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Where was Elin?Sakumi was too terrified to enter the village by herself at the moment and her empty stomach wasn't making it easier.Maybe she should have brought Tenzo along with her?Or maybe not.She didn't know why she was there.She didn't know where Elin was at the moment either.Even as the crisp fall air chilled her skin she couldn't stop thinking about her best friend.It was night and a beautiful one at best.She hoped this little adventure wasn't going to be too dangerous.She could hardly take care of herself after all.

Maybe not the greatest idea to wear only a small jacket and her dress in this situation either.She checked her pouch and counted her weapons as she glumly waited for her crush to appear.She wasn't too nervous to meet him of course.They had been through more awkward situations anyway.But Sakumi was more nervous of what was to await them beyond Onigakure...said to be creepiest during this time of year.

From *gulp* ghosts to strange voices.Sakumi couldn't believe she was in The Orge Country.She had two missions at hand.One personal and the other official.First, save any citizens.Second, get to know the Kumogakure genin better.Sakumi shuddered a bit as a particularly cold breeze swept over her.What if this mission was bigger than she thought?What if Elin had gotten lost on the way here?Sakumi really needed to stop worrying.And she needed to start asking why the heck there were no trees near the village.All of them seemed to be wilted and barren.In the matter of fact, everything seemed barren at the moment.But why?Had the village been abandoned for that long?But even then nature would take care of the plants by itself.

"W-What's going on around here?...should I just leave and talk to Elin later?No.That wouldn't be right...people are afraid there..." Sakumi said closing her eyes.Her eyes shot open into the night.Everything around her felt bright in a way similar to the light of morning.She could do this with Elin by her side.She just had to.Maybe it was her devotion to finishing this little mission and help people...maybe it was her excitement to do a mission with Elin...but she was feeling unstoppable.One of those almost rare moments.One day it'd be missions.Next hanging out.Then dating...or was she getting ahead of herself here?

They both had jobs to do and were loyal to their villages.If a war broke out between Kumogakure no Sato and Konohagakure no Sato then what would happen then?She or Elin would have to kill the other for the sake of their own village.But no matter how much it boiled into her bones.She couldn't use the word dead, death, or kill in the same sentence with Elin.Call it a weakness.Call it a motivation.She wouldn't hurt Elin if her life depended on it.


OOC Note:Your turn next then I roll the "Haunted House Dice".Then you roll yours.Please correct me if I'm wrong.



A small little boy was asleep on the floor as he woke up not sure where he was as he remembered he had to meet Elumi. He grabbed his backpack and all his gear and began making his way to the location running as fast as his little legs could take him. Through the air which began to chill to a cool coldness so icy as he was searching round and round. He was shivering as he should have probably gotten more clothing, but he did not have a family to pay for him anymore and was all alone with no idea where Ameryuu went and why the village was just mostly full of strangers lately.

He could remember that day in the hospital as he had looked into Sakumi's eyes and said. "Sakumi, please be okay", though half of that was said in a dream like state at the time. He had been tired from his intense illusive battle against Maigo at the time so his head was also hurt from that as well as the trauma of learning what had happened to Sakumi.

"W-What's going on around here?...should I just leave and talk to Elin later?No.That wouldn't be right...people are afraid there..." were the words he heard as he looked before him. She seemed to be a bit lost and as he shivered from the cold she would feel a slight bump as he would hug her softly from behind. Though she might get startled by his advance even though he would whisper softly. "Sakumi" with a small smile on his face that would be barely visible.

OOC: I think what you said might be how it works so yeah, you roll then I roll and then the zombies all fall down



Dice Roll

Last edited by Sakumi on Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:45 am; edited 1 time in total

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sakumi' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Do you feel breathing behind us?(Elin/Private/NK) 67315



I summon my DICE ROLL

First wave summoned yay... this seems like a zombie battle

Last edited by Elin on Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:59 am; edited 1 time in total

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Elin' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Do you feel breathing behind us?(Elin/Private/NK) 67316



Sakumi suddenly felt a warm body hug her back.She instantly turned around, fearing the absolute worse.A small blush appeared on her face as Elin whispered her name.She patted Elin's head and gently pushed him off of her.Before she managed any words out a low growl made itself clear a few meters behind her, into the village.What was that?!A loud howl struck into the cold air and she knew what it was.A sudden reflex made her turn and stand in fear.As the yellow left eye stared at her, it almost felt like it was piercing her heart.

