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1Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:48 pm



Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Naruto+anime+gif+02

  • Imada, Seiryu
    The trigger happy guy, you're glad to have on your team
  • Hyuga, Reiko
    The girl who is angry at Maigo for what he did to someone else
  • Ishido, Daraku
    The guy who could easily kill Maigo but didn't
  • Nara, Shinako
    The girl Maigo became friends with then betrayed in the exams
  • Osada, Sero
    Should the Grim Reaper ever need an assistant...
  • Sarutobi, Mitsuo
    It's... probably too soon to forget who he was, right?

Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Tumblr_n68vd3xkxe1t4f49fo1_500
Friends & Comrades

  • Suzuki, Ryota
    Maigo's first battle and first friend.
  • Uzumaki, Riss
    A compassionate and anger prone red-head
  • Uchiha, Teru
    Special eyes, a Kracken, and endless sarcasm. They'll definitely get along
  • Himitsu, Nozomi
    Maigo may be a tool, but not everyone can be naturally adorable...
  • Kitsuchi, Aizou
    A lost crazy? Well not lost, vanished. And not even vanished. Just crazy...
  • Sangotatsu, Alwen
    Someone who would question why the world's biggest fool is bad at leading them to a place

Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Tumblr_lm9ytoyyoq1qcqepho1_r1_500

  • Koga, Akarui
    The one with lots of sand in his pockets
  • Hattori, Yasutake
    The boy with lots to say
  • Lane, Elin
    A Chuunin Exams opponent with an unbeatable foresight
  • Jet, Yuurei (Pending Interaction)

Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] A45afb985ba32283ca9b97695a94b20b

Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Tumblr_o77b70EuZB1uxjq7ho1_500
Romantic Interests

  • Katonrai, Lin
    A sweet and innocent Guanyin met an edgy™ and perverted Uchiha. And for some reason that... didn't fall apart instantly?

Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Tumblr_m5ojgwXcYw1rytstqo1_500

  • Empty~

So, go ahead and post, I welcome it, let me know where you want to be and I'll add you (granted it's not ridiculous), just know that I'll be watching as you post. Always watching...Also message me if you want to get involved in some plot or want Maigo involved in yours~

Current Plots:

Death Camp Pt.II

    Maigo's finally returned from Kumogakure and descends upon his home for the first time in a very long time. A bit older and a very different person, Maigo sets out to restore his status in the village and show he can be an asset. Step number 1 is to find Sero and make amends to what he was and what he feels somehow.
  • Following Along
    At his first chance to find Sero, he is instead greeted by a weird chance to follow him into a new land called Hansha. Meeting a konoha jounin named Nayoko he journies through a dark forest and once there, remnants of his village and a much darker world exist but there still is no Sero.
  • Meeting Waves with Madness
    Maigo and Nayoko arrive in the broken village and learn of an impending attack. Meeting another jounin from Konoha named Kirei, the trio journeys off to meet the threat head on and battle their way through the dangers of this world on the first night.

The Pain of a Forgotten Family

    Maigo lived a happy and peaceful life in Kirigakure, becoming a ninja and advancing his skills as a normal shinobi. He excelled at the academy and learned his jutsu quickly, becoming a beacon for his parents and a challenge for his classmates to rival. It was a happy existence for the first 15 years of his life.
  • Searching for a Sensei
    One day while earning his chance to be a student with his sensei, he was pushed beyond his abilities and ended up unlocking his Sharingan rather suddenly. An ability he didn't even know he had, and now his world is turned upside down to learn he was adopted and from a sect of the Uchiha clan outside the Land of Water. But beyond that, the mystery would have to be put together on his own.
  • Meeting his Sister
    Maigo learns who his sister is and learns of the family he never met, who they were, and what happened on one fateful night that drove him and his family to death and exile... all was going well until their conversation was interrupted by some of the enemies that would soon begin to haunt the siblings.
  • Cleaning up his Mess
    After talking with Aizou and confirming himself, Maigo must clean up a mess of spilled blood he left behind, recruiting Sero to do so. Tragedy strikes and a young girl close to Maigo dies while Maigo is beaten bloody and broken into pieces, forced to watch and left to wake up in a hospital.
  • The Road to Recovery
    Maigo begins to recover but is forced to recognize an image of himself and isn't perhaps ready to accept who is or who he is becoming.
  • After Maigo's recovery he sets himself to support the village but (somehow) ends up in Kumogakure no Sato where his exploration is put aside and he carries a normal life for a fleeting moment.
  • The Fault of One Brother is the Mistake of Another
    Maigo meets his brother in a strange way, the truth is revealed and everything changes around him while he sees the world differently in more than one way.
  • Finding the Roots of the Tree
    Maigo is sent to Sunagakure on behalf of the village to help restore the state of the land. However, given his time there he begins to search around for remnants and clues to the organization that haunts his very dreams.

