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It was probably a very good thing that Amaya had decided to stop in the market on her way home from training the day before to buy that alarm clock because had she not? Her prediction that she would have slept till past noon would have been right. As it was when her alarm clock began to blare some song that was long forgotten to the world in an effort to wake her up she reached out with a sore and aching arm and slapped the snooze button on the top to silence it and give her a few more minutes of sleep.

Normally Akai would have taken over in the process of waking her up like she had the morning before, but even she knew she needed another fifteen minutes of sleep. Of course even that didn't feel like it was enough and before she knew it the alarm was going off again – at least it wasn't that terrible song though. With a groan Amaya reached out, fumbling for the alarm clock while trying hard not to break it by smashing it on the floor as she had done the previous morning. She found the off button just as she heard Akai enter in the bedroom – obviously she was coming to see if she was actually going to get up this time or not.

With the alarm shut off Amaya yawned and forced herself to sit up despite the ache in her body: her hope was that if she was sitting up she would be less likely to fall back to sleep. Of course she made no promises though.

Amaya reached up and rubbed at her eyes as she yawned again; removing the usual morning eye crust from the corners of her eyes. Once she was done and sure that it was all gone she looked over to Akai who was leaning against the doorway and obviously waiting for breakfast at this point: Amaya was the better cook out of the two as it was. Amaya yawned again and scratched at the top of her head while her toes curled in enjoyment. ”I'll tell you what, Akai. Let me shower first and I'll make steak for breakfast. How's that?”, she looked over to Akai as she spoke, grinning a bit despite how tired and sore she felt.

Akai was all on board with that plan and came over, placed her hands on her knees, and kissing her forehead once. She then walked across the room and back to the living room where he sprawled himself out on the comfortable couch. Amaya could hear the television click on and just shook her head: yes, her friend knew how to turn on the television and liked watching it when there was nothing else to do. So, figuring that Akai was occupied for the time being Amaya got up out of bed and stretched; standing up on the very tips of her toes while her fingers pointed skyward. Her fingertips brushed against the ceiling for a moment before she relaxed the position.

After reaching over to turn on her bedside lamp she turned her focus and attention onto her messy bed: despite how tired she had been she still had slept like a wild woman. She fixed her pillow so that it was back in its case and then pulled the sheet up and straightened it out. When the sheet was fixed she did the same thing for her blanket – deciding to lay it over her sheet instead of folding it at the foot of the bed like she had the day before. When her bed was straightened to perfection she turned and walked over to her dresser.

She pulled open the top drawer and removed another clean sports bra and comfortable pair of panties; both of these were red in color unlike the black ones she had worn yesterday. Once that drawer was then shut she opened the second drawer and pulled out a black short sleeved t-shirt. This drawer was then shut and finally the last was open: a pair of black basket ball styled shorts being removed before the drawer was shut and closed.

Amaya, suddenly remember that she had forgotten to alert everyone she would be taking another personal day, carefully placed the folded clothing on top of her dresser and walked out of the room and into the living room. She found a pad of paper and a pen on the table by the door and wrote a quick note that read “Taking another personal day. I should be back to work tomorrow if I can actually crawl out of bed after all of this training. Let me know if you need anything at all. I appreciate you taking over for me in my absence. - Amaya”. She folded the letter up after putting the pencil back down and slipped it into an envelope which she sealed with her usual mark.

”Akai, can you deliver this to my secretary for me while I shower, please? Akai looked over from the television she was watching, tongue hanging out of her mouth in his usual goofy fashion in an attempt to make Amaya smile. She stared at Amaya and the letter for a second before she wandered over and took it from Amaya and headed out the door. ”Thanks, silly butt!”, she called after her. Now, shower time.

Word Count: 903



With Akai off to deliver her message that she would be taking another personal day Amaya focused her attention on the task at hand: showering. In truth she had got a shower the night before because of how sweaty and gross she had been after all of that training, but Amaya secretly had a phobia of stinking and therefore a shower was needed. Of course, this time around she could skip washing her hair.

Amaya wandered over to the dresser, picked her pile of clean clothing off of the dresser, and then walked into the bathroom with them before putting them on the double sink vanity as she had done the previous day. She picked up a nearby brush and brushed out her damn near floor length blue hair before wrapping it up in a tight bun to keep it up and away from her neck let alone the rest of her body while she showered.

