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1Supply run - Rank D 600+ Words Empty Supply run - Rank D 600+ Words Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:10 am



Mission name: Supply Run.
Mission rank: D-Rank.
Objective: Bring the supplies to the army training camp in Konohagakure.
Location: Konoha.
Reward: 100 Ryo.
Mission description: The army training camp located on the western side of Konohagakure is running war games and needs somebody to do a supply run for them. Pick up the supplies from the administration building and take them to the Army Training Camp as quickly as possible.
Mission Details: There is fresh ice cream (a treat for one of the officers) in the order, if you don't hurry, the ice cream will melt and you'll have a very sad officer on your hands. If you make it with the ice cream, you may even get to eat a scoop.

Your mission is Rank D. It is simple and almost impossible to screw up, Take the supplies to the men on the western side of Konohagakure. The supplies are at the administration village. As a treat for one of the officers who works non stop there is some ice cream in there.. It's kind of hot. Don't let it melt and maybe if your qucik enough he may even share. The reward is 100 Ryo... Now go.

Yes of course.

Chigau moved quickly to the administration building. Standing outside was a guard of the village with the supplies next to him. Chigau grabbed them without stopping and ran. The trip would normally take an hour maybe two if walking. The ice cream would melt in that time for sure.

Chigau knew he would have to be quick. The crowded streets were no place for the speed he wanted to use so he quickly jumped a few times in between a few buildings getting onto the roof tops. Like a blur he was off jumping from building to building reaching the edge of the district in a matter of a minute, maybe less he wasn't counting. the streets were clearing up and he felt bad running on peoples homes disturbing them. He jumped down onto th street without misplacing his steps. up ahead was his turn he needed to take and as he started to go around the corner on his left a dog ran in front of him.  With hardly any time to react he tried to jump but only managed to catch his foot on the gut of the dog instead of avoiding it and they both tumbled head over heel.

chigau got to is feet immediately about to continue when he looked back and saw the dog laying there on the ground. He walks over to the dog and it is breathing, just heavily. he grabbed the dog in his arms careful not to jolt him around to much in case he injured the dogs ribs. He quickly found an animal shelter and went inside explaining what had happened and that he had to hurry to complete his mission. The rest of the trip was uneventful and managed to reach the camp in 5 minutes dropping off the supplies meeting the officer. he was tall and strong with a scar similar to his own. The officer thanked chigau as he walked away wishing he hadnt declining the officers offer of some of the dessert, it was hot and he had forgot to bring water with him. on his way back he went by the shelter only to see a little boy hugging the same dog he had brought there. the dog loked happy and the boy was in worn out clothing and a straw hat smiling as if he just got the best gift ever.

Is he ok? Chigau asks the boy.

He is fine, Thank you for bringing him here. It turns out he was just tired and overheated. You should be more careful next time, you could have gotten hurt you know.

That is good to hear. I will try to pay more attention. I am sorry i hurt him Take good care of him ok? Chigau said as he walked away to go receive his reward for completing the mission.

As he walked through the village he just looked at the blue sky eventually reaching the mission room. as he walked twords the door there was a small line. he stood and waited for his turn. Eventually it was his turn to enter and he did walking to the desk with a note from the officer confirming he had completed the mission. as he bowed and said thank you for the missionand he was handed 100 ryo.

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