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Careful eyes watched the scene in front of her as Kuroame surveyed the countless bodies moving too and fro in the hotel room lobby. It didn't take her long to reach kumogakure, however now that she was here she felt like she was sitting still. There was still a big empty hole inside of her that she couldn't fill with anything but anger and rage. Kuroame slammed her fist against the chair she was sitting in and stormed out of the hotel lobby, getting several glances on her way out, but she ignored them. She wasn't going to concern herself with such pitiful opinions. She was only there to see if one of them happened to be a shinobi who seemed strong enough to train her. However, she didn't find any.

Anger flowed off of her like a river as she walked out the front door. apparently it was powerful enough to feel given that people moved out of her way. She needed a teacher, that much was certain. There was no way she could pull off mass genocide without some resemblance of power. There were already uchiha in the shinobi world who were strong enough to make a ripple in the pool of gossip, and she knew she wasn't strong enough to kill them. At least not yet. Since she couldn't find a teacher in the hotel lobby after sitting there carefully surveying passerby's. She figured she would take it on herself to train for the day. She knew the forests around kumogakure no sato well. She had grown up in this land, and had been all around it. so it didn't take her long to find a small clearing in the forest. Although she didn't know what she was going to practice on, she knew she couldn't sit there any longer and just wait.

Total WC:316



A few blinks and the puppet master rubbed his eyes again as he woke up to the reality of a new day. He looked up to his wooden ceiling as he stared at it blankly. He lay there on his bed with a white bed cover over him. The night had been cold for him as he lay still in this pose of death. What this new day held for him he wondered. He had just completed an A ranked mission with a konoha genin named Koonta Kimura just a few days ago and since then, no missions had come his way. He did not really appreciate the break but it would not really hurt if he took it. He was now hardly seen as one not of the cloud village. He had tried his best to prove his loyalty to the village and he hoped that the people would see that he was really trying his best. He was now much more different from the former him that was always secluded and moved in the shadows. The him that the life style of the stone village suited so much. The village where most people basically minded their own business or that was how Dray viewed it when he still resided there. It was all in the past anyway and he now had a new life to live even though he was still on the hunt for his old life that he knew nothing about. He sat up in bed and folded his legs as he brought his hands to rest on his legs and then he closed his eyes. The meditation did not take too long but it served its purpose as all of Dray’s nerves were calmed and he thought less of things that were less important at the moment. He sat at the edge of the bed wondering how to plan his day. He knew that he still had to finish two puppets that he had been working on. He had lots of ideas but he always developed new ideas each time which was a good thing but implementing them was the problem. He was currently working on the brother and sister puppet which he was making so that they could function simultaneously. He had carved out their frames but he did not feel like working on them right now perhaps it would be better if he went out for a while and came back home to work on them.

He took a few minutes to prepare due to him having his bath, cleaning his mouth and picking out his clothes. There was little appetite for food so he would have to pass on that. He exited his wooden house through the front door and locked it. He walked steadily towards the village gates since there was no reason to rush. He thought of mount Ikkyu and how tropical the place looked. It had attracted lots of tourist these past few days and there was always a chance of meeting someone new. Dray had no problem in exiting the gates as the guards on duty saw the hidden cloud village’s head band tied around his waist like a sash since he did not really like the idea of it going firmly around his head. He turned north east in the direction of the mountain. He wasn’t expecting much because he knew by now what expectations had cost him, he just wanted to be there. After a pretty long walk, he got to the location and he could see people trooping in and out of the various hotels and smaller relaxation spots that had been set up at the mountain’s base. Mingling with this much people wouldn’t satisfy him he knew. There were far too many people here so he took a detour and headed for a forest still in the mountain’s vicinity. He walked into the forest and felt a sort of refreshment. There weren’t too many forest in kumogakure because there were mostly rocks and mountains around. The forest was calm and it seemed as if nature was calling to him. He found a perfect tree that had a huge base as he put his back against it and went down slowly to sit on the floor. He exhaled slowly as the calm breeze grazed his bare chest. He did not undergo any special training apart from the usual ones to have such a chest and well built abs so he just categorized his physique as that of a regular shinobi his rank.

