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1Seeking potential rp partners in Kumo Empty Seeking potential rp partners in Kumo Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:20 pm



Since there are a great deal of people in Kumogakure, I figured I'd take this opportunity to see who is looking to rp. I'm open to pretty much anyone. Feel free to also make rp plans amongst yourselves in this thread. With the exams soon to start, it might be a good chance to make plans.

2Seeking potential rp partners in Kumo Empty Re: Seeking potential rp partners in Kumo Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:44 pm



Sure! I may be able to squeeze in one more thread if you would be interested in being linked to Fukai in some way. Give us a pm if you have any ideas.



Sure. Pm me if you had any ideas about how it might go down.

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