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Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Sake woke up off of the bench. Yet another night of bad dreams, and back aches. Oh well, he was probably going to move in with Gin soon, so there wasn’t too much pain left. Still, that bench was really messing him up. Sake sat on the bench for a while, going through his schedule for the day in his head. “Morning walk, food, visit Gin…Ummm, am I forgetting something? Shit! I have to train that new Jutsu idea I had!” Sake had recently thought of an amazing Jutsu idea, brilliantly suited to his flower style. Sake was one of the few puppeteers who didn’t own a puppet, and didn’t really intend to, he was more of a rounded attacker. He had a few close ranged Jutsu, a few long ranged and a few medium, he was a pretty tough guy to break down. His fighting style was unpredictable due to his wide array of different Jutsu, and his new summons that he was working on would help to increase the confusion of those fighting him. Not only did he have brilliant mix up, he was a tactician, mostly giving himself a good amount of space from his opponent using his long range attacks, and carefully thinking out his next moves. Sake had a lot of battle experience after surviving in the desert for so long, in short, you didn’t want to fight him

Sake walked over to Gin’s house, strolling and whistling. If he was anything, Sake was a morning person. He just loved mornings, the fresh air, the birds chirping and just the feeling of morning. Lots of people love to sleep in but Sake was up before most, wide awake and happy as can be; no coffee needed! People usually gave him strange looks for strolling with a smile, but Sake didn’t really care about other’s opinions, only his really mattered. Sake’s self esteem was generally high, so no amount of insult could break him down. Sake squatted down to pet a dog as he walked, giving the owner a nice smile while he did so. After walking for what seemed like an eternity Sake reached Gin’s house. He bit the tip of his thumb, drawing blood and performed his rose summoning Jutsu, the giant rose rising to Gin’s window. He knocked on the door and when Gin answered he looked at her, grinning: “Are You gonna help me train or what?”

[Word Count: 405/1000]



It had probably been weeks since Gin had had a full night's worth of sleep. The moment she had gotten back home, the young Kazekage has collapsed on her bed. She hadn't even bothered to change into a pair of pajamas, instead deciding to sleep just in her underwear. She had had a very nice, dreamless sleep. She had gotten ahead in her work just so that she could spend the following day just resting and sleeping. However, her plans were interrupted early in the morning. She heard a loud knock on her window and woke up. She woke up slowly, a death glare was clearly visible on her face. The young woman was in a foul mood, to say the least. She headed towards her window almost automatically. She pulled the curtains aside only to see the smiling face of Sake Uisuki.

One would think that that would have been enough to make the young Kazekage smile. No such luck. If anything, the fact that it had been Sake that had woken her up only made things even worse. He should have known already that Gin wasn't a morning person. Additionally, she didn't remember having offered him help in his training. Gin pulled the window open in one swift movement and moved to punch Sake's stomach with enough force to knock him out of the flower. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! It's barely six am in the morning, you idiot!" She yelled angrily. If her punch connected, she would jump towards where Sake landed, without even bothering to throw a shirt over herself. She was ready to beat him up to a bloody pulp. If training was what he wanted, that's what he would get.

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

It turns out, getting punched in the face while smiling hurts like hell. The punch from Gin caught Sake off guard, and he flew off of the top of the rose, landing flat on his butt on the floor. He watched Gin jump from the window to where he landed, almost shitting himself as she did so. He rolled and stood up, taking a long leap away from Gin, spacing himself out; planning ahead. As far as Sake was concerned, the training started now! Sake had already though about 5 moves ahead before he stopped himself. Gin, like him, was also an unpredictable fighter like himself, planning was going to lose him the fight. Well actually, being a genin and fighting the Kazekage was going to lose him the fight, but planning would help. By the end of the fight Sake would use his Rain of 100 thorns, and he would get Gin. It would serve her right for sucker punching him like that!

