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Maigo spent much of his day traveling through Kumogakure, having just arrived late the day before, there was not much time to fully explore the place. The casino seemed like a tourist death-trap, one with lots of light, music to keep the atmosphere, and all roads leading towards more gambling areas. As he entered, he dawned a grey button up shirt and black slacks, and some nice black dress shoes that he had picked up in town. He wanted to look good for tonight, and especially presentable, since most of the nicer places would require some level of dress-code, he wanted to be prepared. As he had his ID checked at the door, the security guard making a big deal out of how he didn't think that he was really 16. He was able to enter, this being a rare opportunity to try his hand at gambling since it was not allowed for someone his age in Kirigakure, but here, it was almost fine for him to do so.

Doing a lap around the casino floor he looked around at the minimums of each table, red and green felt surrounded the cards tables and the roulette wheels and craps tables both called his name. Ready to test out his luck he went and converted the ryo he brought into some chips he then prepared himself. Mentally talking himself down from betting big sticking to conservative bets he found an open blackjack table down the row with a few open seats. A 25 ryo minimum and only one person already there, he eyed it and headed down the path straight to it. People around him hitting the slots machines like crazy, the sounds of arms being pulled and buzzers for winners going off. He made his way through the crowd of mindless people heading from game to game as he walked up to the table. As he approached the table he made his presence known and double-checked that the seat was open, and it was.

Setting his chips down in his space, he would occupy the left most chair at the half circle as he sorted his chips out and laid down a 100 ryo bet for his first hand. Yeah, way to not start out too high on the betting. he thought to himself as he sat there with a smile on his face.

[398 words]



Seiryū glanced about the casino, newly opened, just in time for the Chuunin Exams that were on the eve of their beginning. The casino was grand, if he could identify it within the realm of a single word, but even that did not seem enough to describe the grandeur of this place, a place essentially designed to rob people of their money, the ryo that would be put down in hopes of walking out with more than one walked in. Within the scope of Seiryū’s mind, this adventure could only truly be considered a success in one of two ways, if he walked out with more money than he walked in with, or if he broke even. Of course, both could easily be unlikely solutions, as the odds were easily against all those who walked in.

Seiryū had easily been accepted in to the casino, his age not even playing a factor. After having gone to numerous bars, and even the strip club, he was used to getting ID’d on occasions; such was how he currently found himself, placing his identification for the security guard to check. After just a mere minute of going through the process, Seiryū took back his ID and placed it in the pocket of his black dress pants. Often, formal wear wasn’t for him, but he decided this would be one of those nights for him, thus he brought out the only piece of formal wear he had packed for his trip to Kumogakure no Sato. Initially, he only brought such in other hopes, for a romantic excursion, but this would do for the night being. After all, it was only his first official night in the village, as his previous one had simply resulted in him passing out on the bed off the room he rented for his stay in the village, a room which placed him in a tight fit in terms of his money. Perhaps it wasn’t the best choice to gamble with it, though the awareness he could walk out with more money was enough for him to commit to the idea. Upon his feet were a pair of black dress shoes, ones that he bought recently earlier in the day, only having brought a single pair of boots with him, ones that didn’t spell formal, but rather combat. A brown leather belt held up his pants, visible due to his purple shirt being tucked into his dress pants, covered only by the black coat he was wearing, one that could easily pass as formal and casual, though it remained open, as Seiryū did not want to cover the entirety of his dress shirt.

His first stop would be the blackjack tables, not really wanting to test his game on roulette, and poker just seemed like something he could attend to later. As for slots, those he hated regardless, so there was no chance of him participating there. As for craps, he was vaguely familiar with it, though it certainly wasn’t something he would currently use his money for. Perhaps at a later date, for now blackjack seemed to be calling his name.

As he took a seat at a blackjack table, Seiryū immediately took note they were in the middle of starting a round, so he would wait for it to be over, noting the body language of the others just briefly. Taking the second to last seat on the left, Seiryū noted that one of the men seemed rather young, clad in a grey button up shirt. The other seemed a bit older than Seiryū himself, just few years older than his own age. As the dealer dealt out the cards, asking the younger of the two if he would like to stand or hit, Seiryū took the ryo out of his pocket, placing it on the table before him, for the dealer to take after this round concluded to give Seiryū the appropriate amount of chips. A meagre 200 ryo was what he would utilize for now, an amount that was one-seventh of what he paid for his bow.  

