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1Roulette Table 1. Empty Roulette Table 1. Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:54 pm



Raise your glass!
We have incorporated, place your bets.
We're all so sick of waiting, yeah, Queen takes Jack.
You got us this time, but we'll get you back!
So pick a number....

A scruffy-bearded man in a standard uniform, white button-up and a black sleeveless vest, stands at the table. A small intercom system announces the opening of the next table by a simple press of the button; Ukeu loved that little jingle.  A hefty stack of chips sits before him, and his manual register is open, ready to take antes in exchange for the frivolous little plastic disks that meant so much in this silly place. He hated and loved his job at the same time.
A swift, practiced hand took the wagers and paid back colors in turn. "Alright, all of ye. Normal wagers only, we've got a busy day today." Ukeu's voice was deep, gruff, and honestly quite expected of a man with the looks of his age, 45. He would only take the first six people that sat down, as the board got cluttersome otherwise, not to mention the crowd surrounding it.

Ryo-only wagers. Normal betting of 100-300 is allowed.

2Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:14 pm


Gambling was, in itself, a frivolous activity that Nanashi rarely partook in, only doing so whenever the whim hits it; like now. That's is, some people might look at him weird, as he sat down at the roulette table, wearing a dark blue silk kimono, the Guanyin symbol stitched on the back, and prepared to partake in such a silly endeavor "I like to place 100 ryo on numbers 19 through 24( a double line)", he spoke, handling over the required ryo. . .

3Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:53 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

With rattling footsteps the Uchiha rushed against the table, stopping only a few inches away as those ebony eyes gazed upon it continuously; dropping them only for a second or two against the person which already positioned himself at the table. With the simple thought of impressing the nearby ladies which gathered around the table, Tenzō let out a few words which may or may not be regretted later on the night. “Let us test the waters. Seventeen.” were the words which escaped between those two pale lips, words spoken on a somber tone which radiated with confidence; and so, the man dropped 300 ryo on the table, like they were nothing.

4Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:32 pm



The young man walked into the casino in his grey cloak hoping to find what he came for but something caught his attention, a roulette table and the game was just beginning. He wasn't good with bets but a try wouldnt hurt. He would take a seat and place 100ryo on the table. 'Its on 11-12-14-15' (corner), he would say calmly.

5Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:49 pm



Maigo entered the casino, flashy and classy, it was a little out of his style as he walked through and tried to find a place where he could sit at, his choice between roulette and blackjack. At first, he thought he would try his luck at blackjack, being a game where he could influence the outcome by choosing where he would stop and the luck of not only his cards but also the dealers coming into play. He figured that would be the place to start, but no tables were open as he walked through the floor when suddenly the intercom rang out for a new roulette wheel to open. If roulette was his choice then what better than a fresh table to start off a fresh heater? As he approached the table with several others there he walked up to an open gap between them, Room for one more? as he set his hands on ryo down at the edge of the table, he looked around at the bets already placed and hummed as he thought about where to go. Give me 100 ryo on the third 12, thanks he said as he handed over the ryo to the man and watched him place it on the board.

6Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:48 pm



Ukeu gave the wheel a sharp spin, and dropped the ball a moment later into the track. Fate runs as it will.....

7Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:48 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Taede' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Roulette' :
Roulette Table 1. Zvlkhkb

8Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:52 pm



Nanashi's Double Line: 100 Ryo to the House.

Tenzou's Straight Up 17: 300 Ryo to the House.

Zennyo's Corner: 100 Ryo to the House.

Maigo's Third Set of 12: 100 Ryo to the House.

[OOC: All lost bets and payouts are immediately adjusted to your Ryo.]

Play again?

9Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:16 am



[OOC: I'll give it another shot]

Red 5 was the slot and didn't fit in Maigo's criteria, so there goes 100 ryo gone to the house and it's never ending hole of odds to win the game. As he sat there debating whether another hand would be worth it, he weighed the next 100 ryo in his hand. It felt heavier this time as it was his last bit of free money to waste at the casino for the time being. He looked at the dealer before placing his bet, You know what, give me another 100 ryo on the third 12 again. I'm feeling it this time around. he said as he set his ryo down for the dealer to set in place.

10Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:22 am



Shinako sat at the table, small purse in hand. There was nothing like this in Konoha, and she was excited to see what the thrill of gambling was like. She placed 100 Ryo on the table.

"I will wager this on Red, please."

11Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:28 am

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The Uchiha shook that head from side to side, at the hearing of a familiar voice.

"Black." he uttered whilst leaving behind another 300 ryo.

12Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:17 am



The young man lost the bet and his money was given to the house. Unlike the other people present that were not so concerned on losing money, Dray was a bit concerned but after all it was money and more of it could be earned so perhaps luck would fall on his side this time around.

"200ryo on the black.." Dray would say..

13Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:39 am



Ukeu chuckled as some pulled out and others wagered in. Taking their bets and placing their chips on the board, he gave the wheel a gentle spin.

14Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:39 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Taede' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Roulette' :
Roulette Table 1. YLUYa2A

15Roulette Table 1. Empty Re: Roulette Table 1. Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:42 am



Maigo's Third 12: You keep your 100 bet, and gain 200 Ryo!

Shinako's All Red: You double your bet; gain 100 Ryo!

Tenzou's All Black: The 300 Ryo goes to the House.

Zennyo's All Black: The 200 Ryo goes to the House.

All adjustments to Ryo made.

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