Once her hair was wound up and secured with a few ponytail holders she turned her attention to the shower and switched it on. Unlike her hot shower yesterday that had had her house filling with steam she turned the shower on and allowed the water to get luke warm at best: the slight coldness would help in waking her up, or that was what she had hoped anyway. When the water was exactly how she wanted it, and after double checking that her hair would remain up, she stepped into the glass shower and closed the door behind herself.

Once under the spray she stood there for several minutes and just allowed the water to run down her body; she enjoyed the massage feeling that the six shower heads provided – especially on days like today when she was very sore. She stood there for a good solid ten minutes before she reached over and picked up her bath poof and body wash. She poured a small amount of the poof and then lathered up her body; starting from her face and working her way down her neck, D cup breasts, arms, stomach and back, as well as her butt and nether regions, her legs, and down to her feet.

She moved slowly, not in any rush to get out from beneath the glorious spray of water. Once she was completely lathered up she rinsed off the poof and hung it back on its hook before stepping back underneath of the spray and letting the water rinse the soap from her body. Once every part of her body including her face was free of the naturally scented soap she stood there for another few minutes before deciding she had wasted enough time in the shower. She turned the shower off, opened the shower door, and snagged a towel off of the nearby rack – the same one she had used yesterday to dry her body off.

She dried herself off in the shower, aiming to avoid the chill of the bathroom air since she had forgotten to turn up the thermostat that she had set to super low the night before. Once she was completely dry she wrapped the towel around herself and stepped out of the shower, closing the glass door behind herself. She stepped out of the bathroom and over to the thermostat, turning it up to seventy two, and then stepped back into the bathroom.

Once she was satisfied that the room would warm up easily enough to a comfortable temperature she slipped in to her bra, panties, shorts and t-shirt. She then pulled her hair down from the bun it was in and brushed it out once more. When she was finished she braided it into twin braids and put a ponytail at each end. She added her usual black eyeliner and mascara, purple eyeshadow, and purple tinted lipstick before exiting the bathroom.

She glanced around, noticing that Akai was back in her place in front of the television, having delivered the letter and obviously waiting for the steak she had promised her. Amaya was more awake now, and feeling far better then she had been, and so with a smile on her face she headed towards the kitchen to make breakfast.

Word Count: 702 + 903 = 1,605



Amaya threw another glance over towards Akai who was deeply engrossed in the television show she was watching and chuckled in amusement to herself. There was something seriously amusing about someone who could watch television with such intensity. Forcing herself to pay attention to the task at hand she crossed the last few steps that would take her into her beloved kitchen and walked over to the fridge. She opened the door, pulled out two steaks that were nice and defrosted, and placed them on the counter. She then moved over to her draining rack that still had the two skillets she had used the day before and pulled out one of the now dry skillets. She also grabbed out the baking sheet which was dry as well and placed it on the counter. The skillet made it to the stove and she deposited the two steaks into it before salting and peppering them on both sides.

She turned the heat on low and covered the steak up with a lid. She then turned on the oven to get it preheating while she pulled some hash browns out of the freezer. She placed ten hash browns on the baking sheet and as the oven dinged to indicate it was pre heated to the proper temperature she put the baking sheet in and closed the oven up before putting the rest of the hash browns into the freezer.

She then turned her focus on the steak, ensuring that it didn't burn or end up being over cooked: both her and Akai liked their meat on the raw side after all. When the steak was finished she removed the skillet from the heat and pulled one of the plates she had washed the morning before out of the draining rack. She placed the plate on the counter and then added the steak to them before throwing the skillet into the sink and filling it with water and soap so that it could soak while she finished breakfast.

With the steak finished and the skillet soaking she turned her attention on to the oven and the hash browns in it. She opened the oven door and took a peak in to see how the hash browns were faring: they were golden brown and crispy, just how she liked them. Grabbing down an oven mitt she opened the oven the rest of the way, pulled out the baking sheet, and placed it on the stove before closing the oven door. She then snatched a spatula from the draining rack as well as her other plate. She put a steak on the other plate and then put five five hash browns on each plate.

After a glance to ensure both the oven and the stove were turned off – and they were – she took a plate per hand and walked back into the living room. She placed Akai's plate down in front of her and then laid her's on the couch before returning to the kitchen for a drink. She grabbed a glass out of the draining rack and the orange juice out of the fridge; after pouring herself a glass she replaced the juice, grabbed a fork, and then returned to the living room. She sat down on the couch and put her plate in her lap as she began to eat – pausing every now and then to take a sip of her orange juice. Her steak was finished first and then she ate all five of the hash browns – she would need the calories to get her through the day after all because she had every intention of doubling the amount of training she had accomplished yesterday.

