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Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

The moonlight shone down on a misty fog, making the low clouds glow with a white gleam. The air was cold with a midnight chill, the Mist layering the barren rocks of the base of the mountain. At the entrance to a lonely tomb, a hooded figure stood with a book in hand. The hood was large, covering most of the girl's face, shrouding it in the darkness like the night. Lining the sleeves of her coat there were ties, with black buttons lining down the center of the chest. As she walked, the coat flowed with her steps, almost giving the appearance of a ghost. Her black boots blended with the Mist. A passerby would indeed only see the torso and above, the face nothing but a void of blackness. But the girl's intention was not to scare anyone. In fact she came here at this time of night precisely because not so many people should have been here.

Mari continued heading to the entrance of the tomb. Her book, a journal, she held close to her chest. The air of silence was accompanied by the sound of shuffling foot steps. Silence was something the girl was accustomed to, even with such an eerie surroundings. For the longest time her home had been inhabited by that sound ever since her parents had long left the house over seven years ago.

Her current personal mission was to visit the tombs of Kumogakure, the Arbiter's Ground. History could be found all across the the Village, like such conventional places like a library to even the natural wonders of Mt. Ikkyu. But the girl had the idea that history should be experienced firsthand. And a tomb filled with the greatest warriors of Kumogakure seemed to be the best option. It was a less explored place than the normal tourist attractions, which frankly, Mari had been getting tired of. She had come here to explore the chuunin exams and experience new things, and after a while the cafes, restaurants, and natural wonders became a bit repetitive. Sure it was nothing like it was in Suna, but she was feeling just a little bit more adventurous that night.

Her sleep schedule continued was never exactly something that stayed routine. She had taken a long nap earlier that day and had just woken up a few hours before. Now close to the middle of the night, the girl found herself alone in front a stone tomb. The only complaint she had was that it was a little more colder than she was used to. In the desert of course, chilly winds took over the night. Yet this wet, misty cold was something she surely never experienced before and something she didn't like experiencing at all. She shivered slightly, holding herself for warmth.

The moon peaked out from clouds in the sky, providing what little light around her.  Mari stopped, the most surrounding her in swirls. She held out her book and reached for a trusty pencil behind her left ear. After flipping it through her fingers she put the writing tool to the paper.

It is very cold, a wet kind of cold, so it is rather uncomfortable as well. There does not seem to be anyone else around, which shall allow this trip to go down very smoothly. It is just as I imagined coming to the tomb this late, though it feels much more thrilling in person than what I can write down on paper....

She sighed to herself, unsure of what to write down next. She enjoyed coming down to secluded places to find inspiration to write down something interesting in her journal rather than have a daily repetitive routine kept in there. Yet she was here and she didn't quite seem to be finding anything worth writing about except cold weather and being alone. Her blue eyes reflected the moonlight as she scanned the half empty page once more, rereading the few sentences she had wrote. Mari began tapping her pencil to the  page, as if impatiently waiting for some spark of interest to get her writing again. "Hmmm..."

693 Total Words

Because I Can't Describe Outfits:



Daraku made his way across the village, half-lost. Kōsai had given him specific directions to go to the Arbiter's Ground and leave behind a message and a rose for someone; whether this was a personal matter of hers or something more suspicious was still up in the air. Knowing her, it could easily have been one of her "warnings" before she decided to murder someone. Regardless, Daraku didn't exactly like doing jobs for her, but she paid him handsomely for what he did do and he didn't mind making money. He was always the opportunistic type, plain and simple. By the time he actually did find the Arbiter's Ground, he was surprised to find it was a tomb. He wasn't sure what to expect before he had arrived, but it certainly wasn't a tomb. This one was a large, open area that looked very different than most burial grounds. It looked more like an arena fit for battle than anything. It didn't matter, though, and his job was to go in, drop off the message, and then leave before anyone could notice him, just in case. He crossed the boundary into the Grounds and slid his hands into his pockets. The air was stale and it smelled of death, quite literally. He pulled the small letter from his right pocket and examined the name on the back. It read "Tatsuyuki" in Kanji.

