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The smoldering heat and the unbelievable lack of water in the Suna desert was unbearable.  Luckily his tiny reindeer companion provided a canteen filled with water, enough for Suutei and himself to make it through.  Suutei was in search for there first checkpoint to Sunagakure; a large sand dune that hardly stuck out due to the fact it was sand.  It was endless desert for what could be miles until they reached the border.  Fortunately, he dressed exactly for the occasion: his hair and scalp safe from damage from the whirling sand, light weight pants that circulated the warm air through and kept sand from inside.  Thanks to Chopper had he not made this new apparel for him, he might not have made it.  In fact if it were not for the Konohagakure Emblem on the metal gold waistband, one would assume he was from Sunagakure or some kind of drifter.  Suutei was able to regain some of his excitement for this trip, after all it was the first time he traveled outside of his own village.  Other than to the Chunnin Exams in Takigakure, and not only that but Chopper wasn't the only member of his party.  The boy Toshiko still raised interest to him, more than the other male.  Something about him was strange, he was a bit too modest.  Almost lacking the ability to even have a bit of confidence, or at least that's how Suutei saw it.

Backtracking through his memory he remembered that they'd been traveling west from Konoha.  Meaning that if they headed east they would reach the sandstone temple, hidden by the large sand dune.  This temple was a legend he researched into, containing an artifact dating some three centuries ago.  The artifact was in fact a key to an inner sanctum, almost like a hideout.  The hideout was said to be ran by one of the greatest yet heinous shinobi in the Five Nations.  This mans name was Orochimaru, the story of this man wasn't much to important to him.  The only thing that mattered at this time was to prove the existence of the ruins, and excavate through its inner dwellings.  A myth surfaced tying to the ruins, that due to the intense chakra within the cave.  The scorpions and snakes the only dwellers of the cave, became humanoid over time.  This raised mystery indeed and this would need to be proven, Suutei was adventurous and the way he saw it Humanoid beings seemed like excellent training dummies.  Toshiko as well as the Sarutobi could also prove their worth, if they were up for this kind of challenge.

After another hour of their long journey, Suutei came across his Sand Dune.  It was covert, but still noticeable roughly twenty meters high and forty meters in both directions.  "So this is our ruins Suutei?"  Nodding his head Suutei turned around, expecting to find his other party members trailing behind.  This boy may prove a worthy adversary to him, but if he deemed him useless then it would not be a total waste.  Suutei looked around now questioning one thing, "Hm...So...HOW THE HELL DO WE GET IN!"  After his outburst the ground beneath him began to rumble, and the sand dune appeared to part in both directions.  This tremor revealed the entrance to a staircase leading underground into the ruins, if his Uzumaki and Sarutobi companion was willing he would follow.

Training Thus Far...
Ninja Art: Blast Ball= 574/1350*

*Quick Learner is Active

Last edited by Suutei on Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:10 am; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

OOC: You kinda forgot to add keith to the thread, and we can't leave him out, so could you please add him to the thread? I don't want him to feel excluded.

After giving his one and only request to his two genin companion, The groupd had set out over the border of konoha and towards the village hidden in the sand, or sunagakure. While Toshiko was leading the group, sometime Suutei managed to get in front of him. He seemed to be the type of guy to follow his own rules, and not the ones that were provided, and while Toshiko was actually that type of person himself, he didn't see why suutei had a problem with following the simplest instruction. Hopefully he wouldn't become an issue later on. Toshiko wanted this entire trip to run smoothly. There was no need for extra issues.

despite Toshiko's one concern, the travel was going somewhat well to his surprise. They all had made it to the outskirts of suna within good time, and into the wilderness. It was actually quite different to what Toshiko had encountered in the wilderness of Konoha. Instead of regular trees, grass and wolves and oversized animals, there was nothing but sand, and some unordinary poisonous creatures such as cobras and scorpions. Toshiko wasn't gonna lie. The wildlife in this village was enough to make him hate it. Despite that he didn't run into any more than two of these creatures. The three traveled through the sand dunes for about another hour,Suutei in front, Toshiko in the middle, and Keith trotting behind. Then, Suutei appeared to have stopped as well as his pet reindeer chopper.


As Suutei yelled facing one paticular sand dune, the ground began to shake underneath their feet. The sand done parted, and in front of the three was a staircase leading down into an unknown area. Toshiko wasn't sure of whether or not it was a good idea. None of them had any idea of what they would enconter down there. There could be a pit ful of snakes, or a hideout for an organization of criminals. What if something bad happened down there? Not only would he be held accountable for it, he'd feel really bad if something happened to one or both of the genin because of a choice he made. Well, was it worth the risk? On the other hand, they had gone on this travel simply for the purpose of getting experience and learning about the shinobi world, so why not? If anything happened Toshiko was sure he'd be able to handle himself and keith, and hopefully suutei would be able to handle himself considering the way he acted.

Then, he felt a strange feeling on the eyelid of his sharingan eye. His eyepatch was probably too tight. He put his hands on the back of it, losening it a bit and sighing as he did so. Once the tightness was relieved, he spoke.

Suutei, as i already stated i'd rather treat you and keith as equal human beings and not two genin who are under me, but you must realize that you can't lead this travel to unknown locations. Anything could be down there waiting for us, and by leading us here rather than the village you've put us all at risk of a multitude of hypothetical negative situations and have added more irrelevant stops to our trip. Forgive me for saying so, but as of now i see you as more of a liability than an ally. With that said, if you see it to be that important we can travel down here, but we stick together. That or we don't go at all. Agreed?"

Toshiko didn't like being that guy. He didn't enjoy trying to flash or rub his title in the faces of those lower than him, but suutei had to realize that if something happened to either him or keith, no matter who caused it Toshiko would be to blame because he was the highest rank there. He  still was looking forward to what would await him and the group within the ruins, and nodded to suutei and keith, gesturing for them to follow as he started his way down the steps.

OOC: Suutei if adding keith to the thread would put a damper on the training you planned we can post normally until he joins. Once he joins we can just add him to the posting order.

