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1Simply Scorpions [C-Rank Mission|Solo] Empty Simply Scorpions [C-Rank Mission|Solo] Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:02 am



Mission Dossier - Ahh Giant Scorpion:

A crisp smell hung in the air, as the aroma of smoke and burning wood was carried around the surrounding vicinity, before fading away the further it got from the source. Obtaining the material to cause such a smell was difficult to find naturally in the land of Kaze no Kuni, yet through various other means, such as trading goods with other nations, the availability of foreign materials provided one with ease of access to firewood. The red embers rose up from the burning wood, visible against the darkened background of the night sky. Every few seconds, a crackle was heard coming from the source of the flames, the only apparent noise aside from nature’s wind carrying sand across the desert’s horizon. The light that illuminated around the fire only went as far as a meter in all directions, providing such a small circular point of light surrounded by the darkness enveloping it just beyond its limit. If one were to view the fire from a distance, all they would notice would be a light in the distance with a figure sitting next to the flames being illuminated by the light of the flames.

The individual seated by the fire had silvery strands of hair being tossed lightly by the wind, long enough that the wind could carry the weight off his head that each strand provided. He had been waiting here for some time, letting time go by before he truly went out to hunt the giant of a creature that he had been assigned to hunt down. The houses that lay just a few hundred meters away from him were the very ones that housed the civilians that were scared to death by the scorpion, for it had invaded another small village nearby and had been seen around the perimeter of this village the past few days. Seiryū had decided he’d wait to see the scorpion before he moved upon it, for it wouldn’t do for him to simply wander in to the scorpion’s lair. His bow was resting next to him, while the quiver of arrows was still strapped to his back, prepared to leave at a moment’s notice. He silently wished that the scorpion would not attack the village tonight, but regardless it would die in the process, that Seiryū would make sure would happen no matter what. His ears were attuned to the sounds of the cackling fire and whistling wind, any further noise he would hear could only originate from four other sources. The howling of wolves could be ignored, for he was hunting a scorpion right now, not a wolf. His own sounds could be forgotten as well, for those would not give away anything about the scorpion. The only two sources that would provide Seiryū with any clue would be the scorpion itself, or the sounds emanating from the village.

The night sounds remained constant for another ten minutes; Seiryū remained rather motionless in his position as he waited for time to continue to pass by, his eyes trained at the source of the fire. It would soon slowly burn out, enveloping Seiryū in complete darkness with the only except being the waxing gibbous moon. A shriek reached his ears, one clearly feminine and originating from the direction in which the village was located. It would’ve been far simpler to camp out inside the village, but he just didn’t… feel right in intruding on their space, especially given that the village was a tightknit community in which there was no inn. That was the reason he had decided to stay away from the village, knowing full well it wouldn’t do for Seiryū to make some family uncomfortable with his presence inside of their own home. Taking in a deep breath, Seiryū’s purple orbs closed briefly, adjusting himself to his own internal darkness before his eyes opened once more, lit by the flames of the burning existence before his. His right hand grabbed his bow, his legs automatically guided him up on to his feet and his mind directed towards taking care of the scorpion in just a matter of moments.

Quickly stomping out the small realm of flames, Seiryū did not waste another moment as he dashed towards the village, ready to put the beast out of its misery. It was easier to bear on his soul, for killing a creature wasn’t exactly the same as killing a human, and given that the predatory arachnid had been terrorizing human civilizations for the past couple of months, he would feel no remorse when it came to removing the terror’s existence.

Seiryū, reaching the village, immediately scanned the area for what would be out of place, for a giant scorpion in a village would certainly be something out of place entirely. He pulled out an arrow from his quiver, drawing it back on his bow, prepared to shoot at a moment’s notice. Moving cautiously, Seiryū could hear the sounds of people communicating, yet he tuned out those noises in place of anything that would remotely give away the scorpions. Scraping against the walls of a building was heard by Seiryū from a building down, coming from the direct opposite side from where he was currently located.

Drawing the arrow back further, his bow aimed in the direction of where he knew the scorpion to now be, Seiryū sidestepped towards it, placing the most distance possible between himself and the arachnid. The moment he had been able to catch sight of it, he released the drawstring, letting the arrow fly. His projectile imbedded itself into the creature, yet the creature seemed unaffected by it, for it simply turned its attention towards Seiryū, blood covering the entirely of its front, human blood. The scorpion then began moving towards him, deciding on its next target. Utilizing his chakra, he allowed it flow in to his bow, while his free hand went to grab a few more arrows. The bow glowed with a slight red glow to the weapon, and Seiryū drew back three arrows simultaneously, wanting to do as much as possible to the scorpion and get rid of it as soon as possible. With speed far greater than his initial release, the arrows glowed with a red hue, imbued by katon chakra. Each arrow would burn the arachnid, piercing it deeper than the first, which only happened to cause the scorpion to halt in its movements. With another set of arrows, Seiryū launched them as well, knowing that the creatures pause in movement would make it all a simple case to kill it. As he let the next set of arrows fly, Seiryū let his arm holding the bow to rest by his side, the bow parallel with the ground. He waited to see if it would move. A few moments passed and nothing. The civilians began peeking out on to the streets, after having fleed to the safety of their homes. His eyes remained trained on the scorpion and once he had concluded it was dead, he knew it was time to go home.

- Exit Thread -
1192 of 1192 Total Words
1000 out of 1000 Words needed for Mission Completion
192 Spare Words

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