The leaves that had fallen to the ground squished softly but loud enough for Dray to hear as someone seemed to step on them. He waited patiently for the one that was walking into the forest. He was not exactly sure if it was a person, it could be a rodent he was not sure. Whoever it was, the person did not seem to happy seeing as the steps only got faster as if telling everyone or everything in its path to make way. The steps got closer and finally Dray saw who it was. A young light skinned lady with long black hair and it was surprising why such a person seemed angry. “Hello there..” Dray said to her hoping she would return the pleasantries but it would not hurt him if she didn’t after all she seemed angry.

Last edited by Zennyo on Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total



As Kuroame had the clearing in sight she heard a voice above her. "Hello there..." Her black eyes darted towards the location of the voice. Quickly she drew a kunai and threw it in his direction. He might see it as offensive, However this Kuroame testing him to see if he would make a good teacher. She had already spotted that Kumogakure headband on his waist. She needed a shinobi to train her in the arts of fighting other shinobi. If he was one, and a good enough one, surely he could be able to do that. After Kuroame threw the kunai she jumped backwards immediately, before even knowing what his reaction was going to be. Then she watched it carefully. She wanted to know what he was going to do. She needed to get stronger and there was no way to get around that. There was a lot of strong Uchiha out there, who were probably getting strong with each passing moment. Not only did she need to catch up to them. She needed to surpass them. She needed to kill them. An image of her sister's smile briefly passed in her mind, and Kuroame's narrow as she focused. An unrequested spar was what she had just initiated. She knew she was going to lose. She wasn't even a shinobi after all. Her lack of a headband signified that. However this didn't mean that she wasn't going to give it her all. If she could somehow convince the man she had talent he might just teach her anyways, without her needing to ask.

After the She finished sliding she only watched what the man did for a brief moment before running towards him. However she didn't take a normal route. About halfway to the man she leapt and landed on a trunk to the her left, the man's right, then she pushed off immediately and spun in the air. She extended her foot to where if the man did nothing it would come down on his head. Hard. As hard as she could. If he caught her foot, she would use that as leverage to bring her fist upwards, and punch him in the chin. Then if he managed to catch that attack she would use both as leverage to bring her knee to his face. All of her attacks would be as fast and as hard as she could make them, although unbeknownst to her, that wouldn't be very fast to the man before her. Although she knew that he had no chance against someone who was a shinobi. She was merely a civilian. She still had to try her best. That part was a must.

WC: 456
Total WC: 772
EP Earned: 0



The young lady did not seem at all calm or what else could Dray use to explain her mood. She looked simple and he figured that she was probably another one of the many tourists that had come to enjoy the beautiful mountain area. Another question was what she was doing in the forest. She seemed young to be here alone but it really did not matter because this little forest could not boast of having dangerous animals in it. The area had been declared danger free or if it hadn’t then there was no reason for it to be used as a tourist attraction center. Dray really did not know much about the mountain because it was not a part of the hidden cloud village but it was a part of the land of lightning. Even though he had just become a shinobi of the cloud recently, he had been studying up on the history of the village. He was looking at the young female as she entered the clearing and all he could make out of her was innocence. The moment he finished his warm greeting and expected a response, he got one from the young girl. With the girl being only a few meters away from him, she launched a kunai straight at him as her response. He wanted to wonder why such a girl who was not a shinobi had a kunai in her possession but the basic projectile was currently aimed at him. It was all very clear that her throw was weak and the speed was slow but still she seemed to have good precision which he applauded inside of him. He simply tilted his head to his right as the kunai stuck into the tree’s bark that he was resting on. As the weapon made a chuck sound in the tree’s bark, the female jumped back as if to see the outcome and prepare another attack. Dray could not help but become curious as to what she was doing exactly. He looked closely from where he was sitting and there were no chakra strings attached to her no matter how tiny the user might have made them look and even if the strings were indeed invisible, her movements were that of someone that was controlled by strings so the thought of her being controlled by someone else was not going to pass.

