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Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

The market place bustled with activity as many people went about their daily business. The smell of food lingered in the air as the vendors where getting ready for the lunch rush. Misao had long since finished her shopping for the day and was resting on a bench off to the side of the street, in her hands a book on the Byakugō no In. She was only about half way done with it however, as most of the information on the subject was still above her level. She sighed and closed the book, studying could wait. Her eyes drifted to the lone cloud in the sky as she daydreamed of her future of being the best medical-nin the world had ever seen. She closed her eyes in relaxation as the gentle breeze flowed around her. "Maybe its time for a nap.." She thought as she started to nod off.

(( Sorry its so short, im not really good at starting up posts yet.))

Yuuto Inuzuka

The sound of barking and shouting came into focus. Growing louder, coming closer. Then, suddenly, a small dog darted through Misao's legs from behind, heading toward the food stalls. Less that a second later, she heard a foot hit the chair behind her, and a boy dressed in a heavy green coat with long wild brown hair leapt over her head.

He hit the ground running, paying little attention to the girl he'd just disrupted, tearing after the dog. As Misao watches, she would see the boy catch up to the dog who had stopped. "No fair! You cheated! this one doesn't count!" he shouted, to which the dog growled and barked.

"Hey! Watch it mister, I could beat you six ways to sunday!" the boy continued, still shouting.
The dog growled again, before lunging at the boy. He fell over, and the two began thrashing around the dirt, apparently fighting. Except one thing was clear now, over top of the sounds of their squabble. The boy was laughing. The pair rolled around in the dirt, wrestling and generally making even more of a scene than when they'd first appeared.

**Theme: Yuuto and Yuki running free*

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao was almost asleep when somthing darted between her legs, startled she was wide awake when she realized it was a small dog that was the culprit. She was about to go pick up the dog when what looked to be another Genin yelled out from behind her. "No fair! You cheated! this one doesn't count!" "Where they racing?" She thought as she caught her breath again. Before she could ask what was the big idea however, She watched as the boy and dog wrestled in the dirt. At first, Misao thought they were fighting but then when she heard laughter she figured out they were just playing. Slightly agitated from her nap she walked up to where the boy and dog where rough housing and put her hands on her hips. " Ahem, what are you two doing?!" She said in a loud voice. She knew they were playing but at least she thought the boy should apologize.

Yuuto Inuzuka

Yuuto Inuzuka stopped at the disruption, he and Yuki both looking up at the girl standing before them. Misao would see his tell-tale Clan markings on his face, the two fangs of the Inuzuka clan. " Ahem, what are you two doing?!" She said in a loud voice. She knew they were playing but at least she thought the boy should apologize. The girl looked upset, her hands on her hips, and a scowl on her face.

"We're wrestling obviously..." he said, clear from his tone that it should be obvious. He picked himself up, straightening his jacket slightly as it'd become tangled during the tussle. The dog stood at his feet, looking up at Misao. "I'm Yuuto, and this is Yuki" the boy introduced himself.

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao looked as the pair stood up. The boy was taller then her but, that didn't matter so much. The dog was white as snow. "We're wrestling obviously..." The boy said sarcastically. The sarcasm wasn't lost on her however, and the scowl on her face remained. As the boy straightened his jacket he introduced himself and his dog. "I'm Yuuto, and this is Yuki." He said, his hair loose and wild. Misao glanced down at the small white dog then back to Yuuto and I idea popped into her head. "Duh! I know that, but you interrupted my nap!" She said her hands still on her hips before she continued. "However, we can call it even if you let me pet your cute puppy." She said before she relaxed and a small smile appeared on her face. She loved petting cute little animals, they were better friends in some cases then some of the people she had met.

Yuuto Inuzuka

Yuuto blinked at the request. He had almost half expected the girl to bite his head off.

He looked down at Yuki. "That alright with you?" Yuki looked back at him, and barked in response.
"What?" Yuuto answered. Yuki barked again, apparently trying to explain something. Yuuto scratched his head. "Well, I suppose... If you're sure..."

He turned back to Misao. "Yuki says it's okay, so go ahead" Yuki strutted forward now, putting himself between Yuuto and Misao. He looked up at Misao, his nose working as he took in her scent. Then he sat down, clearly giving Misao permission.

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao was ecstatic on the inside but she tried not to show it. She crouched down and held her hand out for Yuki to sniff as he walked forward. Yuki sat down and Misao gently petted the little dog, a small smile on her face. She scratched behind his ears and worked her way to rubbing his belly. "So when did you become a Genin? do you have a Sensei?" She asked as she continued to pet Suki. She didn't recognize Yuuto as part of the group of students she graduated with so she assumed he was part of the next group.

Yuuto Inuzuka

"We just graduated today actually" Yuuto answered, sitting himself down on the ground. He crossed his legs over, and sat in a surprisingly similar way to how a dog would. The boy was certainly very like Yuki in his behaviour, the two were almost identical in how they acted.

Yuki meanwhile was loving the attention. He rolled around in the dirt, clearly enjoying having his belly scratched. "Haven't got a Sensei yet..."

He fell back then, lying on his back and looking up at the clouds. "Still hasn't really sunk in yet. Being a full-fledged shinobi and all... All this time I've been in the Academy, and now I'm out. Hell, I get to wear a forehead protector now!"

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao let out a small smile, her assumption that Yuuto was a new Genin was correct. The two were so identical in how they acted it was astonishing. Yuuto seemed to have a really hyper but, at the same time a laid back personality. The boy Had laid on his back in the dirt, and looked to be staring at the sky. Yuki on the other hand, was enjoying being petted and Misao showed no signs of stopping ether.