She chugged down the rest of the orange juice and then returned to the kitchen with her plate, fork, and glass. She washed everything thoroughly, stopping to take Akai's plate from her as she brought it into the kitchen in her own usual way, and put everything into the drainer to dry. She put her oven mitt away back where it belonged on its hook and then wiped down the counter so that it too was clean. Knowing that her bed was already made and everything else was cleaned up she went over to the fridge and removed two fresh bottles of water. She added them to her familiar gym bag and then added some fruit as a snack for herself and the jerky for Akai since that seemed to be her preferred snack. Once satisfied that she had everything she looked over to Akai with a grin. ”Ready to go, buddy? I want to double our training from yesterday, so we need to head out as early as possible.” Akai made quick work of shutting the television off and stood by the door, waiting for Amaya.

Word Count: 803 + 1,605 = 2,408



Amaya just grinned as she watched Akai turn off the television and then head over to the door: she enjoyed training as much as she did even if all she did was watch her while keeping an ear out for any sort of approaching danger or distraction. Amaya crossed the living room with the gym bag hanging by its strap from her right shoulder. She opened the door, waited for Akai to walk out, and then followed after her while pausing long enough to lock the door behind them. Once on her porch she looked up at the sky and took a deep breath of the fresh air: it smelled pleasant with the fragrances from her own garden filling her nose – she didn't tend to the thing herself, she had a gardener who did that for her, but that didn't mean she didn't appreciate it because she definitely did. Even if flowers and pretty things weren't exactly her style. The only reason she didn't tend to it herself was because she felt her hands were meant for bringing death to the world, not life.

Akai looked back at Amaya expectantly and she grinned before following after her sister like friend: sometimes Akai could be rather impatient, but she loved her for it just the same. Amaya and Akai moved down the same path they had the day before, nodding to people as they passed by in their early morning rush to get kids off to school and to get to work or run errands. She found herself thinking about how glad she was that everyone around her was so happy – she busted her ass off to ensure that they were safe and well cared for and it was nice to get out and about and see this happiness of theirs first hand.

Amaya continued through the market and towards the outskirts of the village without being stopped, continuing to nod in greeting to those who stopped and acknowledged her in the midst of their busy morning. Akai ran around her several times, obviously excited and happy by the attention she had been shown. It amused Amaya so much because she knew how vicious and violent Akai could be when it came to combat, and yet when in the village and 'off duty' so to speak she was as playful and as kind as a puppy was.

When the two reached the outskirts of the village they kept on the same path as the day before, heading straight to the familiar clearing. When they reached it Amaya paused and looked around: everything was the same as it had been yesterday and there were no knew scents in the air that would indicate that someone had been there after she left. Perfect, simply perfect. She walked over to the same flat rock she had used as a table before and put her bag down. She opened it up, pulled out the plastic cup she used to hold water for Akai, and then a bottle of water. She opened the bottle, poured half of it into the cup until it was full, and then took a swig of the water out of the bottle. Once the lid was tightly back on she poked playfully for a moment at Akai's ears and then put the water back into her gym bag and closed the thing up. She then turned and walked towards the center of the clearing to begin the same process she had done the day before.

Word Count: 584 + 2,408 = 2,992



Once Amaya reached the center of the clearing she paused and began to stretch just as she had done the previous day. She started from her neck, worked down to her shoulders and back, as well as her arms. She then moved down to her hips, legs, and finally her ankle and feet. Once she had completely stretched every muscle in her body she moved herself into a seated position and tucked her legs in in an indian style position. She sat with her back perfectly straight and glanced over to Akai who was laying down and doing the same thing she had done before – her ears were tuned to the slightest noise as she obviously listened for any sort of sound that was out of the ordinary.

Seeing that her 'protection detail' was covered she closed her eyes with a smile and started on the deep breathing exercise that would help her to clear her mind and prepare herself mentally and physically for the training that was to come. Amaya breathed in slow and deeply, held it for a moment, and then breathed out slowly until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the second time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the third time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the fourth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the fifth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. As she continued she felt her mind emptying of the stresses and worries that came with being a Jounin of such a large and popular village.

She then breathed in slow and deeply for the sixth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the seventh time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the eight time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the ninth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the tenth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. As she exhaled each and every time she imagined the stresses of her life and of the word being blown out through her nose from her mind: as if she were physically expelling all of them so that they wouldn't be able to distract her from her training.