Sake felt all of his chakra strings break up into the little thorns, he attempted to sharpen the tip and harden them, but it felt wrong. When he fired at Gin, all that came out was some limp pieces of chakra strings, how embarrassing. Sake jumped back again, spacing himself out some more, knowing that it was more than likely that the enraged Kazekage was going to charge viciously. Although an angry Gin is an even more unpredictable Gin than usual, damn. Sake didn’t quite fancy taking another hit from Gin, the first hit hard enough. If Gin would charge at Sake, he would use his Dance of the 10 Stemmed plant when she got within 3 meters, parrying her back. If she would stay put, Sake would charge at her and use his vine whip, lashing her, and would follow through with a punch to the arm, to give her a nice big bruise.

[Word Count: 724/1000]



This fight would be simple. The wouldn't be much of a need to think much, really. Her skills in general were greater than Sake's - naturally, she was the Kazekage, after all. "Yami no Katana: Hachidori," She said, her voice a threatening whisper. A tanto appeared in her hand. She pointed the small sword at Sake, waiting for him to do something. She saw the limp pieces of chakra coming towards her and growled. "That's pathetic, Uisuki!" She yelled. Without thinking much, she charged towards Sake. The sword she held in her hand gave her a natural boost in speed, making her movements faster than they usually would be. She charged against his attack, slicing through the threads of chakra with relative ease. "Do you really think something like that would slow me down? I'm the fucking Kazekage you little shit!" She yelled as she closed the distance between the two of them. She thrust the hit of the tanto forward, aiming to hit his stomach with it, which would likely cause a large bruise to form.

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Sake should have known better than to underestimate the Kazekage. When she sliced through his dance of the ten stemmed plant he knew that stuff just got real. His reaction was swift when she cut them, he hit the deck and rolled like a log towards Gin’s feet. It would more than likely trip her up if she didn’t jump over. Sake jumped back after standing up, quickly summoning his 20ft rose again and laughing while he was at the top and Gin was at the bottom. He knew she would get to the top relatively fast if she wanted to, but for now Sake was pretty safe. Just for a slight bit of aggravation, Sake shouted at Gin from the top of the rose. “THE NEW KAZEKAGE SUCKS!!” before pulling down his pants and brandishing his buttocks at Gin, shaking it left and right. Gin would be pissed now, real pissed.

Sake made the rose petals open up, firing the tear gas spore in the direction of Gin. It was more than likely that at least one would affect her, burning her eyes and making them watery. Sake dived into the safety of the petals, feeling protected from Gin’s wrath. That wasn’t the only reason Sake was in there, he needed to get his thorns sorted, NOW. Sake began to break up the ten chakra strings, and in no time he had the 100 pieces, he remembered now, EARTH TO HARDEN! He began to harden the thorns using his earth element, and sharpened the tips perfectly, Yes! It was working, he had the 100 thorns correct now, he was sure of it. Sake made the petals open and popped out. If Gin was attempting to get onto the rose in any way he would fire the thorns at her, whether she would be climbing the rose or something nearby, or jumping. If Gin stayed put he would fire the thorns in the air, causing a rain of sharpness on Gin. Either way, he had mastered the rain of 100 thorns!

[Word Count: 1,065/1,000]



Gin was furious, to say the least. If looks could kill, the one she was shooting at Sake at the moment would have made him drop dead in an instant. "That does it!" She yelled. "I'm ripping your throat open!" She yelled. With a motion of her hand, she changed weapon's. "Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu!" She yelled. A wooden handle appeared in her hand, a blade purely made out of wind danced on top of it. For a second, she wondered if an S-rank weapon was overkill. However, she soon discarded the thought. The quicker she dealt with this, the better. She swung the blade, spreading the wind around the area and towards Sake. The wind around her blew away the spores from Sake's summoned rose. As soon as they did, the sword returned to its previous shape. At that moment, Sake launched his new attack. Gin's eyes narrowed. Her arm moved quickly, blocking a great deal of the thorns with little effort. However, a couple of them managed to graze her face, causing a shallow cut to appear. That was enough. Gin dispersed her blade underneath her, making it push her into the air. As she descended, she breathed in. "Wind Element: Spiraling Wind Ball!" She shouted, launching a ball of wind rapidly towards Sake.

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