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Sakumi finally stepped into the town trying to ignore the stares of passerby's.At this point she just wanted to get into an inn until the Exams.Her messy hair was killing her at this point,sneaking it's way into her face and making her feel like someone was grabbing her."Wheres the inn i'm tired!"Screamed her devil."Shut it i'm looking,"Sakumi yawned.

The village was giant and beautiful almost more beautiful than the fields she lived in.Every stand stood tall and proud around her.Seeming to glow.Sakumi looked into her bag and found a bag of chips she took them out and continued to walk on snacking on a few chips."Wonder whose at the exams?"She said facing downwards.



A small boy with blonde messy hair is running along the walls of the border as he notices a stranger enter the village as he goes into hiding. Was she here for the exams or was she an enemy coming to invade their peaceful village. She entered the town as he kept following her from a distance as he was curious since the other people might not know that she just recently got here. If he thought about it more carefully he would realise she must be here for the exams.

He stopped as she started reaching into her bag and pulled out a bag of delicious and scrumptious deliciously delicious chips. He was a bit hungry so there was no way to describe how badly he wanted to chomp down on those beautifully curved wedges of chippy perfection. He got closer and closer and as he was getting even hungrier he mumbled. "Why does she not see me following her, it not like I am hard to see." As he was short so unless she looked down she might look right passed him if she turned to face behind herself directly. The hunger has chosen her chips as his next prey.

~Words 202~



It was a nice quiet day in kumogakure no sato as the village around kaekio hummed with excitement. The exams where coming, and she had been given the day off from missions and whatever else there was to do. Kaekio let out a yawn as she sat on top of the administration building watching over the area. Her black sage cloak flowing. the sun beating down on her felt nice, and she honestly felt like she could just take a nap right there. She really didn't see any reason not too, but just as she was about too she noticed something that catch her eye. There was what seemed to be a small child running around the village walls. Kaekio let out a small sigh as she hopped down the administration building and followed this child as he ran. It seemed odd to her, to run around village walls, unless he felt like he was doing the village a service. Which, he very well might think he is. Kaekio tailed him for a little bit, simply to find out what sort of things he was up to. She didn't have to try very hard, her current perception did most of the work for her in sensing his whereabouts and he didn't seem to be very observant not noticing kaekio at all. Although her black cloak helped her blend into the shadows near seamlessly.

After a while the boy hopped off of the village gates, and began following a girl whom came from outside of the village. She looked to be young, and was no doubt here for the exams. Kaekio made it a point to continue following the young boy, at a closer distance now, so that way she was within earshot of him. Although kaekio had seen his kumogakure headband, she didn't recognize him, and by his size he was most likely a genin, so kaekio could safely assume her perception skills were much better than his. Although, she was truly curious as to the boy's motives. it didn't take long however for her to catch the words "Why does she not see me following her, it not like I am hard to see.". With that she had what she wanted to make an entrance, with a sudden burst of speed, her cloak would make an audible 'whoosh' sound as she easily weaved through the crowd faster than any of them could react too. She placed her hand on the young boy's shoulder, no doubt faster than could react to as well, the crowd around the three of them making a clearing so it was the three of them, with all eyes on them. Kaekio's hood was on, but everyone in kumogakure knew her cloak, and knew her as well. Kaekio, the wolf sage. With her hand on the boy's shoulder she said "You know it's not nice to follow pretty young girls around. Why don't you tell me, and her what you were doing, and offer an apology for stalking her... As a kumogakure shinobi i would expect more from you, you know." her bright blue eyes looking down at the boy. Then she would look up to the girl "Oh, if you need anything feel free to ask me. My name's Kaekio Ryuzoji, most people know me as the girl who won last year's chunin exams. I assume that is what you're here for, and i can help you out if need be." The truth being kaekio could be indifferent as to weather or not an outsider like her got registered for the exams in time, she was just looking for an excuse to go there to see if she could scout out a certain someone.




Sakumi gasped in fear as the whole crowds eyes made their way to her.Had she done something wrong?Did she accidentally say something?Her concerns were answered by a voice behind her.She turned to see a cloaked female holding a blond boys shoulders.

The female said a few words to the boy before looking at her and speaking to her too."He was watching me!"Sakumi yelped blushing."...I'm Sakumi by the way miss Kaekio..whats his name?"Said Sakumi attracting attention to herself.She tried to ignore it as sweat poured down her face.

