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26The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 6:02 am




27The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 6:02 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sero' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 67314

28The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 6:56 pm



Sero looked down at the dead dog as it slumped there and stopped moving. The part of the door around the remains of the head was cracked and broken enough that the door had closed all the way. Such a foolish move just launching at him. These creatures had no sense of caution to them. It was as if they could not feel fear. Perhaps the virus just increased their rage to whole new levels. He had lost his sense of tactical appraisal of a situation before to that emotion. Anger was one of the few things that seemed to reach him. He supposed that was likely the same with these things. Only instead of having a trigger to set them off they were simply in a constant state of rage from what he could tell. Killing randomly and attacking on site. The only benefit of it socially seemed to be that they didn't target each other. The evidence of that was the lack of evidence. No fighting anywhere, no bodies aside from the ones he placed there. The dog had simply been another being to fall at his feet. Nothing more. Its insides pooled around the door and soaked the wood there. So common a scene this was for him. He was so used to death and destruction that he did not see the point in cleaning it anymore. The dead haunted him once upon a time until he stopped caring. The nightmares of old faded until now. Only this time...he was not powerless.

Sero gripped his sword his and lifted his free hand to his forehead to let his head fall back and sigh as he stared blankly at the ceiling. The blade tip lazily leaning against the floor. Parting the blood around it as bits of those he had just used it on still stuck to the blade. One could easily tell it had been new because it hadn't been stained until now. The blade had been clean and pure but now he could almost feel it darkening...joining with him. That was the way with all things that spent time around him. They became unclean. Slowly his gaze shifted to the girl off to the side. She had resigned herself to a corner between the oven and the fridge and had her hands clasped in front of her face while she knelt there facing the wall. He had seen people pray before but never one who had done so with him as anything more then the wolf at their door. He was the hound that claimed the dead with his blades. Yet there she was praying. She still believed in some deity in a place like this. It was interesting how often she surprised him. However he doubted her god would enter here. They never seemed to when he was around. If she was looking for a holy miracle she was in the wrong company....he was certainly not holy but he was likely her best chance of her survival. These creatures were weak after all.

The record suddenly skipped once as the needle bounced ever so slightly which drew Sero's attention. That was odd but once was excusable as just an issue with the record. Or the device itself was flawed. However as he watched it it bounced again and a moment later again. A pattern had been formed which meant there was something about to happen. Patterns were never a good thing in these situations. Slowly he reached down as he looked around him and gripped his sword with both hands, Raising it in front of him as he tried to sense where it was coming from. He could hear it now...massive footsteps approaching. His guard was up now but he wasn't sure what he was looking for. This thing; whatever it was the being was coming for them. It was in a higher league then the others. He could feel its blood lust as it got close enough. The girl simply looked at Sero with that hopeful gaze again. It made sense after all. He had handled all the ones before now. Yet she had to know somewhere deep down this was different. Whatever was coming for them was stronger. He could feel that much and he felt it so potently that she had to be nearly drowning in the sensation. Still he kept calm and kept his guard up. Reaching out with all his senses for where the enemy was coming from.

He heard it before it actually happened. The Staircase on the other side of the door shifted. In response Sero lifted his sword and turned the large blade to act like a shield as he braced himself. The instant he did though the staircase flew up to reveal a hidden passage along the bottom of the manor and the instant it did a massive shadow loomed out at speeds superior to even Sero. The door shattered as this behemoth of a man slammed through and loomed up to the ceiling. His massive body covered in rags and chains as his face seemed to be covered by a black bag. Its right arm lashed out rapidly with a jingle of the chains and the impact with Sero lifted him off the ground with sheer force and threw him across the room through the barricaded door back into the basement where he skidded and bounced all the way to the back wall. Slumping there for a moment. The girl looked after him with her eyes widening in panic before slowly with trembling lips and eyes she looked back to the new enemy. Her eyes rising slowly up its mass to look at it as it shifted back to a hunched standing position. Its blow connected. She let her lips split open to speak as she tried to plead. Only managing a very weak noise....a barely audible noise escaping to the sound of "Oh...god please no..." She was sure her champion had fallen and she was now doomed to die at the hands of this new horror. This thing in front of her. She was powerless.


29The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:22 pm



Slowly the thing turned to the girl and even though she could not see its face she could tell it was looking at her. She could not move in front of the thing. What good would it do to run? It was too fast and too strong to escape...the Kunai next to her seemed about as useful as a splintered piece of wood against a stone. She wanted to scream out in fear and condemn herself for her choices. Why had she stayed? She was powerless to save her brother and now her one paladin had been struck down. A single blow from this thing had killed him and now she was little more than an inconvenience for it. She wanted to escape somehow but she saw no hope. Her prayers had been denied and instead she had this new hell. She didn't know what to do as the thing turned to face her completely and loomed over became her reality...there was nothing besides her and this monster. It was going to end her and there was nothing she could do about it. She was no longer safe with that boy from before and this was all that was left. She found herself wishing the thing would hurry and finish it...She was going mad just waiting for it to finish her. It was almost a relief when it reached out. Its massive hand looming over her and filling her vision as it reached down to grasp at her.