Things were getting interesting and he wondered how much more they could become. It was a nice day and nice things were happening. Was this young girl asking for a spar or what? He had not sparred anyone in a few days except the missions he had gone on and those were serious fights not baby spars. He did not move from where he sat as he waited for the girl to show the rest of what she had. It took some real guts just to attack a lonely stranger that did not seem helpless or did he look helpless, he doubted that. Perhaps the young female was looking for someone to pour out all of her anger on, he could help her shoulder the anger, that he knew but for now he would just sit down there and wait for her to come because he knew that she would. The puppet master was right. Most people always did that, make their first attack and jump backward to rethink or prepare another attack and others usually made continuous attacks after their first one and some even retreated after just one attack either because they see they could not beat their opponent or because they are trying to lure their opponent into a trap. He wondered how best to handle the situation. He did not underestimate her but even still he did not want to use his puppets on her and he did not have much jutsus in his arsenal that could do little harm to her. He thought of restraining her since that was the thing he could do without hurting her but then he decided to let her go on with whatever she had in mind. She ran towards him but she stopped half way as he anticipated her actions. She leapt off the floor and landed on a tree trunk to her left which happened to be Dray’s right as he was looking at it. She took off from the tree trunk and spun in the air as she brought down her right foot on his head but she was really slow to the point where he caught it with ease with his right hand but she was not done yet. As soon as Dray caught her right foot, she attempted to punch him in the chin but he caught her hand once again with his left hand. She seemed pretty hooked up but somehow she managed to move her knee and attempted to bash his face with it but he also blocked that with his left elbow. He had her chained up now and their eyes met for the first time as a little smile spread across his face. “Not bad..” he said as he hoisted her forward in the air hoping she would be able to regain her balance and land properly. “Got any more of that or want to learn some?” Dray would say to her after she had landed on the ground properly as he would remove the kunai from the tree and throw it in the ground in front of her.



As he stopped each one of her attacks, their eyes met. His filed with amusement as he spouted out the words "Not bad" Kuroame's however were not. They were filled with nothing but seriousness and anger. They also held determination. However after that brief moment was over she was sent flying through the air backwards. She twisted her body in the air to land on her feet, sliding back and kicking up dust as she did so. After she finished sliding she stood up for her crouched position. Was that enough? she thought to herself as she stared down the man. Was that enough to convince him I'm good enough?. The kunai landing on the ground in front of her split her train of thought as it sliced through the air and into the soft grass. “Got any more of that or want to learn some?” She heard him say almost immediately after the kunai landed in front of her. She let a small grin show and she crouched down to pulled the kunai out of the grass and put it back in her pouch. Then she looked back up at the man.

"I suppose I owe you an explanation" she said letting out a small sigh. "I actually don't know much of anything. In fact I'm surprised I pulled off what I did. You see, I'm not a shinobi. I grew up in a small village on the outskirts of the land of lightning. However I'm searching for a teacher to teach me how to fight shinobi..." She paused for a moment so that way the man before her could take in everything she had just said before she continued. "A certain group of people that have many Shinobi in their ranks killed my sister... And I want to return the favor." She said as her eyes went down to the ground, her voice taking on a darker tone as she clenched her fist. "I need to be able to beat them." She said as dark images flooded her mind. She looked up to the man before her as tears tried to fight their way out of her eyes. "That's why I attacked you... To see if you were strong enough to train me to beat them... so." She said as she bowed. "Please Sensei... Train me to become strong"

WC: 398
Total WC: 1170
EP Earned: 1



The young girl let out a small grin as she pulled the kunai out of the ground and kept it. “I suppose I owe you an explanation.” She said but Dray did not reply rather he did not did move. He still rested against the tree and listened to what the young girl had to say. “I actually don’t know much of anything. In fact I’m surprised I pulled off what I did. You see, I’m not a shinobi, I grew up in a small village on the outskirts of the land of lightning. However I’m searching for a teacher to teach me how to fight shinobi…” she said and continued. “A certain group of people that have many shinobi in their ranks killed my sister… and I want to return the favor.” She said as she went down to the ground. “I need to be able to beat them.” She said with seriousness in her voice as tears tried to make their way out of her eyes. “That’s why I attacked you.. To see if you were strong enough to train me to beat please sensei, train me to become strong..” she concluded and bowed. Dray had been listening all along but when she got to the ending part of her story and bowed to him, his face became all blurry as if he was about waking up from a dream. Sensei. Sensei.. Sensei… did he hear that correctly, what qualified him to be anyone’s sensei? That was a very weird request. He had only agreed to train Asura because he was a senju member and he had some information that Dray needed concerning who he truly was and how he came to be what he currently is. He had a name that he was not sure truly belonged to him coupled with his abilities that only indicated that he was a member of the senju clan and yet he remembered nothing. What was he supposed to teach her? He very well knew the concept of shinobi hood because when he first arrived in the land of stone and everything looked so new to him, he had read a lot of books and his head was currently a reservoir of knowledge so impacting it into someone else should not be a problem.