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Maigo received his cards, he started out with an 8 of hearts and a 6 of clubs, a horrible hand to start with in this game. And as the man to the far made his hits and debated his standing, another man sat down at the table. He didn't say much and didn't seem too interested in the people at the table other than to just acknowledge their existence. As Maigo had his turn he stopped paying attention but he knew the new-comer to their table was getting situated. He took a hit playing the risk that his card might be less than a 7, but when the dealer handed him his card, a 10 of spades came forth, causing him to bust and lose his ryo. A long exacerbated breathe and a groan as he let his head fall to his arms on the table, he probably should have bet a little less, but it was a risk after all. As the dealer watched him he got himself back up and began to debate how much he should wager. The man on the end ended up winning since he hit 21 and then he placed more ryo on the table as well as the man to his middle began to sort his things out.

As he moved his ryo forward to be played, he decided to wager 200 ryo total, Maigo smiled as he saw it, That's a good bit of ryo for a single hand if I do say so. Especially on a table with only a 25 min. he said as he put down 50 ryo and leaned back. As the dealer began to deal out his cards he saw a waitress walk by, Anything to drink for y'all? she poised with sincerity and took their orders around the table. Maigo would wait until it was his turn, when poised he would kinda blankly stare, the dealer had paused the game for a moment for this to get under wraps. He boggled the decision in his mind, I'll take a martini I guess he said with indecision in his voice. As she began to ask him all kinds of things about how he wanted it, what his main poison would be he began to crack under the pressure, he wasn't sure what any of the things she asked for were. As he stood there dumbfounded, she simple cracked a smile, I'll suprise you then! she said as she walked away. Maigo breathed a sigh of relief as he could feel the dealer stare at him like he was an idiot. She would bring their drinks back soon, and on the next hand, Maigo would strike 21, helping him win back some of that money he had lost.

Maigo could tell his inexperience was beginning to show, he debated getting up from the table and just leaving while he still had a shred of dignity left in him. That or just acting like a fool so he could entertain the people around him while he gets thrown out. Both options ran through his mind as he sat out the next hand and waited for whatever drink he ordered comes back to him.

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He watched the hand play out, watching as the youngest, according to visible age, ask to be hit on his eight and six, considering the odds of getting what he need, Seiryū wondered if he would get the card he needed, though one outcome was far more preferential to the others available from the cards remaining in the deck. As a ten of spades was given to the youngest at the table, the bust apparent, visible on the young individuals face as he proceedingly went to let his head fall in to his arms. Seiryū took note of the behaviour, not having to utilize his abilities to get a read on the inner feelings of the boy, as they were basically shown for the world to see, or at least those who were simply watching the ongoings at this particular blackjack table.

The other person at their table, excluding the dealer, had won due to having a blackjack, a twenty-one. While the player didn’t have full control of such a game, they could at least get a sense for the table, knowing when it was hot or cold, what could possibly remain in the deck, and what they had to bet. Simply, the man had been trying to figure out how things would play out on this table, or he just lucked out completely and wasn’t particularly adept at the game. Seiryū was in a similar patch, having played it a few times, yet never enough to consider himself truly good at the game, nor enough to press his luck for it. If there was a game for him to play, it would be poker, solely due to the teachings he received in the Kōga clan compound, the eye of the heart, though even then, it would only vaguely aid him.

A comment reached his ears, regarding the bet he placed down, of two hundred ryo, at a table where the minimum happened to be a mere twenty-five ryo bet. Seiryū felt that it was best to test his luck from the get go, and play it out from there. As far as he was concerned, the first bet usually set the pace for him for the remainder of the night ahead. Wanting to see how far he could push things, especially when considering his current financial situation. “A good bit of ryo hopefully turning in to a bit more of ryo.” Was Seiryū’s response to the comment regarding his bet, knowing full well that it really had no meaning behind it, for once the cards were dealt, his fate was no longer in his hands.

