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1Hajime no Elin(C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Hajime no Elin(C-Rank Mission/Private) Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:03 am



Cleaning Up C-Rank Mission:

Today was a simple ordinary day as the young little boy was excited to be doing a mission again just before the exams to make some extra money for food and so on. As he made his way to the location he could not find any bandits anywhere as he kept searching. This would be the day that he would get to test his new jutsu as well as a chance to practice a few tactics before the exams officially began.

He was the only member representing his village and as the defending champions the pressure was on for him to perform. He had to do his best and as he kept searching he finally found them, the four crazy boxing bandits.

~Words 122~



Not wanting to waste any more time he charged in on the four crazy, silly stupid bandits as he dropped right in the middle of them. The four of them were taken by surprise as he began to spin around firing kunai at all of them as they shouted as three of them took hits.

The first bandit to the right and front of the small boy took two kunai with one hitting the knee and the second one hitting his eye as he screamed and fell down face first lodging the kunai deeper in his eye as he screamed out in pain.

The second bandit who was originally to his front and left took four kunai as the one hit him in the shoulder joint, the second one hit him between the legs as he yelped while two more hit him in the other shoulder as he fell unable to move his arms.

The third bandit was in shock as he had been behind and to the right taking three kunai as the hit him all in the stomach as he dropped to his knees half incapacitated. As he was swearing with some foam coming from his mouth.

The forth bandit was a bit better then the others as he stood there and glared before speaking.

"Real men do not fight with weapons, you little shinobi brat. Fight me one on one with no weapons twinkle toes."

The boy was not sure whether to be upset or severely enraged at that point

~Words 122 + 253 = 375~



The three bandits were crying and moping about in their wounds as the two walked towards a location as the three were tied up by the boy who spoke.

"If you can beat me, I will set them free. If you lose, you will all go to hell"

As the small boy was referring to the jail as the man nodded, though jail was not the only place they could end up. He kept on walking as he prepared himself for a battle before the exams. Deep down he did not want to be doing this mission, as he felt like going to see Ame right now and these guys were in the way. He proceeded to follow the man who finally stopped at some weird dojo as they entered there was a crowd of spectators who then fell silent as the man raised his hand as they kept quiet.

He looked around and grabbed some weird looking shorts that were definitely too big for Elin, but right now they had to prepare as he and the small boy walked past this weird square rings with ropes around it before entering a hidden room where the man announced.

"Put these on and prepare to face me in a real fight between men, boxing"

~Words 375 + 213 = 588~



He got into the changing room as the other bandit did the same as he prepared to fight for his three brothers in arms. As the small boy undressed he looked in the mirror and sighed. He had not developed much even though he trained so hard, but this was only because the muscles he had in general were very supple and most of his strength was simply the way his chakra had molded itself in his body. He was a shinobi through and through as he put on the boxing shorts which seemed a bit big so he asked if there was anything smaller to put on as the guy sighed and said just put on anything as long as it is just a shorts of some kind. The boy looked around and finally got out some boxers, though he was told they counted as underwear he felt that was a bit silly as he put them on.

he then felt that maybe boxers were meant to be used for boxing which then left him with even more questions as he then put on the small gloves, the one thing the guy could manage to get in his size just barely as they were blue while in the other room the bandit put on his red boxing gloves as he said they would now make their entrances before starting the first round. This would be a three round match.

~Words 588 + 240 = 828~



The man entered first as all the people cheered as the announcer began. "In the red corner we have reigning champion with twelve knockouts and only one loss, Kuga!!!" as the man raised up his arms as everyone screamed out. Then he looked to the little boy as he sighed. "In the blue corner we have the little blonde boy who looks like a cute fresh small little genin as the challenger, Elin...... Lane...!!!"

The crowd began laughing and making some remarks about the fighting of a child.

The fight began as the bell rang, having learnt a few of the rules the first round was quite interesting as Elin used his good reactions in order to evade most of the punches taking a few blows to the head as he was not good at raising his guard, while he got in a few soft body jabs since the height difference made it near impossible to go for the head. The first round went in favour of Kuga.

~Words 828 + 168 = 996~



The bell rang and in the second round Elin was moving much better evading for the first two minutes of the second round before a surprise body blow ended up becoming an uppercut that sent Elin flying as he just managed to hit the top rope to prevent a ring out, but he fell forward as he struggled to move his legs as the referee began the count. The count seemed slow to the dazed Elin when it all became clear when he heard the count of eight and jumped up to his feet a bit shaky.

The second round had finally come to an end. It was now time for the final round

~Words 996 + 114 = 1110~



The final round began as the bell rang, fists were flying as the crowd was now cheering as things had gotten heated up, the small fists of the challenger were flying all over the place at random hitting the champion in the abs and ribs as he struggled to land hits before jumping back and getting upset as he began to weave his body like a bunch of bee's flying around in an infinity loop. He had good reactions, but this was pushing it to the limits as the skill was regulated, but hard to time as the enemy had gone into his blind spots as his body blows had no effect on the rock hard abs of the champion who grinned. He was going to unleash his secret weapon here before the standing crowd, the technique he had trained and kept hidden for a whole year for his title defence next month.

