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1Chishio Clan Empty Chishio Clan Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:00 am



Symbol: Chishio Clan Ten_kanji_by_raz5-d3bxn4w

Clan: Chishio

Kekkei Genkai: Inner Rage

Elements: Fire

Specialization: Taijutsu

Location: Scattered (Mostly Kirigakure)

Clan History:

The true history of the Chishio Clan is known only to a few; the family are not quick to share the details of their sordid past, nor do many other people find it worthwhile to try and convince them to open up. Amongst scholars of the ninja world, however, there are some facts that are now agreed upon.

In the distant past (the exact date is unknown but certainly hundreds, if not thousands, of years) there was a man known as Chishio Yotsuda. He was driven by a singular will and desire: to unite all the land into one great nation. In the pursuit of that goal he gathered many powerful warriors, ninjas and sages to him - and for a brief time it seemed he might even be successful in his vision.

One of those brought to him, however, was a demon; a monster who took the shape of a beautiful woman. She had no interest in his vision of unity and peace, as her dream was a world plunged into constant turmoil. She offered him the means to make himself and his family nigh-invulnerable in battle, by mixing their blood with her own. She did not mention that doing so would instil in them her hatred of human life, her disgust at their weakness and frailty, and her seething inner anger.

That family turned on itself in a single week of crazed bloodshed as the corruption of the monster tore them to pieces. The dream of the peaceful man was shattered forever, and the bloodline dispersed throughout the world. As Yotsuda had his home in the Land of Water, that country has more than its fair share, but throughout history there have been many people who have suddenly displayed that ancient taint. Although the strength and power granted to them is truly great, it comes with its own drawbacks - and many have come to see the Chishio as little more than ticking bombs; rabid beasts it is best to unleash upon the enemy until they are themselves defeated.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Inner Rage of the clan grants them greater physical capabilities than ordinary humans, at the price of their rationality and self control. Although it is possible for strong-willed clan members to fight the urge towards violence, it is ever-present, and Chishio often have a reputation for being short-tempered, impulsive and reckless as a result.

Chishio gain +2 tiers to Strength and +1 to Endurance. They are also extremely resilient to genjutsu which attempts to influence their emotions. In order to affect a Chishio with such a technique the user must be using a technique one greater than the Chishio's rank (e.g, a Chishio Genin may only be 'calmed' by a technique of C-rank or greater).


All Chishio have the Fire Release as their most natural element; although they may learn to use others, this one is always what comes most easily and must be mastered first.

All Chishio feel a constant urging towards violence and bloodshed - they have to actively fight the urging of the corruption in their heart if they do not try to solve any given problem or frustration by tearing it to pieces. A Chishio who is actively taunted and does not immediately attempt to attack the cause of the taunting will have their effective reaction rank reduced by 2 as they fight their impulses.

Additionally, Chishio chakra is poisonous and difficult to wield precisely. All Genjutsu and Ninjutsu techniques have their cost increased by 15 chakra or their effectiveness reduced by 1 rank for each 5 chakra not paid.

Finally, Chishio may not choose to let themselves be effected by any emotion-influencing genjutsu, and due to the rage boiling beneath the surface, all genjutsu designed to evoke anger have their effective rank increased by 2.

Members: Coming Soon? (tm)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: (What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four - with a limit of 1 S / SS rank jutsu, and 1 Scaling Jutsu.)

Name: Fury Kindled
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Personal
Specialty: N/A
Duration: 3 posts
Cooldown: 6 posts
Description: Unleashing the power of their bloodline further, the Chishio is able to increase their strength by +1 rank. It is impossible to call upon the power of the rage inside their heart and remain entirely... controlled, however. At this level, the rage prevents the use of any complicated techniques at all - including particularly florid taijutsu techniques. Additionally, for three posts after the flare of anger has passed, they will be exhausted and their muscles will ache suffering -1 rank to their usual strength.

Name: Fury Unleashed
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Personal
Specialty: N/A
Duration: 6 posts
Cooldown: 12 posts
Description: A terrifying level of berserk fury, the Chishio is able to increase their strength by +2 ranks by completely giving in to their monstrous urges. Just as with the previous level, the rage prevents the use of most complicated techniques, but the user is now able to use any taijutsu techniques they know, representing a slightly more calculating anger. Additionally, for three posts after the state has passed, they will be exhausted and their muscles will ache suffering -2 ranks to their usual strength.

Name: True Frenzy
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Personal
Specialty: N/A
Duration: 12 posts
Cooldown: 24 posts
Description: The final expression of the rage which burns in the heart of the Chishio Clan is enough to send a shiver down the spine of any who witness it. When the True Frenzy is unleashed, the Chishio gains +3 to their effective strength rank at a cost of all restraint. Until the duration has passed, they will attack any and every living thing they can get their hands on, followed by simply smashing the surroundings until the anger has passed. They can use all techniques known to them to accomplish this goal, but may not voluntarily end the technique until the time has elapsed. Additionally, when the Frenzy has passed, the Chishio will be completely exhausted and far weaker than normal, suffering -3 ranks to their usual strength, -1 to their reaction time and -1 to their endurance for 12 posts... if they can move at all.

Name: Mountain-Hurling Technique
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Offensive (Scaling)
Element: N/A
Range: 20m, +5 chakra for every +20m beyond that to a maximum of 100m.
Specialty: N/A
Duration: N/A
Cooldown: 2 posts
Description: If there is one thing that can annoy a Chishio, it is when someone runs away from a fight! Although the name of this technique is somewhat hyperbolic, it has been used to great effect over the years. Essentially, anything the Chishio can lift over their head can - with the proper application of chakra to fuel the muscles and rage to fuel the mind - be hurled incredible distances. Rumours that there were once Chishio strong enough to give the technique its name literal meaning have never been confirmed.

2Chishio Clan Empty Re: Chishio Clan Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:01 am



Okay, lets do this, sorry about the wait.



Is fine, 4 total buffs.
  • +1 end
  • +1 str
  • +1 str
  • good against emotion hitting genjutsu.


Okay, you have a lot of drawbacks here, but the only problem i see is, not a lot of them matter. Needing to always take katon, while needing to be specified here, cool, is not an active disadvantage. (of which you need 4). Your other drawbacks are hyper specific, and one of them just doesn't matter for any applicable scenatio. (-2 reac while avoiding combat, does not equal a flat +2, always.) So you're going to need to think of this more as + for a -.

They need to be equal.

Maybe taking a hesitant element without the ability to counter it, as well as it having to be katon. Having a -2 to perception in combat, due to their rage and -1 to reac. Would be some good ones.


1/ Can't increase strength by +1 rank at C rank. Please view the Buffs tables in the guidelines sections.
2/ Same story here... +2 ranks is WAY too high.

On that pattern, i would like you to go over the buff rules in the jutsu guides and the stat rules in the stat guides. :)

and once edits are made, post again in the clan reqs section <3

3Chishio Clan Empty Re: Chishio Clan Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:06 am



Huuuuh, okey doke. I thought I read and understood the buff rules but apparently not. :P

It'll be a little while before I can really get back to this. I might make a character first and revisit the concept later when I've got a tighter handle on the system if that's okay. ^^;

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