"Still hasn't really sunk in yet. Being a full-fledged shinobi and all... All this time I've been in the Academy, and now I'm out. Hell, I get to wear a forehead protector now!" Yuuto said from the ground. For Misao who had not taken much time to adjust it seemed silly to her. Speaking of a Sensei, she herself had yet to find one as well.

Misao looked down at the boy looking at the clouds and couldn't help but wonder what his goals were. "Hey so what are your dreams? I'm going to be the best Medical Shinobi in the world! She asked him, yet at the same time revealed her own dream. She kept petting Yuki and wondered about what Yuuto was going to say.

Yuuto Inuzuka

Yuuto sat up and stared at the girl in front of him. She certainly didn't appear like much of a Medical-Nin, and he'd seen his fair share of them during his life. Still, maybe they just started to look that way after a while? All serious and boring.

He huffed, scrabbling at his face with his palms as if trying to take off his own skin. When his hands dropped, he looked Misao in the eye.

"I don't know what I want to do really... I suppose, make my clan proud of me. My mum, my dad... My sis, make them all proud..." For a moment he looked almost sad, before it was suddenly washed away by the boundless energy that seemed to ooze from the boy's every pore.

"I'm starving!" he shouted suddenly, leaping to his feet. It was quite a spectacular motion, leaping from sitting to his feet in one motion. "Want anything?" he asked of Misao.

*Theme: Yuuto's Theme*

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao watched Yuuto nearly scratch his face off and was about to stop him when he stopped himself, looking closer she seen he didn't really hurt himself so she decided to stay quiet about it. Misao was about ask was he ok when he looked her in the eyes "I don't know what I want to do really... I suppose, make my clan proud of me. My mum, my dad... My sis, make them all proud..." For a moment she almost thought she saw a tinge of sadness flash across his face but dismissed it when he unexpectedly jumped up and yelled "I'm starving!"

Misao was caught a little off guard by the sudden burst coming from Yuuto and was about to yell at him but, she reconsidered when he offered her food. "I guess I could go for some food..." She trailed off a little embarrassed as her own stomach growled in agreement. "Wear where you thinking of eating?" She asked hoping it was something she liked.

Yuuto Inuzuka

Yuuto shrugged. "I feel like Takoyaki... What do you reckon Yuki? Takoyaki?" Yuki looked up at Yuuto and let out a noise that could only be described as a grumble. "What are you talking about? Takoyaki is great!" the boy answered.

Yuki stood up from his petting, looking Yuuto in the face and barking. Yuuto held his hands up defensively. "That was once! And besides, I thought you liked Takoyaki..."
Yuki replied, and Yuuto shook his head. "That's it? THAT'S why you don't like it?"
Yuki grumbled again, sitting down heavily, and huffing slightly.

"Alright! Fine! I'll find you something else" Yuuto declared, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation. He looked at Misao. "Please tell me you're less fussy than this one..."

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao let out a small giggle watching the two argue, to her they looked like a couple of brothers having a argument. A few minutes later Yuuto looked to her "Please tell me you're less fussy than this one..." He asked dead serious. Misao pondered for a moment before answering. "Anything is ok with me except seafood and sour stuff...Although I LOVE spicy foods, the hotter the better, what you think?" She hoped he would like spicy food too, or at least narrow down what they would be eating.

Yuuto Inuzuka

Yuuto shook his head again, before sighing and heading toward the foot stands, leaving Yuki and Misao alone. Yuki made it clear he wanted Misao to resume petting him.

Several minutes later, Yuuto returned. In one hand, he held a Takoyaki boat, clearly for him. In his other hand he had bag, which he set down on the ground. "I didn't know what to get you, so I got some Udon with chilli sauce." He reached into the bag, fishing out a covered bowl, and pair of chopsticks, handing them to Misao. He then retrieved another bowl, this one slightly smaller. "And for the fussy one, Sashimi and rice cake." He opened the bowl, setting it down in front of Yuki.

Yuki pounced on it, hoeing into the food with gusto. Yuuto set himself down again, and proceeded to devour his takoyaki. In fact, the food was still piping hot, and yet they both wolfed it down so fast it was unlikely they hadn't burned themselves. Yet they seemed un-flustered, and it quickly became apparent they were racing. Yuuto finished first, slamming the boat down on the ground, holding his hands up in the air. Yuki grumbled, but continued eating without slowing.

Yuuto looked at Misao again, addressing her now. "So, what's your name?"

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao happily obliged Yuki and began petting the little dog again while Yuuto went to grab food. When Yuuto returned, Misao was happy to see the food he had returned with and watched with fascination as the two had what seemed to be a speed eating contest. Before she could even take a bite the two were finished and Yuuto asked her name. "So, what's your name?" He asked after his little speed eating show, Misao wondered how they had not choked at the speed they had ate but, pushed the thought aside. "I'm Misao Shogo, Future best medical shinobi in the world!" She said enthusiastically before remembering she already said she was going to be the best med-nin earlier. She blushed a little in embarrassment.

Yuuto Inuzuka

"Misao... Shogo?" He didn't recognise her clan name. Then again, he'd barely paid much attention during history classes, generally finding them to be dull. Lots of names, dates... Nothing particularly interesting.

Having finally finished his meal, Yuki let out a yawn, and climbed onto Yuuto's lap. From there he slipped up under his jacket, and disappeared from view. Yuuto laughed. "Looks like this one wants ANOTHER nap. You slept through the graduation, how can you still be tired?" His only answer was a grumble from the depths of his thick coat.

Yuuto climbed to his feet. "I should probably go too... I need to start training before I get put in my squad. I want to be at my best after all!" he declared, and from how his face lit up, he clearly meant it. "See ya!" he added, turning and starting off down the road at a quick pace. When he reached the end of the street, he leapt up onto the building, and disappeared from sight.


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