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1A rare vessel[P] Empty A rare vessel[P] Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:53 pm



“I am leaving, Zennyo Ruo.” Dray’s partner would say to him as he was working on a few paper work that needed finishing. “Go ahead, I’ll finish up soon and probably head home to get some sleep.” Dray would say to him as he would nod and say “Good night then, see you tomorrow workholic” as he would exit the room and make his way out of the administration building. Once he was gone, Dray would speed up the work he was doing though making sure that everything was done correctly and there was no mistakes. He was not exactly rushing it rather he was speeding things up. If he rushed it then he was taking short cuts and there was a probability that an error would occur but speeding things up was doing it the right way though faster than normal. The work took a few more hours before Dray was done. He stamped the last few paper work that were before him and placed them in the cabinet so his partner would attend to them the next day. Dray sighed as he looked at the cylindrical shaped wall clock in the office. The time was eleven pm and he now saw that he had worked really late into the night but he had no plans of going home early or even going home at all. He had something else to attend to and it all had to do with the new specialty that he had always wanted to learn, the medical ninjutsu.

Dray cleared the table where he used to work and walked out of the large office. He went through the hall way as the ninjas that were on duty stood on alert. He kept walking towards his destination until he got to where he was going to. The place was just a pathway to anyone that did not know about it but within the walls, there was a secret library that contained books with great and dangerous information. Dray looked to his left and right but there was no one in sight. Chakra erupted at his five finger tips as he placed them on a part of the wall and the wall opened to the side to let Dray in. The special jounin walked into the room and once he was in, the wall slid back in place like nothing had happened. The last time Dray visited this room was when he intended on learning more on a particular ninjutsu that was categorized under the list of forbidden water release techniques. The books in the room provided enough information for him to learn this new specialty but he just could not do it on his own so sooner or later, he might have to find a teacher but right now, all he needed to know about was the basics so practicing it when the time came would be far more easy.

Dray moved to the shelves in the room and checked the books for the exact one that he was looking for. It was the basics of the medical ninjutsu specialization. The library mainly consisted of most specialization or elements and some jutsus and techniques that were not allowed within the village once upon a time and Dray had managed to stumble upon this room by some means of his own. He searched the shelf and finally found what he was looking for, the book that detailed the basics of the medical ninjutsu specialization. Dray picked the book out of the shelf and walked towards a table and chair to sit down and read it till whenever he was satisfied. Dray began studying the information in the book. The beginning was mostly about the little things that he had an idea. He ventured further into the book as he began seeing forms of utilizing the medical ninjutsu specialzation. He understood that genjutsu could be triggered by what one could see mostly but he did see in the book that the most effective form of genjutsu was the sound version of it. The specialization involved focusing chakra to mainly the palm for external healing or better still focusing it to any part of the body for self healing and one could even go as far as focusing chakra for a passive regeneration of the body cells depending on the level of mastery that he or she had attained in this specialization like how Dray could control his puppets without the use of his fingers in the puppetry field.

2A rare vessel[P] Empty Re: A rare vessel[P] Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:55 pm



The clock ticked as Dray focused on the book he was reading. He stopped to wonder who wrote the books and how long they had been in existence but why bother himself with things that were not worth bothering himself about. It was past two am and the feeling of sleep did not even seem to cross Dray’s mind. He had cheated nature many times but seeing as nature was supreme, it always had some effects on him sometimes no matter how minor the effects were. The reading light was not too bright, it was just perfect enough for Dray to clearly see what he was reading. The room was starting to get warm seeing as the calm weather of the night did not seem to affect the insides of the room. Dray tried circulating his suiton chakra around his body system and it seemed to help a bit. He was much more comfortable now and he had to study a few more things before it would be morning. Time hardly waits for anyone, so he had learnt. As Dray continued flipping through the pages, he got a page where he found out the various ways that one could treat themselves. He even found out how medical ninjutsu could be used in battle like targeting the opponent’s pressure point, hitting their chakra points, attacking some organs that could prove hurtful and dangerous. Dray flipped the page and went on downloading the information the book contained into his brain. Even though he did not completely understand most of what the book said or know how to use them, he believed that the information would come in handy one way or the other and sooner or later. He could not see into the future but he could sense the dark clouds that were gathering above the village and if the unforeseen could not be avoided, he would be ready to sacrifice his life for the safety of the village.

“Light and darkness, day and night, good and evil, black and white, attacks and counter attacks. Its only a matter of decision on how one goes about it. It takes brains and not strength alone to move pieces across the board. The more pieces one acquire, the easier the battle even though casualties were sure to occur.” The room had no opening to let in air or a view of the outside so it really took someone capable of managing their breath to study in this room. Even with the openings that the room lacked, Dray was able to detect that it was morning already after which he looked at the clock on the wall to confirm it. It was already six am in the morning and Dray was on the last page of the book he had been reading since around eleven thirty pm the previous night. He went over the page and closed the book before returning it to the shelf. As he was about to turn and leave, he caught a glimpse of the title of a book on the shelf. “Medical ninjutsu mastery” the book said and Dray could not help but have a look at the said book. He took it from the shelf and did not bother to sit down. While standing, he opened the book and the first page was blank. He continued flipping the pages of the book but they were all still blank. He carefully flipped the pages one by one till he got to the last page in the book and the thing that was written there made Dray smirk a little. “When the time comes, you shall be permitted to look” the book said. Dray smirked as he returned the book to the shelf, perhaps there was a way to reading the contents of the book, who knows, he shrugged as he walked towards the exit of the room. Once again, chakra erupted on his five finger tips and he placed them on the wall as the wall slid to the side for him to walk out. Immediately he was out of the secret room, the door slid back in place and all went back to normal.