She could see a gouged out eye and a yellow one, It's bloodied face and ripped open stomach.The face.It's face alone was giving her an increased heartbeat.She didn't know what the wolf was looking for.She just didn't know what was going on in this place in general.Was she brave enough to move at all at this point?Her mind felt blank as she parted from Elin and stood in front of him, her arms outstretched in front of him and ready to accept an attack.

"So you protect the smaller one instead of yourself huh?Why not just throw him into a ditch and leave him to die,"The wolf piped up."I-If I did that...I'd be no better than you!"Sakumi quickly snapped back."Say what you want but I'd throw myself into freezing water just to prove it's safe!Now back off!"She knew her words weren't doing anything to the wolf, but she was gaining more and more confidence."You're testing my patience you little brat!"He growled back with more ferocity.

Her mind turned away from Elin and more onto the eroded wolf.Sakumi was far from swift.And the wolf was probably just the same.She had to work her mind quick.That's right.She had to think faster than her opponent and never be behind on an attack.That was how a fight worked.And that's how she was going to fight her fear.She let her eyes sink into the wolves.Her heartbeat was faster, and judging by the wolf's somehow crooked smile.He was enjoying every little bit of fear he could find.Teeth bared and Sakumi readied once again.The build up alone was torturing her.

The wolf ran at her at a decent speed and Sakumi did her hand signals as fast as she could muster.The meters closed in closer and closer.15 meters,14, to 13.It seemed to whizz by as her nervous aura filled the area around her.Monkey to Horse to Dragon to Tiger to Ox to Rat and finally to Snake.The wolf tried to jump into the air and it seemed to freeze like a statue.His legs kicked and the wolf barked in fear.The invisible chains held his somehow free legs and held him completely bound into the Jutsu.

"I don't take pleasure in seeing poor animals hurt like this.But you seemed to break all my boundaries of who to hurt.I'm sorry but it will end like're already dead so it won't hurt too much..."Sakumi whispered with a kunai in her hand.She didn't know if Elin was still watching her, as she was more engrossed into stopping the wolf.As the kunai knife cut across the wolf's neck Sakumi felt something knock into her back.She stumbled forward a bit and fell to the ground.She looked and felt like crying when a dead wolf laid inside the Jutsu.A packmate of this wolf most likely.

Sakumi got back onto her feet and felt her body turn upside down as the wolf headbutted her stomach and made her stumble back even more.The wolf leaned over her and growled as she kicked and punched at it weakly.It growled into her face and slight amounts of blood dotted onto her skin.Sakumi collected anything she could in her hand and started whacking it at the wolf in fear.It's muzzled broke slightly and Sakumi started screaming."Elin-kun!"

Her hand found it's way to a shuriken and Sakumi cut the wolf's cheek with it.She pushed the wolf off of her just enough to get out of its grasp and collect herself for another attack.She separated a spread of distance from the creature and tried to catch her breath."You've held up this long...well you won't have to face my pain soon enough..."The wolf said circling her."S-Shut up!"Sakumi blurted out.She wasn't willing to let her guard down at the moment.She was feeling too tense at the moment to want to think about what would happen if she won.And what would if she lost.

Who was she fighting for at this point?Herself?Elin?Both?She paused, froze even.She could almost remember a similar situation to this.From her mother's murder to her battle with Fukai.Feeling useless.The wolf's teeth bared again.He charged and ran.Yet she still stood there.Maybe her fear had caught up with her?Maybe she had just given up.She felt herself being choked by the purple scarf as the wolf pulled on it.Who was she fighting for?She was fighting to let not only her but Elin live past this point.

"Not going to do anything? for yourself instead of others you idiot,"It teased.Sakumi felt tears gently start forming.She couldn't give up...right?She was a pacifist.She couldn't hurt a soul.She could hardly breathe anymore yet her eyes only continued to produce tears.Her hands suddenly felt weak.The scarf ripped and Sakumi fell forward.The rabid animal above her growling louder and louder by the second.The was ready for its kill.Her hand made a fist and it made contact with the jaw hinge of her attacker."Get the hell off of me!"Sakumi yelled with boiling rage.