Old Plots:

Death and the Underworld (Halloween Event)

    Waking up on a mysterious island Maigo finds himself in a small test to hone his skills against others. Unknown are his reasons and motivations, little else is given or explained, but Maigo doesn't need much. His urge to combat is unbridled and angst unmatched, he'll see how that goes.
  • A Confused Death
    Maigo is dead, killed in his urge to test himself by an entity that arrived suddenly and without warning. Still, if he's dead, then why didn't he stay that way?
  • The Past. The Present. And the Future.
    In a weird turn of events, Maigo isn't dead. Rather, he is in hell? There he finds an unlikely soul who will reveal so much to the poor child and leave so many more questions and concerns in the wake. Closure on his ancestry and knowledge of his sharingan is a nice trade off though.

The Sannin Sensei and Team Maigo

  • Searching for a Sensei, Apply within
    Maigo goes to find his sensei and convinces the Sannin to become his sensei
  • Building the Squad!
    The squad begins to take form and training commences
  • Fighting a Squadmate (WIP)
    Maigo and Yunah become rivals!
  • The Shikyo 4 appear!
    Enemies from Dameon Sensei's past surface on their journey to the Chuunin Exams!

The Chuunin Exams!

    Maigo decides to enter the Chuunin Exams!
  • Chuunin Exams Begin: Stage 1!
    The first stage Maigo goes 1v1 against a girl from Konoha he had met before the exams
  • Moving on to Stage 2: The Tournament: Round 1
    Maigo makes it to the final tournament and ends up taking a dive in the first round, but the experience was invaluable at the end.

Last edited by Maigo on Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:07 am; edited 30 times in total

2Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:50 pm



Rival me bro

3Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:57 pm



Both Suna twins added, now to find the rest~

4Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:29 am



Rival? Comrade? Romantic interest? i dun care.

5Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:32 am



You know where to put me!!!

Rival. :)

6Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:50 pm


Enemy, Friend, etc. place me where you can get the most value out of our interactions.

7Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:03 pm



Rival or Commerade~ Whichever you see them two

8Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:29 pm



Everyone was added, if you want to be switched around then let me know~ Otherwise enjoy the legend of Maigo~

9Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Fri Sep 04, 2015 1:19 am



Bumping the plot mover cuz why not?

If you want to get involved or have a place in mind that you'd like to be then post here or PM me~

10Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:10 am



Rival : The boy who made Maigo cry

11Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:52 am



/me is aiming for romantic interest.
But acquaintance first.. Hehe

12Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:03 am



I'm okay for anything, even one-time romantic interest if you want ;D

Just PM me whatever and we can start a thread. I'm currently in Kiri :D

13Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:59 pm



We should do a thread together, one day!

I'm in Konoha though....But one day! >.>

14Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:35 am

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Let's be friends! xD

15Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:57 pm



Rivals, maybe enemies?

16Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:34 am



The plot mover is updated again! Teru added to friends o3o and Jet to Rivals (for now, we can easily escalate that to enemies if need be)

Let me know if you want to be changed around or added or stuff!

17Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:36 am



Romantic acquaintances!

18Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:00 am




19Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:18 am



Updated again!

20Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:22 am



Issei's a tight-ass and a practical recluse, so you can file him under rivals, if you'd like~

21Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:48 pm

Inuzuka Makoto

Inuzuka Makoto

Makoto and Gina (Ninken) as allies.

22Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:16 am



Updated again! If you want your place changed and all let me know~

23Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:57 pm



Add me in. Rival or Aquaintance.

24Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:03 pm



Add me as whatever

25Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu [Plot mover] Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:49 am



More updates! So many.... It's almost like Maigo is popular or something

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