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A leaf...there goes another one. No not the child nature sprouts from the edges of tree branches, but the little soul that walks by to see this scene in person. Ahh yes, a persona, yet another face Shibirin will have to learn to love no matter what chapter they are up to in their story knowing there's always going to be a happy ending...right? The young man had opened his eyes too late, realizing he had walked the wrong path in life only after reaching the path's end with no hope of turning back. Most people worry too much about where their path will take them next that they don't take time to enjoy their ride there. Of all great quotes Shibirin would have heard of in his lifetime his favourite was definitely, 'Life is not about the destination, it's about the journey' or something along those lines. The once internationally band of ninjas he had walked alongside and called battle companions had fallen, or rather went their separate ways. The once feared Shichiouza was now just a name to ignore for most, to those who had lived in their time and had witnessed their actions the name brought back negative memories and feelings, even to the Shichi members themselves. After 5 years of walking around blind in the shinobi world, desperately searching for his role in life Shibirin had finally come to a stop. He had finally realized that what he thought he was looking for didn't exist, yet. What he once killed people for in hope to one day achieve or experience such a prize was now just a lonely thought that started with 'If only...' and ended with 'but sadly impossible.' The man had realized that this one thing he had been fighting for all his life had to be found first and then embraced, but it could not be made nor achieved. After walking the earth blind, on this day Shibirin had found peace in himself.

The man stood atop a tall building that sat within the busy streets of Konohagakure no Sato, the village he once saw as an ally under allegiance to Sunagakure, once saw as an enemy whilst under the care of Iwagakure no Sato and saw as a target under his membership within the Shichiouza. A village that was gifted with luscious plant life and wild life, often praised by foreign visitors for its lively villagers and looked up to by many believers for its internationally well-known History, yet even today Shibirin doubted whether or not people outside its residency knew anything true about the village, or whether Konoha was just an image they saw, created by the many different stories told world wide about the place by many different sources all offering similar yet different information to those who were willing to listen. The former assumption seemed more forthright than the latter, though everyone had their own perspective and opinion the case. Standing on top of one of Konoha's architectural designs and looking towards the many heads shaped into the large man-made mountain that almost sheltered the village seemed like a nice way to spend the good part of his afternoon, though one would question another who stared at static objects for so long without so much as a verbal response to the scene. "You all walked different paths, yet you all had the same ending," Shibirin spoke to himself, listening as he'd hear his voice dominate the quiet atmosphere surrounding him. The village had been recently deserted thanks to the war going on in Kirigakure no sato, a war Shibirin didn't see a part in for himself to be involved in. This war however had given the man a chance at freedom, a chance to secretly re-conciliate to those few people who witnessed his short-ending terror, those few who stood in his way and had to pay the unnecessary price. Standing here today, Shibirin could only think of one person he needed to apologize to: the past Hokage known as Kimura Takao. The man had been the only soul alive that had witnessed Shibirin's terror, as the two had fought privately during the war against the Shichiouza and the Gokages. At the time Shibirin had only viewed the man as a worthless body bag that had been standing in his way, but today he had traveled all the way from Iwagakure no sato to Konohagakure in order to pay his respect to the man. Whether he had died or not was beyond his knowledge, but that didn't stop Shibirin from meditating near the kage heads and asking for the man's forgiveness wherever he was.

"I never got to compliment your skills in battle old friend, but i'm sure you knew they were exceptionally well played," Shibirin spoke as he smiled towards the giant head monument of the past Hokage Takao. Many people hadn't lived long enough to ask for forgiveness from their enemies/once enemies. Most people died with regret or lived with hatred, but it didn't take the average man long to realize that constant pain and suffering did no one any good, that it only crippled the thought of peace and instead fooled those who had been hurt into thinking that hatred was all there was in the world, that it was the only thing worth living for. Many if not all human beings wanted some peace in the world, but most did not understand what true peace is. Peace wasn't the prize of a war won, peace wasn't the prize you got after defeating your enemy or imprisoning the man that killed your family. Peace wasn't achieved after bribing another party to stop fighting, peace wasn't a sign you could show everyone in the world and get your meaning across with every time you did, peace wasn't just a word that was to envied by all, but peace was a reality we had to find in ourselves. Peace could only be acquired or seen once someone accepted their differences from everyone else but decided to embrace them instead of shunning them. Peace was more than a perspective, it was a possibility, peace when present can be seen within and without. It's always easier to find the peace in others after first finding the peace within ourselves. For Shibirin, his peace was within the memories he cared about whilst walking the earth a live man. The only goal he now had was to leave something positive behind that people will remember him by, something like peace itself...