She did find the blond male a bit attractive even with his girlish frame.From his red eyes to his cute little blue necklace.necklace. Sakumi found herself blushing an unhealthy amount of red."Um I don't mind him...he wasn't be creepy and perverted about it..."Sakumi blurted out biting her lip."Sides he looks more hungry than harmful,"She said pulling out a chocolate bar and offering it to Elin.



He had never felt so excited in his life and at the same time he had this feeling that might have been fear, as he felt the hand touch his shoulder it felt familiar. However it was not the beautiful Ameryuu or the skilful Kameko. It was the one Ryuzoji that stood out this year and whose victory at the previous Chuunin Exams was big news even within the hospital grounds where he had been at the time. She was not quite as nice as those two and seemed more strict and serious than what he was used to as the unusual meeting made him excited to say the least. His look of awe not really giving a clear indication of which, but soon she spoke as she said it was not nice to follow pretty which he agreed with and young which he was not sure of.

She asked him to tell them what he was doing and to offer her an apology for stalking her. He was not sure what she meant since he had not quite come across that word often except when referring to wild animals hunting their prey which sort of made some sense to him. His prey being her chips in this case as she said she expected more from him as she looked down on him with blue eyes. The blue eyes that contrasted so much to his big bright red eyes that reflected her face back to her.

He heard her name as she introduced herself to the stranger as Ryuzoji, Kaekio . She gave the impressions of a strong woman which he found seemed to be rather common in the village, and all these strong women were apparently Ryuzoji's. He heard there was another Ryuzoji, a man of great strength, but when he tried to look it up all he got were blacked out pages and sealed writing that he could not unseal even with his skill. He wanted to honor her request but was soon interrupted by the other girl

She said he was watching her in such a way that it made her seem clueless. Then she said her name was Sakumi and her face turned pink for some reason. As she asked Kaekio what his name was as he gave a slight pouty face, as she said something about there being a creepy pervert running around as he got a bit lost in the conversation before noticing a chocolate offered to him and then he remembered what Kaekio said as he looked down with somewhat teary eyes. "Sorry, Sakumi-nesan." as he nearly sniffed as his emotions were now getting confused as he spoke up a bit. "I am Elin and I was busy following you cause you looked new and your chips seemed really nice so I got a bit hungry."

He took a deep breath rubbing his eyes clear then taking the chocolate and unwrapping it as he began to chew on it slowly eating the chocolate as he was now really silent enjoying the chocolate delight

~Words 202 + 511 = 713~



As the crowd scattered kaekio got the reactions that sshe was looking for. Actually, no, she got ones even better than the oens that she was looking for. it was great. the girl turned around andd blush immdieately struck her face as she stammered out that she didn't mind the boy follow, and even offered him a candy bar say that he looked more hungry than perverted. Which kaekio might disagree,  that his actions, and how he was following her coud be taken a bit perverted, but that wasn't realy any of kaekio's business if the victim says they aren't a victim. The young boy then apologized to the girl as kaekio had instructed him to do, and he also told kaekio and the girl what he was doing, and then gave his name. then he also mentioned that he was hungry, and given that the girl was the one eating in the first place, and that kaekio hadn't eaten anything at a today, kaekio figured that they could all use a bit too eat. kaekio took her hand off of the boy's shoulder and rubbed his head before walking forwards slightly. "well then, why don't we all go grab something to eat? it'll be my treat and i know a great place to go... beside it'll be a great way for us to all get to know one another, and hey maybe even make some new frieds. then she turned to sakumi directly. "but, first, we should get you registered for the exams" Kaekio said as she would start walking towards the inn "the inn is this way" she said wanting the two younger ones too follow her, so that way they could get some food after they finished registering Sakumi for the exams. After that, who knew what thy would do?

Total WC:946



Sakumi smiled as the boy took the chocolate."Your welcome Elin I accept your apology,"Sakumi said.Her attention went to Kaekio as she mention the exams,food and an inn."Finally a person who will take me to an inn all this walking is making me tired!"Said her devil.

   "I would love something to eat!But I think I should get registered first,"Sakumi said following Kaekio.She was excited to be in Kumo but even more excited to be in the exams.She looked back at Elin hoping he was coming too.Maybe she could get to know him much more better?Maybe he was in the exams too?Who knows maybe miss Kaekio knew Tenzo too?Maybe Elin knew him?

    But out of everything Sakumi felt more hungry when A thought popped up.Was she even hungry at all?Or was she nervous with all these people staring at her?Or fearing her life in this strange new town?Would she be safe with miss Kaekio?Or was there someone stronger than her?What if Elin wasn't nice like she thought he was?What if her devil broke out on him?Would he hate her?"Stop worrying Sakumi your probably safe your in public with two strangers who wouldn't be at least a bit worried?



