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1Raising a Drought {Water C to B} Empty Raising a Drought {Water C to B} Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:13 pm



As the Tsuchikage arrived to Iwagakure he knew right away that training was needed in order for him to become stronger if he expects to be the protector of an entire village. Dengen believed in making things simple for himself since he is obviously older than the other High Ranking shinobis then he has an advantage of wisdom. Though the young shinobis of Konoha are surprisingly athletic and are pridefully aggressive. Dengen made one of the most iconic place in Iwagakure his own personal training ground, the Itami Mountain; the highest mountain in Iwagakure was the place that Dengen went in order to train his abilities and become a better Tsuchikage. When Dengen made it to the bottom of the Itami Mountain he made it his goal to clime it as if he was an average human with no ninja ability. This of course was to contribute to his water elemental training as it gave Dengen more discipline in order to better manipulate the already hard to control water element. Water is described as an element that flows freely but has the strength of a thousand men while being both as soft as silk and as hard as a rock. Water is by far an extraordinary element and Dengen brought books from the library that better illustrated the steps to training the element. One of the best things about being the Kage is that you get a special pass to the Iwagakure national library where all of Iwagakures knowledge is stored and of course for all who know Dengen will know that knowledge is where he best shines. Dengen got the key to the biggest library in the village and Dengen may be the shinobi who most reads in the whole village, which made him a good suit for the Tsuchikage position.

Dengen walked up the edge of the mountain in order to reach the top, the bottom half of the climb was surely to be easy but the second half is where shinobis really have their trouble. Dengen walked with a calm sense as he kept on reading the book that was titled H2O 5th edition. It was a book that was said to have everything a shinobi needs to know about the water element, of course the book comes in a set but Dengen picked out the one that focused on chakra concentration and chakra molding into water. Dengen did read a lot but if he had to admit he would tell anybody that reading is not something that he would consider fun but it is something he chooses to do. Dengen feels that knowledge is power and reading will lead a shinobi closer to that power, as Tsuchikage Dengen seeks to know the truth in the shinobi world and while inspired about his thoughts in changing Iwagakure he reached into a pouch where he brought water, Dengen needed to make sure he had the supply of water needed in order to train it while climbing the mountain.

Last edited by Dengen on Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Raising a Drought {Water C to B} Empty Re: Raising a Drought {Water C to B} Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:43 pm



Dengen stopped his miniature journey in order to practice something that was said in the H2O texts. It said like this, “If a shinobi finds a way to use water as an extension of their hand then the practice of the element will become that much easier then it is harder.” Of course what this mean in Dengens mind is that one needs to be born a water specialist in order to easily train its ability to its fullest potential. Dengen believes he was born with the water affinity, though it is weaker then his earth he still believes his water nature has the strength to manipulate water in such a method. When Dengen stopped he looked around and tried to find a secure location where he can properly sit and meditate so that he can practice this little technique. Looking around the Tsuchikage found a perfect place, under a large free and majestically grown Bonsai tree. As Dengen walked to the area he slowly reached into the pouch where he carried not water to drink but sufficient water to train; that is not to say that he bought a lot of water but Dengen didn’t just bring a water bottle either. It has been a long time since Dengen has gotten a brake and now that he has sat their alone he has remembered the benefits to training in a solitary manner. Sitting down with his legs crossed Dengen didn’t not spend a lot of time before closing his eyes; while in the beginning of his meditative state Dengen takes out the pouch packed with water and places it in front of him, still with his eyes closed he opens the pouch letting it sit their like open like a bowl. Dengen then began to meditate knowing that if he wants to control water he needs to have total control of his mind first.

The Tsuchikage is really an incredible and remarkable man, full of wisdom and mysticism because as soon as he closed his eyes in order to meditate and “be one with the water element,” the water itself began to tremble as it was standing on top of an earthquake. Dengen of course did not notice, as he was too concentrated in trying to manipulate the water and making it rise as if it was a snake. Dengen did not have to try hard to make the water move and with more concentration the water began forming small waves that began colliding with each other and this Dengen heard. When Dengen hear tiny wave hitting each other he had to open his eyes and in doing so he stopped his control but seen the waves at its highest point which reached to be no more then 5 inches and splashing droplets onto the face of the Tsuchikage who stared down. It was a simple achievement but there is no doubt that Dengen is proud of himself, with this in mind he packed up his things and continued.