She then breathed in slow and deeply for the eleventh time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the twelth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the thirteenth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the fourteenth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the fifteenth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the sixteenth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the seventeenth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the eighteenth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the nineteenth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. She then breathed in slow and deeply for the twentieth time, held it for a moment again, and then breathed out slowly once more until her lungs were empty. By now Amaya's body was completely relaxed and all of her troubles were a distant memory of the past. There was now nothing left in her mind to distract her from the hard core training that was to come in the following few hours.

As Amaya contemplated if she wanted to continue on with her meditation or get right into training she felt the sun begin to hit her face and warm it: the sun was beginning to rise which meant it was nearing seven o'clock in the morning. Amaya kept her position for a moment, debating, while Akai continued to keep watch on Amaya while listening for any sign of danger coming near the clearing or anything out of the ordinary that would signal someone approaching.

After figuring that another few minutes of calmness and relaxation couldn't hurt before she started to put her body through another day of hell she kept her meditative pose with her back straight and her legs folded like a pretzel. Even though she wanted to glance over to Akai to ensure visually that everything was alright she restrained herself: he would make a noise or at least start growling his head off if something were wrong, so there was no need to knock herself out of this meditation just because she worried a little too much.

As Amaya slipped deeper into this meditative state she found herself flashing back momentarily to the past: when she was a little girl and her father and brother was attempting to teach her how to focus and harness her chakra through meditation she had hated it. She had been utterly unable to sit still for long periods of time, and tended to make life a little bit difficult for her other siblings who were much better at it then her. Amaya had always been the kind of person to go, go, go, and not stop. It had taken her until the age of fourteen to actually be able to sit still enough to meditate and then another year after that to actually get deep enough into the meditation to completely clear her mind. Thinking back to it now made her smile slightly, though at the time she had been learning it she had been rather grumpy.

She was completely and full in her happy place and knew that it was time to get to work and go through the doubled training she had every intention of completing that day before she went home. It would be hard, and she would be hurting an awful lot when she was done, but she was more than willing to do it for the sake of her village. So, with that thought in mind she rose in one lithe movement to her feet while opening her eyes. She glanced at Akai and saw her still watching her closely while her ears continued to remain tuned in for the slightest bit of noise out of the ordinary that would indicate some sort of danger was close by.

Once Amaya was completely standing she shifted herself into a taijutsu kicking stance that would give her free movement. The day before she had worked out her arms first until she had completed a hundred punches with both of them. From there she had moved to her legs. Today she planned on mixing things up a bit so that it kept up the muscle confusion: any Taijutsu artist knew that muscle confusion was the best way to continue to see results – if you're body got used to something it would stop showing results as well as muscle confusion would. So, this was the plan which meant that she would start with her kicks and then move to her punches while attempting to keep track of both.

Word Count: 1,447 + 2,992 = 4,439



Kicks and punches were completed as the familiar burn from the day before began to kick in followed sooner than the day before by the numbing sensation that came with over worked muscles.

Amaya glanced over to Akai before continuing on. Akai was sitting up and staring at her still while she continued to pay attention and listen to what was going on. The other female yawned once, blinked, and then laid down to get comfortable. She knew they were going to be here a while so she likely figured it was best to get comfortable. At this point Amaya was almost hoping that some sort of trouble would come their way – it would be more fun at least then standing in the middle of the clearing and continuing to practice her punching and kicking. But, it was whatever, at least the training was getting done so she couldn't complain too badly.

Amaya was about a fourth of her way through the training she wanted to do that day and figured that perhaps now was the time to take a bit of a water break; especially as she heard the sound of water being sipped off to her left which was exactly where Akai was. She relaxed herself out of her fighting stance and glanced over with red colored hues to her to her friend who was indeed drinking from the cup of water she had given him.

With a grin on her face she walked over and sat down on the flat giant rock that her gym bag was resting on. She opened it up and pulled out the bottle of water she had pulled out. She unscrewed the cap and chugged a good bit of the remainder of the bottle down. Once her thirst was satisfied she screwed the cap back on and placed the bottle next to her on the rock after ensuring that it wouldn't fall over. She then reached into the gym bag again and opened up the same giant bag of jerky she had had with them the day before.

She stuck her hand into the bag and pulled out a good chunk which she placed on a plate near Akai: the other female all but instantly forgetting the water she was drinking as she began to gnaw like a happy meat monster on the jerky. Chuckling to herself she then pulled a piece out for herself which she tore a chunk off of and began to chew. Amaya probably could have pushed herself a bit more before taking a break, but she didn't want to risk harming her muscles or doing damage to herself by over doing it, especially after how hard she had pushed herself the day before. No, since she was doubling her training it seemed like the best idea was to take a break every so often and relax, even if it was for no more than fifteen or so minutes at a time.