So I guess my job now is to find Tatsuyuki... But who could that be, and why would he be in a tomb? It all seemed pretty shady. Not to mention the fact that the tomb made Daraku feel uncomfortable. He had experienced enough terrible things to have built a resistance to fear. Gore had never bothered him, death wasn't an issue. He was an assassin, or at least he had used to be, after all. But this place gave him an odd vibe and he wanted to get out as soon as possible. Daraku looked around a bit and was startled when he saw a girl standing not too far away from him. He must have been too distracted to notice her sooner; she was quite short, at least a foot shorter than he was, and she had black hair and wore black clothes. Quite fitting, for a tomb setting such as that. It looked like the whole "no one noticing him there" part of the plan was already out the window; he was too close at this point to hide or avoid confrontation with her. They stood around 5 meters or so away from one another. She was occupied, though; she held a pencil in hand and was scribbling something. Daraku sighed softly and slid the letter back into his pocket before resting that same hand on the sword strapped to his waist. "Hey...uh...whatcha writing?" he asked, trying not to make the situation awkward. Who knows? Maybe she could help him get to Tatsuyuki, whoever he was.


Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

If only perhaps… there was something interesting..? She sighed to herself again, the vapor of her breath making a small cloud in front of her. It was cold. She always dislike the cold, yet at the moment she was here in a very cold and wet place. Should she step inside the tomb? Suddenly the thought seemed intriguing, perhaps it would be the something interesting she could find. However, she really had no reason other than selfish interest in going inside. She hardly knew of any dead Kumogakure no Sato nins that were buried here, well more accurately was that she knew nothing of them at all besides the famous names. It was an idea that sparked interest, though she wasn’t sure if she had the right to do so.

Suddenly she sensed something beside her, making the girl suddenly tense up. She knew very well that spirits could possibly inhabit this area, a tomb for the dead, but she hardly expected to run into any on her own. Something that like just never really happened to her after all. In the dark all she could see was a figure of a man, light of the moon’s reflection shining down upon him. She let out a small sigh of relief as she saw that it was indeed a living soul and not a dead one.

"Hey...uh...whatcha writing?"

Mari smiled, amused at herself for thinking she had run into a ghost. She took her hood down with her left hand, placing her pencil behind her left ear and closing her cook in one fluid motion. She held her journal close to her chest, obviously a precious thing she would not dare let out of her sight. ”Nothing more than a journal entry, or perhaps a beginning to a new story. This place provides an aura of inspiration to a writer especially at such a late hour, the setting here is just like none other.” She nodded her head with a small bow to the stranger. Was he here to mourn a lost soul? It was the only reason she could think of for someone coming here. Though it was also quite possible he came here for a reason other than that, something like hers or unlike hers at all?

So far he had shone animosity and she had no reason to be suspicious of him.  She was a shinobi still, so an aura of precaution came about her carefully. It was not every night that one would run into someone at a misty tomb. He simply asked for a reason, so she gave him one. Her blue orbs eyed him curiously, he appeared taller than her, though that was no surprise considering she was rather short. He had dark hair, though there seemed to be a streak of blonde. In what little light, she saw that his eyes were dark, with a hint of blue like her own. With the phrasing of his words, he obviously was trying not to make this encounter awkward, yet there just had to be something odd by meeting someone else this late at night in such a remote and morbid location. A different kind of odd that the girl that to be very interesting. A small smile appeared on her face, perhaps this man would be the spark of interest that she needed.

”My name is Masayoshi Mari. May I ask what is yours?” She lowered her head once more with an introduction. It was only polite for him to know, she had no reason to hide her name form him. She surely hoped he would have no reason to hide his from her. And besides that question she also had another. ”And if I may also inquire, what is your reason for coming to this tomb at this time of night?”

