fuma shuriken. The person she say as she rounded the corner was not quite what she expected but she couldn't say she was completely surprised either. The little girl was creepy as shit though, and certainly not eluding that cutesy smell, that almost smelled of perfume. With the almost seriously gleeful look on the little girl's face, it was almost too easy to see that she knew she had a stalker... she was just waiting for her stalker to make her move. Rain figured the stalker was a female from the perfume, which she doubted any reasonable man would wear, but hey, she was proven wrong sometimes. Thanks her near canine like nose though it was easy to pick out almost exactly where the stalker's strong smell was coming from. With that, she spun her Fuma shuriken in hand and then threw it in such a way, it would aim for the center mass of the girl. Although she would be able to see it coming a mile away. Which, is why she angled it and pun it in such a way, that after it got past the girl it would curve, almost drastically, and head straight towards the stalker. Although, she had added a bit of chakra to her fuma shuriken for substitution, and with that she began running towards the little girl. Pull out various Kunai as she did so. The senbon in her mouth, going into it's out pouch as it was replaced by a kunai. With two kunai in her left hand and 1 kunai in her right hand. Assuming everything went according to plan, this was going to be a quick battle.

-5 chakra for substitution. I don't feel the need to post it here. You both know what it does, and know where to find it.
115/120 chakra.

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