The waitress’ query about drinks was simple enough for Seiryū to decide, even if multiple options lingered in his mind. As far as drinking was concerned for the night, he’d be limiting it for as long as he stayed within the casino. “I’ll have vodka and cranberry.” She quickly noted his order before turning to the other two to ask them what they would want. The only thing that registered in his mind after his own order was the martini one of them ordered, unsure about how they wanted it. A brief chuckle escaped him, though barely audible, as his vision returned back to the cards on the table. In front of Seiryū were a nine of clubs and a jack of diamonds, while the dealer solely had a jack of spades showing at the moment. Regardless of what the others would do, namely the older individual, Seiryū’s decision was simple, to stand. The dealer flipped over a seven, putting him at seventeen. Essentially, Seiryū knew he’d be winning some money this go around. The dealer would draw a 6, indicating a bust.

As an offhand comment, namely towards the youngest at the table, Seiryū turned his head to face him, a slight smile on his face. “Not a drinker, I take it?” His comment was neither derogatory, nor trying to calm the nerves of the individual, but rather a simple observation he was making.

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The men sat there at the table for a moment, an awkward silence over them as the dealer dealt out the cards for another hand, stemmed from Maigo's inexperience with both gambling and drinking, he hoped he hadn't upset anyone around him as he quietly turned back to what he was doing. After receiving their cards and going through the game, the man in the middle spoke towards Maigo, “Not a drinker, I take it?” he said plainly. Maigo smiled at the comment, No, not at all, are you? he said as he chuckled through the moment. A drinker, I mean, not an alcoholic... he said as his laugh began to fade, realizing that he may have insulted the man slightly as he sat and waited. He wondered how the man would take it for a second as they continued on about their game, hopefully not poorly, and even then he hoped the crowd of the casino would keep him mostly protected in case a scene broke out, that type of thing plagues Maigo where he went. Leaned back in the chair Maigo would indulge him for the moment and join him in the conversation. He knew that much, that his comment was meant to bring him mentally back down to the table and possibly give the table a little more life, sitting in silence and gambling wasn't exactly the best way to spend the evening.

A few more rounds of cards and the conversation to go along with it. Maigo was doing well tonight and had turned a profit thus far, but with his inexperience and his eagerness to keep going it most likely wouldn't last long. Their waiter arrived back and dropped the first two their drinks and then handed Maigo his, What's in it? he asked casually as she was supposed to surprise him with some delicious drink. She looked at him and smiled, A dry martini. One. Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shaken very well until it’s ice-cold, and then a large thin slice of lemon peel. she bantered out as if he understood anything of what she just said. His eyes widened with each syllable uttered, he quietly took the drink and tipped the waitress and thanked her as she walked off.

Eying it for a moment as it sat at the table, he waited for a moment to make his hit on his cards and finish out their current hand. He picked the drink up and sighed slightly before raising it to is mouth, and then sipped on the bitter liquor. Sipping it slowly and calmly as to not look like a complete amateur, the liquid slide down the back of his throat burning it the whole way through. Setting the glass down gently as his face began to change shape, shivering at the taste of the bitter drink, almost like drinking pure alcohol and letting it cleanse his throat in it's own fiery way. He set the glass down to the side and let his face morph and shiver the alcohol down, his breathe became panted and he was nearly panting like a dog at this point. Lucky for him the waiter also brought a water for him, gulping it down like he had been wandering through a desert for days. After nearly finishing off his water he set that down as well and spoke loudly enough to be heard, Honestly, I don't think I'm gonna become much of a drinker either. By the way, I'm Maigo, Maigo Mugetsu. he said as he held his hand out towards the man to his right waiting for a response.

The man to their right had left, headed to another table most likely trying to avoid his shenanigans and find a table that isn't being so messed up. Looking at his glass and paying attention to what was happening at the table, his luck was helping him succeed so far this night, outside of his terrible drink choice.

