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Mission Details:

Being inside the Sand Box Strip Club made Misao uncomfortable in more ways than one. Of course, there was the obvious one - like the fact that she was a prudish fourteen year old girl in a place dedicated to both men and women taking their clothes off for money. Then there was the fact that her mother used to own the club and ran it,which meant that she constantly had to be there to make sure that things were managed correctly. Misao heard that she had started one just like it in Kirigakure and was running it alongside one of the other Seven Swordsmen, a guy named Dameon if she remembered correctly. This club had since passed on to new management and Misao could only surmise that the difference hadn't been all that noticeable. Then again, she had never stepped foot inside the building before today. Grandmother Hana wouldn't allow it, despite the fact that Shinji often came here to pick up both men and women and Chie and Reiko had a habit of coming in every other Thursday to get drunk. It made the young priestess feel singled out, even though she knew that her grandmother only forbade it for her sake. Misao knew full well that she couldn't be held to the same standards as the rest of her siblings. At her age, they had already managed to become powerful shinobi - Chie and Reiko were both Jounin, as it stood now, and Shinij would have been at their level had it not been for the fact that his illness often put him out of commission. Even her newest brother, Ren, was above her in terms of fighting capabilities, despite him still being a preteen.

Meanwhile, Misao was still a genin, barely above the level of an academy student, and not for a lack of trying - or rather, trying to try. Her siblings and grandmother encouraged her to follow another path, one that would make her life happier in the long run, one that would lead to a long and peaceful existence, away from the violence of the shinobi world. She felt torn. She understood that she didn't have the same talent, the same acceptance of violence and cruelty, the same capability to do what needed to be done despite the means necessary. At the same time, Misao wanted nothing more than to be strong enough to protect the people she loved and that meant training, growing stronger and gaining experience. That meant facing the world as it was. After all, she couldn't make a difference if she still remained a sheltered girl, spoiled by her family, right? That was the argument that she had given her grandmother when she decided that she was going to take on a mission. It wasn't anything fancy and it would keep her inside the village walls - she knew that that was the only way to warm Hana-obaasama up to the idea of her taking missions more frequently. After several hours of arguing in circles, she realized that Misao wasn't going to back down from her request.

The young girl - despite her kind and motherly nature - was as stubborn as her mother was. The look in her eyes let her grandmother know as much. So with a defeated sigh, the older woman decided to agree. That was what brought Misao to where she currently was. The Sandbox Strip Club was currently underhanded since one of its security guards suddenly fell ill. Misao offered to take on the hastily drawn up mission and act as a bouncer for a night. Overall, it was boring and it didn't exactly fit her well. the club had an open door policy, so anyone - even a toddler - could get in. Misao was only standing at the door to make sure that no one that was too plastered got in. And also to keep people out when they were at full capacity. It would have been an easy job if she weren't a dainty girl dressed in priestess robes. She was also soft spoken and her voice was high-pitched. Needless to say, people didn't listen to her. So things were shuffled around a bit so that she was now inside the club, making sure to stop any fights that broke out and kick out any trouble makers that, well, started making trouble for the other patrons.

Three hours into the job, a group of teenagers walked in. As soon as she saw them, Misao could tell that they weren't up to anything good. They were dressed as thugs and had that air about them that they were trying to be purposefully intimidating - like they were trying to show off how little they cared for everyone else. As soon as they sat down in one of the booths, they began harassing one of the waitresses. Misao saw them getting a little too close for comfort and initially brushed it aside. It was a common occurrence that the girls were used to dealing with. They soon began to push her around, both figuratively and literally. At this point, Misao had a noticeable scowl on her face. Without hesitating and leaving aside any feelings of shyness and hesitation, she walked towards them. On closer inspection, she noticed how large the group was - a total of ten of them, all larger than she was and obviously older, save for a younger boy that was trying much too hard to look like he wasn't out of place. Misao's expression twisted further into one of disapproval and disgust.

The oldest of them - a handsome boy with tousled dark hair and a series of piercings lining his ears - stopped paying attention to the waitress once he saw Misao. The poor girl scurried off into the crowd without a second thought. The boy smiled at Misao as if he were a wolf looking at a freshly caught sheep. To him, the young priestess was a plaything and a quick way to blow off steam and show his superiority to the rest of his gang.