700/3000 Raiton B-A

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Tue May 19, 2015 8:23 pm; edited 2 times in total



Rolling his eyes at his partners babbling, as far as he was concerned Toshiko was beneath him.  Regardless of rank he knew he was much stronger than him.  As far as the boy Keith, he could not manage twelve seconds against Suutei.  Though he was apart of the Sarutobi clan, he knew how to handle them easily.  Followed as he descended the stairs, "Alright Toshiko I'll make myself clear.  I don't care what your title is, or even who you are.  As far as I am concerned your inferior to me.  If we have a problem I am sure it can be resolved now."  Suutei stood waiting for the boy to face him, and look him into his eyes.  He felt Chopper nudge his thigh, Suutei looked down at Chopper who obviously knew he was going overboard.  With his fist clenched he turned his head away, covering his mouth with his collar.  The passage was lit every 20 steps, and visibility was low.  Grabbing a torch from the wall they felt another tremor, alert Suutei turned seeing the upper flight crumbling.  The boy Keith running as fast as his legs could carry, picking up Chopper under his arm he sprinted as well.  Passing up Toshiko he saw the left tilting towards him, he jumped and kicked off the right wall nimbly avoiding be crushed.  "You two had better hurry, because I'm not saving you!"

Suutei luckily reached the bottom dropping Chopper on all fours, they proceeded down a passageway leading to a rectangular room.  A torch in each corner burned fiercely, making it much more visible than the stairs and in one corner a door sealed shut.  Dammit...I guess I do need Toshiko...  A scorpion scurried across his sandal, he lifted his foot in response  stepping on its body and not tail.  Suutei heard a loud screech coming from his left, before he could react he was charged and toppled over by an unknown force.  Suutei raised himself onto one knee, Chopper ran to his side helping him to his feet.  Taking a glance at the figure it was well over six foot five, its skin looked rugged and scaly and where he expected hands were pincers. The most interesting thing was it's tail, seeping a strange green liquid.  It appeared scorpion like, that was when a light bulb went off in his head and then it spoke.  "You who trespass have not only disturbed my home, but murdered my only son!  I have killed you humans before!  You shall be no different!  Suutei stood up laughing maniacally, Chopper knew what that laugh meant and things were gonna end badly.  Running back towards the rubble that was the staircase, Chopper sought out their other two companions.  This is bad...This is really bad...  Hopefully Chopper would find them, and could lead them to Suutei.

Suutei was amused by the creatures accusation, that he would successfully kill him.  "Well then if that's the case maybe I should prove your theory wrong.  Suutei smirked intimidating the creature, a tactic he was sure would work on a lower life form.  The creature took charge but instead of swinging at Suutei, he punched the ground causing spires to rise and knock him into the wall.  "Of course you can use chakra.  After all your species evolved thanks to the intense radiation."  Suutei flipped backwards and planting both feet on the wall behind him, forcing himself from the wall he vaulted over each spire.  Diving forward his left hand planted on the first spire, followed by his right foot colliding with the creatures head.  Forcing its head into the spire shattering it as if it were glass, Suutei with the force of his left swung downwards planting it on the creatures back.  The creatures tail wrapped around his right ankle and flailed him about, and finally released sending him crashing into a wall.  Struggling to his feet he saw the creature approaching him, its tail wrapping around his waist constricting his movement.  With only one way out of the situation he inhaled deeply, and spit out a fireball that caused the creature to stumble backwards.  Free of its grip Suutei had to figure out a strategy fast on finishing this creature, it wouldn't be long till it could see again.  

The sealed door raised up quickly, as two other creatures appeared.  No where near similar to the scorpion man, they were humanoid in shape but a variety of features.  A snakelike tail, their body completely covered in scales, and hoods like cobras.  "Your ssssstill tampering with this human!  Pathetic I ssssswear!  Its forked tongue hissed every time it stated a word with s.  Suutei outnumbered needed help, he looked over to the entrance he and Chopper entered hoping his companions would come soon.  "We made is clear.  You were to kill off thesssse humansss and bring them to Queen Cressssela!  They are the tasssstiesst looking bunch, she has ever sssseen!"  Suutei stood up and the two snake like creatures turned their heads in his direction, he quickly inhaled drawing the senbon from his pouch the accelerated forward circling them.  Drawing them closer together then a wind dome formed around them, with the senbon revolving around the dome.  "This outta hold the three of you, atleast till my friends arrive."  Holding the half tiger seal with his left hand he could keep the done intact, hopefully long enough for the 3 to return.  I hope Chopper is okay and found the other two by now...

Trained Thus Far...
Ninja Art: Blast Ball 1350/1350*

*Quick Learner Active

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki


"Alright Toshiko I'll make myself clear.  I don't care what your title is, or even who you are.  As far as I am concerned your inferior to me.  If we have a problem I am sure it can be resolved now."

Toshiko stopped dead in his tracks, clenching his fist and preparing to give suutei the confrontation he was obviously asking for. Then, he stopped himself. He couldn't let his anger nor his will to fight prevent him from acting as a professional. Besides, Toshiko wasn't much of a hothead. Or at least he didn't want to think of himself as one. He sighed, and kept walking. Suutei was probably just salty as fuck cause he lost his fight in exams and was taking it out on him and suutei because he was desperately attempting to put the thought in his head that he was a masculine badass. It was actually a bit amusing to toshiko. It was like watching a fly land into a spider's web. Toshiko still had to show this kid that he wasn't a pushover, and he planned to do so. It was really, really hard to make an outgoing person such as Toshiko hate someone, but so far, suutei had done a great job of doing so.