[683 words, 1623 words total]



A bout of laughter escaped him as the words said by the younger individual registered in his ears, he had heard similar words before from a particular person in Sunagakure no Sato; when he and a newfound lunch companion made a bet to determine who would buy drinks for the both of them. He knew it was but a simple joke, though the apology from the younger definitely showed the nervous nature the boy, presumably a few years younger than Seiryū. He couldn’t recall himself ever being like that, having grown up fending for himself, allowing his own confidence to grow as time passed by. Seiryū simply waved it off, not minding in the least bit any implications attatched to the title. “It wouldn’t be the first time someone has called me an alcoholic.” He jokingly stated, though Seiryū expected it to be said to him again in the future, in a joking manner at least. He watched another round go by, this time having placed a lower bet, not feeling entirely confident in the hands to come.

The table went back to being quiet, the preference of some people to be able to concentrate, though the open room and the surrounding tables, along with the chatter that carried about, made it near impossible for one to block out all the noise, unless they came in with ear plugs. Somewhere between the next few hands, the Suna native was almost back to even, though still within the positive. Their waitress returned with their drinks, Seiryū thanking her quietly as she passed him his, then went on towards the one with the most youth at the table, handing him a Martini he had only half ordered, the rest was entirely left to either their waitress or the bartender.

His eyes went back to the cards, knowing they’d be interesting for the time being instead of overhearing the waitress inform the boy of the contents of his drink. At one point in time, Seiryū could picture himself in a similar situation as to what he would drink, especially the first few times, but after a while it all came to him naturally, usually never option for too many different adventures. There was always the rare occasion where he would try something different, but he was a bit particular with his drinks, never having funds to indulge himself in the drinks the higher class would order.

His right hand curled around his glass, fingers lightly drumming against the cool glass. After a second or so passed, inspecting his cards and choosing to stand once more, in the hoped of the dealer busting, Seiryū lifted the glass to his lips, taking a sip of the intoxicating liquid within. The fluid went down without a problem, having grown used to it. Setting the glass back down, he took a breath, watching as the dealer flipped over his card, deeming him lower than Seiryū’s own nineteen. The dealer, taking another card, trying to beat the players, would then bust, causing the Imada to improve his earnings so far. Hearing a bit of panting coming from the table Seiryū’s eyes noticed the sole other person here, as the older gentleman had decided to leave, taking quick, short breaths. A curious brow rose up, though before he could voice his question, the boy had taken the initiative to explain the situation. His admittance to not wanting to become much of a drinker was something he could appreciate in others, though Seiryū wasn’t a heavy drinker, just mainly drinking on occasion and at a relatively slow pace.

“Ah, well, best of luck in your endeavours then Maigo. Though, I do recommend never drinking too much, as that could ruin a great night for anyone.” He firmly would shake the hand reaching in his direction, a brief gesture. “I’m Seiryū Imada.” He would introduce himself as he shook the hand, before retuning his hand to his glass, raising it just below his shoulder. “Here’s to a good night then, Maigo Mugetsu.” His eyes would brighten slightly, always enjoying the company of others. He took another sip of his drink, a slightly longer one that his first. The glass once again returned to the cup holder placed in front of him, for whoever occupied his seat.

“A wild guess, but one that pretty much anyone would assume, you’re here for the Chuunin Exams. Now the question is, are you participating or simply watching them.” He found this the easiest way to begin a conversation with someone, considering the time before they began was just ticking away on the clock.

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“It wouldn’t be the first time someone has called me an alcoholic.” said the man with jest in his voice. It was comfort for Maigo to know that he had, at least some degree, of a relaxed side. From his demeanor he was worried that he wouldn't and would either not take a single part of him seriously or treat every action with the utmost disparity. As their next few hands went by the table sat quiet, nothing but the sounds of the cards being played and the players calling out their bets and actions to fill the table. The noise around them was overwhelming and Maigo sipped his drink quietly, debating if he should down it all at once or if he should just take what he could of it with each sip. On one of their last hands Maigo finished his drink the bitter alcohol burning his sense of taste all the way to the back of his throat. Setting his glass to the side to be picked up by the waitress to be taken back to be washed or whatever it is that they do with them. Finishing his drink and the hand they were on the man next to him turned to him again,

“Ah, well, best of luck in your endeavours then Maigo. Though, I do recommend never drinking too much, as that could ruin a great night for anyone. I'm Seiryu Imada." he said as he shook his hand. It was a kind sentiment, continuing to break down the barriers he stereotyped him to have. "It's nice to meet you Seiryu." Maigo would retort with a smile on his face. If he had a drink he probably would have raised it in a toast, but the man beat him to it, “Here’s to a good night then, Maigo Mugetsu.” as he took a sip of his drink and set it back down. I have a feeling it will be a good night, a very good night. he said as he leaned back into his chair. He was most likely going to leave the table soon, he had had enough blackjack for the night, or at least enough blackjack for all at once.

