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1Amachi Empty Amachi Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:52 pm




Amachi 2000px-Japanese_family_crest_takanoha.svg

Clan: Amachi

Kekkei Genkai: Heart of the Monkey King

Elements: Futon [Primary]

Specialization: Medical Ninjutsu [Primary]

Location: Iwagakure

Clan History:

Descendants of Sun Wukong

The clan has existed since the founding of ninshu however it wasn't exactly a clan per say as it were an alliance of different families united under the teachings of Taoism (although loosely) and their worship of Sun Wukong, the monkey king. These families had long since lived as nomads and roamed the nations. During the warring clans era, they were constantly attacks despite their kind nature. Many questions arose as to why but it was obvious. It was persecution. You see after the foundation of ninshu, chakra manipulation had become widespread and often was militarized. However the Amachi found a different purpose for it, spiritual healing. They regard chakra as a tool to use to become closer to their god for it was a supernatural power. Of course the rest of the world only knew Su Wukong as a demon of fearsome strength whom rebelled against heaven or so it has been told. There are many different adaptations of the tale, one of which says that Sun Wukong, although a demon, was stronger than heaven and should be revered as a God. And the clan did just that. They worshiped him, and hoped doing so they will be given strength in this life and a peaceful afterlife once they meet him. However there were some consequences. The constant use of it in religious practices result in their...less than normal appearances. They were far more nimble and taller than the average person. They had sharp teeth and keen eyes. Their movements were fluid but odd. The true kicker was the little bundle they tried so hard to hide, their tails.

You see, once the clan's members realize the potential of medical ninjutsu when it came to augmenting their physical beings, they began experimenting on their children. The children in every generation are regarded as the hope for the future. With this in mind, the elders and parents of those children, decided their children should be the closest to their god to raise their chances of good fortune and a happy afterlife. A change outsiders did not wholly accepted them until a few centuries passed when the Tsuchikage of Iwa offered them sanctuary in their village in exchange for loyalty. They were allowed to do as they pleased as long as their swore allegiance to Iwa and came to their aid as members of its forces.

The Sages

To become a monkey sage is to become the closest to their god, Sun Wukong. Therefore the sages are highly renown in the clan not only for their combat prowess but for their spiritual relations to Sun Wukong. However it has been many years since a member of the clan has aspired to become a sage of noteworthy skill thus only two remain: Kaede Minori and Karou Fujioshi. Kaede-sama is one of the last two monkey sages left in the clan but that is not to say she is weak. For one reaching the age of 74 soon, she is hardly lesser of a sage than when she were in her prime. She focuses on the medical and spiritual aspects of the sage arts. Karou-sama is also one of the last two monkey sages, however his life is due to expire within the next five years as he has contradicted an illness in his old age of 80. He focuses around the taijutsu and historical aspects of the sage arts.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The members of the clan are renown taoists who primarily follow the divine teachings of Sun Wukong, the monkey king. In this they tend to adopt some of the features of monkeys, species dependent on family, but typical most look human and have nimble statues, sharp features and a monkey tail that is 2/3 their overall height with equal strength to their STR stat at all times. They also are known to take taoists teachings and their regard for Sun Wukong, and adapt them into their medical practices. Medical Ninjutsu takes -10% to train as a specializations and for custom jutsu

A side bonus of the clan is a piece of jewelry to signify their acceptance into adulthood within the clan
”Free Clan Item:


  • Clan members cannot take fuuinjutsu or kyujutsu as neither strike a particular interest in them. Both specs gain a +1 advantage over them.

  • Cannot take Quick Learner nor Haggler.

  • Must take Hesitant [Element], cannot be balanced.

  • Must take senjutsu was third spec once eligible


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Acupuncture Style:

Acupuncture Style:

Amachi Arts:

Last edited by Yuurei Jet on Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:48 am; edited 2 times in total

2Amachi Empty Re: Amachi Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:38 am



Wouldn't it be Sun Wukong? If you're going for the 100 aspects of the moon reference.

Also, for any tail to be effective as a balance, it needs to have 'at least' the length of the spine as its extendable length. So, the tail should be like, 2/3's their height. If you want it to be particularly useful. (monkeys which actually used their tails to climb, or other animals like possums even have them slightly longer.) :)

Though, as another note, you know that Sun Wukong was a demon right? He proclaimed himself a sage as kindof a boast at the Jade emperor.

1/Reduce duration to 5 on this one please.


3Amachi Empty Re: Amachi Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:40 pm



I don't see anything wrong with this, 1/2 Approved

4Amachi Empty Re: Amachi Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:18 am



Amachi 2ryk94o

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