Before the wolf could regain its orientation Sakumi did hand signals and punched the rabid wolf once more.Five similar girls appear next to her and Sakumirolled out of the wolf's general range.This wolf was rotten from head to toe.So Sakumi figured it wouldn't be able to identify her from the clones.The wolf nipped at a clone and it growled in its irritancy.With four clones, left Sakumi didn't waste any time to grab a kunai and charge at the wolf.The wolf joined her and charged just as fast.The space between them closed as Sakumi raised the kunai higher.She was pushed down and in fear she thrust the kunai up towards the wolf.Sakumi could hear the yelp of the wolf dying just above her.It gasped for air as the blood ran down the kunai.It's whimpers filled her ears as she cried.

"Ironic...fighting is...should I feel sorry for ending your life...or should I just feel fear run through mother...she died to be a will feel sorry...that you couldn't be a better friend to the ones you've sacrificed..."Sakumi whispered as the last bit of the wolf turned cold.As gross as it was, Sakumi couldn't help but pet the wolf's fur.She would never allow herself to turn into the thing that wolf had become.Half alive and looking to kill everything in her clear path.Elin."Elin-kun!"Sakumi gasped in her realization.



Rabid Zombie Wolf Delta Killed(Basic)


OOC:Holy crud that took me WAY too long...But yeah good luck on your normal guy.Sakumi got it easy with the wolf thingy.

Team Elumi has collected One Point so far



He felt happy as she turned with her face turning a bit pink for some reason when he said her name, he was happy as she patted him softly on the head before being pushed back as he was not sure what was going on.
He had gotten a bit careless as he heard a howl which caught her attention. He was not sure what it was as he wanted to help her but for some reason the ground beneath him gave in.

He looked down as he began to fall down the rabbit hole as he reacted quickly tossing his bag up as he used two kunai to grip into the sides of the wall of the hole he was falling down. There was a sound that sounded like the skittering scattered sounds of a thousand rats. As he quickly jumped to the top of the hole he lost sight of where Sakumi had went.

He then turned around and saw her blocking the way to him, what was she standing in the way for, what was wrong. As he heard something about protecting the smaller one and how she should throw someone in the ditch as he looked back to the hole it got louder as he wanted to help Sakumi, but he believed in her and he knew that whatever was coming out of the hole could be more dangerous as he waited.

She said if she did throw him in a ditch it would make her worse then the beast itself, or man it was hard to tell as Sakumi seemed upset, but the look on her back. Her stance said that she could take care of herself and that she would not need anyone. How come was she not this strong when she faced Fukai, the events of that day were still unclear as he had a strange victory of Maigo the sharingan user with the strange deceptive genjutsu and the somewhat humble manners.

The beast it seemed growled at her saying that she was a stupid brat so to speak, however things changed as he saw a leg, a really hairy leg, a spikey hairy long leg before two, three, four, or was it five and then it jumped into the air spinning like a windmill shuriken in the air as it rotated quickly as he was coming down as he countered it by doing a roundhouse kick to knock it over the hole and away from Sakumi as it seemed like she was its main target and not him. Why was he being overlooked as he glared onwards to the attacker.

The attacker was a six foot tall giant spider which had eight legs and the head of a woman as it began to smile as it spoke to him in a strange manner as he charged towards her as he needed to keep this monster away from Sakumi at all costs. As he looked on as the woman spider beast laughed at him with a giggle that did not seem to get Sakumi whose attention was completely on the wolf.

He looked back in horror as he saw her opponent as he watched the wolf charged at her, he wanted to interfere as he began to make his way towards her. Would he be able to make it in time, would she be okay as he heard a sound in the air as he turned back and just barely managed to hit away what looked like a needle. It fell to the ground as he looked on as it was not a needle but in fact it was one of the hairs on her legs. She looked so strange with her uneven chest which was bigger on the one side. Her top just barely covering this deformed waste of a good looking upper body. The womanly spider was just smiling as she stretched out her tongue and licked her arm while giggling to the little boy as she was slowly making her way to him as he heard that sound from earlier and realised all the hairs on her legs were potential needles. The situation was getting dangerous and he knew he had to do something about it.