641/1334 Total Words



After Daraku approached her and asked her what she was writing, she pulled down her hood and put the pencil that was in her hand behind her ear. She explained that she was writing up a journal entry, and the tomb was merely a good setting to inspire her. He understood what she meant, to some extent; though he wasn't a writer himself, he could feel some sort of vibe from the tomb. Maybe that was just his apprehension toward it, though. He nodded and smiled back at her own kind expression, and she provided him with an introduction. "My name is Masayoshi Mari." She followed up by asking what his name was, and what he was doing there so late. Sadly, his excuse wasn't as good as hers, and it all looked very suspicious, but he wasn't going to avoid telling the truth. "I'm Ishido, Daraku! Nice to meet ya. As for why I'm here...erm.." he cleared his throat and sat down next to her, before pulling the letter out of his pocket. "I'm looking for this man named Tatsuyuki. I don't know anything about him, but as a favor to a friend, I'm supposed to drop a letter and a rose off to him here." saying that sentence out loud suddenly made it click in his mind, and he hopped back up immediately.

"So she's paying her respects to him! Duh, he really is dead!" Having burst out and said this quite loud, it echoed through the tomb for a little while and he awkwardly stood there waiting for the silence to come back. "Ahem, so yeah. I guess I'm just looking for his grave or whatever." He held the note and the rose in his right hand, carefully positioning his fingers so that he didn't prick himself with one of the thorns. He used his other hand to rub the sleepiness from his eyes, having had little to no sleep the previous night and now being awake for this. He hoped that he would be paid handsomely for this, especially because he couldn't understand why Kōsai couldn't just come to the Arbiter's Ground and do it herself. This was hardly a task fitting for someone of Daraku's skill level. "I've never been here before, I'm not even from Kumogakure, so this is all a little unfamiliar to me. Do you want to help me find this man?" He genuinely needed the help and didn't mind the company, now that he knew his mission wasn't anything illegal or dangerous. Plus, this Mari girl was very kind, so she could be of use in looking for Tatsuyuki.


Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

"I'm Ishido, Daraku! Nice to meet ya. As for why I'm here...erm.."

Ishido, Daraku. So now she had a name she could pair with the person. A stranger now identified by two simple words. He was older than her, at least in his early twenties while she was still her in teens. He cleared his throat and reached for something in his pocket. She eyes him cautiously, one could never be too careful when running into strangers at night, much to her surprise however, he pulled out a simple piece of paper. He explained that he looking for a man named Tatsuyuki, a friend of a friend, and was give him the letter and a rose. The girl thought it strange that the man before her was meeting another at a graveyard, some people just happened to have odd tastes. Mari could understand that, she was one included. At the end of his explanation though, he seemed to have realized a certain something about this favor and this “Tatsuyuki.”

"So she's paying her respects to him! Duh, he really is dead!"

His rather loud outburst echoed throughout the empty area of the tomb. The girl blinked a few times, before letting a few short giggles escape into the silence. That friend of his didn’t seem to make it exactly clear that the person he was to give the letter was a person that was no longer part of the world of the living. Either that or he just didn’t seem to fully understand the weight of his task until this very moment. Both situations brought a smile to her face. It wasn’t that she was insulting his intelligence, but it just was a funny situation to run into when she hadn’t been exactly been expecting to run into anyone at all. He then explained to her (and probably to himself) that he searching the grave of “Tatsuyuki.” The rose was in his right hand, with his other he rubbed his eyes. He was tired most likely, at this time of night there were very few other souls out and about. The girl showed no signs of tiredness, as she had taken a long nap earlier that day. She could understand his sleepiness and whenever she was tired she always just decided to take a nap if it was convenient or comfortable. Mari also disliked functioning on low amounts of sleep.

"I've never been here before, I'm not even from Kumogakure, so this is all a little unfamiliar to me. Do you want to help me find this man?"