He looked at the situation from another angle. What was she going to gain from revenge? This quest of hers could cost her life but was he really willing to deny her of a chance to avenge her sister that was killed. He could see the determination to learn in her and this only meant that if he refused to teach her, she would find somebody else to teach her. There was a high probability that she could be fooled by someone who claims to be a teacher, her money could be collected and the person could take advantage of her. It was clear that she had no home as of now but then was he really going to let someone that he did not know stay in his house. He built his home with his mokuton skills and he alone lived in it. It was a storey building with room for another but then would it make sense at all. Learning to become a shinobi was not a day thing besides if she decided to go to the shinobi academy, she would first have to be registered as a citizen of the cloud village and some other procedures. He would offer her a chance to stay in his house for the time being which was till her training was completed but it was up to her to accept or refuse. “Very well.” Dray said still resting comfortably. “My name is Zennyo Ryuo, a shinobi of the cloud village. I will teach you what you need to know. The basics and whatever else you feel I can teach to you. It’s clear that you are a wanderer, no offence and learning the way of a shinobi is not a day job. I will let you stay in my house till your training is complete if you wish and then you may leave. From now, just call me Zen or Zennyo and not Sensei.” Dray would say with a little smile escaping his lips.

“Now sit while I begin. I will explain the theory first before the practical. Ask any questions only after I have finished.” Dray would say after the girl must have told him her name. He would stand up with the girl sitting or not. “Shinobi are also known as ninjas though a female ninja is referred to as a kunoichi. They come from different villages and most of them from clans with specialized abilities. Clients bring requests to the village council and the village council or the highest leader of the village which is the kage splits these requests into ranks. These requests are missions that are to be completed by shinobis and a certain fee is given to them. These missions can include manual labour, acting as escorts, gathering secret information and the likes. Shinobis are split into various ranks and starting from the lowest, we have the genin rank, chunin rank, special jounin rank, the A rank jounin, the S rank jounin and the Kage. The genins are the first of shinobi ranks and they do manual labour, finding lost pets and stuffs like that as missions. The chunins take more advanced missions and they can escort a merchant, scare away some thugs, deal wild animals. They special jounins also known as the elite groups can do missions ranging from escort to gathering intel, disbanding a bandit group and even escorting clients from one village to another with risks of getting killed by skilled bandits. The jounins can do missions that mostly involve assassination and there is usually a lot of blood involved in these missions. The S rank shinobis take on missions that involve protecting their village or invading another village and the likes where death is inevitable. Above all these, shinobis are expected to be loyal to their villages.

The clearest characteristic of a shinobi is their ability to manipulate chakra to create and use techniques or jutsu. Jutsu are mystical arts a ninja utilizes in battle. The ninja first kneads chakra and forms hand seals if necessary. Chakra allows shinobi to perform extraordinary feats such as walking on water, walking up trees, and the likes. Jutsu are mainly separated into three groups, ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. Ninjutsu implies performing supernatural abilities that mostly involve nature elements and the basic ones are water, fire, earth, lightning and wind. Other sub types include wood which is the combination of water and earth, ice which is the combination of water and wind. Taijutsu implies physical body techniques like how you attacked me. Genjutsu manipulates the chakra in an enemy’s mind and disrupts their chakra flow. Their senses gets fooled and this creates an illusion. Shinobi have more physical capabilities than regular humans meaning that their speed, reaction, perfection, strength are all heightened based on how much training they input.

The last basic bit which are ninja tools are also very useful to shinobi. They can include weapons, accessories and even clothing. There are scrolls, kunais, shurikens, senbons, smoke bombs, metsubishi and more” Dray would say while removing a kunai, senbon, shuriken, and scrolls to show to her before returning it. “So do you understand so that we can go into practical…” Dray would say again while waiting for her reply,



After Kuroame finished speaking she looked up from her bow to catch the man's response. After she responded however he took a minute to think. Kuroame simply watched him as he thought wondering how he was going to reply. “Very well.” He finally let out the words, and Kuroame smile as she stood up from her bow. “My name is Zennyo Ryuo, a shinobi of the cloud village. I will teach you what you need to know. The basics and whatever else you feel I can teach to you. It’s clear that you are a wanderer, no offence and learning the way of a shinobi is not a day job. I will let you stay in my house till your training is complete if you wish and then you may  leave. From now, just call me Zen or Zennyo and not Sensei.” Kuroame gave a small nod to signfy respect "Very well Zennyo-sama, My name is Uchiha Kuroame. And I'm aware it's not a day job, but i'm determined to do this..." She said that last bit with a dark and serious look in her eyes. One that would very well reaffirm the uchiha clan name she just gave, a clan well known for its unwavering hatred. "And since i have no place of residence currently, i wouldn't mind a place to sleep and eat" she said giving him an eye smile.