Before he gathered up the courage to leave the table the man began to speak, "“A wild guess, but one that pretty much anyone would assume, you’re here for the Chuunin Exams. Now the question is, are you participating or simply watching them.” as he listened into his words. He debated how he should answer that question, it wouldn't be privileged information for long regardless, but if he said too much to this stranger then he risks informing his competition of his skills and abilities. Just play it cool he thought to himself as he began to slid his chair out and collect his ryo. "It's not a wild guess since most people here are for the Chuunin exams or going to be watching them in some way. As for me, I'll be participating, and hopefully winning them. he said with the flair of confidence behind his voice and a slight chuckle at the idea of winning. Now standing up at the table he sighed and motioned to him But I'll be leaving this table now, might try my hand at roulette or just try some new drinks at the bar, kinda up in the air, but I've been sitting there way too long already. he said as he cordially and invited him to join him.

With the rest of the night ahead of him and a little extra ryo earned from blackjack he was prepared to gamble and drink it all away. Good thing he'd still have a few days before the Chuunin exams began to recover from any hangover he might get or any depression for losing so much money.

[652 words, 2275 words total]



A slight stumble over his own words left him silent for a moment, realizing the slightest of mistakes his mind had come up with, yet the meaning had surely reached Maigo’s ears, for his reply had given Seiryū the answer he sought out. His admittance to entering the exams reached his ears, wanting to know at least a few of the participants in the exams, for he barely knew any of them, even the one’s representing Sunagakure no Sato. Maigo happened to be one of the few names Seiryū would be aware of for the upcoming event, though it was likely he would only see the male solely in the one-on-one tournament that usually followed one or two other stages. If Maigo happened to make it through the first course or two, Seiryū would be watching, for he had originally came here to see someone else perform as well.

The dark-haired male’s next few words reached him, telling Seiryū that he had no more intentions for the game of blackjack and wished to test his luck on the game known for being truly of chance, roulette. That was a game he was familiar with, knowing that he never truly had it in his hands to determine the outcome, yet he would have to play it smartly, placing his money such that he wouldn’t be putting all his eggs in one basket. Though he much preferred the simpler route roulette gave to players, to play on the outside. For him, it was far simpler, yet still a risk, to place his bets outside, instead of having to pick a select few numbers. Being allowed to pick a group of making several choices made things far easier, not earning as much as the inside provided, but it was a far more stable method for a game where one had little to no control. Besides, it didn’t make one think too much when they played on the outside rather than the inside.

As the final few words Maigo had said registered in Seiryū’s mind, his brows rising as if to point out the end of his statement in contrast to his earlier words. Before saying anything, Seiryū would lift his glass to his lips once more taking another sip of his drinks, as he would take his time with his, not feeling on drinking too much in a place where it proved to be a bad idea. As he casually lowered his glass back down, inclined on playing one more hand, Seiryū gestured towards the table as he put down his money, indicating to Maigo his last bout with blackjack. “For someone who said they wouldn’t be much of a drinker, I see you already want to go to the bar.” Seiryū casually remarked, as if his statement were a simple, well-known fact. He put down his ryo, for the dealer began to deal out another set of cards, for Seiryū had been joined on the table by an elderly gentleman. “I believe, Maigo, that you are showing signs of becoming an alcoholic.” He deadpanned, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief, though his eyes were focused on his cards, away from the individual he was referring to. The elderly gentleman had received an eight of hearts with a jack of spades, while Seiryū’s cards had come up as a blackjack; an ace of diamonds with a jack of clubs. With a grin, he watched as the dealer would bust, taking his winnings and getting out of his seat.