However suddenly everything shifted. She froze and so did the hand as suddenly a presence filled the was like a weight had been placed on every part of her. A dark chuckle seemed to echo from the empty doorway leading to the basement as pure monstrous killing intent flooded in. How could this be true? What was that boy for her to feel such blood lust from him from all the way over there? She could barely breath under it and even the being in front of her shifted its attention entirely way from her. She looked back at it in surprise as she realized something...the all its was hesitating before that boys had thought it had killed him too. Yet somehow the boy still stood. Not only that but she noticed it take a step back. It was afraid of the boy...had he been holding back up until now? What was he that he could pull such power from within? She was wrong about something she realized...he wasn't some holy paladin helping her find her brother...he was more a monster than anything she had seen in her life including this place. He was here for fun. Killing monsters was just a hobby to him. He was going to murder everything that challenged him here and there was nothing they could do to stop him. It was utterly hopeless for them...and some part of her felt satisfied at that fact...yet she still covered her ears and cowered in on herself when his voice seemed to echo through the kitchen.

"Come then beast. I felt your come and let me show you mine. Let us see who falls."

The being hesitated before it stepped forward. Its hands lifted and it roared out something inhuman. A monster howling so powerfully it shook the room and the soul. In between its hands electricity formed and sparked before he held his hands out and with a thrust of power launched a pulse of lightning into the basement. Static flickered in its wake as the entire doorway and stairs leading down had been blasted away. It stood there with its shoulders heaving from the pure power display it just unleashed. It still stared into the dark basement. The lightning having not only wiped out the light source but had been so bright it was taking a second to adjust.back to seeing in low light. Surely though that beam of energy had to have wipe out everything in that basement. However what it did not know was that there was a hole in the ceiling...a direct shot jutsu like that had no chance of hitting someone like Sero blindly. It felt him then and it froze as it looked down. Sero was directly in front of it now having used the darkness as cover and approached in the shadows. When Sero spoke it stared in fear at him.

"Two turns in a row isn't playing fair. In return I will be taking my second turn now...You must not have noticed I took my first."

Suddenly the things tendons in its legs split apart and sprayed out blood. It howled in fear and pain but now it no longer had the ability to stand. The towering beast fell to its knees before Sero and stared eye to eye with him now. Staring into those grey eyes like looking into the void. All its power meant nothing in front of this boy. It felt ashamed at its own fear as it trembled there. Its arms dropping to its sides in defeat as it knelt there and its blood pooled around them. A slow smile spread across Sero's pale lips as his blade tip leveled with the things left eye and the blade suddenly sizzled...all the remains on it burned away as it dripped and sizzled on the floor. The blade slowly punched into the monsters face and sizzled with steam rising as it screamed and slowly died. Its brain burning away and the blade punching through the back of the skull and burning even that away. Sero removed his sword from the creature and with a shove of his free hand tossed it to the side. Watching it fall he tossed his head back and laughed with mirth. His grey eyes took in the house as he looked up and breathed out a single word. One that haunted everyone who heard it....even the ones monitoring him from afar. "More."

2000/2000 Advanced monster dead. +3 points +1 point civlian = total 16 points

73 remaining

30The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:22 pm




31The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:22 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sero' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 67316

32The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:48 pm



Sero stood over the massive dead body in front of him staring at the ceiling again. He felt elated now. Finally he had come across something worth him coming here. It had let its guard down tactically but there was no doubt in his mind. That blow had tossed him harder then he could toss others around his level. Even though he guarded against it the sheer force of it was astounding. So they had sent out one of their champions to face him finally. It made his efforts worth while. He had no doubt there was more to be found around the area. That was just the forward guard and they had underestimated him. He was overjoyed at the prospect of more out there. They would progress soon after the brother but that meant little to him now. Just another sub priority in a mission. He knew these things were afraid of him now. He could practically feel the Manor radiating. It was as if the place wanted to flee him but could not move. It had some personality to it he noticed. His eyes shifted from one side to the other with idle interest as he looked around His lips parted to reveal nearly fang like teeth in a crooked smile. When he spoke it was cold and almost sing song like.