“Now sit while I begin." she did as she was told and sat on the grass her legs tucked under her. "I will explain the theory first before the practical. Ask any questions only after I have finished.” She gave a nod as Zennyo stood up. “Shinobi are also known as ninjas though a female ninja is referred to as a kunoichi. They come from different villages and most of them from clans with specialized abilities. Clients bring requests to the village council and the village council or the highest leader of the village which is the kage splits these requests into ranks. These requests are missions that are to be completed by shinobis and a certain fee is given to them.  These missions can include manual labour, acting  as escorts, gathering secret information and the likes. Shinobis are split into various ranks and starting from the lowest, we have the genin rank, chunin rank, special jounin rank, the A rank jounin, the S rank jounin and the Kage. The genins are the first of shinobi ranks and they do manual labour, finding lost pets and stuffs like that as missions. The chunins take more advanced missions and they can escort a merchant, scare away some  thugs, deal wild animals. They special jounins also  known as the elite groups can do missions ranging from escort to gathering intel, disbanding a bandit group and even escorting clients from one village to another with risks of getting killed by skilled bandits. The jounins can do missions that mostly involve assassination and there is usually a lot  of blood involved in these missions. The S rank shinobis take on missions that involve  protecting their village or invading another village and the likes where death is inevitable. Above all these,  shinobis are expected to be loyal to their villages.

The clearest characteristic of a shinobi is their ability to manipulate chakra to create and use techniques or jutsu. Jutsu are mystical arts a ninja utilizes in battle. The ninja first kneads chakra and forms hand seals if necessary. Chakra  allows shinobi to  perform extraordinary feats such as walking on water, walking up trees, and the likes. Jutsu are mainly separated into three groups, ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. Ninjutsu  implies performing supernatural abilities that  mostly involve nature elements and  the basic  ones are water, fire, earth, lightning and wind. Other sub types include wood which is the combination of water and earth, ice which is the combination of  water and wind. Taijutsu implies physical body techniques like how you attacked me. Genjutsu manipulates the chakra in an enemy’s mind  and disrupts  their chakra flow. Their senses gets fooled and this creates an illusion. Shinobi have more physical capabilities than regular humans meaning  that their speed, reaction, perfection, strength are all heightened based on how much training they input.

The last basic bit which are ninja tools are also very useful to shinobi. They can include weapons, accessories and even clothing. There are scrolls, kunais, shurikens, senbons, smoke bombs, metsubishi and more”
He said, giving a long explanation as to what shinboi were and how they operated, as well as he pulled out some ninja devices and showed them to her as he explained what they were. Kuroame simply nodded through it all to signify that she knew and understood. “So do you understand so that we can go into practical…” This time Kuroame stood up to face the man before her. Of course she understood. She knew all of this before he had told her, however she had been polite and listened too it, because she was told too and this man was her teacher. She gave him a smile. "Yes, I understand. I knew what shinboi were and what they did. I also have no interest in becoming a shinobi. I personally don't feel that that life suits me. However I do need to know how to fight them. That's where i need you." she said giving a brief pause. "So, we can begin the practical stuff?" She said that sentence with her eyes closed. She opened them on the last word. Her eyes glowing red with a single tome on visible. The one tome sharingan. It didn't have much abilities but it still helped, and she knew very well that she needed all of the help she could get.

WC: 969
Total WC: 2039
EP Earned: 2



The young lady had given her name as Kuroame Uchiha and she had accepted to stay in his home till her training was done. As soon as he finished his explanation, he was expecting a yes or no or some other question from her because the explanation had been a really long one but he was met with something else. The girl before him stood up and smiled a little. ”Yes, I understand, I knew what shinobi were and what they did. I also have no interest in becoming a shinobi. I personally don’t feel like that life suits me. However, I do need to know how to fight them. That’s where I need you.” At the beginning, he felt like she already knew what shinobi were and how they operated basically because how else could she know what a kunai was, possess it or even handle it but all the same he felt like starting from scratch so that going up would be easy. The way she spoke, he saw her determination as she did not hold back her emphasis on learning how to fight shinobi. She had given her reason, vengeance. Talking her out of it was not the best option rather once she got to the end of this road, she would have to make the right choice. ”So, can we begin the practical stuff?” she continued as she closed her eyes to say so. As she opened her eyes, it became very different. Both of her eyes were all red and there happened to be a single tomoe in both of the eyes. As soon as he saw this, something ticked in his brain as his eyes stared in terror..