She had just been thinking about how she could offer her help right when he had said those words. It seemed as if tonight would have some interesting events after all. She gave a kind smile to him with a nod of her head. ”I would gladly like to provide any assistance I can, Ishido-san.” She decided to refer to him formally, as was usually the case when she first met with anyone. She was unsure of how much help she could provide, as this was the first time she had ever visited this tomb as well.

”His grave would likely be further in the tomb. I should warn you, Ishido-san, this is my first time visiting this grave as well. So I cannot say if I shall be of any help to you to all, actually.” She added, wanting to make sure that he wasn’t asking the wrong person. Mari was a girl that would never say no to a call for help, but she wanted to make sure that she could be able to assist.

618/1952 Total Words



Daraku kept his gaze steady on the length of the tomb and its structure, searching for any indication of where specific graves would be. There had to be some kind of logical order so that people could properly pay respects; otherwise, having the grounds open to the public would be useless, essentially..."I would gladly like to provide any assistance I can, Ishido-san." Mari replied, genuinely. Daraku's grin widened slightly, and he was visibly happy. She continued, though, explaining that his grave would likely be deeper in the tomb, and that it was also her first time in the tomb and thus there was a substantial chance that she wouldn't be able to offer much to him in terms of directions and guidance. His smile fell just a bit because that meant more work for him, but he wasn't going to let a little bit of a challenge stop him. "Guess we're both going in blind, then," he said as he looked over Mari once more. The thing that stuck out most to him was her blue eyes, similar in color to his own. She also had a very formal and eloquent way of speaking, which was interesting enough. Fitting of a writer, he figured.

"Well, if you think it would be deeper in the tomb, then that's where we're headed!" Daraku's optimism was obvious enough, and he turned to face the dark corridor behind him. There was a few different paths to take, but he was sure enough that this Tatsuyuki wouldn't be in one of the more "important" graves. He wasn't a high-ranking person, according to the little information that Kōsai had provided; in fact, he wasn't even a ninja. His mind wandered, trying to find out her relationship with this deceased man. All signs led him to the idea that they must have been lovers, but he didn't want to open the letter to see for himself. As much as he didn't care, it was a violation of her privacy and thus would probably void his reward, which would make the whole task pointless to him. Money was what mattered here. So, Daraku directed himself toward the smaller section of the grounds where he assumed the regular people graves would be and started walking toward it. It was going to be a long trek, but he wasn't in a rush and he didn't feel like running. After a few steps, he stopped and turned back to look at Mari, waiting for her to follow. He raised his eyebrows slightly, causing his forehead to wrinkle a bit.


Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

"Guess we're both going in blind, then,"

Mari noticed his smile fall, faintly. She felt slightly inadequate for the task, but with the set of circumstances that surrounded their meeting and the his given task, there was little that could be done about it. He didn't decline her offer, so she assumed that he wouldn't mind her company. She surely didn't mind his, as this was probably the unlikely, interesting event of the night.  The girl simply nodded at his words with understanding, her blue irises keeping a close eye upon man with brown and blonde hair. He spoke very casually. He appeared open and friendly, if not, from what she tell, just a little bit eccentric. She enjoyed meeting new  people, she considered herself and her life to be rather boring so to find someone with a little flair was something she always looked forward to.

"Well, if you think it would be deeper in the tomb, then that's where we're headed!" 

He seemed very optimistic over the whole situation, the girl only smiled at his excited tone. He lead the way first, heading to what seemed to be the area for common graves in the tomb. The pathways were dark, giving an aura fitting of its morbid surroundings. He took a few steps before turning to her and waiting for the girl to follow.

Mari of course decided to follow in suit, not wanting to bee rude or impolite by keeping him waiting. Though, unintentionally as it was, the girl indeed was a slow walker. She was petite, complete with a small frame and short legs. Besides that she never liked being in a hurry about anything, and always hated to be rushed. If rushing around was all one did, then how could any enjoyment be had? Or just simple time to laze around and do nothing but relax? (One of the girl's favorite pastimes) She could be fast when she wanted to be, but in a relaxed setting she realized that speed wasn't quite needed.