He listened as Sakumi accepted his apology and like that one of his weak points was struck by Kaekio as she rubbed his head a bit before moving away slightly as he smiled for a while. He enjoyed the show of affection which people mistook for him wanting attention as he could have cared less about attention which had no good feelings behind it.

Kaekio then offered to feed them on her pay which was about to get a big knock from this little wolf in a sheep clothing. Which was just really a small boy in a loose t-shirt made of cotton wool which made some sense to the whole idea that he was after something. He just enjoyed food besides his great joy of sleeping around a lot. He already got caught sleeping in the one park as well as on top of a bookshelf in the library.

He then noticed Kaekio turn to face Sakumi and say somethign about registering as he thought back to that day as he smiled sheepishly as he blushed. He enjoyed his registration, but was a bit upset that Ame pulled out of the exams because her skills made them recognise that she was already beyond chuunin. He noticed the both of them walking on ahead as he nearly wanted to cry as he was shocked having not been paying better attention as he began to scurry just a little bit in a hurry to catch up as he would bump into Kaekio slightly and blush as he would bow his head and look down mumbling. "Sorry, Kaekio-nesama" as he did not know just how great she was other than the stuff about her being the great wolf sage, though he was expecting someone bigger and a bit more wolf-like in nature. Though right now they were like a pack of wolves with Kaekio leading as the Alpha pack leader while the two of them were like the fledglings finding their way as they would follow on the path of Kaekio, the path to the Chuunin Exams and the long awaited food that they all seemed to crave.

~Words 713 + 359 = 1072~



"I would love something to eat! But I think I should get registered first," Kaekio gave a small nod in agreement. She was awfully hungry, and hadn't eaten anything today at all, but the girl's but food could wait. Chunin exams registration was strict, she remembered it well from last year, and so she fully understood wanting to get in there at a decent time and get everything all ready to go before they went out and got something too eat. Also, kaekio was just as excited and/or nervous about going into the chunin exams registration as the two of them were. She would be watching like a hawk as she went in there for one specific person. It almost went without saying that kaekio would be looking for her girlfriend whom at no doubt would needing to be register her squad for the exams at this some point during this week, and kaekio could only hope that she would catch the cute little blonde as she was doing so, so that way she didn't have to wait much longer in order to see her again. It had only been a few days since kaekio had left kririgakure, and kaekio's heart was already crying out for the  other girl. She knew it was petty, and she was probably being clingy, but she couldn't help it. Even though she had went a year without seeing the blonde, she didn't want to have to wait that long again. As such there was constantly a billion things on kaekio's mind like. Was her jounrey a safe one? did she have any troubles? was her squad giving her a hard time? was she going to be forced to stay in kiri for defense? there were a number of things that could stop nozomi from getting to kumogakure, and kaekio was running through the possibly and likeliness of each and every one of them. However, she was just as well excited too, infact even thinking about her girlfriend made kaekio's face flush red, and it was at this point that she was glad she was in front of the two genin and not where they could easily see her face. just then however Elin ran into the back of her, kind of like a fly running into a brick wall. Due to her strength, kaekio was barely phased by it and hardly noticed anything at all.  She probably wouldn't have noticed anything if it wasn't for her sensory picking him up long before he collided with her, as well as him bowing and mumbling "Sorry, Kaekio-nesama" Kaekio's thoughtss scrambled. She wasn't used to being called sama in the slightest, but as she turned around and saw him bowing she immediately regathered her thoughts. She placed her hand under his chin and lifted up his head. "Hey, none of that here. You are a shinobi. Have pride. I'm not royalty in which you need to bow too. Im a person just like you. In fact you may be more of a person than me. At this point, i'm just a tool for kumogakure. A weapon of war. You don't need to apologize to me, so keep your head up and have some pride. Think you can do that for me?" Kaekio said giving him an eye smile. After he replied she would respond accordingly, and then she turned around and continued their treck towards the inn in which the registration was going on. It didn't take them much longer to reach it, and once they got there kaekio said "Alright we're here. Lets get you registered for the exams!!!"