The vines in the surroundings would rise suddenly as they would shoot towards Kuroame. Vines after vines reaching for her with each vine trying to ensnare and hold her in place for their master, their controller. Dray’s mind would be far away from this forest, the only thing present being his consciousness would control the vines to hold down Kuroame. As if that was not enough, the puppet master would form some hand seals as he would erupt liquid earth from his mouth. This susbstance would take shape and solidify to form an earth golem. The golem would go for kuroame, the earth vibrating as it moved with speeds greater than the girls'. Wherever she tried to move, the golem would attempt to capture but not hurt her. While all this would be happening, occupying the young lady, his mind would travel home.

..while we mustered our men to the front gates hoping they would attack head on, they tricked us and sent in elite ninjas from the back and now see what this has cost us.. men, shinobi, comrades, friends, families.. the man said with grief as he fell to the ground. Dray raced down home as soon as he heard this. The thoughts of his father, his mother, his sister, randomly moving in his head. A part of him was rest assured that they were safe because his father was no ordinary man when it came to skills in bukijutsu but another part of him was still restless. As dray got to the frontage of his home, he opened the door to emptiness. He could not find anything but his eyes quickly caught someone with a mask about to fly out the window. He attempted to bark at the person but whoever it was, turned back and looked at him as the intruder’s right eye shone bright red with three visible dots in it. The room was silenced for a minute as Dray looked in terror. He was still and no movements could be made but it was for a short while until he regained mobility.

Whoever it was, be it a male or a female but dray was able to see two little engraved blades attached to two strands of hair that unfortunately fell out of the mask of the person. The moment he regained mobility, his felt the ground under his feet go mushy as he looked down to see red liquid. He traced it with his eyes from his feet upwards to the dark corner where it was coming from. There they lay, his half dead father, his dead mother and sister. The more he looked at them and the red blood, the more that bright red eyes with three dots flashed in front of him.. Nooooooo....

No matter how hard she would try, her skills would not hold off the vines for long even though she had managed to evade them for a while because they were spawning rapidly. As she was disturbed by this, she would also have to worry about the golem that would not give her a breathing space and would block her every exit or whatever attacks she tried to muster. After she must have tried her best, the vines would finally get a hold of her and hold her in place. Her legs would be bound apart, same with her hands and vines around her torso too. The golem would also grab and hold her incase she tried to escape. This would be done just in time as Dray would scream out angrily in reality. His right arm would morph into a large and sharp edged wood as he would close in for Kuroame. To the young girl, it would appear as if he had disappeared from where he stood and had appeared before her. With only an inch left to impale her heart, his mind would be brought back to the present as his right hand would slowly return to normal. He would hold his head surprisingly as the vines would slowly uncoil from the lady that he had almost hurt unintentionally. The scene would be all so confusing to him and he could hardly explain it. He would not allow her notice that something was wrong besides he had no explanation for this yet. What had just happened, what was this thing that he remembered, why had he suddenly entered rage mode as he gazed upon her eyes, who was the young boy, why was there blood, dead people.. His face was always one without emotion or expression but now it would be a bit hard to hide his confusion and instability.

Finally getting a brief hold of himself, he would speak to her as if he was in total control of himself. ”Nice job evading the vines that long but it was not good enough. I had to push you so you could deliver your best. Let’s go now, we would continue in the morning. He would lead the way and be attentive incase the girl had any questions. He was not trying to be hard on her or act all bossy. He just did not want to pamper her so she could deliver her best. It was better that way and she would get stronger faster.

Jutsu used:

Last edited by Zennyo on Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:30 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Input WC)



her eyes burned through the daylight. Their red in stark contrast to her black hair. The Sharingan. The reason for her genocide. the thing she hated the most burned brightly in her eyes, and activating it changed her mood completely. Her gaze grew dark. Hateful. Vengeful. Her entire body flexed. Ready to move on a moment's notice. It appeared her new teacher caught sight of her eyes, and then something... snapped. It was easily noticeable, by his change in demeanor, and attitude. Kuroame's mind remained blank. She didn't care what had was going on in his head, she just wanted to get stronger. She just wanted to kill.

