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1Information Rules the World[Crime,solo,NK} Empty Information Rules the World[Crime,solo,NK} Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:10 am




The moon rose over the dark night as once again a black hooded figure with bright red eyes peering into the night. She was out on another information run for the Black market. Although today she had less interest in getting caught. She couldn't imagine she was on good terms with Kumogakure at the moment having attacked two of their genin. Not that she cared much though. She needed a vent, and they were the poor unfortunate souls with whom she stumbled upon. She cut them up pretty badly but she at least imagined they were out of the hospital by now. She had after all, suffered severe wounds from the encounter via an unknown entity entering similarly to how she did and completely over empowering her as she had done to the two genin. From rumors she had heard before the encounter, she assumed her assailant was Osada, Sero. A man who presented a monstrous aura, which describes the feelings Kuroame felt when she encountered him. She was unsure about how she felt about the man however. It was apparent to her during the fight that she was notably then some of the shinobi that existed within the world. At the very least one. And given the gap between her and that girl she would assume that there was a few more shinobi that she could beat, if not outclass. That being said. She was still hopelessly outmatched by a Jounin such as Sero. Which told her that she had a ways to go before she could even attempt to Assault a full Village of Shinobi and hope to eliminate a clan within it's confines. She still needed a teacher. Zennyo, whom had promised to teach the girl had disappeared, not but a few days after. This is where she was conflicted about Sero, or at least the person she assumed was Sero. He was strong, and powerful. Probably even more so than Zennyo, although she can't say for sure as she doubted she saw the full extent of either of their abilities. But, there was the murderous Aura in which Sero was encased. He seemed much more like the type of person she needed to train than, the Senu whom had offered. Although she didn't know how well that would work out. He seemed fairly hostile, and there was no guarantee she could even find him if she went to kiri. Which left her at a dilemma. Did she go, or did she not? That was the question. She hoped she could answer this soon, as she was growing impatient of being weak. She needed power and she needed it quickly. Kuroame let out a sigh. There was no point in going over this now anyways. She should get her information, and subsequent money and get out of here.

Kuroame stood up from her sitting position. She was on a building in the uchiha compound looking over the lit street below. She was surprised to find there was a lack of activity during this time of night. Although She really shouldn't have been too surprised. It was the dead hours of the night. the time between 1 A.M. and about 4 A.M. When all activity was kept minimal. This was because at this time, nearly everyone was asleep... Nearly. Kuroame noticed them. The silent shadows that lurked at all hours of the day. There were very few places those eyes didn't reach. The Silent and ever watchful ANBU of Kumogakure. mere glimpses was all that Kuroame ever caught. She assumed that's all anyone ever catch, unless they wanted you to catch them. She was currently doing her best to stay out off that eye, but it was oh so  difficult. She unlike some people was without a means for sensing these types of things. This made it very difficult to when she was, and was not being watched. Kuroame jumped into a dark alley way and surveyed the alley, looking for any windows, or things of notable interest. The one thing she did find was a sewer pipe. She lifted up the pipe and dropped down to the sewer below. She had a hunch about this sewer that she wanted to know. Although this could be problematic with her current objective of finding out useful information. If this sewer is what she thought it was, then it could be used to access the village from outside, but if that was the case she would be duty bound to provide said information, in which case, those raiders that were planning on over taking Kumogakure would surely use it. If they wanted to use such underhanded tactics. Which meant that Kuroame, would not be able to use said sewers to get direct access to the Uchiha compound when she needed it for her own uses. This was an issue.

Just as Kuroame was Contemplating what to do if her theory turned out to be true, she found a grate, that appeared to lead outside. She let out a small sigh as she opened the grate and looked around. It was a few hundred meters from the village or so, and it would be absolutely perfect for what she and the raiders needed. Kuroame bit her lip as she went back inside of the sewer. She wandered around listing several possible locations that using this sewer would allow entrance into the village to, hoping that the Raiders at least wouldn't pick the Uchiha compound. But, it made her feel a little bit better. She then went back to the Uchiha compound, and stood on top of the highest point. She drew a detailed map, and gave an analysis on the nightlife, in the dead hours. She had also been here during the day and so that was already jotted down in her notes. She also gave what little information she had on the patrols at this moment. Then she took the copy of the pages of notes out of the book, and went to the meeting spot similar to how she did last time. It only made sense, she had to gather this information, why shouldn't she have some of it as well. It's not like she wasn't going to put it to good use. The meeting spot wasn't too far from where she had been gathering information, but it took her a bit to get there due to her preferring to travel down alleys and in the shadows. After knowing about what lurked about in the dark, she wasn't taking risks. That and there were a few patrols that roamed the nights. She then turned in the information, everything went smoothly, and then she went back to the abandoned house of Zennyo.

WC: 1137
Mission Complete! 1000/1000 words
137 useless words left over.

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