Despite his overwhelming dislike for the boy, he had a job to do. And that job was to lead his two companions through all the five nations, and then lead them back to konoha keeping them all in one piece at the same time. If cooperating with him now meant his job would get done, then it was what he would do. He turned around to face suutei, staring him in the eye with a blank look upon his face. He waited a few moments, opened his mouth, and then said:

"And i'll make myself clear. You're an insignificant waste of space, mad at the world because you weren't strong enough to win something and now you're trying to bring me and keith down into your own pit of doubt and despair to maintain your own ego. You're all bark and no bite. If you want an altercation, i'll be happy to oblige, but not while i'm on duty, and definitely not when we're keeping a ninja with great potential named keith waiting. Unlike you, he's worth something. I said it once and i'll say it again. I am the leader of this travel. You're not. You want an issue so bad, give me a reason to solve it. Do some shit to provoke me. Go ahead. I'll have no problem with kicking your face in as long as you give me a reason to do so."  

Toshiko's blank look turned into a look of arrogance and cockiness. He stood in silence for a few moments more allowing his words to sink in, and then smiled once more.

"Now, back to business~"

He turned around, heading further down the pathway. Eventually, there was a tremor, and the whole passage began to tremble. Dammit. Toshiko knew that coming down here was a bad idea. He turned to to the two who would hopefully be behind him, and then yelled to him.

"It's too dangerous! Suutei! Keith! Fall back!"

Then he saw it. The stairway behind them was beginning to crumble.


They had to go deeper down this pathway, possibly leading to many more dangers. All because suutei wanted to go. Toshiko really, really hoped he got killed down there. HE wouldn't let him die of course. Well, maybe not.

Then, Suutei quickly passed him as he was running further down to avoid meeting an untimely fate.

"You two had better hurry, because I'm not saving you!"

Toshiko began running, cringing as Suutei spoke and thinking to himself.

'If we get out of here i'm kicking his ass.'

He ran with the stair case crumbling not too far behind, and eventually came up to an intersection. Suutei proceeded straight down. The tremors caused part of the rock ceiling to break down, landing in the middle of the straight path, thus blocking it off from Toshiko and keith. The only other two directions were right, and left. Toshiko ran to the left, yelling back to keith as he did so.

"Keith, take the right path i'm down this way!"

There were torches lined up against the way. Hopefully keith was okay. Toshiko stopped halfway down the right path, and then waited for keith to follow. If suutei was as superior to toshiko and keith as he stated he was, he'd be capable of taking care of himself.

Word Count:821

1521/3000 Raiton B-A

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Tue May 19, 2015 8:25 pm; edited 1 time in total



Heat waves moved through the dry air, sand moved without a breeze to carry it. The sun was smoldering hot and, to Keith, it felt as if it was giving him a massive sunburn even though he was just feeling the full effect of the hot weather. Where were they exactly? Keith knew that because of the landscape, they were some where near the land of Suna but where on this land exactly? he felt as if they would never reach the border to the actual village. This would probably be the worst part of the journey that he and his two companions were traveling. Keith wasn't one for the extreme heat so he wasn't really used to this. He began to lag behind the other two. Toshiko was just ahead of Keith but the other genin that had the bad attitude to him was way ahead of both Toshiko and Keith. The reindeer was close by him, however and he had no intention of straggling behind his assumable faithful partner. If he even considered chopper a partner and not like some pet or side kick. Seemed like he treated chopper better than anyone else he came into contact with. It was actually starting to annoy Keith as he thought more and more on the subject. Clearing his mind, he could only think about water now, he was thirstier than probably anyone on this little adventurous trip but he didn't mind it too much yet, he could tolerate it for now. Sand dune after sand dune was passed up by the traveling trio. They didn't seem to vary too much in size nor shape but they definitely were noticeable.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead and his neck, Keith looked around to see nothing but sand. The only live encounters that they had so far has been just a few snakes and/or scorpions. They weren't really intent on attacking us, unless provoked of course. It seemed as if forever had passed as they seemed to aimlessly wonder through the sand. In Keith's opinion, he figured he was the only one not aware of which way to go. he had looked at a map of the nations and the in-between lands but he never bothered to pay that much attention since he figured that it would be a straight shot to the destination. But apparently not.

Soon enough, Suutei that idiot, just randomly begins to yell at a dune. he stopped not too much earlier and talked to his companion, Chopper. They talked for only a moment before Suutei yelled. "I guess the heat finally got to him." Keith thought to himself as he caught up to everyone standing at the dune. "What th-" Keith was beginning to say as the ground trembled under him. Was it an earthquake of some sort, an attack? After only moments. the dune opened into a staircase that led down into the cave-like ruins. What was this? Was this the first stop or was this something like an accident? Either way, it seemed that Keith was about to fins out one way or another.

"Suutei, as i already stated i'd rather treat you and keith as equal human beings and not two genin who are under me, but you must realize that you can't lead this travel to unknown locations. Anything could be down there waiting for us, and by leading us here rather than the village you've put us all at risk of a multitude of hypothetical negative situations and have added more irrelevant stops to our trip. Forgive me for saying so, but as of now i see you as more of a liability than an ally. With that said, if you see it to be that important we can travel down here, but we stick together. That or we don't go at all. Agreed?" Toshiko explained. He seemed to put all of Keith's thoughts into one little explanation or speech, if you will. Keith stood silently as he had no idea what to even say. he would rather not let his tongue slip and get the better of him. That would only make things worse and as of now, that is the last thing that he needed. It was obviously that the arrogance of the newest addition to Keith's life, Suutei, would have to respond in a smartass tone trying to flex his ego on Toshiko. It was pretty obvious that Toshiko will have taken him rather easily. You could tell by the way they acted and their own body language.