She walked slowly with him, also with the purpose of looking around at tombstones and various graves to see if the name "Tatsuyuki" could be seen anywhere around them. The light of the moon being the only thing shining doen upon the graveyard. She kept close to the man, though not uncomfortably so. She didn't outright believe a spirit would come and attack them, but it was a place where souls were put to rest. And while her previous believed encounter with a ghost turned out to be just this man, she still wanted to stay with a living being rather than a dead one if she could.

She still trained her eyes on searching for the particular grave when she began wondering just a little bit about the stranger she had run into. He mentioned not being from Kumogakure no Sato, likely a visitor or spectator for reason of the current event, the chuunin exams. Once again the girl was reminded of the fact that she had forgotten to sign up for those exams. It still peeved her just a little, but she was slowly coming to realize it was just another set of circumstances that played out as it did and nothing really could have been done. She did still come to Kumo in the end, so she did believe that while she wasn't participating, there had to have been some merit in coming here.

"Ishido-san, if you do not mind me asking, what village do you hail from? You had said that you were unfamiliar with Kumogakure no Sato." The girl had decided to ask, she was genuinely curious. She turned her head to him, her hands crossing her chest as she held on to her notebook. "I, myself, am from Sunagakure no Sato." She added her own home village on, thinking it proper of her so he wouldn't feel so forced or out of the blue by stating where he was from. In the slight chance that he was from the same village, Mari kept a small hope. If they happened to be, then she would likely be able to speak with him again. If not, the chances of a second meeting were slim. She hoped it was the former.

724/2676 Total Words

Ah Sorry for taking so long! D: Thanks for being patient >.>



They walked together along the narrow path, where tombstones lined them on both sides. Daraku casually read everyone, still having yet to find Tatsuyuki. He lifted a hand and brushed it over one of the marble stones, causing dust and dirt to fly into the air. He wiped his hand off on his pants afterwards and Mari spoke. She started off formally addressing him as Ishido-san, which he didn't particularly mind but still found so unusual since he was used to informal talk whether or not it was necessarily appropriate or polite. She then asked what village he hailed from, since he had mentioned he wasn't from Kumogakure no Sato. Furthermore, she added in that she herself was from Sunagakure no Sato, and Daraku flashed a smirk as soon as he heard that. "Ding ding ding, we have a winner! Looks like you and I are from the same village." He thought of Seiryū, who was also from Sunagakure. It seemed the Chuunin Exams had attracted other people from the Land of Wind aside from just Daraku; in fact, he hadn't even really come directly from Kaze no Kuni anyhow since he was in Kirigakure no Sato previously. He missed his own village dearly, and made a mental note to return as soon as the Chuunin Exams ended, maybe even sooner if need be. Last he'd heard, the final rounds had begun, meaning that he could probably spectate a match or two if he wanted. Some of those Genin were...terribly mediocre. But others, the powerful ones; they were real entertaining. They had potential and they deserved to win.

Daraku was glad that Mari was from his village. It never hurt to build more ties from his own village, and creating a bond here might make up for his...conflict with Seiryū. A new friend instead of another unintentional enemy. He stopped for a moment, looking to his right on Mari's side at a gray tombstone. The name on it was what caught his eye, and surely enough, "Tatsuyuki" was engraved in the front. "Here it is! Shit, that was easy. Perfect." He took the card and placed it in front of the grave along with the rose, and then hoisted himself onto the stone, sitting on it like a chair. Was doing that disrespectful? People always told each other to respect the dead, but it never really mattered, did it? The dead wouldn't be feeling it and they wouldn't even know, so what difference did it make? Unless he was like, graverobbing or something, it shouldn't have been a big deal. He twisted his back until it popped, and he did a little bit of stretching before addressing Mari again from atop his makeshift seat.