He heard what sounded like barking which from a wolf normally meant some submissive nature was at foot. So with her being okay for the time being he would have to keep an eye on the human weapon, or more like the spider and woman who together were nothing more than a giant needle bomb ready to strike at any time.
He was about to attack when he heard her shout his name as he looked back the distraction nearly could have cost him his life as the woman dashed towards him as he just felt her legs wrap around him as he dropped his kunai in the process as she squeezed his body. Then she finally spoke.

"Poor little boy, you think you have time to worry about your friend over there. You will make a nice play thing for me and my children." As he was trapped she was smiling as she licked his face with her tongue as he wanted to go back to help Sakumi. He began to cry as the female spider beast was so happy, however there was one thing she did not account for as he reached into his pocket and flung a small ball towards her mouth as she looked down a bit confused as it entered her throat before she started screaming as it unravelled as he closed his eyes as she covered up screaming in pain. The ball of metsubishi had claimed yet another victim as he put on his goggles as he could still hear the beast thriving in pain as he noticed the beasts hairs tensing up as he grabbed his backpack and held it in front of him but he was a bit late as a bunch of needle hairs shot into his forearms and hands as he dropped the bag which was now full of needles as he fell back. The woman screeched as it shot a web randomly towards him snaring his leg as he was now pinned down. She could not see but she had a thread as she followed it smiling.

"Impressive for a small little boy, I guess you more like a bee then a fly trapped in my web. I would love to keep you as a pet, but you would make great food for my children."

He had his goggles on to avoid the bad after effects of metsubishi, however he was pinned down and even blind she knew where he was as she closed in on him as he flicked his arms to let the needles fall out as some blood dripped from his forearms. She got closer and closer with each step as he looked back and noticed Sakumi standing triumphant against her opponent as the wolf's corpse was cold and dead before her. He smiled as she looked on and shouted his name as if he was in serious danger with a look on her face that said he must not leave her alone. He smiled as the woman spider monster raised its legs to skewer him and in what seemed like mere moments it would appear that this would be the end as her legs crashed into the ground as needles of hair flew into the air and a large gallon's worth of blood spewed into the air as their was what looked like a dirty bloody cloud as the dust was knocked forth by what nearly seemed like an explosion.

The dust was finally clearing as the first thing to appear was the leg of the monster as the dust moved passed further the leg was severed as beyond it appeared half crouched with wounds on his arms and a look on his face as blood filled his soft blonde hair as it even dripped from all over him as behind him was the dead body of the woman whose throat was slit not once, but twice as two swords were visible as he had drawn them out at the last moment to finish her off with a counter she could not see. His leg however had some lightly torn scratch marks from forcefully pulling free from the web to get just this movement as he stood there with a look that did not say much other than him not being happy with this.

His date with Sakumi was ruined, even though he did not understand what the meaning of a date really meant since he was a bit out of touch as far as that was concerned. The monster had gotten careless and though she was strong, he was on a level beyond her, she had the speed of a genin just starting out, while he was the pinnacle of what a genin should be. He had her beat on skills with his weapons as her needles may have been a natural weapon it meant nothing to a shinobi who learned to master a weapon as an extension of themselves and not just something they can throw away when ever they want to.

He could barely see Sakumi clearly with all the blood on his goggles as the blood just seemed to keep spewing out of this spider woman. What was wrong with her body and then he seemed to realise where he was as he looked on towards the girl he liked. "Sakumi?" he was a bit dazed but still conscious as the smell of the blood made him feel a bit sick since it was not normal human blood.

~Total Words  277(first post) + 1625 = 1902~


Strange Spider Lady Killed(Normal)

Team Elumi has collects Two more points

Team Elumi Total Points = 3

OOC: That took so long, Sakumi your roll your roll and first wave clear first wave clear yay!!!



Rolling another beast with the dice!

