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26Black Jack Table (1)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:17 pm

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

"Yeah, whatever. Hit me..." Kusono grumbled as he placed the bottle down by the foot of his chair.

27Black Jack Table (1)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:01 am



Sero approached the casino as a cold mist pushed open the doors and let him seem to float in. His movements like a flowing river as he passed and a great deal of the floor abandoned their games to go cash out. His eyes fell onto one fellow he knew as he approached. His pale hand lifted over the table as mist descended from his palm and formed 200 ryo on the table. His cold voice ringing out.

"Deal me in."

28Black Jack Table (1)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:33 pm



And so finally Daraku arrived at the Golden Horn Casino, which was booming with activity. He hadn't gambled in a very long time since Sunagakure had no such establishments for fools and drunkards and the desperate to waste their money, which was a shame. He wasn't sure whether he was a fool or desperate but at least he wasn't drunk; he was fully aware of what he was getting into and what he wanted most was to try his luck. His clan had set its precedent and marked his fate, really. He was a fortune-seeker, through and through, willing to take risks to get rich. So yes, he supposed that did make him desperate.

As soon as Daraku walked in, he caught sight of his favorite game of chance. The blackjack table closest to him was small and a few others were already gathered there. He took an empty seat and looked at the dealer, an attractive young girl. A grim-looking boy sitting nearby said "Deal me in." in an icy tone. Daraku smiled, dumping a perilous 500 ryo onto the table.

"Me too!" he chimed in, perhaps a bit too excited.

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