"My job here is done, then, but I'll stick around for a while longer. I don't have anything else to do has the village been? It's been so long since I left, I was staying in Kirigakure no Sato for a whole year before I came here to see the Exams. I plan on going back to Suna as soon as possible to get back to business."


OOC: No problem, I'm patient when it comes to social threads :)

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner! Looks like you and I are from the same village."

A smirk graced his face as he confirmed the apparent fact that he was from the same village. A pleasant surprise that made Mari smile in return. They were from the same village, so it would be so that they could see each other again one day. She was glad to meet someone from Suna, they were like family in a way, it was a home that each shared so she felt more comfortable talking with someone who was native to her land. They walked together, the moon shining down on the innumerable amounts of graves that scattered the graveyard. Within a few moments, one of the graves quickly caught his eye.

 "Here it is! Shit, that was easy. Perfect."

The girl looked carefully over the gravestone, and sure enough the name “Tatsuyuki” was engraved on the front. Her companion went through with his task of placing the card and the rose in front of the grave, then sat casually on top of the stone as if it was a chair. The girl blinked a few times, tilting her head at his actions, but didn’t say anything as to whether it was disrespectful to do such a thing. Naturally, she felt like it wasn’t something that should just be done, yet there really wasn’t any reason for him not to do so. Perhaps he was just in need of a place to sit and the gravestone just provided something to serve as a chair. Still, the girl didn’t wish to disturb any spirits that could be very well residing in the gravesite, so she simply stood beside him as he stretched and popped his back a top his makeshift seat.

With his task complete, he really had no reason to stay here, yet for some reason he opted to stay. Was it for her? She had no reason to stay here either, but it wasn’t that she exactly wanted to leave either. The surroundings weren’t exactly optimal for a casual conversation, yet here the two were. He asked about the village, adding that he had been in Kirigakure no Sato for a year and then came to Kumogakure no Sato for the exams. Another piece of information revealed; he was a traveler, also serving as a reminder to the girl of how she wasn’t one. While that fact would likely not be told to the man directly unless he asked, the Masayoshi clan were indeed made up of many nomadic and traveling members, such as her parents and unlike herself. She had opted to stay in the place of her birth, Sunagakure no Sato rather than travel with her parents when they had left over eight years ago.

”… I plan on going back to Suna as soon as possible to get back to business."

A return to Suna? She had planned to simply stay for the exams and then return to Suna as soon as possible as well. Though she had no experience in being away from home that long, over a year and still counting the days. She had been in Kumo for just a couple weeks and ever since she had left Kaze no Kuni, she had been missing the desert land since the moment she had left. She did enjoy exploring a new place and meeting new people, and just coincidently someone from her home, but she also was the type to prefer staying at home better.

”I hope you can make a swift return home.” Mari said with a thoughtful nod of her head, it was directed to not just him, but partially with a hope to herself. It wouldn’t surprise her if he was homesick, and she knew that she herself already was. ”As for events in our village, things have remained quiet to my knowledge. I am merely at genin level, Ishido-san, so I cannot say I know very many happenings in the higher ranks, if that is what you wished to know.” She added the latter part with air of caution once again. The man before her was obviously older, likely meaning of a higher rank. She deduced that his year in Kiri was either for a mission done for the Kazekage or some personal training for himself. Despite his informal demeanor, he most likely was a powerful shinobi.

742/3418 Total Words



Mari remained standing near the tombstone and she explained to Daraku the current happenings of Sunagakure, which were rather uneventful. She said it was quiet, but she did mention that since she was simply a Genin she may not know the inner processes of the higher ranks. Daraku thought of Suzume when Mari said the words "higher ranks"; he wondered how she was doing, since he hadn't seen her in so long. Knowing her though, she was doing just fine. Being the Kazekage was a busy job, but she managed it well. "Haha, well if my past experiences in Suna are any indication of what the 'high ranks' are like, it's still pretty quiet overall. Peaceful village, more peaceful than the rest in my opinion. Konoha and Kiri and even in Iwa, too, there's wars and criminals and crazy stuff happening. Suna, on the other hand, has always been calm and I like it that way." He shifted a bit to find a comfortable position on the stone, but it was such a hard and unforgiving surface. No back support, to boot. "So you're a Genin, then? Alright, that's cool. I'm surprised you weren't in the exams!" He said with a grin as he hopped off of the grave and brushed off his pants. He figured he'd start to head back soon, since he did need to report back to Kōsai.