Soon enough, they began to walk down the staircase into the unknown. "This is going to be fun." Keith said in the most sarcastic tone that he could deem comprehensible. After only moments of walking down the stairs, another tremor was felt and to Keith's surprise the flight of stairs began to crumble beneath him. He had to be the last one in. He began to run down the stairs as fast as possible but the crumbling stairs seemed to catch him in his tracks and so he had no real choice but to jump and try another option. "You two had better hurry, because I'm not saving you!" This was all Keith could hear over the sound of falling rubble and debris. This irritated Keith to almost the fullest degree, but he had bigger things to take care of at the moment. Keith was able to run along the walls of the entrance using a basic technique that every shinobi should know by the time they are a genin. Running along the right side of the wall, Keith was unable to find anyone else in the rubble that seemed to endlessly fall. Finally leaping off at the end of the entrance, Keith was separated from the rest of the group. This was the worst thing that could have happened by far. He was fully capable of handling himself but he would stand a better chance with the more experienced members of his group. That was the whole point of traveling with others. In the dead silence, Keith managed to hear the most experienced of the group, Toshiko, yell out to him. "Keith, take the right path i'm down this way!" He said. "Right!" Keith said as he sped down his path hoping that he wouldn't run into any trouble.

As he sped down the hall, lit by only torches, that were only making it slightly visible, Keith ran into something small and rather fuzzy. "What the hell--" he yelled as he looked down to see Chopper looking up at him. he seemed to be in a rush which meant someone was in trouble and most likely it was Suutei since this was his partner that was standing here looking so worried. "Do I even have to ask what he did?" Keith said aloud to himself. It only took moments for Chopper to explain the situation and that he still had to find Toshiko. Keith simply nodded as he took off in the direction that Chopper instructed him to in order to find Suutei. Would Keith really be of much help to him? No, a better question would be if Keith would even help him. After the way he acted towards both of his traveling pack members, does he really deserve help at all? From anyone?

Up the hall there was an obvious commotion. There was no mistaking that it was some kind of fight. Whether it was his teammate or not, he did not know but he knew that there was only one real way for him to find out. Coming up to the end of the hall, there was nothing. No door, just a wall. It was a dead end though as Keith pushed his ear up against the wall, he could hear through the brick the voices of multiple beings. Looking around for a better solution rather than blowing down the wall with ninjutsu, Keith found a air shaft in the upper right corner of the wall. It wasn't vented or anything, just a simple hole to let clean air flow in. But because it wasn't ventilated, it had to be big in order to get enough good air into the next room. Big enough for someone Keith's size to get through. "Excellent." Keith said aloud. "This is perfect, time to see what's going on." He said just before rubbing his hands together and climbing the wall like a spider using Supernatural Walking. He crawled through the hole as if it was nothing. Crawling onto and just staying on the ceiling furthest from the action, Keith moved into the corner for a better vantage point. he would sit there for a while. He wanted to first see what Suutei was going to do since he had all of that big talk. As of now he was cowering almost while using a defensive jutsu. "I thought he was so string. Why can't he just take them all out, huh?" Keith though to himself as he stood there watching from the ceiling almost unnoticed. He was pretty far away from the others so they wouldn't really notice him. There was no real reason for him to help an ingrate such as Suutei but he still had to sit there contemplating on what he should do. "Hmm, what should I do?"

Word Count: 1587 words
used Supernatural Walking Practice (Academy Jutsu)



Suutei right now doing the best he could was trying to formulate some sort of strategy.  It was a bit difficult due to the fact, that he was really stressing the technique.  The Senbon Wind dome wasn't meant to detain three large beings like the ones before him.  If he was lucky one of his travelling companions would fly in.  Suutei felt a meek but familiar presence  some time after Chopper left.  The ruins did  have a high chakra emission, not like the Mire in Takigakure it was weaker than that.  It was to dangerous to not maintain his technique, but he did the best he could.  It took more thorough planning, but now he had a solution to deal with these three vermin.  Suutei formed the dragon seal releasing the half tiger seal, thus collapsing his Senbon Dome.

The Dome constructed from his 100 Senbon all directed themselves into the large human-like creatures.  The two snake humanoids were pierced in their necks, eyes, and in their tongue.  The two giants crashed to the grounds, and their lavender colored blood oozed from their bodies.  The scorpion was pierced into his four eyes, and he became enraged thrashing his tail around.  The other Senbon deflected off the hide of the scorpion, it then charged at Suutei more violently.  Suutei inhaled deeply channeling the Chakra through his lungs, and fired his signature clan technique.  "Ryuuibuki!!!"  The fireball was comparable to Goukakyuu, but not as lethal.  Suutei looked into a far corner not really sure, but he believed he saw Keith.  The young Sarutobi on the wall like a spider, if it wasn't what he would do would be extremely stupid.  "Keith use Goukakyuu on it, so we can get out of here!!!  My fireball won't be as lethal!  Unless we combine them to kill this thing!

Trained Thus Far...
Ninja Art: Blast Ball 1350/1350*
Taijutsu A-S: 458/1000

*Quick Learner is Active

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko heard keith call out as an answer to his call, and then heard his footsteps at the start of the hall. He listened on for a while, and then heard nothing at all.


What had happened? Was he okay? Toshiko couldn't let something happen to him. he needed to find out where he was. Quickly Toshiko darted down the hallway towards the intersection he had come from. As he was headed there, he felt something furry at his side rubbing against his leg. It startled him , causing him to yell, jump up, and stop running. He looked down, and saw chopper, suutei's pet reindeer at his feet. He sighed, shaking his head and calming himself down, and then spoke to chopper.

"Keith.....Suutei. Where are they?"

Chopper gestured for Toshiko to follow him, and went down the hallway. Chopper turned at the hallway that lead straight down from the direction of the crumbled staircase, and Toshiko followed heading straight down, and reaching a dead end. There was a brick wall blocking off the path. Toshiko kicked the wall in frustration, and then cursed underneath his breath.

"Shit. How do i get through?"

Toshiko then looked up and saw a small vent that lead to the other side of the wall. He got back a bit, and then ran forward, jumping up the wall and grabbing onto the sides of the vent. He pulled himself up, and climbed through, crawling through the vent and to the other side. he looked up, and saw keith using the supernatural walking technique to stand on the ceiling. Smart. Toshiko was glad that he was safe. He then could see suutei using a string technique to captivate a few strange creatures. Dammit. This is exactly what Toshiko meant. Had they not gone down here, they wouldn't have to deal with this. Despite that, There was nothing he could do about it now. He had to help suutei whether he liked it or not, and he had to take care of these creatures. He sighed, moving forward and jumping out of the air vent, landing on the ground about 8 meters from suutei and his captives who apparently had been severely wounded by his senbon and fireball that had struck them. It didn't seem fair to Toshiko, but he spoke out about it.