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sakumi' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Do you feel breathing behind us?(Elin/Private/NK) 67316



And so the second wave begins with

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Elin' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Do you feel breathing behind us?(Elin/Private/NK) 67314



Sakumi panted from her ordeal a bit before pushing the dead wolf off of her.She had killed.Though it didn't settle well inside of her head it was her or the wolf.Sakumi laid on her back for a while.What if she hadn't stop the wolf and had gotten killed?Would Elin mourn her death and be unable to fight?Or just become consumed in an endless bloodlust for revenge?Sakumi knew she would probably do one of those two things.But just what exactly?Sakumi heard her name being gently called out and almost smiled.She destroyed her clones in joy.

Elin was fine.Thank, Kami he was all right.Sakumi tried pulling herself off the ground and gasped at the sight of Elin covered in blood.why was Elin covered in blood?!Sure she was no better off in her own amount of blood but...Elin.Sakumi's mouth felt dry as tears formed into her dark purple eyes.She didn't know whether to scream or run towards him.She had thought Elin was fine...but now she was completely doubting it.She didn't know what to do anymore.She didn't even realize the rough scales wrapping around her leg.

Sakumi felt the ground suddenly meet her body as a rough tug from behind made her fall to the dirt.It pulled her closer and Sakumi turned herself over to see the yellow eyes and forked tongue.It fangs bared and Sakumi held her arms up in defense.It's fourteen-foot long body moved closer and closer to her.It wrapped it's tail around her legs and picked her off the ground upside down.Sakumi weakly kicked but felt her legs begin to break under the gradual pressure.She was caught like a mouse in a cat's paws.Wait that wasn't right.Sakumi was the Nekomata around here.And if she was really the mouse in the situation then she'd show just exactly what mice could do.

The giant tailed wrapped around her shoulder and Sakumi bit down as hard as she could.The anaconda let go of her and dropped her onto the ground.She roughly landed on her back and tried to catch her breath when the tail swung down at her.The tails tip scratched her cheek and came back towards her stomach.Sakumi felt blood trail down from her cheek as the searing pain returned to her stomach.Sakumi held back screaming as it picked her up by her legs again.It tightened it's grip on the squirming girl and started shaking her.Sakumi could only sway motionlessly in the snake's grip.

Sakumi felt weak.As she always was.Weak with no true purpose.She may have loved her mom and would do anything for her.But she couldn't do anything right.She lost the chunin exams in fear of her own life.Had thrown away a possibly normal life to prove to herself she could be better than her mother.Weak.Useless.Sakumi thought back a bit.She had defeated her opponent in the first stage.She had killed the wolf.She was fighting something she could she could defeat.Sakumi felt weaker and weaker as she let go of her hope.Her eyes closed as she passed out.She hadn't given up completely however.She wasn't willing to give such an easy win to the snake.

OOC Note:Splitting it up on my part.Good luck Elin!




He looked on and his eyes regained focus as something crawled its way up Sakumi's usually beautiful leg which now appeared full of scales as he watched her fall to the ground as he dashed towards her as he saw a snake which seemed to appear from out of nowhere. She was being dragged away as he drew his he had regained his bladed weapons of vengeance to smite down the evil with its yellow eyes seeing the bloodied red eyes as he charged towards the large snake which was easily four to five times the height of Elin if it stood at length.

As in his mind he had a flash back of the days of Elin and Sakumi. The song of chocolate and how it brought a boy and girl together.

The flash back shows him running along the walls as a song seems to play with words only he would understand

Running on the walls of the border of the Hidden Cloud
There was a girl who was lost and who seemed to be the girl he always should have found
Her beautiful hair in the wind blowing so beautifully
He was not sure whether to go to her truthfully

Then he drops down from the wall as she continues walking deeper into the village as he follows her slowly from a distance

He felt as if he could never reach out to her
What was this feeling, was it love or was it fear
As at first he was more interested in her food
The look of her back and her flow of her hair changed his mood

He kept following her to a world that he never knew
A world beyond the clouds and passed the lies would be true

The scene changes as a giant wolf like aura appears as a woman known as Kaekio comes between them like a storm