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu


Within Konoha's borders; where his father had fallen and a grudge has grown towards the nature of this village, he followed the path that led towards the honored Shinobi monument; the list of heroes known throughout Konohagakure's history. He wasn't there to show his respect, but more to pity their way of life. Even though he resents the country from the bottom of his heart, he still had business with every individual approving their existence. He stopped in his own steps, right in front of the monument. His eyes scanned the stone tablet without much emotion. He wanted to make sure that Konohagakure would no longer gain heroes. From the corner of his eye, while scanning the tablet, there was a person on top of a tall building that he had never seen before. His eyes were sharp enough to catch the figure of the man, though not his exact physique or characteristics. What the man was doing on top of that building was a mystery to Susumu. Perhaps the man was simply just enjoying the view, or grabbing ahold of his own memories. If someone had known his father; Uchiha Hao, they might be able to see some resemblance in the appearance and / or personality, but the chance that this man had met his father was very slim.

He didn't show any sign of scanning the individual as well, but as soon as he wondered to himself why he should lay low, he simply turned around completely and fixated his vision upon the person not too far away from his current location. Although he didn't know how strong that individual is, nor what he affiliates himself with, but now that he's in Konohagakure, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to bring despair. Although being weak himself, he didn't have to physically beat people in order to make a name for himself. Looking back at the Honored Shinobi Monument, a sinister smile appeared on his lips. He turned his entire body towards his target. For a moment there, nothing happened at all, as if he was just reading. That wasn't the case. Out of nowhere, yellow liquid sprayed all over the monument, dripping to the ground from all sides. It was urine. To show his disrespect towards the heroes of this tainted village, he defiled their sacrifices. This was done before writing his name into the sand with the remaining urine. Even after he was done, the sinister smile on his lips remained and fixated his vision back on the individual on the tall building, giving a 'cocky' wave, if the person should notice his presence within the area.

[I apologize for the low amount of words on this one, especially since you wrote up that wall of text.]




The thought of peace and harmony played on within the man's head for a few more seconds, before it was disregarded by the disturbing sight of a young boy urinating all over the Shinobi Monument of the deceased Kage. 'I've never seen such disrespect in my life, never until now,' Shibirin thought to himself, as he observed from the distance he stood away from the boy's location, though somewhat appalled by the reckless behavior. The young man didn't know whether to discipline the child or let him do as he pleased: he didn't have the authority nor the responsibility to inform the young boy, by the looks of it, that what he was doing was wrong. Without much doubt Shibirin knew he knew what he was doing was wrong, but still wanted to know the motives behind the rude gesture. 'Perhaps i can help him in some way or another, maybe it's just a misunderstanding,' Shibirin mused to himself within his mind. The man decided to confront the young boy at a closer proximity from him. Using his exceptional speed, Shibirin left his spot on top of the unfamiliar building and landed behind the kid a second later. It was then the boy decided to shoot Shibirin a quick glance, but as supposed to the distant figure of a white-haired male, he would've seen before, he now would've seen the nobble man directly in front of his gaze.

"You should not do such things to the figures of the men and women who fought and died for your comfort today," Shibirin's calm and mellow-toned voice spoke out to the kid. The outcast's good eye, the one that wasn't covered by the eye patch he wore where his doujutsu used to be, glared into the glistering eyes of the unfortunate child, though the stare wasn't meant to scare the child as much as it was meant to ease whatever pain he felt at the time. Whether the kid returned the man's gaze or not was up to him, but Shibirin would've soon changed his gaze away from the child's innocent face and would've fixed his eyes on one of the Kage heads that now stood tall before him. Looking at the stone head of one of the Kages he had to confront on 'that day' made Shibirin feel a little bit uneasy, knowing well that it had been because of his combined actions with the Shichiouza that some of these men were forced to fight and die for their country. He knew that on that day, 'that Kage's head had been on the body Shibirin had been ordered to fight and kill, but luckily at that time he couldn't bring himself to delivering the final blow on his foe. Deciding not to think too deep into the past that had just left him, Shibirin returned his gaze on the child, as he only now just noticed that the boy's face looked too familiar to the man he had once worked for, for him to forget. 'Hao,' a name repeated itself inside his mind, forcing Shibirin to believe that this kid, by chance might have known the man somehow. It would've been too dangerous for Shibirin to openly discuss the name of a previously world-famous criminal in the streets of Konoha, but he couldn't drag the kid towards an isolated area to discuss more about that man until he knew whether or not the kid knew anything about him at all. 'Do you know who your father is?' the man asked, hoping to get a positive answer from the kid.

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu


Susumu was a little bit surprised. The man suddenly stood in front of him, just as soon as he wanted to fixate his vision back upon him. An 'innocent' smile appeared on Susumu's face, putting on an act to get across like a normal kid that just made a big mistake. The man's attempt to confront Susumu was done with a calm voice, but all that Susumu would notice was that man's immense speed. "Ooooh. You seem pretty strong, mister." It was almost mockery; Susumu's gaze directly gazed into the individual's eye without even looking away once. The innocent smile remained during this time, until the man's gaze was turned towards the one of the Kage's heads. Susumu's innocent smile vanished, focusing on the Kage's heads as well, but it didn't seem like the same intent as the man next to him was having. The thoughts crossing his mind were nothing but negative ones, just anger. He almost drowned in his thoughts but he was abruptly interrupted when the man returned his gaze to Susumu. He couldn't get a reading on what the man was actually thinking, that was, until the next question dropped.