"~ Someone is waaatching meee~"

He felt the shift then. That urge to flee him increased. Now he knew they were watching him and could hear him. So he had gathered their attention had he? Well if they were watching than he would find them...after all he needed to know if his audience enjoyed the show. Still at the thought of having an audience he looked back down. There in the corner with eyes wide and staring at him almost blankly was the girl struggling to breath under his killing intent. He had forgotten she had been there but now he heard her shallow gasps for air. So that was what happened when someone of the civilian population was too close to him when he began to enjoy himself? Well he could utilize that at some point. However he could tell she was on the verge of passing out. Could someone lose consciousness from pure fear? Either way he didn't really care to test it. Keeping her alive would be more difficult if she wasn't awake. So he would calm it down just a bit.

Slowly Sero released his chakra on his blade and the liquid faded away. His breath came out in short but timed intervals. Steam from each breath exiting his body as he calmed and centered himself. His killing intent slowly fell away and the room brightened a little more. Soon all that could be heard was his steady breaths and her breath becoming less shallow....the record player had been wrecked in the commotion so the music no longer played which was better then the skipping noise it had been stuck on. That aside the blood from the mammoth of a man began to drip off the edge of the doorway to the basement. Dripping steadily where the stairs used to be. It seemed to echo for the moment but he hardly cared. It was just another marker of his victory. Hopefully the next one was more tactically aware. He smiled at the thought of it and shook his head before he stepped over the body and calmly crossed the room. The girl looked up to him and seemed confused. He could understand that he supposed. He hardly felt human. Still her words were kind of annoying. "What are you?"

Sero almost scoffed at the question. Instead he looked passed her to the new secret passage as it closed...where the thing had come from was interesting...dark and cold down that way...she likely wouldn't follow if he went away from her brother. Still he answered her calmly and accurately. " I am a member of the Osada clan. A shinobi in Kiri." Well that was accurate for who he was. But to him that was what an Osada was. He had never met one that was actually a decent individual. To be entirely truthful every member of his clan was less than humane. At least all the ones he had met with the Kenkai Genkai. The normals hardly mattered. Still he was in the midst of deciding which direction to take as she slowly rose to her feet. Her hands clutching the Kunai now like a life line; when suddenly the body he had just killed lit on fire behind them. Sero turned to look at the burning blue flames with a raised eyebrow as the body seemed to burn to nothing and a single figure started to emerge. So they had some abilities too. This was getting interesting. He could only wait with eager anticipation to see what this one was about.


33The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:52 pm



Sero watched as the huge thing he just killed burned away. In the center of the fires a much smaller being rose from the core of the flames and sat upon the smoke with one leg crossed over the other. The individual appeared to be young but had red eyes and black fangs. It's pale skin seemed to shine like moonlight as it sat on the smoke wearing a black suit. Smoke like hair flowed down to about mid back. It leaned back and relaxed as the smoke formed into a type of chair to support the being and they rested their hand on their cheek. Still red eyes slipped passed Sero to the girl as a forked tongue licked the dark fangs as if hungry. The girls fear and innocence fading made her such a treat to be had. However the candy would have to wait....can't have the treat before the trick. Those red eyes shifted to meet grey and the tongue sank back into the beings mouth. It frowned before it spoke. Marking it as likely female in nature. Most males didn't have a feminine voice like that.

"My my you sure are a messy one. Intruding here in our home and just cutting up what you like. You even got lucky and killed our Ogre. He wasn't the brightest of our champions but he was strong. I assure you that you won't be so lucky should you continue. After all you are a mere mortal. Just how far can you get on your own? You will tire and weaken and the fluke that just happened will not happen again. I am here as a are being asked to leave...if you don't...I might have to kill you and take a prize."

The womans eyes shifted back to the girl and she grinned. The girl with Sero stepped back and placed her back against the wall looking to Sero to see what he would do. This stranger had no contract with her. Surely he would choose to leave rather than risk his life. She felt hot tears stinging her eyes as she felt resigned to this. No one in their right mind would remain her...she had been a fool to rely on one boy. She was going to die here and she was powerless to do anything about it. She shuddered as tears began to streak her cheeks again before she heard the sword shift and looked up. Sero held up his sword between her and the woman on the smoke. His eyes stared the woman down as she blinked at him standing between her and the girl. The girl on the other hand simply looked at the boy in confusion before she saw him smile. When he spoke it was cold but filled with Mirth.

"Fluke huh? You seem to lack some understanding about the situation. I am not here for the girl. I am here hunting for sport. If you intend to take me down...try me and see who dies here. I will show you the difference between us and let you see if its a fluke hag."

The woman on the smoke clenched her fangs and trembled in anger. This child was mocking her? How dare he be so confident in this manor...he was just a mortal. She held up both arms and sat up so the smoke swirled around her and held her above the ground. Her fingers shifted into sharpened claws as she snarled at him. Well if he was going to talk big she would play with him a little. She launched forward and sped across the room towards Sero with both sets of claws outstretched in front of her intending to impale him. Suddenly though he was standing to her side and her eyes widened. However it was far too late to react. His sword came down and with one strike severed both thin arms from torso. She screamed as both arms fell to the floor adding to the mess already there. How was he so did this happen...why was someone so strong here?! She flinched as she felt a blade touch her neck from behind before looking over her shoulder to see Sero standing behind her. "Don't" Was all of that plea she managed to get out before suddenly his sword flicked and her head fell from her neck before bouncing off the floor. Sero watched it bounce before looking back up again...he could feel them watching...he could feel the seal behind the paint in the corner. He looked right at it as he pointed the sword up at it and grinned showing his own white fangs. He spoke up enjoying spreading fear to them. "Message received."

