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1Golden Horn Casino Event Empty Golden Horn Casino Event Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:32 am



Golden Horn Casino Event Bellagio-Casino

To celebrate one of the shinobi world's major events, The Chunnin Exams, The Golden Horn Casino is proud to announce its grand opening and extends an open invitation to all in Kumogakure for the competition. The hotel & casino offers every major gambling game on its floor, as well as refreshments to its patrons while they're playing. While it would normally be a more exclusive venue, The Golden Horn Casino is, for a limited time, opening up the floor to all would be players (age 16+).

Noteworthy Games: Roulette & Blackjack

Wagers: Bets may only be conducted through an authorized dealer. No personal or outside wagers will be recognized or validated. Wagers may be made in both EP and ryo (the table will specify; wagers can not be made in both in the same game), with the minimum and maximum sets varying by the table. Certain dealers may operate "high stakes" tables with permission, but in general the min/max wagers at the tables will be as follows.

Roulette: Min- 1 EP or 100 ryo, Max- 3 EP or 500 ryo.

Blackjack: Min- 2 EP or 200 ryo, Max- 4 EP or 1000 ryo.

*Dealers will let members know when the tables will be open for business. Do not harass them  to open tables or your access to them will be revoked indefinitely.*

Also, check out the new forums in Kumogakure for new rp opportunities: Golden Horn Casino, Mt. Ikkyu, & Genbu (but take note of Genbu restrictions)~

All new locations offer EP rewards at the standard rate (1 per 1k words)

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