Total WC:1568



"Oh Elin you look quite clumsy!"Sakumi said as Elin bumped into Kaekio. After Kaekio gave Elin a mini speech Sakumi gave Elin a smile and continued to walk behind Kaekio.They seemed to walk in the order of height with Kaekio leading as the strong leader of the team.Almost like a cat clan or even a wolf pack. Kaekio the alpha,Elin the beta and Sakumi as the omega.And it would probably stay that way unless she became stronger and lead her own pack.

Suddenly Kaekio announced the arrival of the inn. Sakumi jumped back but then jumped with joy."Thank you so much Miss Kaekio!Elin have you signed up yet?"Sakumi said stopping.She took no answer and opened the door to the inn.She looked at the desk and signed the forum before giving it to Kaekio. She.She then looked at the receptionist and paid for her key."LET'S GO EAT!"Sakumi shouted dragging attention with her."If you want.."She said quietly.



He had a frightened look on his face as her finger lifted up his chin, or was it her hand he did not know, she just blind sided him at that point as he had some what also dozed off. She said he was a shinobi which was obvious and she spoke about this thing called pride, which he did not really care much about. She began saying his better than her and that she is a weapon of war as he looked at her with a look that spoke to her as if to ask if that really was true. He was told he needed to hold his head up, but he was a bit tired for reasons unknown to them. In this case it was just because he was spending too much time sleeping to recover from injuries in training that he became used to just sleeping anywhere.

He was taken aback later on when they finally arrived and so Sakumi signed up as he hoped they would not need to fight each other for the title of becoming a chuunin. Her over excitement worried him a bit as she shouted that they should eat as a different side of Elin popped out.

"Kaekio...onesan?" as he gave a slight pause and awaited for her to either approve of it. Or disapprove and have him lower his head to apologize again. Regardless of that outcome he would hug Sakumi and shout "Yay, let's all go eat, that and we might not get to eat so well when the exams start. I heard some rumors about people having to make their own food and live in the wild, but those must just be fairy tales I hope."

If only he knew that the events of this day would lead to a tale of love that no one will ever understand. However whether this would have a happy ending or was just the makings of a tragedy was yet to be seen.

~Words 1072 + 333 = 1405~

Training Bukijutsu A-S = 1597(other thread) + 1022(other thread) + 1405 = 4000+/4000

Last edited by Elin on Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : editted for final use in training (delayed use due to start of exams))



"thank you so much miss kaekio" Kaekio flashed a smile in response. "haha, no problem. It's what i'm here for." Kaekio said as she watched Sakumi go inside to check in for the exams. she finished quiet quickly and came back out. "LET'S GO EAT!" She shout. Kaekio gave off a small giggle. "yes, lets." Kaekio had had a brief glance around and she could say that she was slightly dissapointed byt the fact that she didn't see nozomi anywhere, although the chance of kaekio actually finding her here was slim to none in the first place. but, that small chance was enough to make kaekio hopefully, however it turned out to be a complete and total bust. "Yay, let's all go eat, that and we might not get to eat so well when the exams start. I heard some rumors about people having to make their own food and live in the wild, but those must just be fairy tales I hope." kaekio gave a brief nod at this. "not entirely true, last year we had to venture through a maze, completeling several challenges along the way. Some of us got done in hours, me being the second one to finish. Other it took days to complete... and i think a few even died in this maze. However there it no telling what this year's challenge will be, so if very well could be like that Elin..." Kaekio said trying to to give a little insight on what the exams wee going to be like. She didn't want them running in there blind after all. "Alright, off to get some food!" Kaekio said as she began to walk down the street towards the nearest restaurant.

However just thn an ANBU black ops agent appeared next to kaekio's side in a bowed form. Kaekio let out a sigh already knowthign what was coming. "Kaekio, the lord aikage requests your presence immidateky,,, he says it's urgent." Kaekio let out another small sigh. Welp she guessed that her day off was over. If sano needed her it was prbably for another urgent mission that she might have a little difficulty completeing on her own. But, those were the type of missions sanosuke loved sending kaekio one, it always proved how much stronger kaekio became after training, and so she  couln't dream about it too much. Kaekio gave a small nod to the ANBU man "Alright. tell him i'll be there in a second, i just need to finish up here." the anbu agent gave a nod of agreement and left to warn sano of kaekio's arrival a head of time. kaekio then turned to the two genin and poke. "well it appears i won't be able to buy you guys lunch and / or dinner tpday, so be sure to hit me up whenever you can if that's alright. Kaekio, then, turned and ran toward the center of the village, where sanosuke was staying. she wondered what she would be doing this time around.

WC: 515
Total WC: 2083
Chidori Senbon Training 2k/2k
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