1600/1600 Normal murdered. Plus 3 points. 19 total.

34The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:53 pm



104 words remaining. Next one.

35The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:53 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sero' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 67316

36The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:03 pm



Sero watched as the the seal slowly faded and then turned his back to it. He yawned as he flicked his blade again. The blood dripping onto the already soaked floor. The splashing sound drew his attention as he looked down. The floor around him was virtually soaked in blood. One big pool of it seeped around half the kitchen from the three bodies. He stood there expectantly as the blood spread around him. Had they finished sending their own to die in this little room? He breathed in the scent of the copper like smell of the room. The hem of his robes slowly turning from spotted red and grey to deep crimson as it soaked up the blood around his feet. These people were all bark it seemed yet some of them were fun. This unholy land seemed to call out to him. It wanted him here and he could feel that. He was the master of the wicked tonight and he was enjoying it. His dead grey eyes took in the room and flicked between each body. Surely more was coming. They couldn't flee from him. They had to know this. He was having too much fun to let them simply escape. He wanted to cut them down and desecrate the entire village. He could feel it like a calling to him. The wind howled against the windows like a scream of agony. He could almost imagine it was a scream from further into the manor. Who ever it was that had been watching was afraid. He could sense their panic. The feeling of fear soaked into the wood as the whole room seemed to darken. He reached up with his hand and ran a blood soaked hand through his silver hair as he sighed happily. Oh how happy he was finally. His chains were released and he was no longer kept on a leash here. Everything wanted to die and he was allowed to kill them. Well all aside from one individual so far.

His gaze snapped to her as she seemed to stare blankly at the floor. He couldn't really tell what she was thinking. Did she regret coming with him? Did she feel like perhaps she had picked a monster to fight monsters. He frowned a little as he felt some anger towards the judgement he was sure she was feeling. Such a filthy civilian. Making demands and then deciding what was right and what was wrong. Never understanding it was because of them that Shinobi stained their hands. She was just like the others. All those people he protected that always complained about him. The ones who painted his bridge that he was a monster and condemned him as an abomination. All the normals that thought they were superior even though they were so weak. His hand itched and twitched as he watched her. She was going to turn against him. She was going to leave him to die the next time she could just like all the others. He just needed to kill her first. They hated him for the sacrifices he made for them and he always had to control himself. Slowly he inched forward ready to kill her too. No need for a witness that was a coward. Still his movements seem to snap her back to reality and suddenly he froze as he stared at her. Blade wavering in his hand as he looked confused. She was...smiling at him. She looked happy. What was this? What was she up to? When she spoke his breath caught in his throat. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Thank you Mr. Osada....I wouldn't have made it this far without you....Please continue to help me find my brother."

Sero stood there frozen. He was speechless and had no idea how to respond. Someone was actually thanking him? This was so far beyond what he was used to it seemed like a foreign concept to him. He looked down at the sound of metal shifting and realized his sword was it wasn't his sword...his hand was shaking? He sighed as he centered himself and straightened himself. He merely looked at he with a grey gaze once more before he sighed and shook his head. When he spoke it was calm. His aura was still there but his killing intent had virtually faded away. "This place has dozens of hidden passages. There is no way of knowing where your brother is however I suggest we head upstairs still. Try and pick up the tracks once more." He watched as she nodded before he watched her brush herself off and take a deep breath. The kunai was still in her hand but still even though he could sense her fear she smiled at him. He couldn't figure her out but for now it felt...good. He hadn't felt this way before...not ever. She didn't seem to have snapped and turned homicidal but instead her hope was stronger then ever. She was an impressive individual and some part of him respected her. Still he took the lead as he moved into the corridor they had originally met the dog in and lowered the stairs. Quietly he progressed upwards with her behind him. Up towards the second floor with a new sense of purpose. He didn't just want to kill things anymore but he actually wanted to help her find her brother. It was that attachment that would cost him another piece of his sanity.


