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1Kibishī jeiku (Solo Training) Empty Kibishī jeiku (Solo Training) Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:47 pm



It was a particularly hot day in Iwagakure noticed Jeiku as he got up from his resting spot. 'I think it's time to do a little training today I've been a bit lazy.' he thought as he moved towards an open area with a few big boulders scattered throughout.
Landing in the middle of his designated training area Jeiku started to prepare himself for training doing a few quick warm up exercises. His plan of action was to focus on his physical strength and hopefully build a little more muscle. Jeiku was starting to notice that his physique wasn't quite the same as all the other shinobi in Iwagakure and that he was rather scrawny from the time he spend living on the street.
Jeiku began his training by starting to slowly push one of the smaller boulders slowly picking up his speed as he went on. When he felt as thought it was starting to get easier he would switch to a bigger boulder.
Around the middle of the day Jeiku could feel every muscle in his body aching and ever fibre in his being telling him to give up and quit. He was never much of a physical strength type of shinobi he mostly focused on his speed with the thought 'if you can't touch me you won't be able to beat me' but with recent events it has become clear to him that speed is great but without any strength behind him it wouldn't matter how many times he hit them it would be a stalemate until they landed a hit on him.
He pushed through the pain and continued pushing the boulders until he couldn't push anymore. Feeling accomplished and exhausted Jeiku feel asleep against one of the boulders head full of dreams of being a great shinobi hero.

2Kibishī jeiku (Solo Training) Empty Re: Kibishī jeiku (Solo Training) Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:56 pm




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