"Well well well Suutei. You've proved to show not only are you an egotistical Prick, but a coldhearted Douchebag as well. Not only have you forcefully lead us into this place and almost got all three of us killed, you've also managed to piss off creatures that probably live here, and harmed them when they most likely had every reason to kill you in self defense? Wow. I'll be honest. If it wasn't against my duty, i'd leave undo your strings, restrain you, and let them kill you and feast upon your corpse. I'd leave you here to die. But sadly, i can't. Now, to the creatures that you've harmed, do not kill them. I will attempt to knock them out for now, but if you end one of their lives i will not hesitate to end yours."

Toshiko nonchalantly walked closer towards the tied up creatures, exerting his chakra as he did so. Three bolt like manifestations of his elemental lightning chakra appeared. One above his head, one hovering above each of his shoulders. He focused them at one point as he held his hand above his head, and they all came up in his hand to form a spear of lightning. Toshiko then sighed, and threw the spear at the creatures in hope that it would electrocute them and cause them to enter an incapacitated state. If suutei took it any farther than that, he could expect a worse ass kicking than he already would be receiving once they were out of the underground chambers.



2180/3000 Raiton B-A

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Tue May 19, 2015 8:27 pm; edited 1 time in total



Click Me!  For Suutei VS Toshiko! Theme

Suutei slowly clenched his fist as Toshiko aimlessly closed in on the creature, talking his big shit while preparing some sort of spear made of Raiton.  The Uzumaki then hurled the spear at the creatures, causing them to shake and shiver.  Suutei was fed up with Toshiko, he was ready to show this kid who was the real shinobi.  It was time for the both of them to put up or shut up, it could not wait any longer.  Even if Suutei lost he would have to admit defeat, and respect Toshiko for the shinobi he was.  If Suutei won then he in fact would be the superior.  The only thing about these two young men was their issue of not understanding the other, if there is only hate then there can never be love.  Vice versa and perhaps win or lose the two of them, could settle everything right here and maybe find a new respect for one another.  Long ago two young men settled with each other a similar way, why couldn't these two...

"You know something Toshiko, I am really tired of you.  I told you before if you got in my way I will kill you.  Now you say you will end my life the same way I would end these creatures.  Well well well.  Who is talking the big shit now, you have no idea what I had to do to get to this point.  You are a worm and nothing more, your strength is only behind your clan.  You aren't even worth of the name of a Uzumaki, but I wonder...Can you prove me wrong?  I just don't see your angle Toshiko, what makes you believe that you have superior strength than mine."

Sucking his teeth he adjusted his scarf around his neck, and then punched his fist.  Suutei inhaled and exhaled another fireball aimed directly over Toshiko.  "You think I am gonna let you kill me...I''ll SLAUGHTER YOU!!!  Suutei charged at Toshiko leaving Keith to take care of the weakened scorpion, if Toshiko thought he had potential he could take care of the creature.  Who did Toshiko think he was this imbecile, dared to threaten to kill him he did not take insults well.  Suutei saw the fireball above Toshiko split off like fireworks into eight smaller fireballs.  Upon contact within the 4 meters of Toshiko the fireballs would detonate, and thus cause Toshiko to suffer from first degree burns.

Suutei noticed how quickly he was approaching Toshiko and dialed back his speed, he didn't want to be within the blast radius of the technique.  When the flames detonated Suutei would draw his kunai, and engage Toshiko within the wall of fire caused by the fireball.  Fighting with his kunai and fists was all he needed with Toshiko, after all he was weak in his eyes.  This would prove if he was deserving of the title of Chunnin.  Only one of them would come out of this victorious, and Suutei planned on it being him.  Ever since they met at the Hi no Kuni border, he was prepared for this moment right now.  Their battle would now begin and it was time to Suutei to reclaim his dignity and fluctuate his pride.

Trained Thus Far...
Ninja Art: Blast Ball 1350/1350*
Taijutsu A-S 1000/1000

*Quick Learner is Active



Keith kept his position on the wall as Suutei yelled to him. He wanted a little aid in this little skirmish of his that involved hybrid people that seemed to have strength unlike what Keith has seen, or maybe that was just because they were over powering Suutei? Either way, Keith stayed unmovable as he thought about whether to help his traveling companion with something like this even though he continued to flex his 'authority' and/or 'power' with his attitude. He didn't really deserve Keith's help especially because of the way he looked down on Keith as if he didn't know what he was doing. Keith was usually an upbeat person but now he would be rather dependent on how he felt about Suutei to make his decision.

Before he was about to finish his decision making period, Toshiko slithered through the same venting duct that Keith had came through. It's a good thing he found them now so Keith's decision wouldn't have to be made. Toshiko, the chuunin in the group would be able to give better aid to Suutei either way so Keith was able to just sit this one out for now. But things turned for the worst, actually, when Toshiko had finally had enough of Suutei's bipolar actions of basically hating us one moment but asking for our help the next. He told him about himself in detail and gave him a punishment basically for putting the whole group at risk. It's a wonder that this didn't go any more badly. Keith thought of this too soon as Suutei replied only moment's afterwards exclaiming that he would take down Toshiko at this very moment and apparently he meant business. The scorpions were paralyzed now by Toshiko's jutsu and apparently it was Keith's job to dispose of them firmly and efficiently. How would he do that? Of course he would have to figure out a way of doing so without intervening in this fight that was about to brew between two rivals, or should one call them enemies.