What could have been love was turned to a dark cold fear that his life would end
His fear overwhelming until he understood this was no enemy, just a hero coming as a friend
A friend to their new adventure as she accused him of love, which he knew not why
As in that very moment he felt a deep fear, a fear so deep it made him feel like he had to cry

He was closed off to the world and was about to be cast away
He went from being the predator to becoming the prey
As he stood without a clue as to what to do as he thought of Ameryuu
Where did she go, she left him all alone with no one else as he wanted to tell her, "I miss you"

The new scene is of Elin crying as Sakumi breaks the mood as angel feathers appear behind her with a glowing light as in her hand a chocolate appears before him

Her name was Sakumi, an angel so sweet
And before him, she laid down chocolate at his feet
In a way he could not fear someone who in the heat of his fear
Brought him back into this world as he felt the need to shed another tear

Elin takes the chocolate and rubs his eyes as he smiles

Hi, I am Elin, I love you
Could you learn to love me too?

As the flash back ends his dash changes its movements completely as he jumped into the air holding out his swords across as if to make an X shaped slash to kill the beast. As blood flew from Sakumi's beautiful cheek as he glared with deep inner focus. This beast was something that could no longer be allowed anymore mercy, he heard Sakumi's screams as he came closer and closer to the beast, he slashed as the snake just barely dodged releasing Sakumi as it pulled away when suddenly the ground shook as a giant head burst forth from the ground and gave out a lion's roar before it ate the snake whole and tore it apart as it gave another roar.

However after a while the beast which stood at close to thirty foot in length and around fifteen feet in height. It was a massive beast which had risen so fast from the ground that it could have possibly been not only faster but stronger then even him. This was not a child's game anymore as he stood before Sakumi as he spoke to her.

"Sakumi, let us fight so we can eat chocolate again okay?" as he turned for a moment not losing focus as he smiled for her. With the blood dripping from his hair as the lion like beast transformed with the snake like beast now becoming its tail, it was now two beasts in one and had become a Chimera with the main body of a strong gigantic lion and the tail of a tough serpent like Anaconda beast. This would be their battle for survival and the beginning of a new song, the song of their fight to be together.

Total Words 1902 + 849 = 2751

Advanced Beast Words 849/2000

Team Elumi Current Points = 3
Record so far
Basics: 1/1
Normals: 1/2
Advanced: 0/1

OOC: Sorry this took forever and not sure if you like my flash back song of how they met



Hope.The essence of what we wish will happen in our future.The desire for something wonderful, or in your the type.Something horrible and almost unbearable.Hope wasn't something Sakumi believed in a lot.She relied on her wits and physical body power to help her in tasks.Breathing.Something you could do since your birth.Something you'd do for your whole life.Something Sakumi would want to hold at this moment.At this time.All Sakumi wanted to do was to take deep hopeful breaths of survival.To fight for any hopes of any possible survival.

Sakumi could only see black.The black then soon faded into a familiar place.The entrance of Kumogakure no Sato.She saw herself walking into the village, being stared at like before.With her messy hair covering her face like debris.The bag of chips.Was this what she thought it was?A small blur of blonde hair answered her question.It went into a crowd near where she once travelled through and was caught by a hand on his shoulder.Kaekio.Sakumi couldn't hear anyone the talking.But she could see every bit of the trio's reaction.

Everything turned black again and she could see a small hill.Chunin Exams Stage One.She saw the fallen hair that would have gotten her killed in the first stage.She saw as she charged at Kaitu.Guilt filled her as she remembered feeling up to killing the young boy.What was wrong with her?Why was she in that state?Reckless and angry.She promised she'd never hurt someone when another route was fully accessible.Sakumi tightened a fist.Was she reckless on the inside?Was her personality a cover up for what she really felt like inside?

She saw herself standing, checking her pouch for her weapons.Sakumi held her hands to her mouth and tried not to scream.Chunin Exams...Stage Two.She saw Fukai moved up to the front of her.No.No.Dear Kami no.She saw herself sprint up to Fukai and then stop suddenly.The staff slammed into the side of her head.In return, Sakumi felt the memorable pain come back into her jaw.Her hip and right leg followed and Sakumi fell to her knees.What kind of sick twisted thing was happening to her?!What was wrong with her?