With his drink back in hand, only a spin and a half remain, Seiryū walked over to Maigo, stopping a hands length away. Regarding roulette, Seiryū supposed he could play a few rounds, though he certainly didn’t want to stay in the realm of the casino for too long. He already accumulated a decent sum, more than he had to begin with, so he wasn’t inclined to use too much of it here and now on roulette. “I think I’ll stick around for a few minutes, though definitely don’t want to be here for too long.” He supplied, taking the glass to his lips and downing the rest of his drink. With the now empty glass in hand, he placed it on a small circular table which wrapped around a pillar that shot up to the ceiling. A few empty bottles and glasses were placed there, along with the ones that belonged to a group that was chatting on the opposite side of the pillar. His eyes trekked over to the roulette tables that weren’t too far of a walk, one far more crowded than the other due to a singular large group surrounding it.

With a mocking gesture, a simple extension of his arm in the way of the roulette tables, Seiryū nonchalantly added, “Lead the way, gambling addict.” A friendly smile played at his lips, his hand falling back to his side, as he would follow Maigo to the roulette tables for a bit, before he would be on his way to his hotel room.

- exit thread -

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“For someone who said they wouldn’t be much of a drinker, I see you already want to go to the bar. . .I believe, Maigo, that you are showing signs of becoming an alcoholic.” he let out with a pause, as if taunting Maigo. More hands being dealt and more ryo being shifted around in the meantime, he stood at the last hand in anticipation to leave the table. Maybe, who knows. I might be an alcoholic or have an addictive personality, but I've got to try these things while I'm in Kumogakure and can do this stuff. he said chuckling at the thought, Kirigakure didn't have casino's and very few beyond that drank any alcohol. Watching the dealer flip his cards from his standing position, Maigo would watch himself lose, the last straw he needed to officially end his time there. Maigo picked up his ryo, tipped the dealer and extended his offer to Seiryu to join him again. The chance to cause chaos and wreak havoc upon all they encounter, or to lose any money they might have gained by pouring it back into roulette or by spending it at one of the bars.

Seiryu seemed to debate over it for a moment before turning to him, “I think I’ll stick around for a few minutes, though definitely don’t want to be here for too long.” he said and then downed the rest of his drink before they continued on. It's no worry, I don't plan to spend too long here either, take my winnings and running is probably the smarter idea here. Maigo chuckled to himself. Setting the drink glass down with the rest of the mess they had created, they set off in the direction of the roulette tables, not too far but then lots of people around to deter new-comers from joining on their table. But for Maigo, awkward situations did not matter, as nothing would truly deter him from making as much out of the night as he could. Sliding his ryo in his jacket pocket he leaned back and cracked his back, debating on whether he should grab another drink, probably something less toxic or heavy than a martini this time. As he waited for Seiryu to get himself together and head on for a change of scenery, he thought about the order of which he would spend his night. Seiryu shot his hand outward from the blackjack table, “Lead the way, gambling addict.” he said as a smile cracked his lips, most likely in jest but Maigo wouldn't be outdone. Wouldn't it be wiser to follow the more experienced addict, wouldn't it? he almost lost his composure as he laughed to himself. Drinking addict. he said as he bowed and walked past his arm.

He headed first for the roulette tables where they would test their luck against the odds. Betting on the different combinations and outcomes of the wheel itself, Maigo would play some hands bold and some conservative, in the end he would lose more than he makes. He preferred roulette to blackjack in terms of gambling but blackjack was a much more fun game to play, especially when you're with other people. It wouldn't be long before Seiryu departed his company, retiring for the night, but Maigo stayed, he headed over to the bar where he would try a few drinks and relax for the rest of the night. Sitting at the bar with a few other people he tried his hand at a few other drinks and listened to them go on about previous chuunin exams that they had seen and the rumors around them. How ironic, that the place he went to relax and not think about the chuunin exams would be a place were the only thing discussed was the chuunin exams.

Maigo sat there and downed his few drinks, he was eager to hear the lore on the exams, their difficulty, and the legacy they've left behind. He wondered if any one else there was a shinobi who had participated in them but from what he could tell, none of them had and they were just conjecturing on hear-say. After having listened to them long enough, he paid his tab and tipped the bartender then went to retire to his hotel room, where he spend another night drifting off into sleep wondering about the exams and how he was going to do in them.

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[Exit Thread]
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