Her body wasn't a machine, it was a vital organ, and to do her job properly as a Jounin she needed to keep it in tip top fighting shape. Which, of course, meant that she couldn't push herself to dangerous levels. Especially since anything could pop off at a moments notice that she would have to deal with, and she couldn't do that lying flat on her back unable to move in the village hospital. Nope. Not at all.

After chewing up and swallowing her first bite of jerky she took another, glancing down as she chewed at Akai who was still working on the large chunk she had given her. Amaya glanced at the bag, noticing that it was getting a bit low and figured they would have to stop by the market yet again today so she could restock. Both herself and her friend enjoyed meat way too much to allow such a snack to dwindle and disappear. No, it was best they stock up now and not have to worry about it later on.

A third bite of her jerky and the piece was gone. She chewed in silence and then swallowed. Following this she picked up her bottle of water, unscrewed the cap from it, and with the lid in her right hand she drank while holding the bottle in her left. She emptied the rest of the clear contents before returning the cap to the bottle. She tossed the empty bottle into her gym bag – she was big on not littering and preserving the natural beauty of the village after all – and stretched skyward with her fingers pointing straight up while she stretched her legs horizontally. She could feel the ache setting in and knew she would have to get back to training soon or else she wouldn't get as much done today as she wanted.

Word Count: 805 + 4,439 = 5,244



Amaya glanced up at the sky, noticing that the sun was nearly straight above: the position told her that it was nearly eleven o'clock in the morning already. At this rate she knew she would likely end up training late into the night. Amaya reached over and poked at the top of Akai's head and the base of her ears as he finished eating the last bit of his jerky. A grin spread across her face once more as she listened to her start making that sound that was the equivalent of a feline purring - hey, humans could purr too. She kept up the poking for a moment or two before deciding it was time to get back to work. ”Do you need anything before I get back to training?”, she asked Akai who shook her head no. ”Alright then. Back to work I go.” Or training as it were, which she supposed could be considered work to some people. Amaya really didn't mind it though, it was kind of nice – like a miniature vacation whose only side effect some some sore and cramping muscles the next day.

Amaya picked up her next bottle of water, the one that was left unopened, and unscrewed the cap before taking a sip. When she was done she screwed the cap back on tightly and put her bottle back into her gym bag before zipping it up and closed once more. With nothing else to distract her she stood up, stretched skyward while standing on the tips of her toes. She held that pose for a moment before walking back into the clearing. Once more Amaya took her stance: she planned on going on with her punches and kicks until she hit one hundred or more each, and then following that she would take another break that would involve more meditation. Yes, that was a good plan, and one she planned on sticking to, and so Amaya began to train her punches and kicks once more with the same gusto as before.

Despite the pain that she was feeling Amaya decided to keep pushing through: she knew eventually her body would become numb to it and that was the place she was hoping to get to. But, for now she would simply deal with the pain and keep pushing through it and training: one hundred kicks and one hundred punches weren't all that far away now. Not far away at all. And so once more Amaya took her fighting stance so that she could continue on with her grueling training from hell itself.

Before she got down to meditating once more Amaya decided that another drink of water was in order; especially after a glance over showed that Akai's cup was almost empty. So, she walked over to the flat boulder from the middle of the clearing and sat down on its edge for a moment. She pulled her gym bag towards herself, unzipped it, and removed the bottle of water. She unscrewed the cap then and poured more water into Akai's cup until it was once again full. When she was satisfied that her friend and self proclaimed body guard was completely taken care of she brought the bottle to her lips and chugged it down a bit until there was only a fourth of the bottle left.

Frowning to herself and thinking that she should have definitely brought another bottle of water with her she screwed the cap back on and replaced the bottle back into her gym bag before once more zipping it shut. When Akai finished drinking some of the fresh water out of the large plastic cup she reached over and poked at the top of her head once more. Chuckling to herself in amusement she kept poking and tickling for another few moments before she stopped.

”I suppose I should get back to work, now. At least I'm over halfway done. When I'm done with this, if it isn't too late that is, maybe we can stop by and grab some steaks for dinner, kay?” Akai nodded before making a face. Amaya laughed at the silly expression on her friends's face and then glanced up at the sky: from the position of the sun she could tell that it was about three o'clock in the afternoon. She was definitely burning through training hours like crazy. But, at least now she wouldn't have to worry about feeling the burn anymore. Her body was all but completely numb to it. Still, she was going to meditate for a bit to get herself even more focused so that she could finish strong.