37The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:25 pm



As they moved up the stairs he turned his head left and right keeping an eye out for trouble. He had left the room behind but they hadn't given up. He could feel the fear but it was still mingled with hate. Hate drove people to fight. That aside it was far too calm. His grey gaze turned up to the open double door ahead as light shined from within. He could almost smell a trap within. He would be cautious as he progressed. Still his form slipped through the door at the top and he realized that this room was different than the others. It was clean and bright. A ball room with three chandeliers above and even the black and white tiled floors were polished. He didn't see anyone though as he stepped cautiously within. He could feel the danger but he didn't see anything. Still he looked over his shoulder as he watched the girl. She seemed to look about her in wonder at the room. Likely how she had pictured such dances when she was a child wanting to be a princess. However in this light it was clear that she was covered in dust and bits of blood. Still she smiled when she saw him looking in a way that closed her eyes. He could tell that she had been crying by her puffy eyes and the clean streaks through the dust on her face but she seemed to be over that. Truly she was impressive.

Still his eyes widened as suddenly there was a flash between him and her. A dark and fur covered hand reached out and smacked her and a clawed foot smashed into his abdomen throwing them apart. Sero skidded back but kept his foot but his eyes followed her as she bounced and hit the wall coughing and gasping for air. The wolf man stood there glaring at Sero. When it spoke it was a growling voice. Its dark fur the same color as the girls claws from downstairs and the red eyes the same as well. "You!....You killed my Onee-chan...I will kill you for will die here and I will feast on your rotting corpse!" It charged forward at Sero then at full speed and yet...Sero seemed to look passed him. Time seemed to slow down for him as he looked at the girl. He had felt something towards her...she had made him feel human and already he had let his guard down and she was hurt. She was in pain and he couldn't stop it. He felt a pulse within him as he felt it rising...that anger that flooded him and took over. That emotion that fueled his aura like nothing else could. He could feel his mind slipping as he felt it like a boiling heat within. She had been hurt, someone he cared about had been hurt and the thing that did it...that mutt was going to die.

As the wolf got right up close and went to slash at Sero suddenly a blast of pure chakra shot out of Sero as he threw his head back. His mouth opened as his eyes filled white. A scream of pure rage ripped out as the ball room trembled. The chandeliers swayed back and forth and the light faded from the room to a dim glow. The energy erupting from him knocked back the wolf man who stared in shock and bared his fangs. However Sero was already moving. One moment Sero was standing there and the next the tiles where he had been standing shattered like a thousand pieces of glass flying up into the air. He was suddenly in front of the wolf man with his weapon left behind and his bare hands slammed into the man grabbing him by the throat. His scream of rage echoed out as he planted his feet and with the wolf man in hand launched upwards hard enough to leave a crater in the floor straight up. At the full height of it he spun rapidly in a blur and chucked the wolf man to the ground bouncing him off it. Still in the air he reached out and snatched the chandelier closest to him and ripped it from the ceiling. As he fell towards the wolf man he roared out once more and slammed down the chandelier like a hammer. The pure weight of it and the force behind it smashing the enemy and piercing him a dozen times with broken crystals. However Sero didn't stop there. He lifted the makeshift weapon and brought the huge thing down again and again. Turning the man into minced meat and only when the weapon was nothing more then a cord did he stop. Standing over the bloody puddle of broken bones and fur. His chest heaving as he panted there...sweating from the exertion. He had punished the thing for touching her...and now it was dead.

1600/1600 monster dead +3 points 22 points total
278 remaining

38The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:25 pm



Next sacrifice

39The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:25 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sero' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 67315

40The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:08 pm



Sero stood over the mess on the floor shaking. His grip trembling on the thick wire from the makeshift mace in his hand. Slowly as the blood dripped off the end of it the grey in his eyes gradually returned. He looked coldly at the mess before him as the blood spread across the dance floor. Pooling in the crevices and cracks. Each one filling one after the other in a broken pattern. So much wrath had erupted from him that the second of the siblings was no longer recognizable. Its face caved in just as much as the rest of its body. His glance moved down to his blood soaked hand and clothes. How had he lost control like that? What had he been doing prior to it? He focused on the memory before the black out and slowly it rewound in his mind before an image of a hurt girl filled his mind. His eyes snapping back up as he looked around. She had been hurt by this thing and he had grown angry. The strange girl that had thanked him. He had murdered the wolf man for hurting her but hadn't checked on her. His grey gaze took her in finally leaned against the wall and unconscious. His teeth grit as he tossed the wire aside and stepped to her side in one rapid step.

He landed next to her from the leap and stopped on the spot. He examined her from where he was standing and studied her for signs of extensive damage. From what he could tell all her limbs were not bent the wrong way and no real bruising around the joints. Her breathing didn't appear to be labored at all and there was no bleeding wounds. A concussion was possible but she seemed to be doing alright. Still he felt something as she stirred. Was he relieved that she was alright? Had he grown attached to this girl? He wondered suddenly if he could kill her if he had to. Would he be able to? For once he wasn't sure. He had never had that issue with anyone before. Now this person he had just met a little bit ago held him back from his usual brutality? Was it a trap? Were they trying to gain his trust only to stab him in the back? No that couldn't be right...if that was the goal than she would of had multiple opportunities to do it. Wait was that true? Had he let his guard down that much around her? That was unusual for him.