[Mission Word Count - 1000/1000]



"What do you want, baby girl?" He asked, closing the distance between himself and Misao. The other boys watched intently. "My, you're a cute one," he chuckled. In other circumstances, the young girl would have likely stuttered and blushed, unsure of what to do or say. However, knowing the full intention and nature of a person like this was enough for her to disregard his words as little more than filth. She stared at him, her face still impassive. "What is is, baby girl? Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled and the other boys echoed him, despite the cliched line.

"I work as security here. I won't tolerate your harassment, so I'm going to ask you kindly to get out of here," she said, ignoring everything else that he had said. This time, the whole group burst out into laughter. Despite that, Misao was still impassive, her words holding an uncharacteristic seriousness to them.

"Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?" He asked. "A pretty girl like you should be working the pole up there. You can't handle a job like this. Here, dance for me and I'll even give you a good tip," he pressed on.

"Next time I take a job like this, I'll wear a baggy cloak and a mask"

Misao had given him his warning. She didn't need to give it twice. She didn't care that she was outnumbered. If this had to lead to a fight, so be it. Sealed into the palm of her hand was her staff - a simple wooden weapon, but it would have to do. With a small and calculated burst of chakra into her palm, it appeared in her hand, hidden momentarily by a puff of smoke. Misao moved forward even before it had fully manifested. Just as it appeared, it was brushing against the boy's legs, making him lose his balance and tripping him backwards. "Leave," Misao ordered simply.

The boy was angry now. His little lackeys were trying hard not to laugh. It was obvious, even in the club's dim lighting. The boy looked at them. His fierce glare was enough to shut them up. "Fine. You want us to leave? We'll do that."Misao knew what he meant. He wanted to take the fight outside. Fine. Misao scanned the group again. No matter the odds against her, she would be fine. Without help from Chie, or Reiko or even Shinji, she would be fine. She would win this, both for their sake and for her own.

A moment later, they were in the alley in between the club and the building next to it. Misao was surrounded by all ten of the boys. She took a deep breath, resuming her stance.

"Wide and stable, hips close to the ground to keep balance, just like Chie and Reiko taught you, come on, you can do this."

The staff let her have a greater range than a sword would and it let her control the damage that she wanted to exert on her opponents. It had been the first weapon that she had taken to, before learning how to use tonfa and other similar ones. She parried two kunai swiftly, but was hit by a kick to her side that had her skidding a few feet sideways. She winced, which was enough of an opening for another of the boys to kick her lower back, sending her forward several steps before she regained her balance. Another boy tried to attack her again, aiming at her left knee. With a quick set of movements, Misao knocked him off balance. She took advantage of the opening to hit the boy's side, followed by another strike to the side of his neck, then a quick stab with the edge of her staff to his diaphragm. It left him coughing and on his knees.

However, before Misao could celebrate, she felt a stabbing pain in her back, right below her shoulder blade. She knew before even checking that a kunai had made its way into her skin. The other boys took the opportunity to shove her to the ground, one of them delivering a sharp kick to her stomach. Their leader gripped her hair, forcing her to kneel in front of him. She glared at him, her teeth bared. "See? This is why you shouldn't try to play at being shinobi - some hero you are," he began. "You see, I know exactly who you are - Uzumaki, Misao. You think you're not easy to recognize? Kuroka, Gin's little girl. You know, I'm glad that bitch's gone. You and your whole family deserve what's coming to you for what she did to Sunagakure, you little slut," he taunted her.

On instinct, Misao spat on his face. She could instantly see his disgust and rage. She placed her hand on top of his and channeled chakra through it, leaving her energy sealed inside and letting it break through his nails, tearing them off of his skin violently. As he screamed in agony, she grabbed the staff she had dropped with one hand and reached for a pouch of metsubishi to throw in his face. Soon, he was gripping his tearing and burning eyes.

The rest of the boys knew little of what to do. Misao took advantage of the moment, the opening she herself had created, to use her staff. She knocked two of them into each other and formed a hand seal with her free hand. A black box surrounded them. Inside, blades of chakra stabbed them repeatedly. The rest of them put up little to no struggle, two of them just running away once they realized that they were outmatched. Tired and panting, Misao left the scene, hoping that her family wouldn't make too much of a fuss about her wounds. Oh well. It was a fair price to pay, in the end.

[Training Reaction Time from E-1 to D: 675/675]
[Training Endurance from E to E-2: 225/225]
[Training Strength from E to E-1: 75/75]

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