Suutei's fireball went to Toshiko without falter until it dispersed into smaller balls of flames. Toshiko's response to this would have to be fast to dodge or block this not to mention the attack that Suutei had waiting for him with using taijutsu. Keith sighed as he leaped from the wall. Upon touching the floor, dust kicked up from under him and made him let out a small cough. He stayed out of the area where the two would be fighting and figured that he would have to wait until they had moved a little before he could dispose of the enemies here. After all, Toshiko and Suutei were fighting rather close to them. "This is not how I wanted this travel mission to go, honestly. I was hoping to have a good time and learn some new moves and/or jutsus but then this happens. Though I should have seen this coming from the beginning when we all first gathered at the previous border." Keith said under his breath to himself as he was ready to actually leave this weird place and go else where. He wouldn't even mind if he went home for now because he predicts now that this trip will be rather stressful to him. He may even have to train alone for awhile after these two finish because they wouldn't be up to anything after they possibly give one another a beating.

Thinking to himself again, Keith realized that he was probably going to get hit in the crossfire of one of their jutsus or attacks. "This may actually be a good time to practice my super natural walking technique form the academy. I can practice prolonged use of it I guess since there isn't really anything more that I can do..." And in saying that, he leaped back onto the wall he had crawled on prior to jumping off. He walked around on it for a bit before kneeling down on it almost like a spider and moving to the further side of the room with it. he sat in the corner of the walls so that he could observe both of their fighting styles for future reference as well as so he can find an opening to get those scorpions out of there unless they get hit in the crossfire as well.

Word count: 748 words
Used Supernatural Walking Practice (Academy Jutsu)

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

That was it. That was all that Toshiko needed. Suutei had done exactly what Toshiko wanted him to do. He attacked Toshiko through his own anger and embarrassment, inhaling, and then exhaling a large fireball that was headed directly at Toshiko. Behind it he came running along with a kunai in his hands. Oh god. The very sight gave Toshiko a rush. His will to fight was taking over. This kid had challenged him, so he'd show him what he could do. Obviously he wanted to see. Toshiko stood there staring at the fireball through his right, uncovered eye and gave off a blank expression. The fireball came over above his head and then separated into smaller fireballs that were meant to rain down on him and the area around him. Toshiko smiled, and then made his move.

He moved at top speeds, going at eleven meters persond in one burst, moving out of the area of the fireball, and only 2 meters behind suutei. After a second of being there, he attacked suutei from behind. He aimed his right leg at a kick at the side of his head, and then moved it to hit the back of his chest 2 times. After that he aimed another kick at the other side of his head, spinning around so his right leg could kick the left side of Suutei's head. After that he would jump back going 2 meters in the air, and moving back 5 meters. As he was in the air, he inhaled as fast as he could and then exhaled ten moderate sized fireballs that would be aimed directly at suutei and the area around him just in case he attempted to move. Toshiko landed on the ground five meters away, but wasn't done with his attack. He would then form the tiger hand seal, and speak out the name of the jutsu he was going to perform.
"Fire Style: Fire Clone Jutsu."

After he spoke the words, an identical clone of himself made from his fire chakra appeared three meters to the right of him. Toshiko really didn't want to go all out on suutei, but he was waiting for this moment. Suutei made toshiko's blood boil, and for that reason, he refused to go easy on him. He wanted a fight, and a fight was what he would receive. He wouldn't kill him of course. Even if he was capable of doing so he couldn't kill. It was his only rule. He'd just show suutei that he was worthy of the chuunnin title that he was given. After he created the clone, Toshiko and the clone ran forward right behind the ten fireballs that toshiko had created. It was time for him to get serious. he was about 3 meters behind the fireballs, and 5 away from suutei.  as the fireballs were set to hit suutei, toshiko and his clone attacks, Toshiko's clone grabbed the real toshiko's hand, pulled him with all his might and then threw him up in the air.  As toshiko was about to be skyrocketed into the air by his clone, he turned to fact it and grabbed it's hand after it threw him and  hurled it up as well. The toshiko clone and the real one were now in air, with the clone following right behind the real one. Then, as toshiko was above suutei directly, the clone grabbed his leg, and threw the real toshiko down. Toshiko caught himself in mid air, and got into a dropkick position attempting to drop his right leg down onto the top of suutei's head with a great force.



2798/3000 Raiton B-A

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Tue May 19, 2015 8:30 pm; edited 3 times in total



Keith sat still in his position on the wall, in the corner of the room. He watched as Toshiko and Suutei, both his travel companions, fought one another for the sake of settling something. Toshiko, really was just standing up for himself in the face of Suutei who continuously attempted to show his power of at us even though he just mad himself look like a dimwit. I don't know if he really noticed but Both Keith and Toshiko seemed to never take him seriously with his hollow threats usually. He was really just annoying both of them with his attitude. Keith knew that this was a waste of time as well though. They could be using both their time and energy to be doing more productive and efficient things such as training, with was the initial reason they came out here in the first place. They are really just waiting their own energy in this and may make it worse on themselves while they tread through the sand in the blistering heat later on. It's not like Keith didn't like a good fight no and again but even so, this was still cutting into his own training time, he was unable to get through what he wanted to.

Repositioning himself on the wall a few time, Keith kept his jutsu intact for a while now. He sat in the corner of the room watching them fight. But periodically, he would look back over to the scorpions who lye here unconscious. Toshiko used a jutsu of his to do this to them but that was some time ago and they could be regaining consciousness at any minute. Keith was supposed to dispose of these scorpions while Toshiko and Suutei fought so that they wouldn't do anything funny in the mean time but it was kind of hard to do something of the sort since both of his companions were throwing around jutsu that had such a high range. If Keith was to just randomly slip in to get the scorpions then he and the scorpions are bound to get hit. Though the scorpions are at high risk as is just lying around in the midst of all of this. They were almost hit once but so far they have been pretty lucky. Even still, Keith had to look for his own opening so that he could get the scorpions out of there and do something with them. Less likely to kill them though.

Word Count: 417




OOC:  Since there is combat occurring everyone does know that Chakra costs, and Jutsu duration count.  This came into effect once I used Ryuuibuki which I will add to my chakra deduction at the end of this post.