Still she blinked slowly and opened her eyes before her hand reached up and held her head. She looked up at him as if surprised to see him standing over her before looking passed him to see yet another body on the floor only this one looked like it had gone through a meat grinder. She sighed and looked up at Sero before she smiled and spoke. Her voice a little cheerful if weak. "You beat him huh? Well maybe we will get through this after all." Sero looked away from her back towards the body before he simply nodded in response. He had let his guard down twice with these things but he wouldn't be so careless again. If she wanted reassurance of that then a nod would have to do. Still his gaze switched to the balcony over the ballroom on the opposite end they had come in from. He glared as the doors slammed open and another undead stepped out. This one was in just torn jeans with a mohawk and and eye patch with a series of stitches across his torso showing different parts from different people. The man licked his lips as he looked down at Sero. Grinning from ear to ear. "I wonder about that eh slayer?!"


41The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:34 pm



The ghoulish man on the balcony hopped down in one movement before landing on the tiled floor below. His one good eyes turned bright red through out as he chuckled in a way that echoed. His long strides took him towards the discarded sword on the floor before he held out his hand. Sero watched as puppet strings reached out from the enemies finger tips and wrapped around his sword. With a sudden jerk he pulled the sword to his right hand before he lifted it up to his lips. He breathed in the scent before a forked tongue with a piercing on either end reached out and licked up the blood. He shivered before he grinned looking passed it towards Sero and spoke up. His words loud and carrying easily. "Well ain't you just special? You took down the siblings in this hell hole eh? Not to mention Tank. Truth be told though...they was idiots. They didn't even use any jutsu against ye that actually hit and resorted to pure physical ability. Thats alright though just opened up a promotion opportunity for me. Names Jackel and I will be your executioner this evening...lets add some fire to yer diet shall we?!"

Sero rose an eyebrow as the man inhaled deeply. If he wasn't mistaken this was preparation for a breath attack. Still was he foolish enough to state what element he was using and attack from so far away? Countering would be a simplicity against such an attack. Still Sero thought the man to be considerably loud and talkative. Typically such people were weak. He centered himself calmly and watched as the individual exhaled while shouting "Eat this punk!" A giant fireball erupted forth and shot rapidly across the dance floor leaving burning ground in its path. Normally Sero would of simply dodged it but the girl was right behind him. Still it wasn't difficult to defend against. A Katon jutsu was weak to suiton and one of his versions of acid release held the same properties. With a flick of his wrist his hand lashed out like a whip with chakra infused into it as a single liquid blade ripped forth and sliced along the floor before slamming into the fireball. The two jutsu clashed before both erupted apart as they canceled each other out with a blast that sent steam everywhere. Still his instincts told him this wasn't the end of the attack. Even a fool would use the mist as a cover.

His suspicions were confirmed as suddenly Jackel appeared to Sero's left and looked up at him from a crouched position with sword in hand. "Where you lookin at?" He said with a grin as he swung the sword in a rising slice. However Sero held up his left hand and right when it should of cut him the blade split into mist. Jackels eyes widened as he felt the hilt fade from his grip mid swing. He turned to retreat but it was too late. The mist reformed in Sero's right hand as an Odachi and he swung downwards. Jackel screamed his death cry as the blade sliced down his back from right shoulder to left waist and split him open with a spray of blood. As the steam faded little burning spots were left on the floor and Jackel layed there with his back split open before Sero. With a kick Sero sent the remains into one of the larger burning spots where it ignited and burned. He spoke coldly then and watched the burning man. "I hate weaklings who speak above their station...they die easier."

1200/1200 monster dead. +2 points 24 points

342 remaining

42The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:34 pm



Next chapter

43The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:34 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sero' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 67315

44The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:54 am



Sero once more stood in the center of a bloody mess. It was a curse among these undead to come across him yet they seemed a little off their rocker to keep assuming he was weak. However the fact that they could utilize jutsu made them more dangerous then they had been before. He held a stronger weapon then they had before but now he had used a small portion of his chakra reserves. He could feel it like a slight weight being lifted. Which was odd since he had no sense of touch...perhaps the better terminology would be that he sensed his own drop in power. Still it had been foolish of this one to assume he could use Sero's own weapons against him. He was almost a master of sealing. With his methods having been to seal and unseal his weapons in combat it only made sense for them to assume equipping his weapons would be a waste of time to them. However it gave him a new theory. Perhaps even though someone was watching him...he could tell now there was a seal in every room, they were not sharing that information with others....or at least not everyone in the area. In other words they considered those who led themselves to the slaughter expendable. Or had they let him face Sero in order to confirm their suspicions? A wicked enemy after all.