The unknown man asked him a question that Susumu didn't see coming and it wasn't an answer that he wanted to hide from the man, either. The individual must've known his father and may become an important part of his own plan to take down Konohagakure. The next thing to find out would be whether he's an ally of his father, or rather an enemy. He enjoyed taking risks, so he didn't hesitate on introducing himself to the man. "Yeah, I know him." He began, a sinister smirk appearing on his lips and the gaze in his eyes completely changed from the innocent expression they had before. "I'm Uchiha Susumu... Son of Uchiha Hao." This man was obviously stronger than Susumu; way stronger, but that didn't scare Susumu off. Although still on guard, awaiting the man's reaction, his expression didn't change and his sinister smirk didn't disappear. He stood his ground and looks confident. "What's it to you, old man." Normally this would be a mockery coming from Susumu, but this time he was genuinely interested in what the man had to explain.




The boy's facial expression tightened the moment Shibirin had uttered the words '...your father,' which clearly indicated that the boy indeed had some form of a relationship with his former comrade. Shibirin focused his gaze within the child's eyes, fixated on his dilating pupils. He could tell he had captured the boy's attention and had robbed the Kage mountain of it. "Ooooh. You seem pretty strong, mister," the boy commented, most likely in response the man's all-too-sudden movement towards him. The light-haired man would purge a smile, a genuine smile for once in his life. He didn't feel deserving of the child's admiration, if it could even be called that. The boy's remark almost seemed like a mockery, or rather half-hearted, but Shibirin would respond in the same way as he would respond to a genuine compliment. "I'm not the strong man i was once before kid, but thanks anyway."

He'd crouch down beside the kid to level his head with his, all the while maintaining his one-eyed gaze into either of the boy's dark, gloomy eyes. "Yeah, i know him," was the child's first response to his question. The swordsman's interest was now hooked and fully devoted towards the kid; an eye brow above his left eye rose in protest. "I'm Uchiha Susumu, son of Uchiha Hao. What's it to you, old man?" The child had just confirmed his suspicions. "Well," Shibirin would start, now rising from his painful crouching position to stand tall above the small figure of the child. The swordsman would his right palm on top of his Seiteki Eji sword's hilt, which was firmly clicked into the blade's scabbard and strapped against his belt. He'd let his gaze wander off onto the village scape before him, unconsciously taking a few steps away from the boy as he did. Eyes now locked onto the site of the Kage administration building, where the boy's father had hired an assassin to kill the late Hokage better known as Kenta Inuzuka. "Well, let's just say i worked with him...for him in fact, but just how much do you know about him?" Shibirin would answer the boy's question with a follow up question. The swordsman wanted to be careful with how much information he shared with the kid and at what time, lest he say the wrong thing.

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu


How much did Susumu actually know about his father? There were only brief moments in which he spent time with his father, but in all the time he spend with him, he trained him, plus taught him the basics about the Uchiha Clan, such as its abilities, as well as where the clan originated. About his father’s personal life, he knew absolutely nothing. But judging by the death that he was given within Konohagakure’s borders, showed Susumu that Hao wasn’t the kindest person around and that what he did, for whatever reason, weren’t the most appreciated methods. All Susumu had on his mind was getting stronger in order to get back at Sousetsu Senju, the current Hokage. In response to the man’s question, he shook his head and his before, innocent-sounding tone, it turned more serious, a more matured version of the inner child. “There weren’t much details given regarding his personal life. I did, however, personally witness the death that was given to him. Right within these borders, there’s the man who murdered my father. The reason right now isn’t even that important to me, what’s more important is crushing the one responsible for his death. I’ve already confirmed that the others that were there are no longer around.” He stopped for a moment, realizing that just now the man told him that he was working for his father, and this actually peeked his interest. “So, if that’s the case, you might have some information you can share with me, right? After all, it’s only natural that one would like to learn about his father, as well as what kind of person he was.

Susumu gazed into the man’s eyes, not even budging an inch to show that he’s serious about this matter. He didn’t go off on this journey for the heck of it, it’s because he wanted to accomplish something during his travels. His father was the reason that he travelled as well, completely left in the dark about the actions that his father performed and the enemies that he had made along the way. Susumu still had the choice to carve his own path, but he was still unsure which direction he’d want to take. He believed that if he’d just give it time, the choice would be made for him. He thinks, even though it’s not for a 100%, that at the moment he’d fight Sousetsu in order to bring him down, the decision would be clear before his eyes and he’d be able to take it without hesitation, but the future is still far away and he’s still young. He doesn’t need to think about things like that. The man in front of him was mysterious as well. It seemed that he didn’t want too much information let go and he’s careful around Susumu with the words he’d take. Susumu wouldn’t go away without decent enough information, which was seen from the stance he took and the look in his eyes.

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