Daraku reestablished eye contact with his friend and slipped his hands into his pockets. "Welp, I'm gonna get going so I can get paid, heh. It was very nice meeting you, Mayasoshi Mari. I'll see you once we're both back in Suna!" He gave her a wink, adding to his oh-so-irresistible charm (or so he personally believed) as he turned to leave. Kōsai was likely waiting on him at the Sky Bar, since she had purposely neglected to tell him where her "headquarters" were or where she lived. He dashed away, headed toward the center of the village at full speed.


[Exit thread]

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

When the girl informed him of the happenings in Suna, or frankly lack therefore. The man’s response was to laugh a little and poke fun at the term ‘high ranks.’ He spoke of it so casually, he had to be one of those upper ninja or at least be very close to one,  it only confirmed the girl’s suspicions that he was a shinobi of great power as well.  He went on to comment that Suna was a relatively quiet village in comparison to the other ninja villages. Indeed the girl had never thought of Suna being quiet or peaceful, more along the lines of an average, every day, sort of boring place. She didn’t mind it, too much excitement was trouble, such as criminals or wars that the man spoke of. He had been away from home for a long time, likely having experience all said things personally himself. Mari on the other hand, had not, but she could appreciate the fact that Sunagakure no Sato maintained its relative peace to itself on the contrary to the other, more active villages. The girl nodded in return, agreeing with him wholeheartedly.

He shifted his position on the stone grave, likely trying to find a more comfortable way of sitting on it, only to not find any at all. It was made of a rather immovable and uncomfortable material for sitting, which is also why Mari had opted to stand rather than sit with him, along with the reason to not disturb any restless spirits if any happened to come by.

"So you're a Genin, then? Alright, that's cool. I'm surprised you weren't in the exams!"

Mari only gave an embarrassed smile back to Ishido-san and a little mumble of agreement. If only he knew… that I had forgotten. He didn’t ask directly so she didn’t say that she did forget to sign up.  Also, since they were from the same village, she would likely run into him again and then perhaps give a little more reason to not participating in the exams. In any case, she’d rather not share the fact so freely unless it was completely necessary. It was always her forgetfulness that she resented about herself, something she had accepted but always peeved her nonetheless.

His dark blue eyes, a similar shade to her own, made contact wither hers. He had completed his task so there was no longer a reason to remain. A little bit of small talk had been made, and likely a friend for both of them.

"Welp, I'm gonna get going so I can get paid, heh. It was very nice meeting you, Mayasoshi Mari. I'll see you once we're both back in Suna!"

He winked at her, which confused the girl slightly, but she smiled and waved politely back in return. ”Goodbye, Ishido-san.” His feet carried him swiftly, very swiftly away back to the village to whoever had given him the task of finding that grave in the first place. Mari, of course, had already forgotten the name.  She watched him go, leaning herself carefully against a stone grave. The moon still shone brightly, she had a few good hours of the night left. And with that sudden encounter, the girl finally had something to right about.

At first I sensed something there, beside me. My suspicious got the better of me as I thought of wandering ghosts, angry spirits and restless souls that haunt such tombs, but much to my relief it was a man with a certain task…

She wrote carefully in her journal, recalling the even that just happened so she would not easily forget it. The young Suna nin smiled to herself in the moonlight, feeling that she would definitely meet the outgoing Ishido-san once again.

643/4061 Total Words

~Exit Thread~


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