He heard the young lady rise behind him and tuck the kunai into her dress. She found a table cloth on one of the tables along the wall and pulled it off and then a second one. Quietly she unfolded them and covered the two bodies. The white tablecloths dyed red from the bodies. The one that had been burning had died off by now and was just smoldering. He didn't stop her though. If covering the bodies comforted her then he wouldn't stop it. However now he kept his grip on the hilt of his Odachi. The long blade dripped lightly with the tiny strands of blood on it flowing to the tip. He wasn't sure since the fire had finished the job in all likely hood but he had made a new discovery by the looks of it. He hadn't made a head wound but the cut along the spine had been enough to be fatal to the young man. Such a loud individual likely would of at least cursed him in the flames had he survived. He wasn't smart enough to simply play dead. Still he kept his senses out like feelers as he kept guard over her. She was worth saving. And so was her brother.

Still his attention was drawn up as another laugh broke out. His eyes widened as he recognized it as the same as before. His grey eyes flicked back up to the balcony as he saw Jackal standing there again. The body was still there under the cloth and unmoving but there was the man mocking death. The girl ran back behind Sero again this time staying out of the way as Sero watched the new Jackal jump over the railing and land on the floor below just as the other had. This one placed one finger under his eye and pulled the skin down. " thought killing me once was good enough? I am just a piece of the whole bastard. You can't end me unless you take out the original. Like your clone technique but infinite get it? Now lets see many of me do you think you can kill before exhaustion takes over you eh? Punk eat another ball of fire or two and then see if I die so easily eh?!" He paused with one red eye opened wide as he was suddenly staring at just the girl. Where did Sero go? He had barely blinked and now that bastard had just poofed out of reality?!

Suddenly Jackal froze as he felt him closer then before. Sero was right next to him. Standing at his side as they both stared opposite directions. Still Sero spoke coldly with a smile playing on his pale lips. "Well, you have my thanks for telling me the rules to your game. However you won't be able to get a jutsu off anymore. I will kill you from now on with one swing." The Jackal turned with the single word "Bastard!" out before Sero flicked his wrist. The Odachi flung out in a flash and Sero stepped passed the Jackal who stood there with his eye wide and filled with red before his eye rolled back. As Sero walked across the room back to the girl the wounds suddenly opened and once more blood sprayed out and the Jackal fell to the floor. He flicked the girl in the forehead lightly with his free hand before turning around and speaking over his shoulder. "Don't bother giving him a cloth to cover himself with. We need to move to the next room. Unless I hunt down the original they will wear at me until I start slowing down. Keep up. I am going hunting."

1200 monster dead +2 points. 26 total

12 remaining

45The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:55 am




46The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:55 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sero' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 67316

47The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Fri Nov 13, 2015 2:51 am



Sero watched the girl prepare a table cloth anyway. It was what was holding her fragile sanity together. It was hard to believe she had any left but at the same time he could understand wanting to remain slightly sane. After all once upon a time he had struggled with his humanity. Before he became what he was...a predator hunting in the night he had been a mouse rather then the cat. Fragile and weak in nature. Of course he had been much younger then her back then. Her eyes betrayed her fear but at the same time she was willing to put on a brave face. But for whom? Surely not for him but maybe for her little brother> It was possible he supposed but he did not really care for it. She was just going to waste time at the rate she was moving. He would need to make up the pace. While she was busy with the table cloth he would need to solve the mystery of the enemies main location. He wasn't being rushed with more then one at once which would of tactically been the obvious choice against him. The fact that he was only taking on one at a time and with space between the two gave him a theory. There was a chance that this creature could only make one of himself at a time. Even with just one he took a minute to process the new one into being. However he hadn't bothered to change the entrance into the area. Both had come from the balcony above. While this could easily be a misdirect he doubted the enemy had really thought that through. After all he had considered his clones to be more then enough to take him down. He had been wrong and there was hesitation He was only now considering how to go about this. Or perhaps making more clones took more time as each one was destroyed. Either way he would make his move and quickly.

Sero turned to look at the girl as she set the cloth over the fresh corpse. It was sad how that thing thought it was the monster here. So much bark and not enough bite to take him on. He wondered if they had never experienced being the lesser power. If they had ever known what it was like to be hunted. The walls nearly dripped with fear and panic. The house wanted him gone but no matter what it sent Sero wasn't even winded. He rolled his shoulder to stretch out his muscles and then the other. He couldn't feel it but he might as well avoid excess stress on his muscles. He rolled his neck as waited. Once she stood up and turned to him he watched her smile and move back next to him. She spoke warmly. Looking up at him with a friendly gaze. "Sorry Mr....I couldn't just leave them there like that. They died so horribly they just needed some peace. You know? Where are we going to go look for the main one then?" She asked innocently. He doubted she would do more then weigh him down for it. Still he nodded up to the balcony and then looked back to her and back to it. She followed his nod and gaze to the balcony before swallowing. "Oh" She said quietly. The color draining from her face.

