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Mission File - Trap Coastal Marauders:

It wasn’t even over a day since he completed his last mission of assassinating a potential rebel threat against the village where he spent the last twenty years of his life – aside from the few months he had spent out of the village for one reason or another. Seiryū’s next chosen mission, for there was no one there to force him to take a mission, dealt with more than one individual, more than one person he would need to kill. To Seiryū, sometimes it didn’t make sense to him, trying to repay back as little as he could for the people he hurt, only to be going out and killing people instead. He supposed the reasons would remain logical, fathomable to the average civilian, yet in his mind it eluded him how the shinobi world managed to continue without causing severe distress for those who remained powerless against shinobi. Though, perhaps, those individuals would simply resort to other means, such as bringing in illegal goods from lands far away. Such was how Seiryū had found a mission enlisting assistance against a band of pirates, whom were found near the shores of Calatra, a large town composed mainly of civilians – traders and fishermen made up the majority of the population. As one of Sunagakure no Sato’s most important towns, as it provided the landlocked village with various trade routes, there was no doubt in Seiryū’s mind as to why the council had decided that the pirates needed to be dealt with, assuming they did intend to make Calatra their next target.

Seiryū was currently inside of a room he rented out in the local inn of Calatra, one of many. One benefit of taking the mission was that his expenses were covered by the council, as they figured that the mission could potentially take a few days and allowing the asset they sent to defend a town of importance at any time would be beneficial for all parties involved. Should the pirates happen to launch a surprise attack Seiryū would be within distance of going out to confront them, more so than he would be if he had to resort to camping outside of the village. Kaze no Kuni remained uniquely different from the other countries, for the lack of greenery made it so there weren’t too many places to hide out in the wilderness, and the limited amounts of forestry the possessed wasn’t thick enough to hide away in. In other words, he could’ve been hiding in plain sight, as secluded areas were difficult to come by, but not entirely impossible.

Seiryū grabbed his bow and the quiver which held his arrows, situation them on so he wouldn’t need to hold on to them while he was out. He had been here for a day already and there was no sign of the pirates closing in on the village, but the ship could be seen from the harbor, thus the threat being ever present. Seiryū had two options to go with, one was to directly run towards the ship and launch a solo crusade against them, though he had decided against it for the obvious reasons. One of which was that the boat was a few hundred yards away from shore, thus the time it would take Seiryū to run across the water and board the ship would be ample time for the pirates to prepare for his attack. The other option, the simpler one to go with, was to wait it out and counteract the pirates once they assaulted Calatra. He assumed the pirates would have no information about his presence and rightfully so, since his trip here was discreet enough, though the pirates would likely expect some form of resistance from the town itself.

Seiryū began to make his way out of the inn and towards the harbour, catching the eyes of numerous individuals due to his current equipment. It wasn’t a fargone conclusion that shinobi often visited the town, though with the situation at hand, he drew more attention from the civilians than he wished he would. He wouldn’t be their saviour, only the person carrying out the task for the major empire that ruled their lands. After all, he doubted the Daimyo would want Sunagakure no Sato to allow a town to be overrun with pirates when they could just as easily defend it with a limited amount of individuals committed to the task of Calatra’s protection.

753 Total Words
753 out of 1500 Words needed for Mission Completion.



The sun hovered high in the sky, shadowing over the buildings of Calatra, providing knowledge to everyone that there were a few more hours to go until evening hit.  Seiryū watched the sunlight glisten of the waters of the harbour, lighting up the clear liquid, with his eyes being able to catch the sand below the water in the more shallow areas of Calatra’s shore. People continued to mill about, though the far hastier actions of everyone around him told Seiryū exactly what he needed to know, about what was likely to occur within the hour. He knew that their defences were limited, though his would certainly bolster their up, he just hope that the causalities would be at a low when all was said and done today. As long as each individual could protect themselves, or someone else, he knew thing would turn out just fine, as he’d be dealing with the vast majority of the pirates. Regardless, the numbers certainly were in the favour of Calatra, especially with them leaving various openings for the pirates to invade, the major and most noticeable one happened to be the harbour. The pirates needed a way on to land to invade the town, and that route would allow them to get on to the main road which accessed all the vital point of the town. Seiryū had helped assist the town coming up with the simple strategy, telling them he’d take care of the majority of the work, all they would need was to supress the pirates. However, from where the pirates would dock, they only had one way to go and the town had secured itself a cannon, one which would cripple the ship and their numbers as well. Of course, their one cannon went up against their multiples, but with a docked ship, they wouldn’t have a chance.

Seiryū had to simply wait for one of two things before he could begin picking off the pirates. The first would be the gong, one that would echo through the town, indicating the pirates’ invasion of the town. The simpler sound to identify would be the sound of the cannon and the following yells, screams, and hollers as the town went to battle with the invading pirates. Damage would certainly be down to the town, but at least that would be reparable.


Well, so much for being able to get ample time to go to his vantage point and begin striking down the incoming pirates. Without so much as another thought, Seiryū’s right hand reached for his bow while his left drew out an arrow. Preparing himself for the onslaught that was to follow, Seiryū rushed towards the harbour.

Already the pirates began their invasion of the land, their boat’s mast already significantly damaged from a cannon shot, which would leave the pirates landlocked should they succeed, which they won’t. Quickly drawing his arrow, Seiryū launched it without a second thought, hitting a pirate directly in their stomach. It wouldn’t finish him off, but the individual would be crippled, easily being finished off by someone else or finished later on. Another arrow went flying, hitting another pirate, this time crippling the use of his right leg as the arrow was plunged in his right thigh. Seiryū’s task at hand was just to get as many down, make sure they didn’t enter the town, so that the rest of the population would remain safe.

Seiryū continued making his way up towards the ship, limiting the usage of his arrows and opting for battle with his kunai and the blunt force of his bow. It wasn’t the best use of his arsenal, but keeping ammunition with him would aid him more than lacking any. Time passed by, Seiryū knocked out a few more pirates that left the boat, while the cannon the town possessed continued an assault on the ship, and it was likely any remaining pirates on the ship would be injured in varying degrees. With a sigh, Seiryū would board the ship, looking around trying to find any enemies who could move around on their own free will. One stood standing, though his back was turned to Seiryū, his eyes watching the horizon away from the village.

“You know, this village would’ve been mine if you hadn’t been here. So, tell me, why did you end my crusade? Why did you RUIN MY LIFES WORK?” So, this was the captain of the ship, wanting to go down with his ship since he had nothing else to accomplish. Now, it was either take him prisoner, or kill him right now.

“The Daimyo demanded Sunagakure no Sato end you. Now, do you wish to die here or rot away in a prison?” Seiryū asked, wanting to give the unnamed pirate the choice, but Seiryū had already made up his mind. Afterall, his mission was to eliminate the threat, and that was exactly what he would do.

Twenty seconds passed without an answer, thus Seiryū took the initiative, drawing an arrow, pulling back on the drawstring and releasing it after a few more seconds passed. The arrow hit the captain at the back of his neck, his body leading forward, hovering over the edge of the boat with his hand braced on the railing to support himself up. Seiryū released a sigh, turning away and making his way back to land, as the boat would likely be filled with the townspeople to gather what they could.

“Our sins always come back to us. It was yours that reached you today.”

- Exit Thread -
940 of 1693 Total Words
1500 out of 1500 Words needed for Mission Completion.
163 Spare Words

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