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1Skeleton Buildings [Private | No Kill] Empty Skeleton Buildings [Private | No Kill] Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:57 pm



"Wow... They look so empty!"

Tsu said in awe as she looked around her. It was her first time coming to the construction site, the place where a new part of Konoha was being built. She didn't exactly know why she had never been to the place before, but it was about time that she did. The girl walked along swinging her arms in the winter . Ah... It's cold!  She hugged herself, slightly shivering in the wind. She had dressed with only her usual violet shirt, but this time with black leggings and some black boots to cover her legs. Her Konoha headband was acting as a makeshift scarf around her neck.

Workers milled around carrying wheelbarrows with cement bags while others were carrying wooden 2x4's to set up more the "skeleton buildings". None seemed to pay much mind the little shinobi walking around, though a few waved Hi at the girl. Tsu hummed along as she walked through the site. She considered the framework that the builders were setting up "skeletons" because they appeared to be the bare bones or "skeleton" of a building. Several workers were climbing on these skeletons. To Tsu, it was almost like they were giant versions of jungle gyms. I bet... They're really fun. The young girl stared up at them in awe, likely imagining herself climbing up the framework just for fun.

Tsu soon came up to a group of workers. With their hard hats on, they seemed to be deliberating about something important. In a semi circle, the one in the middle had blueprints to a building that they were probably going to build. Tsu looked to where one of them of was pointing, a small empty space beside one of the skeleton buildings. There seemed to be something wrong, as soon one of the workers, the one bolding the blueprints had an angry look on his face.
"What do you mean the shipment is late?! Tell me, how do you think we build a building without any material?" The head construction worker indeed was very angry as he raised his voice. Tsu frowned, it seemed like sort of a big problem. Materials, like wood, were obviously needs to build buildings. Wood? Tsu suddenly felt a lightbulb light up as an idea popped up in her head. She walked up next to the head construction worker, tapping him from behind. He soon turned around and saw the young girl waving with a bright smile on her face.

"Hehe, I can help you Mister!" The worker along with he others looked at each and then at Tsu with a confused look. None seemed to think that the young girl could be of any use. The head himself placed his hand to his temple thinking that he rather didn't need another headache for one day. Tsu didn't seem to notice their looks of skepticism and instead turned around and placed her hands on the ground. The young Senju concentrated on turning the earth and water chakra in the ground and performing her clan's kekkai Genkai element. The ground shook a little, the workers looking to each other in even more confusion. With a few seconds, wood shot up from the ground and fell to the surface in a pile of standard shaped 2x4!

Tsu jumped up, a smile on her face at her plan's success. "I did it!" She giggled aloud as the workers looked on with a dumbstruck look on their faces. Eventually they regained their composure, and finally thanked the girl for what she did. Tsu shook their hands and soon waved goodbye, happy that she could have helped in the unique way she could.

Continuing along, the girl skipped through the construction site, vaguely wondering what would happen next.


OOC: Since this is a non-battle thread, I figure it won't be neccesary to keep track of chakra. But I can if you think it would be better. I guess this could count as a C-Rank Jutsu ^-^

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