Sero didn't wait for her to figure out his intentions. He reached under her knees and tossed her over his shoulder opposite the hand holding the sword. She squealed for him to put her down but they were already moving. He blew across the floor with a rain of debree flying behind him. Her scream was distracting but hardly offsetting for him. He knew his goal and the proper power behind it with the extra weight on him. He took the sword in his hand and drew his hand back before flinging it ahead of him and letting it fly through the air only to stick into the wall about three fourths of the way up with blade down. He noted its depth and satisfied with it he approached the wall before leaping at the last second. Upon reaching the height of the sword his momentum failed and he slammed both feet against the sword hard enough to launch him up the rest of the way. Once up on the balcony his feet planted and he set the girl down only to watch her move to the edge of the rail where she vomited. Someone was not a fan of heights it seemed. Or perhaps the speed had been a bit much for her. Sero could understand that he may have been a bit too rough with her. Still he looked back and extended out his fingers. Silver puppet strings flung out to wrap onto the sword hilt before yanking the Odachi back up to him only to be caught by his right hand again. He was armed once more. He let her finish dry heaving off the edge. His mind distracted elsewhere for the moment. He could almost feel the source now. Hear his breathing labored on the other side of the wall. His target was close now. And with the proximity of his enemy so was the death of said enemy. He cracked his neck once more as he stepped towards the wall.


48The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:16 am



Sero stood on one side of the wall now as he watched the wall was obvious it had been modified. The Balcony would not of been put there without access to it. Now it appeared to be a plain wall...the entrance had been molded into a hidden door. Not the brightest of places to hide it but still enough of an issue to delay him. He looked back to the girl before he indicated a spot off to the side. Well away from any blast radius. However also out of sight from anything below. A rather shadowy corner of the balcony. Back on the other side of the wall a young man knelt there panting. His gaze on the floor as he grit his teeth. He was dripping with sweat now. So his clone had been bluffing when it came to indefinite clone production...However he just needed a moment. He took a deep breath as he rose to his feet controlling his breathing. He had experienced his own death twice now from this man. Each time a clone died he learned everything it had learned during its life. So this man could negate fire jutsu with some form of suiton and he was fast...perhaps slightly faster then even his main body was. That could prove to be troublesome if he was located before he managed to land a sizable wound of the boy. However with his ability he could continuously fight him while evading him. He just needed to majorly wound him to balance the scales...or rather in his favor.

Still the main body froze as suddenly he felt that aura his clones had felt before death took them. He spun as he turned to face the wall. The little room he was in practically empty outside of himself. He could feel that person out there. He could feel it like a poison dripping into his mind. His body trembled as he stared at the wall. How could the man be there already? How could her already be at his doorstep? This was unthinkable. He growled as his fangs grew and his eyes seemed to shine even more crimson then before. Damn it all. All of his plans were about to be wasted if that man made it to him. He couldn't beat him in a straight up match. He needed to figure something out. some way to get out of this situation. However instead of running he felt rage. White hot and burning within him. He formed several hand seals rapidly, Ram → Horse → Snake → Dragon → Rat → Ox → Tiger all in a row before he inhaled. His chest expanded noticeably before he exhaled a white hot blast of fire blasting through the wall and into the balcony over the edge in a long flame over the dance floor. The white hot flames searing everything in its path. However Neither Sero nor the girl were in its path. Sero had known his presence would be felt and something was prepared for him. His patience had paid off as he waited in a corner. The fire was nearly blinding but the moment it died. The moment it faltered with Sero waiting he made his own move.

Sero placed his Odachi point first into the ground. His own hands formed two hand signs for whip -> Twin and he was prepared. He picked back up the Odachi as two tails formed out of his lower spine. One made of mist and the other of liquid. Sero stepped into the room and began to shift both left and right. He saw the enemy wide eyed and began to strike out randomly after Sero missing. However each time he did a tail whipped out and struck the mans hands. Each time one of the tails whipped out and struck the man it caused a two inch cut and seared it shut. After about a minute of this the man dropped to his knees...his arms and legs covered in gashes that while they didn't bleed.....they also represented dozens of severed muscles. The man growled at Sero before suddenly both whips wrapped around the mans head and neck. Lifting him off the ground as he screamed in agony. His head burning under those tails. Quietly Sero drove his sword into the mans torso time and time again. He kept pushing the blade in until the man stopped screaming. Only once he was limp did Sero use his tails to fling the now unrecognizable man off the balcony down to the floor below with a crunch.

Medium creature dead. +3 points. 29 In total.

94 remaining

49The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:17 am



Next part of the adventures

50The mansion like home (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: The mansion like home (Solo) Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:17 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

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