As Elin got lost in the weaving he noticed something flying towards him, he would not make it in time, there was no time to dodge as he raised up his arms to block having them knocked to his side as his guard was down, the second one was coming would he make it in time

~Words 1110 + 210 = 1320~



As the second punch was coming he pulled to his side raising his arms up at full speed as the second blow hit as he lost balance before being hit by the third which managed to graze his forehead before the forth hit came hard hitting his shoulder before the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth as the boy lost count as he dizzily was knocked side to side as he was blocking. His arms began to burn and he felt an intense pain in his arms from not having boxed before and having the minimum skill of taijutsu known by all shinobi which was just basic hand to hand fighting without any skills.

The first thirty seconds of the fight had been intense as the boy could barely keep up his guard it was only a matter of time, his shinobi endurance was holding him up and the entire crowd were speechless, as the man began to slow down the boy was half dazed as the man realised he needed a clean hit and stopped the technique and sent a punch flying from above the boy's guard as he felt something hit him hard on his head as his guard drop, the man jumped back before releasing a powerful smash as the boy just barely saw it in time dodging it before falling down on the mat after the follow up right hook hit him square on the face.

Was this the end of his dreams, would he never again see Ame. Was his life as a shinobi over and how long had the referee been counting for as all he could hear was a mumbled four...

~Words 1320 + 277 = 1597~



Get up, get up, get up, get up!!! as the crowd was shouting and then a few more cheers came in the form of. "Elin, Elin, Elin, Elin" as the champ stood proud and took his stance waiting for his opponent to get up. This was why shinobi were not allowed in boxing matches, even a child had the endurance to box with any normal boxer without any skill at all, the gap in training was this much as the boxer himself had failed to become a genin due to an inability to do anything other than taijutsu. He stood there as the five count seemed to move slowly in on the small boy.

He began to think back to that time with Ame as he fought her and lost, he thought he did not care about it, but it is then that he realised that he really did not want to lose. He began to stir as his gloves finally started moving as he pushed up to all fours as the count reached six as the people kept cheering him on. "You can do it!", "Come on, sock him one good blow kid." as there was another chant as well. "Show him your guts kid, never give up!!!" as the cheers were loud the small special gym area was actually an underground boxing arena, but shinobi were normally forbidden here, though they made exceptions at times.

~Words 1597 + 237 = 1834~

10Hajime no Elin(C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Hajime no Elin(C-Rank Mission/Private) Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:28 pm



The boy began to stand up slowly as the count reached seven he was all shaky as his eyes had changed as the man prepared for his charge. The first minute was not even over yet but the fight was already extremely intense. The fight continued as the boy finally stood at the count of nine as the champion charged in with a huge left handed smash, the boy was not even ready as he just blocked it flying as he bounced off the ropes and as he was returning to his opponent a huge right was heading for his face as he ducked under as the swing missed completely, then using the technique of shifting his weight that he learnt in order to better use his weapons he swung full force with his left fist hitting into the ribs of the man who just glared as the child knew not what he had done as the man roared with a left hook as the boy just barely ducked under that one and then gave a body blow to the man's abs which were hard like rocks.

This was going nowhere as the boy proceeded to weave just barely dodging as sweat was falling off the man, the shinobi endurance of the boy was intense and the dodging at this stage had been a surprise as the boy kept up this momentum of evading and hitting as he began to finally regain his foot work and then dashed out and away from the ropes as the man glared before charging in as he went for the finishing blow as the boy only realised it far too late, the man had aimed for a really low hit, even if the boy wanted to their was no way he could counter this right handed smash.

~Words 1834 + 304 = 2168~

11Hajime no Elin(C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Hajime no Elin(C-Rank Mission/Private) Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:37 pm



That last attack was spelling the end as he used all his strength to duck as low as possible dashing in as the glove passed over his head as he managed to hit a blow to the man's chin as he passed by sheer dumb luck as the champion stood there staggered realising he dropped low allowing the boy a head shot as he staggered having his own force behind that punch and grazing his chin against the boy's heart felt fist he accepted his loss as he fell to the ground. He was down as the crowd was silent. After about a count of seven the champ tried his best but his legs refused to listen as he reached towards the ropes grabbing as he pulled himself up, he was up to the first rope as the eight count came, then the second rope as the nine count hit then he fell at that moment he knew it was over as he grinned.

"Well done kid!" as the man fell as he lost the boy took him into custody as he let the man join his three friends and then went to hospital to recover from this experience.

~Words 2168 + 201 = 2369~
Mission = 1000/1000
Training Bukijutsu A-S = 1369/4000

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