3Raising a Drought {Water C to B} Empty Re: Raising a Drought {Water C to B} Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:00 pm



After the small scale meditation under the tree Dengen decided it was time for him to put his water affinity threw a true test. Knowing that Iwagakure has a lot of water alike resources in around the village like rivers, lakes, ponds and a number of reservoirs under the villages authority. The water element needs to be perfected one way or another by the Tsuchikage in order to make his home a real “home field” advantage. As Tsuchikage Dengen thought it was only right that he began his training doing something out of the ordinary so he searched for a large body of water so that he may take its water rich area and make it a training field. It didn’t take Dengen a long time to find the water knowing that water always flows down he looked mostly at the surface of the mountain that was smoothly slanted downward and around the flowing river trees, grass and other plan life seem to want to grow so Dengen also followed the green areas on the mountain. While walking a great distance he reached a large lake that appeared to have never had anybody enjoy its riches. To have an untouched lake in these mountains is not hard to believe as shinobis only come here to train and to make it to the peak is survival enough so why stop for the luxury of swimming. All of what Dengen thought was correct, though he didn’t stop in the lake just to go swimming for a recreational purpose, but the Tsuchikage considered this training.

Dengen took off his Cloak and the black pants to go with it. The Tsuchikage stripped down to his underwear. When ready he seen that the lake had a couple stone rock miniature mountains, well that’s what Dengen called then since they were so high in height. Dengen knew that his water training needed him to be comfortable around the water element and so today was a day that Dengen spent trying to enjoy the existence of water. After all that meditation Dengen thought it was only right that he had fun with the element and so he climbed on top of one of the high mountain like rocks and jumped down towards the lake, diving in a perfect and straight angle. When in the water Dengen flawlessly turned himself as to swim parallel to the surface of the water swimming like if he was a fish under water. Dengen flowed so freely underwater that he began to understand why he was born with both earth and water as his elemental affinity. While in the water Dengen not only tried to swim in order to move but he used the little skills he had in water manipulation in order to propel himself just slightly faster than he would if normally swimming. It was amazing but Dengen began to look like water was his primary affinity the way he moved inside of it and now the real training is needed in manipulation of the water which is the real “hard” part of the training.

4Raising a Drought {Water C to B} Empty Re: Raising a Drought {Water C to B} Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:01 pm



While swimming Dengen thought he should relax a little before the real and intense training begins. With this in mind he slowly began to float to the top of the water and on his back began to just stream down the lake. Dengen was looking up into the sky when he thought about all that has happened in his short time as a Kage. Already a lot of Iwagakure has made an enemy out of the new Tsuchikage, and how odd it was since all he wants is to protect the village. The shinobis seem to not know the extremity of the real world so it is understood if they believe some choices were beyond comprehension but after all of that Dengen could not believe that his villagers will still turn their back on their Kage no matter what they should think of him. As Tsuchikage Dengen can’t afford to wallow on the subject so he made up his mind to separate himself from the small city-state. Maybe the attachment wasn’t worth it, and maybe, just maybe Iwagakure should gain the reputation of the old Bloody Mist in order for the shinobis to realize what it is to truly live in the shinobi real world. Dengen then turns around from his laid back position and dives into the water, in the water he began to concentrate all the chakra he has inside his body in and around the outer layer of his skin. From their Dengen began to rise from the water.

Dengen used the chakra from around his body to slowly raise him from the water and onto the surface. This was a monumental step in Dengen ability to manipulate water. With his eyes closed Dengen was concentrated on using the same method used by shinobis to walk on water but this time he is using it to freely move about in the element. This might be a simple technique but it is an incredible development in the water elemental training, so much so that Dengen began to use that same outer layer of chakra in order to freely move on water as if it was air. Dengen not only figured how to move with greater speed under water but he also found out how to manipulate the water just slightly enough to lift him above the water level. Dengen was surprised that he could use the element with such precise swiftness but to end that emotion he remembers that this was one of the elements of his birth so the training of it should be completed flawless and for the Tsuchikage there is no other way and no other excuse. Dengen realizing that he knows a lot more about the water element and the control of it while underwater and the manipulation of it while out of it he got out of the lake and dried himself out. Dengen slowly got out of the lake with no rush to get back to the chaotic village in order to implement Marshal Law and when he put on his clothes after drying himself off he flickered out and with intense speeds he headed towards the Tsuchikage Complex to bring order to this new world of his.

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