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1The Runaway [C-Rank Mission]  Empty The Runaway [C-Rank Mission] Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:23 am

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari


I'll never understand how children have bad relationships with their parents. Or how parents have bad relationships with each other

Mari thought to herself as she walked along the streets of Sunagakure no Sato. It wasn't that Mari herself had a perfect relationship with her parents or her parents had a perfect relationship with each other, but she knew that their relationship was good enough that they always would stick together as s family. Well, it could be better put that they always cared about each other no matter what as for currently Mari was living alone while her parents were away  traveling for the sake of their clan. Mari never blamed them for leaving, however, as she always knew that it was their clan's duty. It was understandable and it made sense to the girl.

Running away from a not-so-well going familial relationship just didn't click with her. When speaking with the parents, they both appeared devastated that their young boy would run away from them. They both already seemed to know why the boy ran away, the pair had recently fallen into a relationship rut and their finances were beginning to run dry. Both had inherently blamed each  other, soon breaking into large arguments. The boy had likely run away because of them and they blamed not just each other, but themselves.

It all seemed like a sad story to Mari, so she became determined to help this family in any way she could. Searching around the Village, she found no sign of the boy. Would he be stupid enough to go out into the desert all by himself?  If he was so young and so unreasonable it wouldn't be such an unlikely possibility. She sighed to herself, already to find that she had arrived at the village gates. He really wouldn't be that unreasonable... He really shouldn't be. In the heat of the desert, a lone traveler in the desert could easily loose his bearings, of food and drink, and his own sanity. All villagers in Sunagakure no Sato knew that well, and likely the young boy too.

But despite her logical instincts, Mari knew quite well that in the state he could have been in, that logic and rational would likely not be the young boy's companion. She sighed to herself once more, checked her sash to see if she held a full canteen and then set herself off into the sand.


Just as Mari expected, the heat was getting to her fast. As the hot Kaze no Kuni sun beat down, sweat formed on her brow, and just about everywhere else. It had only been a few hours, she could hardly imagine what it would mean to spend a few days out here with even meager supplies or none at all. She always rathered enjoyed the desert because she saw it often from a set boundary by her window, she hardly set foot it in except for training purposes. And now she was on the search for a young boy she had no idea about.  Surely, he hadn't been stupid enough to go out here so far. Surely, she hadn't been so gullible as to go with some sort of gut feeling. And yet here she was in the desert, cursing herself for coming out this far.

She slowed down her pace, taking a sip from her canteen, though not too much as she knew she had to conserve water. She stopped and found herself at the top of a dune, standing beside a rather large cactus. Its spikes stuck out with the entire thin in the shape of a square Y, a cactus flower at the top, which was a few feet taller than Mari's head. She looked around the giant cactus and saw that there also was a rather large rock, which provided an ample amount of shade.

She also noticed there was a body of a young boy no older than eight or nine lying in said shade.

Is he...? Mari's eyes widened in shock, he couldn't have been dead. She quickly ran to the body's side. At first the boy didn't respond to her movements, but he soon woke up with a start.


The boy sat up and jumped away from the girl, and then yelled out in pain as he hit his head on the giant rock he had been napping underneath. Mari in turn gave a small gasp in surprise as well, though recomposed herself quickly.

The black haired boy stared at her wild eyes, her blue tunic hanging off his shoulder as he spotted the forehead protector the girl wore on her arm. "You're gonna take me back ain't yah? I dun wanna go back, I'mma not gonna go back!" The boy began jumping from foot to foot, his fists help high in the air as if he was going to fight the kunoichi. The whole act Mari actually found almost laughably cute, but she refrained from smiling for she knew that while she didn't take him too seriously, the boy surely took himself so. The young boy suddenly threw a punch, Mari was able to dodge it quickly by  sidestepping, and then the young boy kicked up, this time it did make contact with Mari's arm, however the hit was so negligible it would hardly leave a bruise.

Mari grabbed hold of the boy's leg, and gently pushed it away. The young adversary soon saw that he was likely going nowhere with fighting the girl, but suddenly charged and began throwing as many  punches in a row as he could. None of his hits were extremely hard, and Mari was able to dodge a majority of them away, eventually the kid did grow tired and Mari offered him her canteen. The boy took it and greedily drank most of the water, they both Sat under the rock in shade again.

"So, you know that I have to take you home." The statement came out more like a question than anything else. The young boy only responded with a grunt of dissatisfaction. Mari sighed once again, she wasn't exactly sure how she could rectify the child's faith in his parents. But she had to try her best, lest he try to run away again. "Your parents are very worried about you. They aree very worried about you, and they want to see you home again."

"They jus' gonna fight again." The young boy didn't even turn to look at the kunoichi beside him.

Mari stared out into the desert. There wasn't much she could say, she herself had never experienced something like her mother and father having so many disagreements. But when she had spoken to the parents of the kid, she knew that despite all their arguing, they still cared for their son very much. "They're not fighting because they don't care about you, they're fighting because they love you and they want to make sure that you're going to be okay. Right now, your mother and father are going through some rough times, and adults can get very panicky during rough times. They just want to make sure you're going to be safe, and that's why they get so worked up all the time. That's why they need you more than ever to come home, they need to know that you're safe."

"If I go home... They ain't gonna fight no more?"

It wasn't something the girl could promise. Adults would always have their arguments, and sometimes it was inevitable their child would see it so. However, it was to Mari's own fortune that for eights years of her life that she did spend time with her parents, that she had never remembered them arguing. If they had stayed for the other eight, would Mari have seen them argue? "They told me they would try their hardest not to."  Mari stretched out her hand to the boy, hoping that her words would click with him.

The boy only nodded and took Mari's outstretched hand. Together they stood up and began making their way back to Village Hidden in the Sand.

1394 Total Words

1000/1000 C-Rank Mission Complete!

394 Words Left

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