The morning was just beginning and the shinobis on duty had taken their shifts. Dray walked the hall way towards his office. He walked in as he felt the pangs of hunger hit him slightly. There was no work so early this morning so he could as well go home and freshen up while having some breakfast and change of clothes. He took out the files he had finished work on the previous night from the cabinet he had kept them in and put them on his table so that his partner would collect them once he resumed for work. Dray then walked out of the office and down the stairs to the third floor and down again to the second floor which was the reception. Some people did wake up early these days as Dray could already see people coming into the office. Anyway, the workers in the building were always ready to help the villagers so there was no problem at all. Dray got out of the building compound and on to the streets of the hidden cloud village. The shop owners were just opening their shops and the aroma of breakfast filled the streets. It took happy people to make good smelling foods. Dray’s home was just a few blocks away and he was in no rush so he just strolled while taking in all of the village in long breaths.

3A rare vessel[P] Empty Re: A rare vessel[P] Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:59 pm



Walking in to his home was the greatest part of the morning. He was used to staying away from home for a while but once he was back, he loved the sensation that he felt. Dray was tempted to sit on the sofa in his living room but he managed to get to his bedroom before crashing down unto the bed. He was not at all sleepy but he was tired. It was not the first time that he would deprive himself of sleep but like he had always known, his actions would come back for him and the fact that he had not eaten anything added to the problem. As a shinobi he was trained in discipline but sometimes things don’t always go as planned and of what use would he be to the village if he was tired and hungry and sick too. Dray was lost in his little thoughts as he fell deep in sleep. It took quite a well and he was asleep for about two hours. He woke up and looked at the clock on the wall of his room. It was around nine am and it was good too. He got up from the bed with a splitting head ache. It was so stabbing that he had to drop his head every now and then. He walked into the bathroom and opened the bathroom cabinet. He took out a pain relieving pill and swallowed it while pushing it down with some water from the tap, that should battle the pain. He ran the water in the bath tub and took off his clothes. He settled in the bath tub and began scrubbing himself with a soft sponge and soap. The bath was no longer than ten minutes since he had a reason for taking his time with everything. He wanted to buy something from the market and he knew that the shop he was going to was hardly opened early so he had no need to rush. He got out of the bathroom with a white towel tied around his waist. There was not much to select other than his green and black cloak and shinobi pants. He put these on after his under wears and combed his hair before he walked out of the room.

His first stop was the kitchen, one place he could not forget before leaving the house. He took his time to make rice balls and grill some fish with sauce. Once the food was done, he served himself the rice balls and grilled fish with sauce and poured some orange juice to go with it after which he took the food to the dining table and settled down to eat. He ate the food calmly though not too slow to lose the sweet sensation that the food brought with it. A few minutes later, he was done with his refreshing breakfast and he cleared the table by himself. He wasted no time in washing the dishes and pots he used and returning them back to their appropriate places. He sighed as he walked out of the kitchen, he looked at the clock and it was about ten am. The time was perfect and Dray had to go now. He exited the compound and merged with the crowd as he entered the market. He knew exactly where he was going to but he was in no rush at all. The shop was not going anywhere or closing anytime soon. The market of kumogakure no sato was busy this morning and Dray loved to see the people get busy. He stopped at the entrance of the shop he had in mind, he looked at the wares that were displayed outside the shop before he walked into the place. The shop owner with a short man with a stout beard. He was bald and had quite a large stomach. He was dressed finely and he did not smell of poverty which meant that he must have been progressing in his business. “What would you like to buy, Mr?” the man bowed and asked with respect quickly recognizing who Dray was. “A ceramic vessel, a rare one” Dray would ask the man straight forwardly. “Ah…. That, that.” The shop owner would say with a bright look on his face. “Come” he would tell Dray as Dray would follow behind him to his store at the back of the shop.

The shop keeper would open a wooden chest and bring out a smaller chest from within the larger chest. He would then look at the DDray again and smile as he would open up the smaller chest after turning the lock in a few patterns. He brought out the content of the chest and it was a small vessel coated in gold or was it made of gold? Dray could not yet say. The shop keeper bowed as he handed it over to Dray, “I never planned on selling this to anyone or even taking it out of that chest so I would give it to you for free since I believe that someone like you would make good use of it and seeing as you are my first customer.” the shop keeper would say with a smile on his face. “Thank You.” Dray would say while say while thinking of how to repay the man for this kindness since he would not collect money. Dray received the chest for the vessel from the man and put it in a bag and went straight home. He wanted to plant a rare seed in this vessel so he had better gotten home quick. The seed needed some requirements and care to fully sprout.


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