Toshiko moved at top speeds, but Suutei matched his speed flawlessly.  This was the fast a Chunnin could run?  Toshiko was nothing but a joke.  The Uzumaki managed to avoid the blast radius of his Inferno Sprinkler.  Charging after him he managed to over run Suutei and was 2 meters behind him.  Not moments later he attempted to attack him from behind.  One kick from his right leg aimed to the side of his head,  Suutei quickly ducked under the kick.   Suutei knew that he could evenly match him in close quarters combat.  After avoiding his kick Suutei performed a back flip over Toshiko, who attempted to kick him in his back.  After that he aimed another kick at the other side of his head, spinning around so his right leg could kick the left side of Suutei's head.  Suutei smirked as he activated his favorite technique of all, and just cm away before the Uzumaki's kick connected he vanished.  Reappearing above his he performed a spin kick while in midair aimed for Toshiko's head.  Suutei would connect with head easily, only way he could avoid it was with a technique similar to his own.  Before causing the boy to stumble slightly, Suutei finally took a look at Toshiko's eye and finally noticed the eye patch.  Could he be missing an eye...  Suutei was enraged and seeing how Toshiko made it worse he was ready to end this, flashed again once more reappearing behind him spinning on his feet attempting to stab his kunai into the side of Toshiko's shoulder.  It wouldn't affect him much but it was something.  Suutei bounded backwards 2 times creating a gap between them around 7 meters.  Toshiko hindered by his attacks also separated himself going 2 meters backwards in the air landing and moving back an additional 5 meters.  Watching the boy closely, he saw him inhale then exhale ten moderate sized fireballs all headed for Suutei.  It was apparent that he attempted to trap Suutei, the same way he did to Toshiko.  Suutei breathed in deeply concentrating the chakra in his lungs, holding his position.  Suutei eyed the distance between the two, and he estimated about 13 to 16 meters away.  Toshiko formed the tiger hand seal, and said aloud the name of the jutsu he was going to perform.  "Fire Style: Fire Clone Jutsu."

After he stated the technique performed, another Toshiko appeared 3 meters to the right of the Uzumaki's position.  Suutei was sick and tired of this sad excuse for a ninja, and pitiful bearer of the Uzumaki name.  Waiting for the right moment Suutei let out a flame from his mouth, the flame descended to his right forearm and coiled around it like a spring.  The hairs around his arm began to burn, but he didn't care it would be worth it after he ended this.  Gripping his scarf and turban at the same time, he removed them pulling the white shawl with it.  Now only thing that revealed his torso was a black high rise sleeveless shirt, the collar was laced with gold.  The back of the shirt portrayed a gold colored emblem, of the Kimura clan symbol and a gold bangle around both biceps.  Suutei's hair laid around his head in the messy fashion he liked, and was waiting for his opponents move.  If the boy was wise he knew that he could not beat Suutei, it was already obvious when he overpowered him the first time.  As of now Suutei wasn't impressed, if this was Konoha's pride and joy, then the Fire Nation was in trouble.

After Toshiko created the clone, the two began to trail behind the fireballs he shoot out.  The first fireball was no problem, Suutei nimbly avoided the first three without effort.  The next 4 he barely managed against, with his right leg being seared.  The next 3 incoming fireballs were incoming, Suutei braced himself after he avoided the first one.  Make an X with his right arm over his left he was forced backwards about 2 meters.  Toshiko grabbed the identical ones hand, pulled him with all his might and flung him towards the ceiling.  Right before the other's feet left the ground, he turned to facing him and grabbed their hand.  Repeatedly they did this until they were high in the air, directly above him.  One of them threw the other at Toshiko like a torpedo, the torpedo Toshiko adjusted his body into a dropkick position.  They were planning to smash him into the ground, Suutei smirked as he inhaled deeply once more channeling the chakra within his lungs.  Dropping down onto his back he spat out his latest technique, a minuscule fireball that soon dilated into the shape of a dragon's head on track with Toshiko.  The fireball traveled at 30 m/s that covered the distance between him and Suutei almost instantly.  Unlike Ryusei, Toshiko didn't have the technique known as Futon: Stream that would have propelled him out of the way, but now he ironically sealed his fate.  As soon as he came into contact with the dragon fireball, he would suffer from severe 2nd degree burns.  Fall to the ground breaking his legs, after they were fractured by the impact of the fireball.  Suutei would then thrust his arm forward aimed at the other Toshiko in the air, once he did this the flame that coiled around his arm would extend 15 meters into the air moving at 15 m/s.  Covering the distance in less than a second, it would send Toshiko flying higher crashing into the ceiling and back too the ground.  This would end their fight as Suutei got to his feet, deactivating the coiling flame.

Looking over to Keith still on the wall, he saw Chopper below him, the reindeer somehow was capable of gathering the garments he discarded earlier.  Suutei walked over to his reindeer companion, not to gather his clothes but to speak with Keith.  "This is what you call power, the ability to crush pathetic weakling like Toshiko.  I will be honest though, he was right about me.  I took my anger out on the both of you, I lost a fight that would have put me closer to my goal.  I apologize to you Keith I did not mean to treat you so coldly, nor Toshiko.  It is sad things had to end this way though.  Chopper...lets go." Suutei walked down the pathway discovered by Chopper earlier, eventually making their way to the outside.  One thing was weird though that they now were within the village hidden in the sand, meaning that the people of Sunagakure were completely unaware of the Scorpion and Snake humanoid civilization right under their feet.  Suutei looked around and noticed it was some sort of shop, but it didn't appear to be operated for what looked like ages.  Suutei hunched his shoulders and sat against a wall within the shop, his body aching he noticed his arm was extremely red and burned most likely from the collision of the two fireballs.  "Damn my life sucks...