This is when Sakumi realised.Everything she did was a battle for survival.Making allies, fighting, and learning from past experiences.To learn.To be stronger.To have friends rooting for her no matter what.The once existent pain slowly faded away.She raised her head and looked in front of her.The once painful memories were replaced by a single mirror.Instead of her, however, Elin, Tenzo, Mari, and Kaekio had their hands outstretched towards her.She couldn't be bound down by a small single past.She was to be bound to her friends till the very end.

Sakumi's eyes opened as she rested on the ground.Why was she on the ground.Where was Elin?!"Sakumi, let us fight so we can eat chocolate again okay?"Eat chocolate.A small smirk grew on her face.It suddenly disappeared as she saw the large chimera in front of her.She was afraid.Ok, she had to admit.She was scared of everything that moved.Even if it was her hair.She pulled a kunai out of her pouch.She had to stop letting everything scare her.She was going to help Elin.To say 'I love you'

She saw the blood dripping off her friend's hair.She was going to protect him.That what was love was about right?Protecting loved ones till the very end.Her current goal at the moment was subdue it long enough for Elin to get a few good hits in.She could do that.That was simple enough for her.She was the type to run away from danger anyway.Her hands did a few Jutsu as she started getting up a bit.Her hands touched the dead grass and she turned the ground below her into a river of mud.

She got up and two feet and retreated a bit.She was leaving the rest to Elin at this point.But just for good measure Sakumi took two shurikens in her hands and flung them vertically at the chimera.She grabbed the last one in her pouch and flung it horizontally.Sakumi took in a breath and did a few of hand signals she never did too often.She ran a few meters in front of the chimera blindly and slammed her hands into the ground, causing a slight amount of pain for herself.She ignored it as a fifteen-foot tall wall went in front of her and spread seven feet wide.Her head ached a bit, but she had to contain screaming, yelling, and fainting so she and Elin could win.She knew the chimera could probably go over the wall, but it would create a small temporary safe haven for Elin and her.

"You can do this Elin!Don't give up until you've won. . .I'll be ok!" Sakumi shouted as she felt weakness take over her.Placing her back against the wall, she gently slid down and tried not to vomit or be overcome by a headache.Every second of sitting there was making her more and more worried for Elin.Sakumi was hurt.But Elin was probably hurt worse.'Elin don't die. . .do not leave me alone. . .I need you to help me be brave,'Sakumi thought as she bit her arm to calm her down a bit.

She could see two figures in front of her.A girl with light brown hair and purple eyes.A smile marked her face.As well as a hidden bravery and innocence.Was it.It was her wasn't it.She remembered her mother always talking about flying high.Not keeping her feet on the ground all her life.To soar and become something much more greater.But to do it with mercy.To be a pacifist.To be gentle.She didn't feel good.She missed her mother more than most things.She had tried her best.She knew this yet it didn't feel like enough to her.



Anaconda Killed(Normal)

Team Elumi has collected Four points so far



He looked on carefully as she was getting up as the beast was roaring loudly as the snake like tail of what used to be the snake beast gave out a hiss as it became part of the beasts body. It may have seemed like a waste of a really good tail, but who understood the ways of monsters anymore in this age of ordinary shinobi. He kept his guard up as he looked to the girl he loved, the girl he did not even know he loved, as she stood to face her opponent as he felt he needed to give her a chance to do what she wanted to do. He had to give her a moment to embrace and bask in the sunlight that is the heart of the sun of the emotions emoting from the aura she was emitting. She was a strong girl, a tough girl and one who could have easily done better in the exams. However he did not see it as her weakness, but as his failure to support her as he was too shocked and in awe to cheer her on from the stands. He had failed to understand her moment in the spot light and it was now time for her to shine brighter then any sun could ever hope to be.

He watched her throw three shuriken as the beast seemed like it was grinning as it smacked them all out of the way with a single slap from its giant paw. He watched as she performed her hand signals as he turned to look slightly to the beast as he spoke. "Prepare yourself."