So, without further waiting she got up from the flat rock and walked back into the middle of the clearing that was becoming all too familiar with her. With a deep sigh she sat down in one graceful movement indian style and straightened up her back. She rested her hands on her knees, palms up, and closed her eyes so that she could be fully focused. Just as before she started the same deep breathing exercises she had done before, allowing herself to slip back into that blissful peace. She followed the same deep breathing exercise as before, slipping into a very blissful and nicely peaceful mind setting; a mind setting that would help her push past the pain as she continued on with her training.

With her meditating now completed and her mind and body feeling completely at ease she stood in a lithe movement just as she had done before. Once on her feet she took her stance again; feet spread slightly wider than her hips with her left leg up a little further then her left hip and her right leg a little further back from her right hip. A stance that would allow her to have perfect balance. From here it was time to continue with the grueling training and work her way towards that two hundred mark that would likely take her well into the evening hours. Still, steak was a good motivation to look forward to and the faster she finished the faster she could go get some.

Punches and kicks were launched as before, Amaya's head once more back in her training. Amaya knew that she could have paused and taken a break, but knowing how close she was she just couldn't bring herself to do it. So no, she continued on just like she had been doing before, determined to get past the two hundred mark with both her kicks and her punches.

Entirely exhausted but exceptionally pleased with herself Amaya allowed herself to fall backwards, hitting the earth with am oomph sound as she laid there in the grassy clearing and simply stared up at the sky: the familiar throbbing of her aching muscles finally beginning to set in after several minutes in that position. She was done. She had accomplished her goal of doubling the amount of training she had done before. This was great... now, how the hell was she going to get home? That was the question.

Word Count: 1,184 + 5,244 = 6,428



Just like she had done the day before Akai stood up, stretched and yawned, and then grabbed hold of the gym bag of Amaya's before dragging it over to her. She placed it down next to her and then sat down again, obviously more than willing to wait until she was ready to move to go get that steak. Amaya laid there another few minutes without moving before she finally and slowly sat up. After the dizziness subsided she pulled the gym bag on to her lap, unzipped it, and then pulled out her bottle of water. She unscrewed the cap and chugged down the last fourth of the bottle of water. Once it was empty she put the cap back on and placed the empty bottle into her gym bag before closing it back up.

She took a moment to stretch out her muscles; working her body from the top to the bottom until she was completely relaxed. Once she was done with her after exercise stretching routine she got to her feet slowly, her body still feeling a bit on the numb side. She picked up her bag and pulled it onto her shoulder via the strap before walking slowly out of the clearing with Akai walking beside her.

She moved slowly, not wanting to rush and wear herself out anymore then she already was. It took nearly twenty minutes at this pace to get back to the main village, and then another ten minutes after that to get into the proper market area that her favorite food stall was located. She took a seat on one of the stools and Akai sat down beside her. When the owner came over and greeted her she smiled. ”Two steaks, please. Medium rare. A glass of watermelon juice, and a glass of water, please.” It was her usual order and so after she handed her ryo over to pay for it the owner nodded and got to work fixing the food for herself and Akai.

Their drinks were given first, and she gave Akai the juice while she kept the water. Then the steak arrived and she did the same. Both inhaling both food and drink quickly.

When they were done eating Amaya left a tip behind and slipped off of the stool. Both her and Akai walked back home where Amaya got a good and long shower before falling into bed... All without forgetting to set her alarm clock for the next day.


Word Count: 415 + 6,428 = 6,843
Speed B -> B1: 6,843 - 700 = 6,143
Speed B1 -> B2: 6,143 - 800 = 5,343
Speed B2 -> B3: 5,343 - 900 = 4,443
Speed B3 -> A: 4,443 - 1,000 = 3,443
Endurance E -> E1: 3,443 - 75 = 3,368
Endurance E1 -> E2: 3,368 - 150 = 3,218
Endurance E2 -> E3: 3,218 - 225 = 2,993
Endurance E3 -> D: 2,993 - 300 = 2,693
Endurance D -> D1: 2,693 - 325 = 2,368
Endurance D1 -> D2: 2,368 - 400 = 1,968
Endurance D2 -> D3: 1,968 - 450 = 1,518
Endurance D3 -> C: 1,518 - 525 = 993
Strength D3 -> C: 993 - 525 = 468
Remaining: 468

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