Trained Thus Far...
Ninja Art: Blast Ball 1350/1350*
Taijutsu A-S 2000/2000

*Quick Learner is Active
Chakra: 75/150:

Last edited by Suutei on Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:55 am; edited 2 times in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

As Toshiko aimed his barrage at Suutei from behind, he was shocked to see that suutei somehow knew he was there. He ducked underneath his kick, and then did a backflip over him as his backflip was set to kick. there was a strange afterimage appearance being shown off from suutei. Toshiko saw through his trick. There were two afterimages, and the real suutei came over above his head with a kick. Toshiko stared up as suutei's leg came down and held his hand up to deflect it. Suutei flashed again, and this time appeared behind toshiko. Toshiko quickly turned around, and blocked the kunai attack that suutei had aimed at his shoulder by moving his body to the side, swerving  out of the way of the blade.

As Toshiko and his clone were in mid air and the real toshiko was about to drop down onto suutei from a 33 meter height distance, Toshiko could see suutei get down on his back, and inhale deeply. How he noticed them while dodging his fireballs, he did not know, but this was bad. He was in the air, and suutei was probably going to fire a fireball technique directly at him. Toshiko knew that when someone inhaled such as he did the element behind it would normally be katon as he did katon techniques such as that himself. What was Toshiko going to do? Shit.

Meanwhile, Toshiko's clone stared back at the real toshiko to see if his attack would hit, noticing the same thing that Toshiko had with suutei's movements. Toshikos clone had to save Toshiko from the attack. As he was flying through air, he reached the wall of the underground room. He turned his body to hit both of his feet upon his, used it as a launching pad, and leaped off, heading directly towards Toshiko at the full 11 meter distance speed that was between the two. He reached toshiko just as suutei was spitting out the fireball jutsu, grabbed him, and they both were knocked off course from the fireball attack. They watched as the fireball turned into a large fire serpent  that would have basically incinerated toshiko. The could see Suutei unraveling a fire string across his arm, set to hit toshiko's clone if he had stayed in place. Suutei would then get up assuming his attacks had struck both their targets, and then spoke cockily of defeating Toshiko. Toshiko and his clone stood to their feet. Toshiko smiled. He was going to kick suutei's teeth in just as he promised he would. As suutei was halfway into his sentence, Toshiko  Would take action. There was only a 5 meter distance between suutei, and toshiko and his clone. He could speed through it in less than half a second. It was time to put suutei back in his place.

in 2 seconds, Toshiko formed a string of hand seals, not speaking the name of the jutsu that he planned to use on his opponent. The air would slightly become distorted around Suutei but would be barely noticeable and even if he could notice it, He wouldn't be quick enough to react. Invisible chains of toshiko's chakra would begin to wrap around suutei. To make sure suutei didn't get out of this jutsu, in another 0.3 of a second, Toshiko and his clone moved at full speed. Toshiko's clone got on all fours about 2 meters away from suutei, and the real toshiko quickly ran up, got on his back, and jumped off of it going 5 meters in the sky. He made a double axehandle with his arms holding it over his head, and then attempted to bring down  both of his fists down upon suutei's head at a 1 meter distance. As toshiko did that, his clone would come up directly behind him, and swing his leg at a kick at both of suutei's feet. If suutei dodged toshiko's clone, he'd be struck upon the head or tied up in the jutsu. If he doged toshiko's attack, he'd be knocked onto his feet and tied up by the jutsu. Toshiko didn't see a way for his opponent to get out of this one.

Word Count: 694



3000/3000 Raiton B-A

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Tue May 19, 2015 8:32 pm; edited 3 times in total



------------------Place Holder--------------------



Suutei could hear a light tap on the ground like a pebble dropping into a body of water, pausing in midsentence he was curious to if it were the creatures.  Suutei turned around quickly to see Toshiko performing a technique and suddenly could feel the air shift around him, Suutei felt that something was strange.  "Suutei look out!"  Suutei squatted low and performed a back flip three times until he was standing on the wall, to the right of Keith's head.  Clenching his fist he'd go back all in with Suutei in close combat, because as far as Ninjutsu they were slightly on par with one another.  Suutei breathed in heavily to calm himself and focus his mind, then leaped from the wall with his legs propelling him forward at around 5 m/s heading straight on with the airborne Toshiko.  Once he was within arm's reach he would swing his fist directly at his jaw, knocking him out of the air with Suutei landing on top of him.

Once they both fell to the ground Suutei would get off of Toshiko, after finally realizing how right Toshiko was.  This boy was deserving of the title of Chunnin and who was he to judge anyone, he earned his spot in the Chunnin Exams.  If it weren't for him Suutei would still be couped in his apartment back in Konoha.  Reluctantly he would offer his hand to Toshiko would he be willing to take it, and deeply apologize to Toshiko as sincerely as possible.  "Look Toshiko...I am truly sorry and you were completely right about me, I suppose I am just pitiful.  I am worthless scum as of right now.  I refuse to continue this fight for the simple fact, neither of us will prevail.  I rather it just be you and I not fighting as enemies of the same village, and neither comrades...but rivals."  Suutei felt uneasy with his back turned to Toshiko's clone and was prepared to strike both Toshiko, and deal with his clone afterwards.

Trained Thus Far...
Ninja Art: Blast Ball 1350/1350*
Taijutsu A-S 2000/2000

*Quick Learner is Active

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

OOC: I believe there is a rule that states if an attack is ignored, it's assumed to have gone through. So this is how my post is going to go down lul.

Toshiko watched as Suutei became aware of his attacks just as they were going through, btu the way he reacted was strange. He simply ducked down as both Toshiko and his clone's attacks went through along with the jutsu. As he ducked, the invisible chakra strings came down onto him tying up his arms a legs. Toshiko would slam both of his fists into the top of his head, and his clone would clip suutei, knocking him to the ground. Toshiko was nowhere near done with him yet. Toshiko's clone would kick attempt to kick Suutei in the head twice. Toshiko then gestured to his clone to move out of the way and it moved 8 meters to the right of suutei as he quickly formed the tiger hand seal and inhaled filling his mouth with fire chakra. Toshiko then exhaled, firing a stream of fire from his mouth like a flamethrower directly onto suutei's face and upper chest from 4 meters away. The heat from the attack would probably redden Toshiko's skin a bit, but suutei would be taken the whole damage.

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

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