Suddenly vines sprang forth from the ground. Kuroame was easily able to gadge their speed, and it was about the same as her own. She slowly bent over and picked up the kunai in front of her. Slashing upwards as the first one reached her. It was nothing but a plant after all. Her blade cut through it with ease. Her red eyes shown through the massing plants. She lept backwards, to gauge the onslaught but to also see what her opponent was doing. She was going to be fighting a shinobi. While the back of her mind told her she had no chance, she knew she had to give it her all. She watched as a liquid poured from Zennyo's mouth. It pooling on the ground underneath him and forming a golem made of earth. Her face didn't change. It still bore a hard look to it. One that wasn't phased. the golem formed and charged forwards, crushing vines in its path, sparing her a few moments. It was slow, a bit faster than her, but not to where her eyes couldn't keep up. She simply stood until it reached her. Preparing. Due to her reaction time she moved before the strike hit her. Jumping backwards and landing on a tree behind her. She then pushed off of the tree towards the golem. She threw her kunai at its head knowing it was defenses were off as it recovered from its attack. Her kunai merely bounced off its head. A small huff of air escaped her nose as a "Damn" Escaped her lips. It was at this moment she wished she had a sword with her. She would have to fix that issue in the future. She saw it's hand before it hit her, but there was nothing she could do. The golem batted her down into the ground, a sickening "Thud" echoed through the forest. Kuroame coughed up blood as vines wrapped around her limbs, holding her up. Not like she could move anyways. The air had been knocked out of her, making it so if she wanted to move, she couldn't have.

She looked up, her face still emotionless. She stared down Zennyo as he flew towards her, stopping right before her. A line of blood running down from the corner of her mouth to her chin. She stared into his eyes, as air slowly filled into her lungs again. Her entire facial expression of "Do it. Do it before I kill you." Would be all Zennyo saw as he came too. No fear. Not an ounce of panic. Just sheer hatred. Although not for him. The vines uncoiled from Kuroame as she fell to the ground, deactivating her sharingan. Coughing up blood as she did so. " ”Nice job evading the vines that long but it was not good enough. I had to push you so you could deliver your best. Let’s go now, we would continue in the morning." She would stand up from the ground, wiping the blood from her face. "Hai, Zennyo" Then she would follow him. No questions. She knew something had triggered inside of him. Maybe a painful memory. Perhaps the Sharingan having taken something from him as well. Her drive to kill alone increased. Although that was only a maybe. Whatever it was, she wouldn't pry. She didn't plan on sharing her past with him. Nor with many people for that manner. Her footsteps would trail behind him as they went to her temporary home. She would get stronger. She would avenge her sister. She would kill the Uchiha.

WC: 718
Total WC: 2757
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Reaction time D-2 -> D-3 450/450
Perception E-1 -> D-3 1850/1850
Speed E-1 -> E-3 375/375
Strength E -> E-1 75/75
Words left over: 7



The young lady seemed determined. She was untroubled or maybe she was, she did not show it. She followed Dray obediently as they walked out of the forest and into the mountain resort. He calmed himself and he was good in doing so. He did not let his face show anything that was happening, only his mind was thinking about it. He had masked his emotions with a blank face for so long and now would not be any different. They got into the village itself with Kuroame behind him. He had questions for her but now was definetly not the time. So she was an uchiha and she had even awakened her sharingan. Little wonder why she could manage to evade his plants longer. He admitted he could have hurt her had he not drawn himself to reality on time. What could have taken over him, he wondered. He was aware that a part of him was lost and that part was his past but did it have anything to do with the sharingan? The village seemed quiet as if it felt what Dray was feeling. The clouds were full, ready to cry upon the earth like a child who had just been left behind by its mother but they were still holding back those tears for some reason.

They both walked through the streets and finally, they got to Dray’s peaceful abode. A brilliant wood construct with a solid foundation. It was hard to believe that just one person had done this but the truth wasn’t always believed every time. He had risked doing this at early hours and still, someone had managed to notice him. Uchiha Atasuke, he knew they had something in commond, Konoha and surely they would meet again. Dray invited Kuroame into the house and explained that it would be her home for the time being. With her determination, she would learn quickly and would be able to further her goals. Dray showed her all the rooms in the house and then retired to his own room to ponder on what had happened to him.

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