He stood there and watched carefully as she charged towards the chimera who began to raise its paw as it was now going to snuff the life of the foolish love struck girl. It was in this moment that she slammed her hands into the ground as she seemed to flinch slightly in pain. Was this going to be the end as Elin had prepared his counter he watched in awe as a wall rose up blocking the front right paw of the beast who roared in slight pain at hitting such a hard wall.

He watched her begin to fade as she shouted to him words he did not hear to often anymore. He was told he could do it, and that he should never give up for he will be okay. He watched closely as the beast began to climb up the wall and peeked over grinning as it looked down on the young girl as it was about to jump over, however the ground turned to mud as the beast slipped and fell before roaring loudly as it was now enraged. He watched her fade out as he took a knee and placed his one hand on the ground and then said to the beast as it jumped around the side and was going to go for her he shouted.

"Do not ignore me you stupid beast!!!" as he shouted which was something rarely with this much anger as the beast fell. The ground beneath the beast had been sealed away as the beast fell down roughly five meters hitting the ground face first. He then threw his swords in the air as the snake portion hissed only to be hit in both its eyes by the two weapons as it became a hindrance. Already dead, already merged it was now a liability as the lion portion of the chimera bashed the tail against the walls of this large hole destroying the tail as it broke off completely.

He dropped his bag to his side as he was still full of blood as the smell would fill the air as the beast began to climb up from the trap as he looked down upon the filthy beast, the beast raised its paw and attempted to squish the small boy who countered with his Kusarigama as it had a white glow to it before slashing with the head of the weapon against the wrist portion of the beasts paw as it cried out in pain, the wound was burning, bleeding and cut to a point where the beast pulled back and fell in the whole as he finally came towards the edge of his hole.

In this world there were only two things, the strong and the weak. This beast would roar from its hole as if to proclaim itself King of the Beasts. The boy looked down on it as he felt a pride far greater then that of some weak pathetic creature proclaiming to be a King. In this world why would anyone choose to be a King, when in the end you could truly change the world only through becoming more. He had to become stronger and more powerful, he needed to see passed the lies of those accursed illusions. He needed to rise above all who stand before him as he stood there he gave a small smile as if to taunt the beast.

The beast jumped out of the hole as he sighed, the beast was truly faster then him however, as his white glowing blade rose up it blasted straight into the beasts eye as it yelped in pain before he swung the blade as it slashed out the beasts other eye at a speed that this beast could not even hope to compete with. As an act of desperation as the beast was slipping back into the hole it sniffed and smelled the girl as it rushed recklessly towards the girls direction, however the beast fell as something wrapped around its leg and pulled as the boy then cut off the wounded beast and performed his basic technique trap hole as the beast took a step getting its paw stuck in the hole that would have been harmless against a smaller beast. The beast roared recklessly as it flailed blindly for its attacker. The boy stood there and felt like he had to stop playing around with the beast as he released the beasts leg and wrapped the kusarigama around its neck using the wires to manipulate it carefully as it was cutting and burning into the beasts windpipe. It could no longer roar as it struggled to pull to its feet. He then performed a few handseals as he released fire from his feet as it began to burn beneath the beast as it cried out silently in a mumbled attempt at what was left of a roar. He then performed a few more seals before jumping up into the air landing on the side of the beast as he ran up it as fire began releasing as he began making a trail of fire as the beast flailed he used speed bursts from the technique to stay on top of the beast as he stepped all over his prey humiliating it before the heat of the endless fires of this beast's living hell.

The beast kept crying out as it was nearly all on fire as he finally reached the beasts head as he gripped with full strength and released his bladed technique cutting open the beasts windpipe completely as the fire went in as he then stepped on its head knowing this was how it should end. He jumped off the beast as its head was lit a blaze as the beast was now dead being burnt away with only these thoughts in the boy's mind.

"Do not mess with my girl, and why be a King when you can be a God"

He then took Sakumi with him to the hospital as this was the end of their nightmare

Total Words 2751+ 1289 = 4040

Advanced Beast Words 849+ 1289
= 2138/2000

Jutsu Used:

Team Elumi Current Points = 8

Record so far
Basics: 1/1 = 1x1 = 1 point
Normals: 2/2 = 2x2 = 4 points
Advanced: 1/1 = 3x1 = 3 points


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